Authentic Ecstasy

013: The Masculine and Feminine Paradox

February 16, 2022

We all hold both masculine and feminine energy within ourselves. In this episode we take a deep dive into understanding these qualities and how they operate within us. Through patriarchal infrastructures, we have learnt to polarise and identify these energies by gender. However the bridging of these two poles is so relevant and important right now. Exploring the possibility of an inner marriage between these cosmic forces, we can begin to inclusively honour each quality and the inquiry it brings us in each moment. Resulting in a beautiful dance and inner communion that can transform the way that we relate to the world around us, as we live as our truest selves.



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Intro & Outro Music by Boe Huntress

Podcast Art by Billy Fox

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Intro & Outro Music by Boe Huntress

Podcast Art by Billy Fox

Welcome to the authentic feminine ecstasy podcast, a place where we explore our innate intimate freedom. And in this episode, I like to explore the masculine feminine polarity and my passion and conviction of the possibility of inner marriage.

And I feel that this subject, this bridging of these two poles is so relevant right now, where there is so much ambivalent, and perceptions around masculine feminine and gender issues in our culture, which it's absolutely necessary and timely to open this door. So before I go into sharing a little bit about this masculine feminine qualities that are forces on the universe, inside all of us, let me tell you that back in the 70s, I began to feel very aware of the differences in gender between men and women, extremely aware culturally across the globe, and personally in my life.

I began to find myself rebelling and being angry with men. And with myself, for every moment I submitted to something I felt it was absolutely unnecessary, and futile and disempowering for us both. So that began my inquiry. And although I went to India and followed a spiritual path, this was deep within myself in everything I did. And I became so aware like in the Tibetan Buddhist, the difference between the monks and the nuns, and the lamas could be also men, and the lamas could only be men.

So that's how I awoken to, something was off, something had to be opened, and discovered within myself as to why women had to be kind of subservient to an infrastructure that was mainly patriarchal. So despite my uncomfortable feelings, and all that was deeply annoying, frustrating and enraging at times, this is what I began to explore and discover, that in essence, the core energies of patriarchy I defined as: fear, domination, control.

The emphasis was mind over body, logic over love, will to power over will to love, the universal over the particular, god over humanity, masculine over feminine, external over internal, right over left, consciousness over unconsciousness, heaven over earth, spirit over matter, doing over being, order over chaos, pleasure over pain, perfection over imperfection, structure over flow, division over unity, centralism over diversity, linear over cyclical.

So this is a few contrasts that became very alive for me. And if we see our society today, we see that what's been emerging is the other side, the body, the will, to love, etc. And these are very exciting times all the painful because structures are falling in all our minds are full of the conditioning and the infrastructures that have inhabited the earth on the last few 1000 years.

So without going into the timings of how it all began, and surely, I trust that us human beings as we land into this earth, the way we expand is through contrast, through polarities, and that's the way consciousness expands through us. So going beyond the right, or wrongs of any particular time in history or any particular stage of evolution. The important thing for me right now is how are we going to go beyond this domination of one cosmic force over the other, this legacy that is inside all of us. And needless to say, that masculine feminine is not a gender issue is inside and within all of us. So, in order to reclaim its potency, its fire its truth, we need to understand what is masculine, and what is feminine within us.

And to separate what is conditioned, distorted, masculine, and feminine, within us, manifesting in our man or woman's body that we have. So this is the inquiry that I feel that is worthy right now, for all of us to open, as we need to be clear on what is the true energy of this cosmic force that's moving in our bodies. And as I said, in previous episodes, we need to prepare ourselves to enter deeply into managing energy. And so far, we've gone through the elements, the earth as a way of finding our belonging, and our confidence in our route, and our fire in order to find our true will, not our pushing ego to achieve in order to be recognised, and our waters where we find our communion, our pleasure, our capacity to manage feelings and emotions, and our innate eroticism. And finally, we explored the air, a place where we can open to the unknown and a way of receiving the cosmic intelligence that we are already the case. So this inquiry is going to require not just a mental understanding of what is masculine, and what is feminine, but also noticing how it's operating within oneself.

So this inquiry is gonna require not just a mental understanding of these qualities, but an embodiment to see how they operate within ourselves. So I'm going to elaborate a little bit more on the subject of these qualities inside us. And so that we can, in other episodes may elaborate how this impacts our reality, our perception, and our capacity to relate to the world around us. 

So I attribute the feminine in men and women as our capacity to be intimate, interested in interconnection, it's emotionally led. It's the horizontal principle, relationships become priority, values being above doing, the appreciation of love, the fight for love, the anarchic, the spontaneous, the egalitarian, an interest in feeling, an interest in intuition, in linking, in holistic, in the here and now, in being embedded, it behaves like waves, soulful, earth, moon, dark, the negative, the night, the winter, the water, applying rules becomes less possible, because every person situation is different.

The feminine within is penetrable, able to be dependent. And whether you are men or woman it behaves like vulvas; opens, closes, in presence of lack of authentic love. It's circular, receptive, the scene, beauty, the erotic, sensual, hedonistic, it has been demonised and associated with evil and devil in our religious cultures. It's about fullness, complexity, diversity, communion, acceptance, forgiveness, tactile, involve, and chaotic. So these are the textures that I see very much wrapping our feminine experience. 

And by contrast, let's look at the masculine qualities, which we are all very familiar and we have most of us been educated to operate on the those influence. So let's take a look at the masculine qualities that it's operating within us all. So, the masculine within us loves freedom, consciousness, awareness, it's mindless, it follows the vertical principle, achievements are top priority, values doing above being, respects power, fights for power, structure, disciplined, hierarchical, interested in function, operates from logic, differentiating its analytical timeline, from past to future, loves to be defined, behaves like particles, rather than waves, its spritual, sky, sunlight, positive, days, summer, fire, systemization, codes, moralities, penetrative, independence and regardless whether you have a male or female body, it loves it behaves like a phallus, it hardens, it loves entering that which is attracted to whether it's a career, whether it's a study, whether it is another, it's linear active. It's the seer, strength, practical, austere. It has been defined and associated with good and God, emptiness, simplicity, oneness, expansion, justice, visual detach and audit. 

So this is the contrast from the feminine qualities that I've just named earlier. And the inquiry here is whether we can recognise in ourselves under what influence we are in moment to moment, or in different situations, what is operating within us. Now, it is important to know that one without the other is going to be in distortion. Because we need the equilibrium of the two of them. I remember once going to acupuncturist and saying to me, you got imbalance of your husband and wife and I said what and he meant my yin yang, masculine feminine were in this array, and funnily enough, so it was in my own life in my own relationships. 

So, how are we going to explore this? How are we going to bridge so that we can start our day and continue our projects and our vision in a way that that is this inner marriage, this husband and wife interconnectedness, and I feel only when this happens within we will start to feel the word which can be highly misunderstood, which is to honour, to honour the other, to honour the men and women in our life, to honour the individuals that are bringing a mixture of these qualities or mainly are settled for one aspect of the forces of the universe, whether it is masculine or feminine, and whether they are repressing or not connected with the other side. We don't need to fight or polarise them, but to understand that that's what their inquiry is right now or what that's where they are identified. But for ourselves, my inquiry is to look at this possibility of marriage of communion within ourselves. 

And my discoveries so far in relationship to work, relationships, money, everything, all the main aspects of our lives becomes less conflicting. And a beautiful dance begins to appear with the other as we stop polarising them or enter the games that will happen if there isn't that inner marriage. And in the next episode, I like to speak about this conflict. What happens when men or woman are in what I call the immature feminine, and the immature feminine happens when there is no masculine on site within themselves, and what happens to the individuals which they are polarise on what I call the immature masculine and how they operate into their worlds into their relationships. And how this can bring a high level of stress, anxiety and disturbance in our environment in which it has been the case so far. And if we look at our history, it's filled with this persecutor victim, an absence that occurs when these two great forces of the universe, they are not in communion, in honour and in flow within ourselves, and therefore, within our environment. 

So beloved listeners, looking forward to the next episode, in which we will explore something much more tangible and recognisable, that operates in our lives, and the possibility of bringing that which we longed for in our relationships, in our bodies, in our work life, and in our expression, into all we create. Thank you for listening.