5 Minute Chinese 五分钟中文

我在美国和车的故事 My Story with Cars in the US

March 01, 2024 The Lone Mandarin Teacher Episode 132
我在美国和车的故事 My Story with Cars in the US
5 Minute Chinese 五分钟中文
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5 Minute Chinese 五分钟中文
我在美国和车的故事 My Story with Cars in the US
Mar 01, 2024 Episode 132
The Lone Mandarin Teacher

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Hello everyone, welcome to the latest episode of "5 Minute Mandarin." Today, I want to chat with you about my experiences with driving in the United States. As you may know, having a car is essential in most parts of the US, unlike in China where I never felt the need to drive. Upon moving to the US, I relied on public transportation and walking, as my first city had good infrastructure for both. However, when I found a job in a smaller town, owning a car became necessary. So, I decided to learn to drive, bought a used Toyota Camry, and practiced with friends and instructors. After some preparation, I took the driving test and passed, although there was a small mishap where I accidentally drove my car into a ditch. Luckily, kind locals helped me out, and I made it to my exam on time. This experience left me grateful for the generosity of others and taught me the importance of community support. 

Hope you like my story. Due to the length of the passage, please email me if you would like a transcript of this episode. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me. 

Wish everyone a very nice day!

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Show Notes Transcript

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Hello everyone, welcome to the latest episode of "5 Minute Mandarin." Today, I want to chat with you about my experiences with driving in the United States. As you may know, having a car is essential in most parts of the US, unlike in China where I never felt the need to drive. Upon moving to the US, I relied on public transportation and walking, as my first city had good infrastructure for both. However, when I found a job in a smaller town, owning a car became necessary. So, I decided to learn to drive, bought a used Toyota Camry, and practiced with friends and instructors. After some preparation, I took the driving test and passed, although there was a small mishap where I accidentally drove my car into a ditch. Luckily, kind locals helped me out, and I made it to my exam on time. This experience left me grateful for the generosity of others and taught me the importance of community support. 

Hope you like my story. Due to the length of the passage, please email me if you would like a transcript of this episode. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me. 

Wish everyone a very nice day!

Support the Show.

It's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.


那毕业了之后呢,我就找了工作。找工作之后是在外州,是在另外一个比我上学的城市小的地方。那这样的话呢,就一定需要车了。所以在我的毕业前的一年吧,我就开始准备学车。当时买了一辆旧的丰田的凯美瑞,然后雇了教练带我开了两三次。还有朋友带我开了车练过,然后我请他们吃饭作为补偿这样。因为我之前在国内虽然没有特别地学过车,但是还是摸过车的。所以跟着教练啊,朋友啊,练了几次以后呢,我就可以去参加考试了。在美国像我去考试的话呢,就是需要过笔试。那这个是我在跟朋友啊教练练车之前就要通过的。拿到learners permit(学员的这个临时证)你才可以上路练车。就是真正的路考呢,是在所有这个之后呢,你要去预约。然后旁边会坐一个考官,然后他会告诉你:从停车位出来,然后上路左转啊右转啊,看你有没有在轨道上停车啊之类。所以呢,我就去考试了,然后最终还是通过了。



