Amazon Legends Podcast

Inside Story of Sellercentral and decoding Amazon by a Former Amazonian - Brad Moss - Amazon Legends - Episode # 164

Nick Uresin Episode 164

Today’s guest is a former Amazonian and the CEO of Product Labs, one of the top Amazon Management Consulting companies which offers innovative software that allows sellers to extract demographic information from Amazon customers. Currently, Brad is also a part of the Executive Team at Brandless, one of the world’s fastest-growing omnichannel commerce platforms. 


  • With the right tenants, you can build, it will keep your vision straight and organize all of your data. 
  • You create this press release of like, what are the key benefits of whatever this thing is that you have in your mind, but it's not even as much for everyone else around you. 
  • Do not ask questions when they tell you to do something, do not push back and ask questions, because they're gonna tell you you're supposed to know the answer to that. 
  • Focus on the Amazon customer, when you try and catch Amazon and things that they are doing that are bad for their customers will usually fall on deaf ears, because the folks that you're dealing with are not the folks that are going to change those systems inside of Amazon. 
  • Here's four things that really make up your conversion rate, your images, text content including your title, what your price is, and then what your reviews are. 

Quote of the Show:

  • Amazon has 3 tenets, the foundational principles of any business you are running or operating. With the right tenet, you can build anything and it will keep your vision straight and organize all your data. That way you can make sense of the chaos. 


Ways to Tune In:

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