Authentic Ecstasy

020: Putting Down the Mask to Recieve Life

Elisabeth Serra

How can we enter situations we dread, with more softness and receptivity? Without our defences coming up? When we walk into situations and circumstances that feel hostile and unwelcoming, we naturally tend to defend ourselves from the possible judgment and attack that could be coming our way. To protect our vulnerability, we can often fall into the 'prosecutor' and 'victim' states. In this episode, I share with you some of my own personal experiences meeting this edge and open the enquiry of what it would be to risk taking off this armour. With the power and strength that is inside you already, trusting in cosmic intelligence and the ground beneath you, let yourself be led into the magical day that awaits you in every moment.



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Intro & Outro Music by Boe Huntress

Podcast Art by Billy Fox

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Intro & Outro Music by Boe Huntress

Podcast Art by Billy Fox