Thoughts of a Dreamer w/ Terri Nikki
Thoughts of a Dreamer is a podcast to talk out the mental hurdles and roadblocks you may be experiencing so you can achieve and LIVE OUT YOUR DREAMS! Let’s go!
117 episodes
it's been forever, but I need some help. Tell me what you think.
Season 1
Episode 113

#112 - Accepting "AS IS" : Series Finale - THE FINAL EPISODE :(
Thank y'all for the fun. Follow me on my NEW podcast - Thoughts of a Creative Its be real. Be yourself.
Season 1
Episode 112

#111: From Part Time Creator To Full Time Creator - The Transition
Surprise surprise... :D Am I back? nah... but I'm here. I am transitioning and still getting used to this new new and I need time to adjust. However, I wanted to get this oldie out!When creating part time, those juices are flowing! No p...
Season 1
Episode 111

#110: how to support a creative... cuz we're different... frfr
You have a special creative in your life... they're screaming that you don't support them... what do they mean? They probably don't know either... so... just listen. :) If you're dating an entrepreneur, creative, or dreamer... you ...
Season 1
Episode 110

#109: I'm Not Delusional, It's Confidence
Confidence... you gotta have it. I'm sorry. All these low vibration... low confidence decisions??? bad for your health. :D not really, but really... It's time to be delusional. Say it until you believe it. Eff what they say. Delulu...
Season 1
Episode 109

#108: Skepticism and New Opportunities
I might be afraid of the big rooms... I think I may be skeptical. Whenever we get new opportunities, most of us look like… 👀 is this for real?? It looks too good to be true… I can’t do that!! I don’t have the experience!!! Etc..
Season 1
Episode 108

#107: when you feel you can't
I hate feeling like I can't do something, but it's easy for me to feel better about my decision NOT to do it. Howsoever... are you being HONEST with you? or... are you just following your internal script? Are you used to saying you can't do som...
Season 1
Episode 107

#106: Self Sabotage... Years Later
Man... stop. If I had kept goin... I'd be in a different space. thats it. thats the description.
Season 1
Episode 106

#105: Self Sabotage Shrinks Big Dreams
Dream big, they say... Just do it, they say... PUH-LEEEZE! How do I get these dreams out my head?!? I wanna see them in real life, but their soooo big my head and not so big in reality. What ta dooooo???
Season 1
Episode 105

#104: self sabotage loves comfort zones.
I promise this was crazy how this happened. I can't make this up!! Just listen. I'm learning about this self sabotage thing...
Season 1
Episode 104

#103: self sabotage has entered the chat.
its been months. why leave something you enjoy doing? two words. self sabotage. I've been reading The Mountain is You by Briana Weist and I had to take a hard reset. This book has been everything for me and the kickstart back into ...
Season 1
Episode 103

#102: creative & emotional af
Ok. I'm emotional. like... SUPER emotional. It gets a little difficult to regulate these emotions, but I HAVE to find a way to funnel these emotions into my creativity. sheesh. Need a great life coach? Business coach? Check out the coac...
Season 1
Episode 102

#101 - The 3 Vantage Points
Opinions are like... well... you know the rest. Everybody has one. I went on a work trip to Orlando and had 3 people express their opinions and recommendations for my life. Here is what I feel about their vantage point and what it has don...
Season 1
Episode 101

#100: The FIRST step is the HARDEST!
ok. It's here. opportunity. you've thought about it. you've analyzed it. you really wanna do it, but you don't know why you're on pause. take a listen. Wanna show me some love? :) NO PRESSURE!
Season 1
Episode 100

#99: VALIDATE ME! I need it.
I love award shows! ...no, I don't. well, I might hate them... but I love them? :) Idk. But, what I do know is... I feel all the FEELS! Award shows are a way to see others vulnerabilities... you see how they FEEL about their craft. You see how ...
Season 1
Episode 99

#98: Am I CRAZY??!!? Path of Resistance, Perspective & Belief
Terri, where have you been? What's been going on? I'm here y'all. I'm still here. it's been a lot. Here's my story. Wanna show me some love? :) NO PRESSURE! https://www.buymeacoffee.com...
Season 1
Episode 98

#97: Don't Talk About It... BE About It! Stop Bumping Gums!
Man... funemployment taught me a whole lot about myself... I just talk. I'm gonna do this... I'm gonna do that... I just create a whole scenario in my mind of a goal and tell people what I'm gonna do with the whole cocky assumption that I'm ACT...
Season 1
Episode 97

#96 - I Bet On Myself... and LOST!
I quit my job. I decided to take a leap of faith and just go for it! I pushed all my chips in and... "lost." Here's my dream chasing story. Take a listen. Wanna show me some love? :) NO PRESSURE!
Season 1
Episode 96

#95: this ego has to go. transparent moment.
Ego. Identity of self. Perception of self. How do you see yourself? Well, I see myself and I'm like... wait... THIS is what has been stopping me?!?! I have an announcement. Things are changing. Change with me. I'm gonna be TRANSPARENT. ...
Season 1
Episode 95

#94: How To Go VIRAL... Truthfully.
Do you wanna go viral? Yes! Let's do this thing! ...but first.. a few questions... Take a listen. Wanna show me some love? :) NO PRESSURE! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/tofadre...
Season 1
Episode 94

REWIND: Don't Trust THAT Voice Within!
I'm down today. :( I need to rest up a bit so I will post this rewind because it's one of my FAVORITES! I'm getting hit with a lot of inner critic voices lately and needed a re-up. If you have "the voices" (and I know you do...) take a ...
Season 1
Episode 0

#93: Are You Too Busy or Too Distracted?
Imagine a time with no internet... No cell phones... No caller ID... No social media... Yes, it seems like FOREVER ago, but most of us were THERE when it all started. SLOWLY but surely, we've become ZOMBIES and allowed this internet thing deter...
Season 1
Episode 93

#92: Using GRIT or Saying Eff It
You've worked. You've been grinding. You hit the wall. You're tired. You now have the option to PUSH thru or say EFF it... What do you choose? We want to dream chase, you gotta have mental toughness, endurance and strength. Lets GO!
Season 1
Episode 92

#91: Having A Hard Time Focusing? Me too.
I love when I'm in the zone! There's nothing like feeling like you are knocking it out and being productive and the SMALLEST thing happens - THEN BOOM! Focus & momentum is GONE. GONE! Lost without a trace. Well, I'm realizing I gotta get th...
Season 1
Episode 91

#90: You already know what to do... You're just ignoring it.
You know what you feel, but you know what you need to do. Now, you feel like you have to fight between what you feel vs what you HAVE to do. Intuition and necessity goes hand in hand to me. I mean... we ignore our intuition. We ignore the...
Season 1
Episode 90