Your Mental Wellness Podcast for Your Voice and Sanity

Are your voice and sanity going up in flames?

Dr. Sibylle Georgianna's Leadership Practice Season 2 Episode 4

It was surprising to me that the amount of inflammation in our bodies (that we may not even be aware of) can keep us from well-being and using our voice.

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Tools for Vitality: Therapy, Coaching, Optimizing Nutrition and Movement for Mental Wellness

Sibylle Georgianna:

Hey again, my name is Sibylle Georgianna. And today I get to delve into this beautiful topic of nutrition, well being mental sanity, mental ability to, you know, thrive, physical ability to thrive, for your ability to be using your voice, and to be with a sound mind. Today, specifically, I want to talk about how we get to support our body and be the friend to our bodies, as our body is so wonderfully designed to ward off diseases to be at its best, if we support it in an adequate fashion. So today, I want to talk about why we got to pay attention to our body's level of inflammation. And this may be stuff when you're thinking, she's not a medical doctor, why is she talking with me about that, and most of the time, we may not even think of our body as potentially having an inflammatory response. However, when we think about our well being, our body is this intricate system of various processes and ways of how our body systems give itself feedback. And so we got to pay attention even to these seemingly non psychological issues of physical inflammation. So kind of to take a bird's eye view, we've talked about the HPA axis, and which is this, this mechanism in our body between various parts of it that produce our neurotransmitters and our hormones and that help us cope and war, disease, help with us, you know, coping well doing challenges. So that HPA axis is very much influenced by our body's inflammatory response. So if our body is inflamed, our HPA axis gets dysregulated. And then that contributes to us being more likely to deal with Genesis on diseases. What causes and contributes our inflammation are various things. So one is to be stressed. Unfortunately, it causes our body to go into more of a stress response, and it makes our body's inflammatory likelihood increase. If we don't eat as well as we should, or we eat inflammatory foods, simple sugars, all the stuff that we like to crave, unfortunately, if we smoke our or exposed to passive smoke, if we're dealing with sleep disorders, that causes inflammation in the body, as well as unfortunately, if we store what we call visceral body fat, so stuff the body fat that we store on our waistline, along with allergens, so things that give our body a an immune response, that when hormonal imbalances, so all of these things can cause an inflammatory response, which then can unfortunately, contribute to the HPA axis being dysregulated. Now, the good thing about the HPA axis, but is that it has various influences as well. It's not just one thing that that you know, makes it go away, or what makes it work well, but there are various things that influence it. And so we can, we can work on various ways to have our HPA axis at its best. So one is, for example, that we would pay attention to how much cortisol is being released and you would tell me like, How am I supposed to be knowing that but the idea is that you can do small things such as things that we know that will help you with your mental wellness, which will then positively influence your corticosteroid receptors and your the release of cortisol in your body. Namely, with mental wellness and practicing good relaxation, you can decrease your cortisol response. And with that, you can help as we manage that to deal with lower responsiveness and yet inflammatory response. So let me tell you know how that works. And I don't know much about this. I am I've taken classes on it. Again, if you have questions about how your body works, this is a perfect question for your medical provider, your health care provider they are but I can just talk about it because off, you know, the influence that our mind can take and how we can be active in this pursuit of calming our bodies down. So, in particular, I'm going to describe to you One silly but highly effective strategy that immediately gently turns of your cortisol secretion. So if you could see me right now, you would see me. And this is one activity that you can do at any time to gently turn off a cortisol response is that you let your chin sag down to your chest, that you open your mouth, and let your tongue hang out. So I'll do this for a second right now, I may not be able to talk while but I will just do that right now. So do that with me Let your chin sag, let your tongue hang out. And as you let your tongue hang your mouth is like, slightly open, your jaw muscles gently release. And they are directly sending a message to your brain that organizes and releases your cortisol to turn off that cortisol. So this is how that works. So you let your chin saggy, let your tongue hang out just a couple of seconds and your brain gets a message to turn off the cortisol. As the cortisol gets reduced, then it's another message for the body to not go into the inflammatory response that calms down your HPA axis. And that helps you stay away from illness and disease. Now, if this sounds too simplistic for you, it's not to take away the complexity of the situation. But what this podcast wants to do is is to give you an act of strategy to do to pursue so that you have the mental wellness that is in your hands or in your body, at your fingertips, and for your pursuit of your voice and your sanity. I love talking to you about these things, and I can't wait to see you again to talk to you soon.