Your Mental Wellness Podcast for Your Voice and Sanity

Are you eating your feelings? Feelings that make your mental wellness

The Leadership Practice Season 1 Episode 5

Dialogue with entrepreneur Rikki  about how we can create feelings of mental wellness through the nutrition. Join us!

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Tools for Vitality: Therapy, Coaching, Optimizing Nutrition and Movement for Mental Wellness


There we go are alive. Yeah, good. Okay, great. Hey guys, it's um, it's me and it's mental health talk Monday, I just want to thank y'all for tuning in again and apologize for last Monday, you may or may not have noticed I was not online, I have ventured into a pool or a new new venture, which we'll talk about later. And it's kind of time consuming, and I just kind of dropped the ball. But I'm super excited this week, because I have a clinical file a psychologist, and on with me to scible and we are going to be commuting, just talking about eating or feelings and how food and food good food, bad food can affect how you feel. This whole microbiome thing that I've been bringing up for a couple of months, now she's going to shed some light on it. We had a gal the other week, who's a nutritionist, a certified nutritionist, and she kind of shed it in the way of what more it does for your body, but civils gonna talk about how it affects mental wellness. And that is super exciting to me, you guys know that I'm a mental health advocate. You know a little bit about my story. Last fall having been so low, I just needed to find something and I, I have reactions to medications. So I just choose not to take prescription drugs and trying something new you guys know this, I found my supplements company and my mental wellness company. And that is just catapulted me into this healthier lifestyle that has 100% affected my mental wellness for the better. So I just want to share it. That's the whole point of mental health Mondays, just spread the word let y'all know it's okay, to not be okay. But at some point, I at least decided I didn't want to stay that way. So I'm hoping these tools that I'm giving you guys on Mondays, and sharing and spreading information will help somebody even if it's just one person out there. So guys, I'd like to introduce Sibel, she's the clinical psychologist, and I'm gonna let her tell you about her expertise and why she's become passionate about this topic. It's so good, because we were talking about and I think that's even how we kind of connected we had like a parallel track, I think you with your Monday group, and I do these by Marty thrivecart. And we just adjust had somebody but the nutritionist background go over a couple of questions around purposeful food intake. And I had the same event, maybe September 2019, where I really felt I needed to do something to kind of replenish myself just from a long summer, which I love, you know, love some of that fun, but they also drafting my beautiful children getting into a more challenging age. And I came across, you know, this understanding of the mind gut connection, more from really like a point of how it feels if we're not at our like strongest. And I had this friend who said his post traumatic stress symptoms went away once he kind of refurbished his mind gut connection. And I was so mind boggling, I was like, I gotta figure this out. Because I work. You know, a lot of times with clients with trauma and stress reduction, I have a practice also around sexual sexual health. So anything from recovering from an addiction or more of a struggle or dysfunctional, not fully imbalanced type of sexual pattern. And so this was just an I grew up on a farm. So you know, eating just stuff that comes from the ground, picking your own stuff like that, that's just a thing. It's always kind of like a very, just a very natural relationship with that. But living in a more prolonged you know, period of stress. I definitely felt and so the the book here that I read that really then inspired us to chat a little bit more was a recommendation from Casey Peters and who was in one of the five portfolio and I think you interviewed her too, right? Ricky and so, basically, you know, the researcher, it's funny, he's, I think he's also from Germany. He's from southern Germany. It's like a and why my maiden name with my YouTube and it's from the north so differently, but anyways, very important information, but he really then talks about us doing really a, you know, he goes into like a deep dive on on how Indeed, we can create positive and negative feelings, by the way we eat, which is I mean, that's mind boggling to me. Yeah. So, so are we, you know, I'm gonna just gonna start the question. So our was surrounding food. Are we eating our feelings or our We, you know, why don't we touch on that a little bit? Well, and that's absolutely I think about it that way that I, when I'm feeling, you know, stress, and that's what he says in his book, we can eat without really paying attention to how we fear in order, and then we feel better. And then you know, one bag of chips later, you know, we feel calm down. And so he said, Yes, we eating our feelings, by the way, how we eat. And as we pay attention to what we eat, we can change how the gut and the brain interact. And then even that means like the brain analyzing always istep threat and danger and then sending like little messengers to the, to the gut, and back and forth. He says, we eat. Well, by the way, how we eat, we can even become less sensitive to stress, which is always like, my big desire, just because there's always stuff that we get thrown at us. And it's just a matter of, you know, how we embracing the chaos. That's what my mom used to say. So in his book, he says, positive emotions in the positive ones, like feeling happy, feeling close to a person, you know, having a longing, all that stuff that releases good chemicals in the body, that gives us a good gut reaction, so to speak. And then he says, It strengthens our little bacteria there. And he calls it microbial diversity makes that a strong part of our immune system, so to speak, which then even can help us protect and ward off diseases, which if we think about it, I mean, I don't really think about it like that, unless he told me so. But But even having good feelings, you know, it is worth pursuing good things that you know, we can be and stay resilient. I mean, you know, we usually don't even we think like, we want to decrease anxiety and stress, but we don't really think about why it's important to be happy and to pursue good things and to, you know, go for the good stuff. But he talks about, he says it's important. Well, and going back to just to confirm, we're talking about eating good thing, when you're eating your emotions, that those positive effects are when you have a good micro bio diversity. It's right to clarify a little bit. So guys, that's not like we do eat a bag of chips, and we feel a little better. But if we chips all the time, and we have build up and well, from what I'm understanding, build up in toxins, then that's why we're feeling stressed and angry and depressed, because we've been stopping so much bad. And I'm understanding it. So yeah, yeah, it's to me, and I'm so glad you read this book. And, and so we can go over these questions. Because I haven't read the book, I need to wait then the audio book. So I just, you know, you listen, you're gonna you're like, Oh, that's interesting. And well, I'm hoping some people will pick up on this because I know some of my friends out there and people I know out there are Mind blown by it. But they're the more scientific ones that want to look into the facts about it, versus just what Ricky has to say about it. So I'm hoping we can post that in the comments. Right? I can totally send that. And I think it has it on the picture on the on the on the video as well. And yeah. And he says, like in this book, he writes about studies that were done. So he's not just sitting making stuff up. But so he says there was one study in 2013, I think I did that at UCLA, where they gave people for four weeks, women for four weeks, twice a day, some yogurt with probiotics and probiotics in it. And not a lot of changes to the diet. And they found it changed the metabolites that the gut produces. Even in that short period of time. It changed how the women's gut and brain signals when Gordon were going on and they did I think scans done a study with the scanner so that the girds brain activity measured. And they measured that the serotonin levels change. So serotonin is your feel good home and that we've, if we have, you know, when we fall in love, it can increase when we fall out of love decreases, you know, when we feel depressed, it's too little. Right. So, so they even with like the probiotic changes over these four short weeks, I think, and not really they didn't do a lot of other interventions like less stress, and that it dampen the reactivity that the women experienced. And so it kind of when it was a big deal, it was still a big deal. But it wasn't like the women around like, oh, my goodness is such a big deal. I can't do this. Plus, they found they were positive changes to people's mood, their sensitivity to pain decreased, which is amazing. Think about them, and the sleep quality improved. So it's I was and I can even look I looked at the original study that's posted. I think it's at UCLA, even in one of those books. tend to that they have I read that up as well, because I'm always a little, you know, I want to look like how is this done? So I like research to understand how people come to the answers to those questions. Right? And is it not just a spiel that people want to sell you more yogurt or something? Right. But I was surprised on how fast that help people to feel better, just a couple of weeks, little bit of probiotics. I know that's, that's crazy. And I like people like you, and Casey who like to do this type of research. Because then I can gain my knowledge from you guys. And I trust you guys, because you've done the research on size. Yes, yeah. We've talked a little bit about that happiness and looks like we're going to talk next but become less depressed. And again, I can contest to this I was, I mean, I have if you guys are interested, I have a wellness, mental health assessment, you can take, just drop a little heart in the comments, and I'll just send that over, all your results are private, you'll get an email with your results. Anyways, I was a level four out of 10. And two months later, I was in level eight. And I changed my diet completely because it takes a while to become accustomed to a healthier lifestyle, but I had to have the motivation first. So I think that was from December is when I started my supplements and my probiotics. And then I think just six weeks later, I took it and I hadn't fully changed my diet my habits yet. That's awesome. But I was back up to level eight. And I mean, I'm, I'm 100% functioning, I still have this things that cause the stress and the depression in my life. But like you just said with that last slide, the reactivity is so different. I used to call it I either blow up, or I break down or both for reaction because I was so low that anything overwhelmed me anything that was anything overwhelming. So that's 100% Sure, I can attest to all of this, but let's talk about depression hear. Well, and I think we did sometimes don't think about that we just feel it's too much as depression, you know, because we can kind of do it, but then we just cry more or, and he says, you know that he quotes studies that were done in Europe where they put people on a daily, different type of probiotic, and measure the, there's like a, like a stress related hormone that's being released. And then they found that with that daily probiotic, it reduced the anxiety and depression as much as it was reduced by a different, you know, group of people who were also feeling the same way. And they were on Lexapro. So, drop in the feelings, I mean, in the in the negative feelings was done, you know, what they did with the food compared it. And it was equal to what people were doing with an antidepressant. And that is, I mean, that's huge, even for people who are kind of understandably reluctant to say, like, I want to be on medication and this and that. I don't, you know, I think now they do so many more studies across more collaborative studies, but in psychology, with like, you know, biochemistry, several of the big labs right now, I think, in the US do these studies, and I think they should, because that's going to be such an amazing game changer, by the way, how we can you know, help people with the emotional life there. And so the person I interviewed me two weeks ago on a she is a nutritionist, our area director, she had said, it's very much in line with what he says in the book, like, eating healthy fats, like your olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, omega fat at three fatty acids. And so even like, you know, baking your muffins with flexing powder and stuff like that, and staying hydrated, that those were the ingredients for her, to to identify to keep us in an in a less anxious or likelihood to be be anxious, which I've made that, you know, I made the fat. I don't forget where I gain information from so many sources and people, but literally, I just was like, I'm trying to eat more fat for physical health as well. But I just read something about depression and fat. So yeah, and he talks about the Dr. Mayer in the book on like how we under estimating of fat, we always think they're all bad, but he talks about these more, you know, plant based fats that that you know, the body kind of needs, and, you know, you're the whole section on that. So, that is, you know, reassuring too, because, you know, we need And, and if we if we go like too, too crazy, the conservative, you know, then we get all these funny cravings, you know, and then it's it's not helping with that anyways, and then we feel bad again and you know, the thought like, it's it's, it's non stop, but I think with that solution from the inside, you know, feeling better what's your whole gut brain? Even reaction is making that a whole different level right I mean, so and I'm just learning as much as you're learning because this is not, you know, just a couple of years in psychology that they started really more emphasizing and researching maybe five years, 10 years at most in this field, you know, and it's going to grow. I mean, it's, it's going to become so busy, you know, I mean, I just on a personal level, how popular is on social media, his weight loss and, and physical health and natural solutions and alternatives options. And it's specific to mental wellness, you know, an up and coming thing, but now with the pandemic? I mean, do you feel that it's kind of come forward, fast forward, however many years that we need to approach it, I think it's just going to keep going at least that's what I'm hearing. But the natural thing I know, I've been seeing it, my kids actually have a name for the type of mom who saw into like oils and stuff. But I believe that maybe you know, there's a Karen, they say it's something else. But that natural solutions and alternative options. I mean, I've been trying to find that for a couple of years. So I love that this research is out there now. Yeah, totally. And then he also says he which is striking, and I'm not a specialist, but like autism spectrum disorder. But he even has, in his book, a case study how putting a kid on a very balanced diet. So instead of when kids have food sensitivities, and they don't like a certain texture, so he said, you know, putting a child on these more balanced with fruits, vegetables, and then fermented foods that have that, you know, with that probiotic enrichment, or even I mean, for me it sauerkraut is like my, from my home, home country. So it's easy for me to eat that kind of stuff, or kimchi and all that cheese's. And when he said that was given plus something that helped with the constipation. He said, even aloe vera and rooby Roo, which I haven't, you know, that's all good stuff, right. And then he said, you know, the kids learn to do some all, you know, deep breathing relaxation strategies, then those is the symptoms even changed. And I mean, think about that, even like long term, more chronic conditions. I mean, for me, it's been the fear of sexuality, you can with like even decreasing carbohydrates. And increasing more vegetables, you can increase the sum of the hormones that produce the sex ratio hormones, so you can increase your sexual hormones to a better sex drive, for example, by eating cleaner, so it's all kind of God's there and point out. Ladies, if you're experiencing some and you need a little quick tip, because I like these quick tips, increase your vegetables, decrease your carbs, our bodies might shape a little better, and your sex drive might increase. Also, there'll be, you know, eat clean for just sounds like I mean, I know it's hard, you know, easier said than done. But just like he claimed it has so many benefits. I I kind of maybe I knew that some but I'm so glad you pointed that out. Because I love that I love little tips like that. Yes. Other thing, you know that I'm thinking about it, like cultic study, which is a little Froggy. And you know, so meaning that on the on there, oh my goodness. So but they did, they had these little mice and they had stressed pregnant mice mothers, they stressed the moms out and then they measured that those little new mice born had a leaky intestinal system in greater imbalance in the gut when they were born. Think about that. And then they even when so far, they tried to find out what that be making other people sick to our, in that case, other mice. And so they took some stool against this my gross little section here, so you can choose, that's too gross, but then they planted that into the little healthy mice. And then the healthy mice got unhealthy just from the microbiome, you know, itself not even you know, I mean, not even prenatal, you know, for those all those new healthy ones. And so they're really saying like, is this something where we could even change the gut health to the better the other way around? I mean, we can make unhealthy one unhealthy Can we make it healthy, from using a healthy person's gut Huh phonons Right. I mean, think about that, how complex is that? But how cool is that to? I am this is maybe my level? Not so it's the next step is not as graphic but yeah, I'm I'm amazed if we think about changing these chronic diseases where people have so many side effects and so many issues and chronic pain, you know, if there was something medications, all kinds of medication, I mean, I, you know, I I'm, you know, just turned 40 and you think, you know, you hear when you're the next generation of your parents or grandpa's whatever they're like, I'm on all these medications. So, I mean, I that's my goal is to not have to age like that. Yes, absolutely. I think that's totally true. I always used to just lab and OBS kids my growing up on the farm, I had this, my grandma that was living on the farm, and she would eat like, you know, all the greens and like, go to the forest and harvest like nettles and this and that, and we would kind of make fun of it as a child I have to confess. However, you know, I mean, longevity. She was she was active, there was no dementia. I mean, it's Oh, now I'm looking at that. I'm like, yeah, if I end up like that, I want to be the one eating that green. Yeah. Yeah, and that's kind of in line with, you know, what? Algeria, alright, our drinks, and I leave her information as well. For you, she said that, that in our, you know, she says, if we eat too much sugar, it can gunk up the brain. And then we get this double potential for developing even dementia. So if we do mostly proteins, healthy fats, vegetables, whole grains, and then limiting those sugary drinks and treats and stuff, she has to once or twice a week, I don't say that she says that. And then drinking a lot of fluids plus, like exercise, which is like vitality, right? I'm moving, plus breathing all the mental challenges, you know, to to stay active. That, you know, is is the food to eat to to eat, you're not just your feelings, but to to make your life amazing. And to make your feelings better, like absolutely clear out the microbiome and and then peel all the things I was Mind blown that your serotonin and dopamine and are talking to Towson, Towson are in, you know, kind of, to learn that they were controlled by your gut, I'd still I did look up an article on gut feeling. Because you know, and you get those butterflies and I found that absolutely fascinating. Like, I, I just think it I still it's just fascinating to me, so I appreciate all of your insight on this. Yeah. I think so too. I mean, it's fascinating. I'm always excited when people feel better and get better get better than trying to get my son though. I like you. I have teenagers a couple I have a lot of kids, I have five. But the two that are teenagers, especially my oldest one, cuz he's, he's a junior, and I thought part a little bit about my testimony. I saw him get really depressed as well. And you know, he's old enough to make his own decisions. He wanted to try some Zoloft. And in he didn't really like that, of course, he's 16. So commitment is not his greatest strength yet, either. But, you know, I'm, that's I'm trying to help him alongside me get healthy and well, because I want to see him or younger generations Not, not have to grow up and turn to medication, or maybe just weed it out. Right? Read the word, so they know how to make alternative options or seek alternative options. And anyways, I had to point that but I lost it. No, I think that's because with my family because, you know, even when I they laugh at me a lot of times on like the food stuff, so it's fine. However, you know, if I get to bake the muffins to be the month of the stuffing, and even my husband really liked the one with you know, I can't I don't even remember if you're supposed to be baking with all that good stuff, you know, but he liked it. And it made him feel good. And I was like, yep, it's the stuff when the kid says in there, but it's also good for us if we eat it right. You know, that's good sneaking in there. I know, however we can get in it. However, you know, sometimes, when the kids if they see us do things, they may come around or say I want that same thing or, you know, I think we we it's just to not give up hope or expect that, you know, they're going to be saying to us thanks mom. That's so awesome. You know, it's like it's just it's coming out wherever they're doing right. And just say like, I'm just going to be doing that and in a way it's like my grandmother She just did it. I mean, we weren't in her face laughing at her about this. Right. So it's not having teenagers house in 2021. Right. But, um, but it was still an imprint. It was still an impression that, you know, and I don't I think she barely went, I think the only supplement she took in her old age was garlic pills. And that was supposed to be helping with I don't even know what blood flow or clarity of the mind, you know, that's the only thing she took. Yeah, I mean, so. So it's still this inspiration and stuff that we could just do ourselves. And then they see us And ideally, use some of it maybe a couple of years out. That's my hope, at least. So yeah, I call that stuffing beliefs in their brain. I'm learning more about the unconscious and dealing with belief systems. And that's what I'm hoping my mom called it, the voice in the back of her head. But stuffing in those beliefs that they're watching. And they're seeing so that maybe when they're young adult or an older adult, they'll it'll click like you, you that's the lasting impression you have of your grandmother. Yeah, my grandma smoked cigarettes and drink coffee. And we used to go play bingo. So that's what I remember about my God. That's so that's so awesome. And I think we can still, you know, we can keep the conversation at some point, again, forward on this, because it's good to chat into the good information and to inspire each other. That's always one of my favorite things. Yeah. So if you guys kind of wrap up, we've got our contact information here on the, on the board, and you guys know, me just find me on social media, but Sibel, she got her website here and you know, touched on her expertise in sexual health. And I think that's fabulous that maybe you might be watching this right now. And that was actually what you needed versus the nutrition side of it. So reached out scible. And looks like Aria is on here. If I pronounced that right. information. Yeah. Because again, I do say anything about nutritional interventions. But yeah, you know, she would be somebody I do believe you can reach out to she's licensed in Colorado and in California. Yeah, so even the guys again, we can only like do like a psycho education here around how everything works, but they would she would be the one for the details. That's great. Maybe I can call her. Her. Yeah. And then Oh, so I guess that's it. So after words, we'll post the book book. Yep. Because I'm, I'm thinking that's going to be a big one. I think I need to get that I think I need to start becoming more credible in my education. Well, and I think that he was on the advisory board for the wellness company. Yeah. And that's huge. And that's good for the world. You guys. The wellness company that I represented, see there in the back there. That's my marketing one on one. The gentleman who wrote the book, and he's a microbiologist with UCLA, I think is that case, he said that? If I remember it, I mean, that case, he points out. I think that's the place that microbiologist for UCLA and he's on the board with the mental wellness company that I partnered with. So if you guys are curious about that, let me know, again, drop heart if you want that wellness assessment. And thank you Sibylle for hopping on. I do like the continued conversation, I'm actually linking arms with the wellness coach, certified macro coach, because I know, I don't know how to do the whole what needs I need to eat either. So I might, you know, call this Aria guy girl and interview her as well. So that's awesome. That I think so I think that's, that's good to pick other people's brains and stuff like that. And then I can also if I can make a show note or something from this time here with the slides. I can Yeah, that's half the slides. If we can have access to those that might be helpful. I think I can just generate like a PDF or something like that. That you Okay, perfect. Awesome. Okay, it's absolutely. Up to you. Bye. Bye. See you later. Bye. Bye bye.