Flame CCR - 4. Miscellaneous & John Daniels' journey
Contains a selection of Flame CCR's regular programmes to whet your appetite, plus other stand alone programmes.
Also includes "John Daniels' journey with cancer" (38 fifteen minute podcasts, 2016 to 2020) in which John talks honestly about his early life, his Christian faith and then his diagnosis with prostate cancer in 2016. He was a strong Yorkshireman and an enthusiastic member of the FLAME team. John experienced superb NHS treatment over a number of years as the cancer progressed. He remained cheerful throughout the years and leant heavily upon his Christian faith. John died from the cancer in April 2020. The theme tune is by Andrew Gardiner (a Baptist Minister in Plymouth) recording as "Rising Hope" who himself suffered and died from cancer but found strength from his Christian faith.