Authentic Ecstasy

016: The Right to Pleasure

March 23, 2022 Elisabeth Serra

Pleasure and pain are inherent in our life experience. Like anything in this reality, there is a continual contrast of two poles; day and night, yin and yang, pleasure and pain and so on. This is how life displays duality. However, when one seeks pleasure outside of oneself, fears or avoids pain and creates division of these two forces; it can make our relationship with these two poles very challenging. This dynamic can lead to a generational accumulation of contradiction between these natural processes, and lead us to inherit unfelt pain, becoming our personal and collective trauma. When we allow the energy of pain to flow in our bodies and our attention to move to the pleasure that is already within; we can deepen connection with ourselves and other, and reconnect to our innate pleasure and erotic power.



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Intro & Outro Music by Boe Huntress

Podcast Art by Billy Fox

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Intro & Outro Music by Boe Huntress

Podcast Art by Billy Fox

Welcome to the authentic feminine ecstasy podcast, a place where we explore our innate intimate freedom. And in this episode, I like to be exploring with you the right to pleasure. 

So what do I mean by that? Let me share with you what I've discovered over the years of being in silence in the mountains, in the Himalayas, where I spent a long part of my early life. And what I discovered there was that as I was focusing on experiencing consciousness, divine pulse, vibration, whatever words we want to put around that, and tangible reality, as I focused into that, and allowed it to come into my body, all the way down to my route to my frontline, I felt an experience of pleasure. As I sustained that it became blissful, it became ecstatic. So that was a very important time in my life, because I had nothing much not even a radio to distract myself, and certainly not all the screens that we have this days. I had just nature, very simple room where I lived, and animals around me, I used to go to the village maybe once a week, to get my provisions. And in that emptiness, in depth, nothing happening in a way in which we usually would describe, you know, our life is full of distractions and events and activities. I began to notice that when I was opening, to receiving this spaciousness, this silence, this frequency in my body, was the gateway to fulfilment, and to fullness. And that has informed all my life to today. And I feel that is one of the experiences that has allowed me to go through all the different stages of development later on in my life, of learning about the shadow and the psyche, and patterns, and all sorts of things and my traumas, whatever it was, this underbelly, this ground of pleasure, never really left me. 

And as we know, the mystics throughout time, they talk about their ecstasy in their bodies, as they're open to the Divine, to the intangible. And this is what I mean, by our right to pleasure is something that's inbuilt in us. And the reality is, that in this world of contrast, in this world, where we are in a culture of high speed, and consuming and coming out of ourselves, to gain what we need, at every level, this experience of pleasure becomes overlooked, or it becomes something for the mystics or something that is out of reach. And this is what I want to open here today. That is actually inherent in us to feel pleasure. Hence, our desperate need to find pleasure out there. And if we look into our lives, we are coming from an emptiness from a void that needs to be fulfilled and we become consumerist. We become ready to consume just about anything. And of course, some of us we have our preferences, which they become our addictions, to fulfil temporary this emptiness, this hole, this something is missing.

And that engagement with life, needless to say, and in today's times that we are living, it is obvious that is leading us towards destruction, destruction of the planet of our own bodies of one another, because we are chasing pleasure. And the more we chase, the less we actually can feel pleasure, feel satisfaction, I'm just thinking about that song back on the 70s, I can get no satisfaction. And that's a very common place in us all. So how would it be that we began to turn towards this experience of the void of this emptiness, which I talked about in my earlier episodes, and rested in there for a moment and allow through the senses, to feel our insights, to feel the pulse that is there in the body, without having to become a sage or mystic or meditator without it being something that is a big deal. 

So let's, for example, right now, as you're listening to my voice, and maybe you are sitting somewhere in your home, driving, what would it be like if you allow the sensation rather than focusing on getting something or trying to understand or have an opinion to what I'm saying, but just allow the ear to experience sound as vibration. And your body, your hands may be touching part of your body, or resting with one another, or your bottom on the chair or your feet on the ground, or the smells of the light tones? The gateways to perceive life, which are the five senses. And that's how we decode vibration. Through these gateways through this, five senses that we call, taste, smell, sight, touch, hearing. So what I am inviting us right now, not something that we'll do, and we'll try later, to just allow and fall into this silence into this spaciousness, and allow the sensations that are coming to come into us, we don't move out, we receive them. And we rest without having this compulsion impulse to move out, to reach out to go further. To get something. And to allow this breath that gives us life to happen. To let the breath occur, to not try anything but just receive. I remember someone told me once, what about if life is all about receiving and yet is the hardest thing for us to receive. So that is this challenge this defence against being allowed to receive life as a form of frequency in our body through the senses right now.

And I'm here and you're there somewhere in this massive Cosmos. And we're connecting through this words through the sound. 

And I'd like you to notice, if there is any part in your body that begins to vibrate, even if it's just the tip of one finger. 

And allow this vibration to keep pouring in is almost like we are opening for the cosmic intelligence for the cosmic dust to pour into us, all the way down to our lower parts of the body, to our groyne, to a sacrum to our hips. Not to look for any sensation. But the sensation  s already there. There is a buz. There is a pulse. And that's what I'm referring to.

So let's continue with the inquiry as you listen to my voice and receive what's here between us and allow it to just happen as vibration in the body.

Well, what about pain? What about all the pushing and shoving and all the energy that's out there in our daily life? And what I like to say about that to displeasure I'm talking about does not exclude pain. Because in this reality, as we all know, we have this continual contrast of two poles, day night. Pleasure, pain, pleasure, pain, good, bad. There's always this contrasting forces that we're playing with. And that's part of life display of duality. But my question is, when we enter that play, and we exclude pain, we fear pain. And we want pleasure. It just simply doesn't work. What happens is, in that exclusion, we repress certain sensations. And that's so deep in us, that when we get something that we call, we don't like, have that there is a memory of pain in the body, we take it to our mind, and our mind, that can't feel begins to churn this energy in a way that creates us suffering. It goes endlessly into circuits of thoughts. That brings us to a place of painful past, collective personal trauma. And once we are there, we've lost our connection. 

What I'm saying is that pleasure and pain are inherent in our life experience, the division of the two, and this lack of the underbelly of feeling this ecstatic energy, this frequency, this pulse in our body, makes our relationship with these two poles, very challenging. On the one hand, we are seeking pleasure outside of ourselves, and that makes us come from a place of lack of desperation. And on the other hand, we avoid pain at all cost. This dynamic brings us to generational accumulation of startling contradiction of these two natural processes of being here being a human being with a body. And what happens is that we begin to avoid this vortex that we have inherited of unfelt pain. That becomes trauma, personal collective trauma, which is the process of not allowing the energy that we call pain to flow in our bodies. But the mind takes it and creates a whole set of beliefs and defences, which are self perpetuating of that very pain we try to avoid. And if we think back about the experiences in our lives, that we are well defended inside ourselves, and that we fear to recreate, they keep happening. We keep ending up in this same places that we want to avoid, without actually feeling the root of this avoidance, but more the tension of the pushing away, and the mental torture and the words that we tell ourselves or about another, to defend from that pain.

So that's one cycle. And the other one is this desperate, need to have pleasure. As I said, it is a natural inherent within us. But in order for that, to be felt, we need to come to embody, we need to allow the cosmic energy, the frequency, the vibration, the energy, whatever the words that we are, to come and settle, and be felt in the body. And with this, allowing this pleasure, that eventually it becomes bliss and ecstasy as we allow it to stay in there. We come into the world with a sense of power. Now, that's a strong word, power. The power that comes when we feel full insight is not a power over is not a power that want to abstract something from someone, or from somewhere, but rather, a power with because when we feel in pleasure, and we cannot remember those moments that for whatever reasons, we felt a sense of fulfilment inside. There is a confidence that is a sense of being in one's potency. And we don't have to make ourselves bigger or smaller, to get the pleasure we want. Because let's face it, we all along to be in a state of pleasure, of satisfaction of fulfilment, because it's part of being alive in this planet is part of our innate inheritance of being cosmic creatures in this body. And that doesn't exclude pain. Both are two sides of the same coin, that allows us to expand and become more and more of who we are. So the beauty about this possibility of stepping out into the world, not us hungry, helpless or potent individuals that are going to get their way with the world and consume into the world, leaving behind a trail of debris. And this debris, this disaster landscape that we leave in the wake of our insatiable desire desires is what is leading us to distraction. Not only because we are eating up all the resources, and we are trying to feed a bottomless well desire, but also because we are relating to one another in ways that we become objects to consume to take something from another to feel displeasure, which is, again, our birthright. 

So the question and the inquiry is, what would it be like for each one of us to take time to allow this attention to move into a pleasure that is already within, to open doors within ourselves in terms of how we move our bodies, our diet, our dialogues, that allow this energy to settle to be felt in the body, and then step into the world, with the spirit of sharing our fullness, and in there, that is enormous amount of creativity. And it makes me think, of children's play. That play that comes from a sense of spontaneity and bountyfullness in their expression. And they're sharing like, the river of creation that is in them, to flow towards another. And us as adults, when we feel this fullfilment and the cap is full, not because we've got many things, and many friends and more likes in Instagram, and money and houses, and more possessions. But when he comes from this, allowing to be poured in by this magnificent mystery by this, I call it the cosmic intelligence. When we come from there, magic happens. And here is what I want to bring the word the erotic, when the energy of this pulse comes through the lower parts of our body, that is a wild untamed play, that's beyond morality, beyond boxes of what is wrong of what is right of what you can do, what you cannot do with another and the boundaries. All this takes its own place, as each person comes from their own fullfilment and share their pleasure that is in them. And that we can begin to talk about the erotic, and how do we share that. And this is something I like to bring in these episodes that follow maybe with interviews with other people, the what happens with the erotic and how the repression of the body and the embodiment, that we come from, has led us to this poverty and to this fear about sharing our wild erotic nature with one another. And the whole system of constrain and again consume and discard the connection and powerful exchange that happens there that creates life. The explosion that creates life that creates not just live in terms of babies, but live within our bodies, regeneration, renew. 

So there is a whole area here in which I feel us this times of potential change and transformation were invited to look at which is this right to pleasure, this beauty of having physical intimacy with another, this exchange of eroticism that brings us not to shame not to division, not to place of dissatisfaction beyond the moment of excitement with another, but rather, a place in which we come together. And we drink from the well of life inside us and it brings us closer to ourselves. Not a loss of self, but more fuller sense of ourselves of our power of our vulnerability of our receptivity and our intelligence that we all have, but actually gets diminished in our way. We seek connection and pleasure through this escape from the source that lays within. And I feel again, and I've mentioned this in other episodes, the imminence of the times were in, that are begging for change. Change in the way we think, in the beliefs that we have inherited, and in the way we walk into this precious earth that provides us with everything we need. So beloved listener, let's continue opening doors and reconnect with our innate pleasure and our erotic power.