The Proffitt Podcast

BONUS: Don't Start from Scratch with Amy Porterfield

Amy Porterfield

Send Krystal a Text Message.

She's back! Today, I'm having a super fun interview with my friend and mentor, Amy Porterfield.

In this special bonus episode, we're talking about content and what it means to not have to start from scratch ever again. Amy shares with us about her podcast journey and the impact it's had on her business. She even gives us a little nugget about her new book she wrote, coming in 2023!

But most of all, Amy shares with us the behind scenes of some of her most recent uncomfortable experiences creating content. TikTok came up a bunch and even what it's like to record while she's on a walk with Scout. (You'll love her BTS awkward stories. They are so relatable!)

Plus, tune in to today's episode for a special invite from Amy!

The show notes for today's episode can be found at:

Join me and my mentor, Amy Porterfield, as she teaches you LIVE how to create your first (or next) digital course to make real money. These trainings are world-class; you won't find anything else as impactful this year. Go to to register. *affiliate link

Click the "Send Krystal a Text Message" link above to send us your questions, comments, and feedback on the show! (Pssst...we'll do giveaways in upcoming episodes so make sure you leave your name & podcast title.)

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One of my favorite things about having your own podcast or creating your own content is the fact that you get to make the rules. And my role today is I wanted to bring you this special bonus episode. So in today's episode, you're going to hear a conversation with my friend and mentor, Amy Porterfield, we had a fantastic discussion about creating content and what it's like to not have to create things from scratch anymore. So whether you've been creating content for a few weeks, you're just getting started, or you've been doing this for several years, you're gonna walk away from this conversation today, with more confidence on creating your content in a way that feels really natural to you by reusing stuff that you've already done in a really strategic way. So the theme of today's episode is we're no longer creating stuff from scratch. So I hope you enjoy today's interview with Amy Porterfield. Let's get right to it. Welcome to the Prophet podcast where we teach you how to start launch and market your content with confidence. I'm your host, Krystal, Proffitt, and I'm so excited that you're here. Thanks for hanging out with me today. Because if you've been trying to figure out the world of content creation, this is the show that will help be your time saving shortcut. So let's get right to it, shall we?

Krystal Proffitt:

All right, Proffitt Podcast listeners, we have a special guest it all star, the VIP, the queen of online marketing, all the things I feel like this is like one of those announcements like, let's get ready to rumble. I miss you. And I like it. I like it a lot. Welcome to the show. Amy. How are you today?

Amy Porterfield:

Oh, my goodness. Thanks for having me. I am wonderful. We're recording this on a Monday. So both of us came off of really relaxing weekends. So we're ready for this.

Krystal Proffitt:

Awesome. Is this your first meeting today? Have you had any other meeting?

Amy Porterfield:

Oh, you're my first one.

Krystal Proffitt:

Wow, we're getting her like fresh. She's like all rejuvenated. She's ready to go. The ground? Monday? Yes, yes. Well, I'm so happy that you're here. We had you on the show before to talk about digital courses and taking your content and turning it into something that is a value and of purpose and something that can be so beneficial to your audience. And today, I want to talk about not starting from scratch. Because the reason why I know this will be top of mind for you is I know you're writing a book, I cannot like TBD like this is coming soon. And I cannot wait to talk about like this is gonna be so much fun. But I know that you didn't sit down with a pen and paper or a blank Google Doc and say, I think I want to write a book today. I wonder what it should be about? Like, can you tell us a little bit about like, what that journey is like, is not creating from scratch, like ever again, you don't ever have to create anything from scratch again, what does that feel like?

Amy Porterfield:

Okay, it's an amazing feeling. And when I was with Tony Robbins for so many years, that is something that he ingrained in all of his students, you are going to be a more efficient entrepreneur if you figure out how not to recreate the wheel all the time. So that's something I've heard for years and years. And I thought, okay, so what does that look like in my business. And of course, not recreating the wheel is going back to content that you've created, breathing new life into it and using it in new ways. And that is something that I have done over and over again, you're right, the book. All of that is what I've been teaching over the last 13 years. And so I think one of the things as a content creator, if you can get really good at putting things together in a roadmap, a sequence, the steps, whatever that is, you can reuse your content in so many different ways. And it gives you more time freedom, more creativity, and allows you to feel like you're moving forward versus always one step forward. Two steps back. That's what it looks like when you create from scratch all the time. And I promise you the most lucrative profitable successful entrepreneurs are not starting from scratch all the time.

Krystal Proffitt:

Yes. Oh my gosh, like and I felt like first of all, we just started this with a gift. You are welcome like everybody listening because that is just it's so refreshing to hear because I see a lot of people they get bogged down in the I have to create the most epic piece of content every time I turn on the microphone or I start creating a blog post or I go to create a YouTube video. It has To be earth shattering and mind blowing, and it keeps a lot of people from starting with like to be honest, like it just really keeps people in this mind frame of, I don't really know if I can do this, or I don't know that I'm cut out for it. If I can't make a podcast, like Amy Porterfield podcast, and I don't even want to get started, Amy, I hear this all the time. So do you have any words of wisdom to kind of give those people permission to just get going?

Amy Porterfield:

Oh, my God. Yes. One thing I can guarantee all of you if you're just kind of feel stuck with getting started, is that all of us started in a way that looks very messy. If you go back to my first few podcasts, if you go to YouTube, my first two few videos, I'm mortified by all of it. Like, I actually read a quote recently, that if you were not embarrassed of who you were a few years ago, you're not growing. I don't think we need to be embarrassed by who we were, we got to have compassion and love and grace for that person. But there's some truth to if you don't see yourself as totally different today than back then then you aren't growing. So you have to start out messy, you have to start out with not having all the answers the video not looking great. The the audio, maybe not so pristine, whatever it might be. We all started there. And there's not one successful entrepreneur that I know or mentor that I have that feels like they started with everything perfectly worked out. The winners just get started, even when it's messy. That's the only message I have for you. The winners get started even when it's messy. You gotta get it out there.

Krystal Proffitt:

Oh my gosh, like I said, just all the gifts, you're just like, you're like Oprah today, like dropping all that, like you get some wisdom and you get some more experience. Because it's just, it's so important, like, and I feel like, and I'm sure you know, you've been doing this like teaching online marketing and creating digital courses and all the things you need to know for so long. Now I feel like you must repeat yourself so often in very specific areas, probably not all the same thing all the time. But is there one lesson that you just keep coming back to over and over again, that you're like, I know, I've said this 1000 times, but people still need to hear it? Is there something that stands out on your mind?

Amy Porterfield:

Oh my gosh, there's a few things. So if I get down to the tactical stuff, I've said two things over and over and over again. And I'll keep saying it. Number one is that you've got to grow your email list. In order to grow an online business. Everybody who has an online business should have a growing thriving email list. And I also say doesn't need to be hundreds of 1000s of people, even a few 100 people, it makes a difference when you're ready to put your offer out there. So always be list building is a motto I've said probably a million times, I always say another thing I always say is I believe everybody has a digital course in them. Whether you're teaching something where you've gotten results for yourself or for your clients, there's probably 10 things you could create a digital course on based on your life experience is in the results you've had, everyone has a course in them. But that I think the most important thing that I've said over and over again, is how important managing your mindset is to growing your business. And I think you and I have experienced this probably over and over again, if we don't be careful about what we think and what those thoughts are translating into feelings we have, and those feelings create the actions if we're not aware of that, then all the strategies in the world that you teach and that I teach, they don't matter to our students. So really paying attention to the thoughts you have and using them to serve you is huge. And I always say don't believe everything you think because not every thought I have every day is positive, let me tell you, the majority probably are negative, I just choose not to believe them. And I just keep moving on and choose a different thought. So I think mindset is bigger than all the strategies I teach.

Krystal Proffitt:

Oh my gosh. And it's funny because you know, I look back because I've been listening to your podcast learning from you consuming your content for a long time. And I think about your free content versus your paid content. And stick with me here for a second everybody that's listening, because I have resources that Amy's already created. So I could ask the question, tell us about free versus paid. She has a podcast about it. Tell me if I'm giving way too much. She has a podcast about it. We're gonna link to these in the show notes. That's not what we're gonna go really deep in here today. But I actually want to think about the biggest struggle, or maybe the hardest decision that you've had to make when you're like, Okay, does this go on the podcast? Should I put this in a PDF? Or does this need to go behind a paywall? Like, is there one specific question that you ask during that process? You know,

Amy Porterfield:

that is such a great question, and I might surprise some people to hear that. I've never been in a situation where I would come Come up with some piece of content and think I have to put this behind a paywall. That's never, ever what I've done. If anything, I float the idea in my free content. And I'll break this down in a second. But I'll float the idea and free content and see the kind of questions I get how people respond to it. Was that a popular podcast? Did he get a lot of downloads, or was that a great PDF where I put it in there. And then from there, if it does, well, I will expand on it. So that's how I really figure out like, what should be free, what should be paid. And I've never had a struggle with it. Because to me, it's all value. And it all needs to get to my audience one way or another. And so it, it will be a more light version when it's free. Absolutely. But then when I see it has legs, it's important people can use it, I will take the time to fully develop it and then put it into my course. So you'll see a lot of overlap between what I teach for free on the podcast and put into my free PDF guides, and what I teach behind my paid courses, but I can guarantee behind my paid courses, I'll go into more depth, I'll use more examples. I'll put it into a better context, I will spend the time to fully develop it. I have never ever been accused of having someone pay for something. And they say, Well, I could have got that for free on your podcast. Never ever has been an issue. Yeah, nor do I ever even worry about it.

Krystal Proffitt:

Yeah, this is so so good. So I'm imagining right now, that from what you just said is like the free content is like maybe the outline of what it is that you're going to be teaching in something that's paid. So that's when you in the paid version, it's the story is the example the exact how to like to do something from A to Z, versus I'm just going to give you like the five steps to do something. And I think that it's really important, because someone's like, well, she already gave us the five steps like I could do this was me. Okay, this was okay, let's go back. Let's go back to the early student that was she, she listened to online marketing Made Easy, like shout out, it's one of the best. So I'd guess out there, it's so incredible, because it is so value packed. But like you said, it will only get you so far. But the thing that I have learned from listening to your podcast is that I can learn but then I gotta take action, then I need that like extra push, whether it's a checklist of saying, Okay, you did this, now do this, or something that is really motivating me to show me the bigger picture of why it's valuable. Because Amy could tell me all day, like do this to grow your email list. And then here's step two here, step three here, step four, but it's in the presentation of this is why this is important, or this is how someone else did it and look at the impact. It's hard for them. So I just think it's really cool to see how the free content is super important. SEO juice, hello anywhere, like I love this so much. But then it's also like getting people into your world. And then it's that like one two punch approach of surprising and delighting them and just knocking their freakin socks off. Because I feel like that is what y'all do so, so well. And everything you do.

Amy Porterfield:

Well, I appreciate you saying that. Because it definitely we take this stuff very seriously, but I loved how you just explained it. And one of the distinctions that I have is I can't really clear of the goal of each of the pieces of or the each of the platforms I use. So for example, my podcast is not meant to give you everything you need to know to build your business from scratch. Absolutely just everything just listen to my podcast, and you will know everything you need to do. That is not what it's for. That's what my courses are for. So when I do my podcast, I know that I am not going to give them every single detail that they're like, I've got it or I would never have a business if that were the case. So I am very clear how far I'll go on the podcast. Because if I go too far, I'm doing a disservice to make them feel as though this is all they need. Where you're right. They need to step by step. They need the context, they need to understand the value of why they're doing what they're doing. That's all in my course. So I think we have a responsibility as content creators to get really clear, what is the goal of your podcast? Or what is the goal of your blog? What is the goal of whatever you're doing so that when you're creating the content, you're very clear about how far you're gonna go.

Krystal Proffitt:

Okay, this is so good and it leads me into tick tock, I gotta ask. I am not active. Okay. I'll be very clear. There's my disclaimer. I'm not active on Tik Tok. I don't really it's just not really the thing for me. I know all the kids are doing it these days and all the things but I do know that you recently started But and I am so fascinated and watching your journey because it's so different from any of your content that you've done anywhere else. So can you talk about your specific approach to doing that?

Amy Porterfield:

Yes. So this year, I told myself, you know, I've been in the industry for a long time, and I could easily get into this rut of just keep doing what I'm doing because it's working. Although I've noticed it's not working as well as it did, let's say two or three years ago, the climates change, the world has changed, the online space has changed. So I thought, Okay, I need to step up and try new things because I only teach what I know and what I do. So if I want to keep teaching, I better keep experimenting. And I also know new things are coming on the scene. So I resisted Tik Tok for a very long time, although I love Tiktok. I watch Tik Tok every day. So I love the platform. But I've resisted getting on it. And because I've got this new book coming out, I thought, well, what if I did something a little bit differently and had a very different conversation on this platform than I do anywhere else to differentiate how it's special. And so I only talked about quitting your nine to five job and starting an online business. I don't get into digital courses, specifically, or building an online business and all the factors, I focus on leaving your job and just getting started with an online business. So anyway, but I also do it on my terms where I'm not going to dance. I'm not going to do anything outrageous or super silly. That's not my personality. So we'll see if it works. My experiment is can I be myself? Can I it? But I'm also out of my comfort zone. I don't like making those videos yet. I hope one day I will. But with tick tock, it's so different than making a quick Instagram story. You gotta be moving a lot. It's a lot of different cuts. It's really choppy, so different. And I need that if I am not feeling uncomfortable in my business, I am not growing. So here I am. And it's humbling. So I've got 300,000 people on Instagram, and 3000 people on Tiktok. It is not growing super fast. It's not like exploding. I'm not going viral. But that's my ego. So I'm doing it for the people I know I can serve. So I'm staying right there. Every single day I'm posting new video, we shall see, I might get to the point that I'm like, I don't want to do this. Great, but it's not at least I told myself six months, six months, and then We'll reevaluate.

Krystal Proffitt:

Okay, you just gave so so much wisdom and just that simple short answer. Because you're showing that one, you're still getting out of your comfort zone, staying in your lane of just like, oh, it's all snuggly and cozy and scouts at my feet. And we're just, you know, all happy, hunky dory, like you're getting out there and you're putting yourself out there. But to you're trying something new, even if it feels scary it like I think that this is so so important. Because like you said earlier, like if you're not like in that uncomfortability, then you're not really growing and you're not expanding. But also three, I think that it's just so fun to see you doing something that's so different, because that's what catches my eye, right? Because we can all get into this Instagram scroll or something. And then all of a sudden, I'm like, wait, Amy's talking to me like she's on a walk. Like she I can tell she's on a walk. She's got the phone up. And I always imagine this like the first thing whenever I see people walking with their phone is like, what are they saying? Like, I want to know because I'll see this too. And I do this too. In my neighborhood. I'll do an Instagram story. And I'm like, Hey guys, how's it going? And I just totally tune everybody out. Do you ever walk past someone and you're like, oh my gosh, like, word

Amy Porterfield:

is so awkward. I wish I didn't care but my neighbors probably think I'm crazy. Yes. It's not my most favorite thing. And a little secret the first walking video I did it's distracting and I feel like I'm gonna fall and so in in in Tennessee when you walk there's not a lot of sidewalk so you're kind of walking around even the whole time. And I decided to just go up and down this one street the whole time because I hadn't scout and I was supposed to be taking them for a walk. So I'm sure scouts like what are we doing? You just keep churning? Can you imagine what the neighbors thought of me that just kept turning around and around until I got it done? And I was good. But yeah, I'm an awkward person when it comes to video so I just embrace it.

Krystal Proffitt:

Oh my gosh, I My cheeks hurt because like you again with all the gifts today like you share your vulnerability and that is like somebody is just like, oh my gosh, she experienced this too. Oh, yeah. I mean, we just came back from a family vacation to the beach. And there's this one. Oh bless them. They are so incredible. There's an Instagram account called influencers in the wild. Yes, I've not checked

Amy Porterfield:

it out. If I ever end up on there I will just die. I will die.

Krystal Proffitt:

It is incredible. And the amount of people that are at the beach like I've just I've I didn't realize how much I miss people watching because we haven't really been around a lot of people in the last few years. And I just sat on the beach watching these people. And I'm just like, I don't know what that person's talking about. Like, I just want to know, I'm nosy. I'm a people watcher, but I'm just like, What are they talking about? Anyway, we're just getting off on all kinds of tangents. I just I love that you shared about the awkwardness of walking around with a phone in your day. Oh, my

Amy Porterfield:

Not my favorite, not my favorite.

Krystal Proffitt:

But I want to talk about you have something that is super fun coming up, you have a bootcamp that is coming on the horizon. I'm so excited about this. So can you tell us a little bit about what your boot camp is? Are there burpees? involved? Do we have to work out? Like what are what are we talking about?

Amy Porterfield:

lately? No. Burpees? I hate burpees. So, okay, we're doing a bootcamp. It's called course competent. And it's all about getting started with your digital course. Now, the reason why I wanted to do this is that a lot of people, they think they want to create a digital course I have no idea where they would even start, what would the topic be? What type of course would I create? How much money could I make? What am I supposed to even charge for this course? And also, how do I grow my email list that they'll want to buy it? These are things that come up over and over and over again. And that's exactly what I'm going to address in the bootcamp like the essential burning most asked questions I get what to do about all of those things, and how to get started. But what's fun about it is that we do it in a really condensed short period of time. I'm live teaching answering questions engaging with the audience, for we say five days, but we kind of extend it even beyond that for fun. But it's really interactive. We did it earlier this year, huge hit and we thought, okay, we've got to bring this back. And we've got to do it in a bigger way. So I'm very excited about it.

Krystal Proffitt:

This is so awesome. Like I imagine, I actually I want you to imagine, like go back to the very beginning of your business. And I know technology was different. And it wasn't as easy to do something like this as it is today. But what kind of impact do you think it would have had in your early days of maybe, let's say you had been podcasting for about six months to a year, and you found a product like this? Like, what would what do you think that would have done for your business?

Amy Porterfield:

What it would have done more than anything was to give me clarity and confidence. And I think that's what so many of my potential students are looking for? Is this the right decision for me, Amy, am I moving in the right direction? Do I have the questions answered, so that I can be making some big moves. And so really, it comes down to that clarity and competence, which is what I needed so much. In my early years, when I was just starting a podcast, just creating my first digital course just growing my email list all those first, I wanted to feel very confident about it. So you will walk away from the boot camp. That's what we called it course competence with more competence, knowing, yes, this is right for me. And here's how I'm going to proceed. And that gives you instant momentum. Yeah, and I just

Krystal Proffitt:

have to say, as someone who has participated in so many of your workshops or trainings, your courses, like, I have to tell you that anybody that's listening, that is looking for a friend in the online space, you are looking for a buddy, that you can either have an accountability buddy, or just someone that gets it because oh my gosh, Amy, I cannot tell you how many times like I will start talking to my husband about something in the online space. And he's just like, I don't know who that is. I don't know, girl. No, I do. But if like your team does such an incredible job, building this sense of community very quickly, like very like you don't have to spend months with Amy's team to feel this sense of, oh, I belong here or I can belong here. Like Is that intentional? Is that something that you'll think about whenever you're creating these different types of experiences?

Amy Porterfield:

Absolutely. Someone once tease me that I have. I have three dedicated people in my community department. And they're like, why? Like, most people just have one and they kind of were teasing me and I thought it is because I know accountability. Engagement conversation is just as important as me teaching the content. So yeah, when you get into my bootcamp and you instantly feel part of that community, very intentional because we care deeply about that aspect.

Krystal Proffitt:

Okay, like this is y'all have to go like join join us and the bootcamp I'm gonna be there to be hanging out and like seeing what everybody's doing because I think it's so fun. As a coach and someone that's just like a cheerleader, a motivator. I love cheering people on like, this is one of my natural gifts that I just bring. Joy.

Amy Porterfield:

You're so good at it. And Krystal gets really active in these and I'm so forever We're grateful for that. So yeah, it's a fun experience. And I will say it is not free. It's 47 bucks. And the reason for that is because you investing just a little bit into your future as a digital course creator goes a long way. It's the cheapest thing I offer. And I think it's worth every single penny, you will end being like, oh my gosh, that was totally worth it. But I like to put that out there as well.

Krystal Proffitt:

Yes. Oh, my. And I think that that's such a great point. Because you got a little skin in the game and you show differently you do like, especially whenever it comes to getting started and you want some clarity, y'all, you could go listen to 1000 podcasts, you could go watch 100 hours of YouTube, but you don't know if that stuff is any good. I can tell you that. Amy and the way that her team create and structure all of their content. It's so intentional, and it's gonna get you results. For sure. No doubt. Oh my gosh, this was so incredible. Are you up for a few rapid fire questions? Like, okay, these were not planned. They're a little they're gonna be a little crazy. Give me a little like, I was gonna go. I'm nervous. I'm ready. Okay, well, I promise they'll be pretty painless, pretty painless. But I'm thinking we're recording this right at the end of summer. What has been your summertime jam? It's like because I know you'll have a lake house. Y'all got the boat when you're cruising on the boat. What's the song that you just keep playing over and over again? Hoby crank it up. This is my jam.

Amy Porterfield:

Okay, so it's always Lizzo it's anything was out and helped me like really? Like, he's a classic rock or country kind of guy. And I was like, bring all this out. Let's do it. So yeah, that has been our son summer anthem. Mine not hobbies. Yeah.

Krystal Proffitt:

Well, he's there. He's jamming out with Scout. They love it anyway, hair or the you know, the wind blowing through their hair and I don't care. Okay, what is a book that you read recently that you think everyone has to read it? Oh, good.

Amy Porterfield:

I know. Absolutely. It's called the gap in the game. Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy. Hardy I always get so yeah, I get so nervous. I don't know him. So I His name is not familiar to me yet. That book is life changing basically helps you get the perspective that's going to help you move forward. It's a beautiful book gap in the game.

Krystal Proffitt:

Okay, awesome. And then we have on the horizon back to school fall. We I live in Texas, Amy's in Tennessee Football season is coming like, these are the things that everybody's talking about. Yeah. What's the thing that you look most forward to in the fall? Okay,

Amy Porterfield:

I am obsessed with the fall. I feel like I look the best in the fall because I don't have to be in a bathing suit. And so I'm really always tell Hoby like falls my season. And we have not that Tennessee's known for wine, but we have this winery here. And it's beautiful and fun. It has live music, I cannot wait to go like five times this fall. So that's what I'm looking forward to.

Krystal Proffitt:

I love it. This is so awesome. Okay, and then my last question, I've asked you this before, but I'm gonna frame it a little bit different because there's a question that we ask everybody and it's Do you consider yourself a perfectionist? Okay, already know your answer to this. It's we're all recovering perfectionist around here, guys. So the way that I want to change this up is when you look at times when you're stuck in perfectionism, because we all have this tendency still it lives within us. How do you push past it? How do you say, I'm not going to hold myself back? Like, is there something that you tell yourself? Do you have someone on your team say something to you? Like, what is what does that process look like for you today?

Amy Porterfield:

So it's twofold? Number one, the first question I asked and I learned this from my Robbins days is does the customer care? Does the customer really care that I changed this designed to be this color or that font? They do not care? So does the customer care that I'm going to drill down into this 1010 Steps deeper? No, they actually probably want it shorter. So that's one thing that stops me from continuing to go down that rabbit hole. But the other thing is I'm very competitive. And I know if I wait to get this out, my competitors will love to get their version out sooner than I do. And just run with it. So because waiting and holding on to it and working on it harder is just going to slow me down and doesn't help my students at all. I'm just like, let's ship it. Let's get it. So I subscribe to b plus work and I genuinely do B plus work. That is great work. Let's get it out. But I'm not going to go for the A's anymore. It's not worth it.

Krystal Proffitt:

Yeah. Oh gosh. That's that's one of those. You know, you did the episode with Brooke Castillo. I think it's been probably three years now. I think that was a 20. So it's so crazy because this is one of those that I vividly remember I was in my garden when I was listening to this episode.

Amy Porterfield:

And I knew that you remember those kinds of days. It's just it hit me

Krystal Proffitt:

one of those lessons that it just it stayed with me. And I just think that it's such a gift to give people that permission. Because we are all so hard on ourselves. We're way harder on ourselves than we would ever be on a friend or a loved one. And it's just the lesson that I think that you can't that's one of those things. You just can't say it enough. You can't say it enough. Amen. Yeah. One last thing I want to mention. Amy, I'm writing this blog post about getting to know Amy and the different stages that I have met you. And you know, because I was lucky enough y'all are gonna be so jealous. I went to the entrepreneur experience whenever it was in person.

Amy Porterfield:

We have a fun picture together on that one I loved I remember vividly meeting you there.

Krystal Proffitt:

Tell me about it. Tell me about your experience meeting me and what I had on she

Amy Porterfield:

Okay, so she had a t shirt on that said, if you're multitasking come back to me, which is something I say all the time because I know people get really distracted. And when she had this t shirt, I'm like, because I had never seen anybody take what I said and make it something like that. It was very jarring to me. But so fun. And I remember that like yesterday, and we have been fast friends ever since. And gosh, events in person. What a wild thing. I hope we get back to that sooner than later.

Krystal Proffitt:

Oh my gosh, like I just I keep going back to I don't know if you know this part of the story. I told Chloe about this. I told Chloe and I think Emory might have been there and it was maybe Sylvia I don't I'm trying to remember. There was like a little cohort it was running registration. Like I was checking in. And I was like, Chloe, I gotta tell you something. Like, okay, like a little skeptical. Like, what's what's about to happen? I said, I made this shirt. And I have it and I don't know if I should wear it. It's just like, what is it say? And I told her and her face just got her eyes got so big and she her mouth was open. She was like, you have to go put this on.

Amy Porterfield:

Oh, yeah, Chloe would totally support.

Krystal Proffitt:

Like, go fuck this. Go to your hotel. Like she was bossing me around. Go to your hotel room change right now. And you come back down. I was like, Yes, ma'am. We're going to make this. I love it. And I'm so glad that I did it because it's still so funny. And it just it? Yeah. Yeah, it was a way to kind of solidify the relationship from the beginning. And I think that it worked. So it worked. And we are marketing like a charm, right. Oh, my gosh, Avi, thank you so much for your time today. I want everybody listening to register for the bootcamp and come hang out with us. It's going to be so much fun. But where should everybody come hang out with you? Like what was your favorite platform besides tick tock, because we'll link to that as well. Right, your favorite platform to engage with everyone?

Amy Porterfield:

My favorite platform would be Instagram. So in the DMS I love hearing from people so check me out on Instagram, but also I love what you do. I love that you teach people how to podcast how to get their voice out there and online marketing Made Easy has been like the biggest gift I've given myself, let alone to my students. I enjoy every minute of it. So if you love podcasts, come listen to online marketing Made Easy.

Krystal Proffitt:

Absolutely. Y'all she just interviewed. Is it with crime junkie?

Amy Porterfield:

Yes, I am obsessed with all things true crime. And Ashley flowers came on the show. And it was so fun to talk to her. It's fun to talk to people that aren't necessarily in our space, but have thriving businesses doing things wildly different than we do it. So that was a really fun conversation.

Krystal Proffitt:

Y'all go listen to her podcast. It's so incredible. Amy, thank you so much for coming on the show today. So

Amy Porterfield:

much fun. Thank you, and thank you for all you do.


I absolutely love when I can chat with Amy. And we just she just makes things so much more fun. That's really what it all comes down to. I think that the reason why I have followed her and listen to her all of her advice, all the strategic things that she has offered to me is because she makes it fun. And she's so honest with her own journey, her ups and her downs and her wins and her losses. And I mean you heard it in today's episode, her ability to keep growing and trying new things. Like she said she has over 300,000 followers on Instagram yet she's humble enough to accept the 3000 that she has on Tik Tok because she knows that she's growing and she's just getting started and you got to start somewhere, right? It is why it is the motto of this show around here. And so I'm so grateful for Amy coming on and sharing about her journey and all the cool behind the scenes of her business because I just love listening to them. There's so much fun, but I want you to join us in Amy's upcoming boot camp course confident, you can register by going to the shownotes of today's episode. And because it is a bonus episode, we did things a little bit differently, because I mentioned a little bit about how I was creating this blog post so you could get to know Amy a little bit more and the different things I've learned from her and my journey with learning from her. So I created what's called five things I learned from Amy Porterfield. So those are the shownotes. For today, they're going to be linked where you're listening to this podcast and you're also going to find a way for you to register for Amy's upcoming bootcamp. So go to the show notes for today's episode, you're gonna find them linked wherever you're listening to this podcast, but get in the bootcamp before Registration closes. And we get started very, very soon. But that's all I have for you today. I hope you enjoyed today's interview. It was so much fun. I cannot wait to do it again. Already. When her book comes out next year, it's just going to be so much fun. But come join us in the bootcamp we're gonna have so much fun. I feel like I said fun way too many times in today's episode, but it's really the theme of everything today. We're not going to start from scratch in we're gonna have fun, but that's all I have for you. So as always remember, keep it up. We all have to start somewhere.

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