Why Church? A Weekly Podcast From Holy Trinity Church Rathmines Dublin Podcast Artwork Image

Why Church? A Weekly Podcast From Holy Trinity Church Rathmines Dublin

Why Church

Loving the city we live in and being a part of its renewal is a crucial value for us in Holy Trinity, but what does this value actually means for us as a community in the reality of our daily lives. How do we, outside Sundays, practice and seek the peace and prosperity of our city in how we live whether professionally, or as a student, or parents, or someone in retirement? As a result of Covid- 19, there is a very different landscape for churches and our daily lives outside Sunday gatherings. So for September & October join us as we learn and explore together as a community how we can grow even deeper into this crucial value for us as a parish. Welcome to our new weekly podcast: Why Church?www.htrinity.ie