The Godwit Podcast
David Kowalick and Paul Smith discuss matters of Christian theology, the bible, church and Christianity.
43 episodes
Ep 43: The Future Of Godwit
Godwit is changing direction, not with the type of content but the way we want to present it. In this episode #43 of The Godwit Podcast we discuss our change of direction.Sign up to our email list to stay up to date whenever we produce ...
Season 1
Episode 43

Ep 42: It's Not Good For Man To Be Alone
Genesis 1 & 2 describe humanity as being made in the image of God, male and female, and that it is not good for humans to be alone. In this episode #42 of The Godwit Podcast with David Kowalick and Paul Smith we discuss how part of the good...
Season 1
Episode 42

Ep 41: Genesis 1 & 2 - The Foundation For The Whole Story Of The Bible
The first 2 chapters of Genesis lay an important foundation for the whole story of the Bible. How we read these chapters effects how read the rest of the story.In this episode #41 of The Godwit Podcast with David Kowalick and Paul Smith we ...
Season 1
Episode 41

Ep 40: Where Do We Go When We die?
In our previous podcast episode we made the claim that no one goes to heaven when they die, that instead the destiny of the people of God is to have resurrected bodies on a new earth. But then, what happens to us before then, between death and ...
Season 1
Episode 40

Ep 39: Heaven Is Not Our Destination
Many Christians believe that we go to heaven as disembodied souls when we die, and that heaven is our final destination for spending eternity. Neither of those ideas are actually biblical. In this episode #39 of The Godwit Podcast with David Ko...
Season 1
Episode 39

Ep 38: What Is Biblical Faith? // Faithfulness, Believing Loyalty & Allegiance
What is faith? What is the relationship between the words "faith" and "believe"? Does God have faith?Faith is most commonly understood these days as a religious word, but in the 1st Century context of the New Testament it was a widely used ...
Season 1
Episode 38

Ep 37: Justification By Faith vs Works - A False Dichotomy?
According to the bible we are justified by faith, not by works. But what does that mean? In this episode #37 of The Godwit Podcast with David Kowalick and Paul Smith we discuss what faith and works of the law mean in Paul's letters, and why...
Season 1
Episode 37

Ep 36: Justification In Context // Old vs New Covenant
To really understand justification in the New Testament it needs to be understood in the right context. In this episode #36 of The Godwit Podcast with David Kowalick and Paul Smith we discuss how a distorted grand narrative of the Bible as well...
Season 1
Episode 36

Ep 35: Justification // Defining A Righteous Person
What is a righteous person, according to the Bible? And what does justification mean? In this episode #35 of The Godwit Podcast with David Kowalick and Paul Smith we discuss both of these questions, and try to give a simple and clear summary of...
Season 1
Episode 35

Ep 34: What Is Righteousness? // The Righteousness Of God
The whole concept of righteousness has become a bit muddied throughout Christian history. In this episode #34 of The Godwit Podcast with David Kowalick and Paul Smith we continue our discussion of righteousness by looking at what is meant by "t...
Season 1
Episode 34

Ep 33: Where Imputed Righteousness Went Wrong - Greek Philosophy, Medieval Corruption & The Reformation
A popular belief in modern Christianity is that we get "Christ's righteousness credited to our account." This is known as the "imputation of Christ's righteousness". It's a popular idea, but is it biblical? In this episode #33 of The Godwit...
Season 1
Episode 33

Ep 32: Genesis 4 WRECKS Popular Theology
After the events of "The Fall" in Genesis 3, humanity became instantly enslaved to sin and separated from God. Or so a lot of popular theology says. But does that theology square up with the story as it continues in the very next chapter? In th...
Season 1
Episode 32

Ep 31: "There Is No One Righteous"... Or Is There??
The apostle Paul famously says in Romans 3:10 that, "There is no one righteous, not even one." This verse has been used as the foundation for a whole doctrinal system about righteousness and justification. But what do we do with all the scriptu...
Season 1
Episode 31

Ep 30: Why Did Jesus Die? (Pt 9) // Establishing The New Covenant Community
"Atonement creates the kingdom of God," says biblical scholar Scot McKnight. In this episode #30 of The Godwit Podcast with David Kowalick and Paul Smith we round out our series on "Why Did Jesus Die?" with a summary of our discussions on this ...

Ep 29: How Important Is Good Theology?
Good theology and doctrine are obviously important for Christians, but how important, and why? In episode #29 of The Godwit Podcast with David Kowalick and Paul Smith we give our answers to this question. We'd also love to hear your answers, le...

Ep 28: Why Did Jesus Die? (Pt 8) // Historical "Atonement" Theories
Throughout Christian history a few major theories of "The Atonement" (what Jesus achieved through his death) have emerged. In this episode #28 of The Godwit Podcast with David Kowalick and Paul Smith we discuss a few of the most prominent ones ...
Season 1
Episode 28

Ep 27: Why Did Jesus Die? (Pt 7) // Died For Our Sins & Isaiah 53
What does it mean that Jesus died for our sins? And that we have been "bought at a price"? Was Jesus' death a form of payment? In this episode #27 of The Godwit Podcast with David Kowalick and Paul Smith we discuss these questions, the us...
Season 1
Episode 27

Ep 26: The Godwit Podcast - Who Are We, What Are We Doing, And Why?
As the title suggests, this episode of The Godwit Podcast with David Kowalick and Paul Smith is a little overview of who we are, what we're trying to do, and the motivation behind it. This episode is also available to watch on YouT...
Season 1
Episode 26

Ep 25: Why Did Jesus Die? (Pt 6) // Rescue From Sin And Evil Powers Through Death
"I have been crucified WITH Christ," says the apostle Paul in Galatians 2:20. This is not substitutionary language but participatory - Christ didn't die as our substitute, instead of us, but as our representative, and we join him in his death. ...
Season 1
Episode 25

Ep 24: Romans 3:25 // Jesus is a... propitiation? Expiation? Mercy seat?
Romans 3:25 is the verse most often cited regarding atonement in the New Testament, but how to translate this verse and what it means is hotly debated. It all hinges on the Greek word "hilasterion", which is translated, depending on the transla...
Season 1
Episode 24

Ep 23: Why Did Jesus Die? (Pt 5) // Atonement In The New Testament
There are several different motifs used in the New Testament to explain the significance of Jesus' death, one of which is the "sacrifice of atonement". In this episode, #23 of The Godwit Podcast with David Kowalick and Paul Smith, we discuss ho...
Season 1
Episode 23

Ep 22: Why Did Jesus Die? (Pt 4) // Sin Offering & Day Of Atonement
The word most commonly used to explain Jesus' death is "atonement". But what even is atonement? In this episode #22 of The Godwit Podcast with David Kowalick and Paul Smith we continue looking at the concept of atonement in the Old Testament, s...
Season 1
Episode 22

Ep 21: Why Did Jesus Die? (pt 3) // Atonement In The Old Testament
The word most commonly used to explain Jesus' death is "atonement". But what even is atonement? In this episode #21 of The Godwit Podcast with David Kowalick and Paul Smith we go right into looking at the concept of atonement in the Old Testame...
Season 1
Episode 21

Ep 20: Why Did Jesus Die? (Pt 2) // Levitical Sacrifices
Jesus' death is often referred to as a sacrifice. But what is a sacrifice even for? Do all sacrifices achieve the same thing? In this episode #20 of The Godwit Podcast with David Kowalick and Paul Smith we begin a discussion of the sacrifices u...
Season 1
Episode 20

Ep 19: Why Did Jesus Die? (Pt 1) // Is It All About Atonement?
The death of Jesus is a key part of the story of Christianity. But why did he die and what did his death achieve? Was his death all about atonement? Did he take our punishment in our place so that we could be forgiven? What does it mean that Je...
Season 1
Episode 19