Authentic Ecstasy

014: Between the Agony and the Ecstasy

Elisabeth Serra

In this episode I share with you an invitation to go beyond the endless agony and longing cycles within relationships that our personal and collective conditioning lays us bound to. Looking at the possibility of communion of masculine and feminine within ourselves, can bring us to another level of expansion of consciousness which is beyond the survival, persecutor, victim dynamic we've been focused on for millennia. We can begin to enter this place of honour; honour of oneself,  of one another, of the planet, and our ability to relate and share the richness, fullness, and creativity that is already within all of us.



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Intro & Outro Music by Boe Huntress

Podcast Art by Billy Fox

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Facebook: Authentic Feminine Ecstasy

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Intro & Outro Music by Boe Huntress

Podcast Art by Billy Fox