Amazon Legends Podcast

Prospering Despite the Pandemic - Brendan Kennedy - Amazon Legends - Episode #110

Nick Uresin Episode 110

In the face of the global pandemic, launching full-time into your own company may seem even more daunting than usual. But this feat is anything but impossible as Brendan Kennedy found out for himself. Now, Brendan is sharing his story and giving other sellers the same tips which he used to find success despite the massive obstacles. You’ll hear about how to drive more traffic to your Amazon store, navigate the launch of your products on Amazon, and optimize your ad spend budget.



  • Before beginning to sell on Amazon, it’s crucial to do everything to prepare your processes and packaging to match those that Amazon uses for a more seamless transition. Get everything ready for listings, UPC, Barcode structure, poly bagging, etc.
  • To be successful as an entrepreneur, you have to take risks. You need to have a vision and take action toward achieving that vision. 
  • Amazon and Google have a massive deal in place so that Amazon provides the product search results for searches on Google. By putting your products on Amazon, you are guaranteeing that your products can show up on Google.
  • Using “Sponsored Products” and “Sponsored Brands” are one of the most efficient ways to drive growth. “Sponsored Products” are best to help drive sales and “Sponsored Brands” are a great way to increase brand awareness.
  • Using FBA is very advantageous for Amazon sellers. Amazon also offers MCF (Multi-Channel Fulfillment) which utilizes Amazon’s fulfillment process to handle orders from every sales platform you might be using.
  • When building a team for your Amazon operation, the three key attributes to look for are patience, grit, and resourcefulness. There are many roles that need to be filled to be successful but it’s important to know it’s ok to outsource some of these roles.
  • For new sellers who already have a website, you should link your products to your Amazon store. This will increase external traffic to your Amazon store, help you avoid getting stuck in a complex tax situation, and centralize your inventory management.

Quote of the Show:

  • “The death sentence on Amazon is running out of inventory” - Brendan Kennedy 


Shout Outs:

  • Pipe 17
  • Webby
  • Avalara

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