Authentic Ecstasy

018: Authentic Love Can't Exist Without Personal Power

April 06, 2022

Love is an easy word. But if you’re not in your power, and I am not in mine, then it cannot arise between us. So love is not lovey-dovey. Love must be preceded by power. What is power? Power comes through vulnerability, through repeated and consistent vulnerability. Through the willingness to be naked, to risk all, to stand and be blown away by the winds of life and death, we enter humility, and equality, and simplicity - and love.



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Intro & Outro Music by Boe Huntress

Podcast Art by Billy Fox

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Intro & Outro Music by Boe Huntress

Podcast Art by Billy Fox

Hello, and welcome to the authentic feminine ecstasy podcast, a place where we explore our innate intimate freedom. And today I like to share with you about love, love as an energy that we have all felt in our bodies. And we have been moved and transformed by it. And in this episode, I like to focus on this word, not us the love that we pass to one another. And we pay lip service to, a concept, a memory, but the actual energy of love. And for me, authentic love cannot exists without personal power. So what I'm saying is that love is an easy word. But if you are not in your power, and I am not in mine, then it cannot arise between us. So what I'm trying to bring to our attention is that love is not a lovey dovey thing, a sweet field feels that we feel comfortable, and we feel accepted, kind of kindness and acceptance of one another. Yes, of course, these are byproducts of love. But I feel that authentic love must be preceded by power. 

And what do I mean by power? Wow, it's it's a difficult word, isn't it? It conjours so many things in our psyche and body. Because we've seen so much abuse of power. We have seen so much split between what we call power and what we call love. And as far as I've come to see, power comes through our willingness to be vulnerable. Yes, our willingness to be seen in our vulnerabilities repeatedly and consistently. First of all, by ourselves, that willingness to be naked, to risk all, to stand and be blown away by the winds of life and death, that are constantly here with us. Moment to moment, we enter a humility and equality, a simplicity. Okay, so let's be all vulnerable than we may say. But I like to bring us back to an episode I did last year, called playing with our smouldering ashes. And there I go into the possibility of making friends with our fire, our fire, that is our power, which is our clarity, our dignity, our integrity, our focus, our will, our capacity to make choices, from our internal knowing from our unique place, a unique voice that we know is the voice to follow. And for most of us, because of this split of power and love, because we know power, without love, it's abusive, it's violent, and it destroys not with the natural cycles of life, of creation and destruction that we see in nature, but more from a place of fear of absolute, non belonging and isolation within ourselves.

So what I'm talking about in this episode, is this power, this power with integrity, this power that can and is included in vulnerability is buried in our historical rage in our historical anger of our beginning in this world, and environment that treated us in a way that we felt less than received. And we felt controlled, manipulated, abandoned, and not served in the way we were hoping to be served, so that all these elements, all these energies within us, as I talked in other episodes, our Earth, our belonging, our root, our fire, our wheel, our choice, that is not tampered and made to be submitted to another in submission to another. And we talked as well about the fire, the capacity to feel and flow and our capacity to be uniquely and personally connected with a mystery in the way, we can only make contact with this cosmic intelligence we are. 

So again, here, I like to focus on this fire, on this God's given aggression, that without which we wouldn't be here still survivors on planet Earth. But when these aggression turns into a smouldering ashes, it's hidden and repressed in our history, it becomes cold or hot violence towards ourselves, through our mind, through the conversations we have with ourselves, on not so much conversations, but kind of voices that continuously diminish us, and judges us or towards others. So this energy that is trapped, this anger, this rage that is trapped in our bodies, makes us feel unsafe. And in that unsafety, we can't risk being vulnerable, we can risk being visible in our soft spots, in that which we feel insecure and wounded in our lives. And we can't be with the woundedness and hurts of others. So here is where the intimacy and the love that is this alchemical energy of two souls, two individuals to cosmic powers, that we are meet one another. And then we have the magnificence of power coming through us and exchanging it with another. So what am I saying here, that in order to open to this vulnerability, which I call it power, and I've made this union of these two words, which usually we see them separately, which is vulnerability and power, and I call it vulnerpower. So to be in this vulnerpower, we need to be able to unleash the repressed anger that we carry towards our past, towards other people, towards our exes, towards all that has been and done before, that we felt we couldn't voice our truth other than from a place of persecution, or the from a place of blame, in which we were right and the other one is wrong, or that remains within ourselves, if it was not expressed.

And I don't know if you notice, for those of you who've been listening to my podcast that my voice is slightly husky. And that is because I've been in a weekend with other women which want to explore their fire, I do this initiatory journeys that last a year and a half, in which we go through each element and unleash the distortion and open to the clarity and to the pristine beauty that is within us within each of the elements. And this weekend we were playing with the fire. And in order to release this energy, we need to go from the mind - the mind anger which is this judgments this constant regurgitating of words which are keeping us in a small fearful place. So that's the anger in the mind. And then there is the emotional anger, the anger that's in our emotional body, that we feel such a contraction in our heart and in our belly. And it agitates us. And it brings us to deep unhappiness, anger, rage, frustration, irritation. And then there is the anger that is lodged in our bodies in our muscle, of not having been able to release that which has happened historically to us, and still resides within, it's like, we didn't find the way to move it through to shake it out, like animals do. If an animal is almost hunted by, by a predator, and for some reason that predator does not continue with the killing of the animal, and the animal can set himself or herself free. They shake and shake and shake, till they're free from all the adrenaline and chemicals in their bodies, before they run, friskly and free back to their herd. And we don't do that. We don't even cry to release the chemistry of our hurt. Well, at least some of us, we don't cry. And if we cry, we cry from attack of the mind to sort of judgmental mind that makes us cry. And that's not the tears, that frees us to the moment again. So this anger in the body is lodged in our muscle. And that's why it is so wonderful to be able to go to the gym, or martial arts or dancing. And we free up some of this energy, and it feels like we return to life. So how about consciously bringing the body to a place of physical fight, in which we actually explore the edges of our fear of fighting with another of being able to feel the aggression that we can have towards other people through the cold mine, but in our bodies. So this weekend, we've been preparing in our bodies to find that aggression in our muscle, and what best way but wrestle with one another, finding a way of creatively, consciously with respect to meet one another in this physical fight, that some of us enjoy watching in television, in films, this combat with one another. So we have been combating we have been screaming and shouting, and doing all the things that we see out there that are done unconsciously.

And what's most surprising is when we go to that place in the body, especially for women, which is more of a taboo, to have physical fights. It brings us into a place of safety, into a place of confidence into a place of willingness to be vulnerable, because I have met my edge I have met my fear. And I have detoxed from some of the layers of this historical frustration in the body, of having received physical abuse, violence, and especially again, in woman's body that we are the ones who give birth and life comes into us and we just state life and we give birth to life. So is almost our bodies has a biology that says it's okay for you to be penetrated. But what if this penetration is without consent? True consent. And for most of us in our history, we don't know what that is. It's more like an compulsion or responsibility or something that we have to do as women So finding that choice in the body, finding that power in the solar plexus in our hearts in our wombs, that can discriminate from what is a yes? And what is a no, around what we allow in? And how close do we want the proximity of others to be in relationship to our bodies. And this is a moment to moment choice is not just, Oh, I know that person so they can come close. No, it's a live thing. And that's our personal power. And when we hold on to that personal power, and we release it from the historical repression that's in there, from not being able to creatively bring our yeses and our nos, that power becomes the door to our vulnerability. And as we are able to enter this vulnerability, then the possibility of being close to another in all our shades of grey, and all our shades of light. And being able to be close to another becomes a reality. And in there, we feel the love that we all yearning for and that we're all hungry for. 

So beloved listeners, I love to continue looking at this theme of relationship and our relatedness to one another. That seems to be what I'm on a roll right now. And I like to begin to focus on to sexuality. And as I said, on my last episode, I like to begin to bring other guests that help us to look at different angles on this subject of love, sexuality, relationship, the erotic. And also I'm interested to hear your questions, your needs of where would you like us to focus on this dialogue of intimate freedom? So please feel free to leave us questions and your feedback and your responses to what we are dialoguing here. And I look forward to being with us all on the next episode, which I'll be talking about sexuality, perfection, and how can we be more authentically thriving from our physical connection with one another? So thank you for listening, and I'll see you in the next episode.