Authentic Ecstasy

017: Embracing Love and Freedom

Elisabeth Serra

How can we share innate pleasure and erotic potency within our current structures of marriage, commitment and relationships? If we feel we are sacrificing or compromising a deep part of our human nature that yearns for discovery and expansion? In this potent episode, I share with you what I feel is a very timely and worthwhile inquiry. Within the structures up until now we have had to choose between freedom and security. As we move away from this perception and see that our journey is more about bringing the divine, intangible consciousness into the body and living our experience on Earth, where all the different aspects of who we are can be exchanged; we can experience more beautiful, creative, fulfilling and freeing connections that honor and respect all parts of who we are.

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Welcome to the authentic family next to see podcast, a place where we explore our innate intimate freedom. And I feel quite excited, exhilarated and vulnerable to be sharing with you today, what I feel it's a worthwhile inquiry. 

So on my last episode I completed by saying the possibility of sharing our innate pleasure, that pleasure that is in our body. When we allow the cosmic intelligence, frequency, we are the energy we are the consciousness we are to come all the way down into our body. And from there sharing coming into the world with that pleasure with that fullness within, and the potency of our erotic power, which is our sense of aliveness. 

So from here, the question arises, of how we to share this innate pleasure and Erotic Potency with our current structures of marriage commitment, and relationships. So this feels like a sensitive subject for us all. And I like to open this inquiry with a very simple reality within our human condition, which is that we have two impulses in our human psyche. One is towards security, safety, structure, containment, and the other one is towards freedom, adventure, discovery, going it solo, some bringing those two impulses, which are innate in all of us, because within the structures up until now, there seems to be a compromise a sacrifice. And again, the gap between those two drives within us, our compromise are split in some way. Either we have security and we don't have freedom, or we have freedom and we don't have security and all what security brings the love, the cosiness the sense of safety and belonging and protection. 

So how are we going to move on and bring those two drives into the same basket. And as I'm opening the subject, I am feeling to share my experience I had last week when I was in London, and I went with my daughter to a planetarium. And we were shown the night sky and the movements of the stars and the galaxies, which is absolutely beyond our limited mind intelligence. When we look at the dimensions, the light years, the absolute infinite of birthing and dying stars and galaxies. And what's obvious is that the universe is continuously expanding and contracting. And as I began to look at the human condition, and our short visit on planet Earth seems to be moving as well towards expansion and contraction, it being our breath, it being our bodies, it being the movement of consciousness itself. So we are continuously expanding and evolving and leaving behind what is no longer serving us and being integrated to the next movement onwards. So if we look at our consciousness up until now, it's been based on survival, what I call survival consciousness. And its main goal is been towards safety procreation, security, tribe, protection, defence of what ensures our survival. And if we look at our history, we see that the whole colonisation of the earth and how people began to structure themselves was to ensure that they survive against all the odds of nature, or the animals and our neighbouring tribes.

And key to that infrastructure is the forming of the family. Family being the nucleus of what will stand the community, the people that we belong, and we protect, and we procreate with. And it's very important to see that how it was essential for us. As we began to inhabit this planet we're in and began to find ways of surviving. The question now, is this basis of survival consciousness, still, what we need and where we are? Or have we reached a place that dose values and those beliefs are now ready to be shifted, questioned and expanded into the new? So we see that up until now family has been the pillar of society and unfaithfulness or any deviation from that it is any task been a threat and frowned upon, as it challenges that essential nucleus of safety and security? So the question again, is, is it up to date this structure? Is it still serving us, or we no longer need to find our bond of belonging and love through that belief system that has accompanied us and serve us up until now. And if we see what's happening today, is that it's slowly but surely cracking, and marriages don't hold. Three out of five marriages end up in divorce. And new ways of thinking have been and are being explored, like open marriage, open relationships, polyamorous. And this is a time in which we see that we are searching and looking for another way of being together. And some people are beginning to talk about soul families rather than blood families. And we're no longer in proximity to our birth place and close to our family of origin. People are travelling and moving. And distance seems to be the way the world is getting smaller. And we're expanding in all directions. So how are we to lean to what is wanting to be born structurally, without losing the values of love, commitment, honour, and all that brings us so much beauty and comfort? Without it becoming a sort of loose, free for all and liberty to use and shift people and relationships and become inclusive and become even addicted to sexual promiscuity and ending up in a emptiness and in an isolation of the soul of the heart? So this is the question I like to bring to us all. How are we to listen to what's wanting to be birthed? And linking it back into my last episode, the question is; if I am coming from a place of fullness, if I am caring, loving for all that I am that includes my inheritance. That includes my emotional psychological inheritance full of beliefs and all structures. And my emerging an emergent capacity to bring attention to my body to embody who I am to open to my feelings to allow the new to come through. As I'm becoming more integral and authentic and self reflective. My walking into the world won't come from a place of lack of emptiness, of more consuming the surroundings so that I can be alleviated from the anxiety of this emptiness that keeps us feeling lonely. And I always define loneliness as a state in which we are conscious of the loss of another. And the next step, if we fully allow this to happen, is aloneness, which is another way of saying all oneness, which is the presence to ourself. 

So as this presence to ourselves begins to become visible to us, and embodied in our energy field, then we will naturally feel more connected and more able to receive and give love, which is not an act of giving and receiving, but more an effortless occurrence, when we actually move into our lives, undefendedly. So again, not so much with that survival consciousness that we need to defend and protect, and we don't trust, but more from a place of opening and, and surrendering and willing to experience life, because one is anchored enough and safe enough to feel the root, to feel the mother, that I was talking in earlier episodes. 

And what happens then, is that that is an organic, authentic sharing of different parts of ourselves. Like it could be from a mental exchange communication, to a more emotional, to a more spiritual or physical with another. And each one of us that we meet each and each person we meet, brings us a thread, an alchemy, a completion and an expansion of what we're becoming. So we don't need to create kind of limited fear for contracts, in which all he does is it keeps us safe, from all of the un-felt of our ancestral line that was there, given the structures we had for survival. 

So we are the generation to open to those feelings to that discomfort of jealousy, threat, fear, what's gonna happen with my bond, if I respond to this situation to this person, because I feel the call is not coming from lack is coming from expansion from the truth of the moment. And we don't need to sign papers at the church or any congregation or official place that makes it legal that makes it watertight. That belongs to a survival consciousness and there is nothing wrong with that. My question is, are we readying to something new, and perhaps is inquiry and this kind of premise curiosity that's in the air, this sexual freedom that's coming through, in men in women, this hunger, after long lived repression of the body of the erotic of the sexual assault was seen as a lower basic drive that kept us away from God. So as we move out from this perception, and we can see that our journey is more about bringing the divine the intangible the consciousness, down into this body, and live our experience on Earth, where all the different aspects of who we are, can be exchanged can be fulfilling, beautiful, creative exchanges with one another, that awakens us rather than leading us to fear to right and wrong to be based by a moral code that really keeps this sense of safety on the one hand, and freedom on the other, way apart in a state of non reconciliation.

And this is the inquiry, this is what I feel passionate about. And I can see a movement in the new generation carrying this dilemma in their hearts. It's like, it's not that there is fear of commitment, there is a longing to be honouring, respectful, loving, of the deeper capacity to bond with one another. And at the same time, not put each other on a cage and throw the key, but trust the other individual that needs to be in their own unique inquiry, and discoveries. And when we restrict one another from that freedom, while we see what's been happening, people do it underground. People lie, people contort themselves and into shapes so that the other won't be hurt, and therefore won't be angry with them. And they will end up alone or abandon. So we stay all in situations that no longer serve us. Because of that fear. And that infrastructure inherent in us, that tells us, you got to be safe, you're going to end up lonely. So is this what I'm saying that marriage commitment is outdated, it's something bad and wrong. And that no longer serves us. No, that's not the point that would be going to the other extreme, but more the union of these two drives within us. And as we become closer to ourselves, and we begin to open to the honesty of one another, and the true capacity of intimacy, intimacy, this capacity to be vulnerable and honest and be seen in all our soft spots by another leads naturally, to a love that is allowing that is freeing, that is encompassing of the journey of this other individual needs to take to arrive and to see himself herself in all that he or she can be. And that's when we bring this intimate freedom, this possibility of love and freedom in the same basket. 

And my question, and my experience so far, is that our love and our relationship become more respectful, and more honouring of one another. So beloved listeners, at this point, I would love to have your opinions and your questions and your inquiry. So please feel free to write your reviews and your questions on the Apple podcast. And we can carry on opening this timely subject of how can we create love and freedom in our bonds with others. And also I'm looking at inviting other people to share their experiences and how they are bringing this into their lives. Thank you for listening. And let's continue.