Amazon Legends Podcast

Auditing Your FBA Inventory - Yoni Mazor - Amazon Legends - Episode # 138

August 18, 2022 Nick Uresin Episode 138

There are so many moving parts when using FBA and if your inventory is falling through the cracks, your margins will whither away. Today’s guest knows all about using your data to uncover and receive the value of your lost inventory from Amazon. Yoni Mazor is the Co-Founder and Chief Growth Officer of GETIDA and the host of the Prime Talk podcast. You’ll learn all about how to hunt down lost treasures from Amazon by using data analytics, where to look for discrepancies in inventory, and how to start the reconciliation process to get back what you deserve.


  • When you are using FBA, your inventory can get lost, damaged, destroyed, etc. However, in most cases, Amazon gives you an 18-month time period in which to find the problems and then receive compensation for issues with your inventory.
  • If you find an inventory issue, you need to open a case with Amazon, represent yourself, and present all of the data. Once this occurs, they will start investigating. If they find the units, you can sell them like normal, if not, you may receive reimbursement.
  • When Amazon reimburses you for missing inventory, they will pay you the full retail value of the missing units, not just the cost value. You can still make a profit on the units because Amazon is effectively buying this inventory from you. 
  • Because of the many friction points within the logistics of FBA, you need to constantly audit your inventory and act as a bodyguard for each unit that gets received by Amazon.
  • To manually find inventory discrepancies, open Amazon Seller Central, then go to Inventory, select Manage FBA Shipments, and click on the Shipment Log. Here, you can find any shipments where the received unit count is less than the expected unit count. 
  • Once you open a shipment on Seller Central and discover an issue with it, click Reconcile, and tell Amazon “Missing units. Please Investigate.” At this point, Amazon will start asking for documents like Proof of Delivery (POD) and Proof of Purchase (POP).
  • To find issues that occurred within the FBA centers, you’ll need to download 3 reports from Seller Central for the past 18 months which are the Inventory Adjustment Report, Manage FBA Inventory Report, and Reimbursement Report. 

Quote of the Show:

  • “If you really want to succeed in this industry, stamina is an ingredient that you have to have” - Yoni Mazor


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