Live Like It's True {Bible Podcast}
On each episode, Shannon Popkin and her guest talk through one of the most interesting or astonishing stories (narratives) of the Bible, and how to live like that story is true.
Think of each story like a container, filled with easy-to-retrieve truth. Each story gives you concrete ways to reject the lies, rehearse the truth, and share it with others.
You're invited to open your Bible, drink in the story, and live like it's true!
Shannon is the author of five books, and speaks regularly for Christian women's retreats, conferences, and events. Shannon lives with her family in West Michigan. Learn more at www.shannonpopkin.com.
102 episodes
The Truth About Envy and Your Loneliness {Becky Harling}
Have you ever considered that your envy of others may be causing you to also feel...lonely? Maybe your time spent on social media is actually causing you to feel more alone and less connected, like you'd hoped. Are you constantly comparing your...
Season 10
Episode 101

Introducing Jesus: What Happened When He Assumed Authority {Rachel Jones}
Do I truly believe that Jesus has all authority over this world? If so, then why am I fretting? Why am I losing sleep? Why do I have this innate need for control? Rachel Jones joins me on the podcast to talk about the day Jesus's au...
Season 10
Episode 100

Astonishing Faith Is Like A Puppy, Begging For A Crumb {Erika VanHaitsma}
Have you ever thought to ask God for just a crumb? Have you considered that the smallest piece of God's mercy is extravagantly more than what you need? Join us on this episode of the Live Like It's True podcast, where Shannon is joi...
Season 10
Episode 99

Jesus: A Bettering Life Hack Or Satisfying Like Bread? {Felicity Carswell & Sarah Dargue}
Have you ever wondered how you can "come to Jesus," when you are living in the 21 century, and He is seated in heaven? Jesus said "come to me," but he spoke those words on a hillside in Israel more than 2,000 years ago. How do I come to him tod...
Season 10
Episode 98

People Love Your Success, but God Just Loves You {Vera Schmitz}
What do people celebrate about you? Do they love your performance? Do they cheer you on for your successes? And what happens when you can't deliver what everyone expects? Vera Schmitz experienced this, after training for—but not going to—the Ol...
Season 10
Episode 97

Christmas: How To Surrender Control And Receive The Impossible {Kristi Huseby}
"How can this be?" Mary asked the angel. She knew where babies come from. And in response God gave her—and us—tangible proof that he is the God who does the impossible. Joining me for part two of a conversation on the Live Like It's True ...
Season 9
Episode 96

Lessons from Mary on Daring to Surrender Control {Kristi Huseby}
What are you trying to control? How is it affecting your relationships with people and with God? Kristi Huseby joins me on the Live Like It's True podcast to talk about the story of Mary, who dangerously risked it all and surrendered to G...
Season 9
Episode 95

Story: How to Make a Point, Not an Enemy {Gabe Hartfield}
Would you like to learn how to make a point without making an enemy? Would you like a compelling way to offer truth in a world of competing narratives? In this second part of my conversation with Gabe Hartfield, we talk about the power of...
Season 9
Episode 94

Story: God's Captivating Way of Revealing Truth {Gabe Hartfield}
"This one time, when I was twelve..." The next time you're losing your audience, say this and everyone's head will bob up. There's something about story that captures our attention, isn't there? And God—the author of the Bible and the creator o...
Season 9
Episode 93

The Powerful Habit of Lifting Our Eyes to See Others {Brenda Yoder}
What if we lifted our eyes more? What if we looked up from our screens and phones and took in the simple landscape? What if we made eye contact and actually noticed the people around us?Technology has given us ways to connect, but it's a...
Season 9
Episode 92

How to be Behind God's Door of Safety {Shadia Hrichi}
In the Bible, there's always a door between God's destruction and his deliverance. Some people try to blockade themselves and keep destruction out. But a much wiser approach—the one Rahab took—is to choose safety behind the door of deliverance ...
Season 9
Episode 91

God's Astonishing Response to the Faith of Just One {Shadia Hrichi}
What would God do if there was only one in a city of thousands, who wanted to be rescued by him? And what if that one person was a prostitute? On the Live Like It's True podcast, we're talking about the astonishing story of the spies God sent t...
Season 9
Episode 90

How to Live Like It's True that God has Control {Kori Pennypacker}
How has God used a storm to show you that you're not in control? And how has he used that storm to invite you to surrender control to Him? In this episode of the Live Like It's True podcast, Kori Pennypacker of Bible2School.com and I are talkin...
Season 9
Episode 89

The Surprise of Suffering and Empowering Truth {Amy Lively}
How do you expect the story to go, once you begin following Jesus? Do you anticipate bigger and better realities for your life? Have you considered suffering might be part of the equation? In this episode of Live Like It's True, Amy Lively and ...
Season 9
Episode 88

The Truth About Comparison, When You're the Mom with Less {Lara d’Entremont}
What if that other mom is able to raise six kids and chickens, plus make her own cheese, and you can barely keep up with your one child and keep him from the brink of disaster?Listen on:
Season 9
Episode 87

A "Lifequake" Story of God's Faithfulness and New Beginnings {Tracie Miles}
Have you experienced a "Lifequake"? Perhaps an unwanted divorce, a job loss, a health or financial crisis? Tracie Miles and I talk about the context of Jeremiah 29:11—and what is and isn't promised to us in our lowest moments of exile. Tracie's...
Season 9
Episode 86

Jesus's Assurance & Challenge for a Wounded Doubter {Dr. Michelle Bengtson}
Have you ever doubted that the Bible is true? That people could rise from the dead? That Jesus is really God? Today on the Live Like It's True podcast, Dr. Michelle Bengtson and I are talking about a wounded doubter named Thomas, and how Jesus ...
Season 9
Episode 85

The Story that Will Make You Re-Think Your Scars {Dr. Michelle Bengtson}
Have you ever tried to hide your scars? And what about your hidden scars on the inside? Do you try to cover over the most painful parts of your life? And have you looked forward to having no scars in heaven? Today on the Live Like It's True pod...
Season 9
Episode 84

How to Change Your Brain, Using Stories Of The Bible {Dr. Alan Weissenbacher}
Did you know your brain can change? And did you know willpower isn't what makes the change? This was a fascinating conversation with Dr. Weissenbacher on the Live Like It's True podcast, giving you some of the science that supports what we do h...
Season 9
Episode 83

How Jadedness Blinds You and Simple Faith Makes You See {Melissa Spoelstra}
How has your jadedness kept you from seeing clearly? And how could simple faith open your eyes to the truth? Melissa Spoelstra and I are talking about a story in the Bible, where people were divided in how they saw Jesus after he ...
Season 9
Episode 82

When You Can't See Why, But You Trust God Anyway {Carol Kent}
Why God? I don't understand why you're doing this? Have you ever cried out to God with a prayer like this? Last time we talked with Carol Kent about that horrifying day she got the unthinkable news that her son was being ar...
Season 8
Episode 81

When God Says You Must Lay Down Your Isaac {Carol Kent}
Have you ever been tested by God? Has he asked you to lay down someone or something that is precious to you, just like he asked Abraham to place Isaac on the altar? In this episode of Live Like It's True, Carol Kent tells her painfu...
Season 8
Episode 80

Vulnerable Faith, When it's Too Risky to Hope {Hope Blanton & Chris Gordon}
What if God eavesdropped on your heart? Would he hear you sighing and scoffing about impossible situations? Would he see you rolling your eyes at the idea things could change? In this conversation with Hope Blanton and Chris Gordon on the Live ...
Season 8
Episode 79

The Truth About God's Control When You Feel Threatened {Beth Runkle}
God is in control. We say that, but sometimes it's hard to believe it with the whole world seems to be coming unhinged.In this episode of Live Like It's True I'm talking with military spouse, Beth Runkle, about a section of Sarah's story...
Season 8
Episode 78

The Interesting and Surprising Origin Story of God's People {Courtney Doctor}
Have you considered the magnitude of God's promises to you? Has your life been shaped by those promises, the way Abraham and Sarah's were? I'm so grateful for Courtney Doctor and her brilliant mind. Don't miss part one of this great...
Season 8
Episode 77