Rise and Run

120: Rise and Run Rewind: We Don't Talk About Bruno's Princess Bib

January 11, 2024 The RDMTeam Season 3 Episode 120
120: Rise and Run Rewind: We Don't Talk About Bruno's Princess Bib
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120: Rise and Run Rewind: We Don't Talk About Bruno's Princess Bib
Jan 11, 2024 Season 3 Episode 120
The RDMTeam

Grab your Mickey ears and your running shoes as we zip through the laughter, debates, and drama of Disney runs. This week, the Rise and Run Podcast team welcome you to a vibrant celebration of all things Disney and running.

Prepare to pick sides in our latest episode as we toss around controversial opinions like hot potatoes. From tipsy trips on EPCOT's Figment ride, to the Fastpass versus Lightning Lane debate, we're not holding back. We laugh, argue, and even unite over our love for Disney snacks while bemoaning the all-too-common smartphone fixation at the parks. And if that's not enough to pique your interest, wait until you hear our guest Misty recount her real-life 'who-done-it' moment with a race bib thief at runDisney—an adventure that proves sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction.

As we cross the finish line of this episode, we raise our cups—runDisney beer cups, to be precise—to the stories that bind us. Remember, every mile is magic, and every runner has a tale. Let's run this world together.
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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Grab your Mickey ears and your running shoes as we zip through the laughter, debates, and drama of Disney runs. This week, the Rise and Run Podcast team welcome you to a vibrant celebration of all things Disney and running.

Prepare to pick sides in our latest episode as we toss around controversial opinions like hot potatoes. From tipsy trips on EPCOT's Figment ride, to the Fastpass versus Lightning Lane debate, we're not holding back. We laugh, argue, and even unite over our love for Disney snacks while bemoaning the all-too-common smartphone fixation at the parks. And if that's not enough to pique your interest, wait until you hear our guest Misty recount her real-life 'who-done-it' moment with a race bib thief at runDisney—an adventure that proves sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction.

As we cross the finish line of this episode, we raise our cups—runDisney beer cups, to be precise—to the stories that bind us. Remember, every mile is magic, and every runner has a tale. Let's run this world together.
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 Rise and Run Links
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Speaker 2:

3am again. Why did I ever think this was a good idea? Welcome to the Rise and Run Podcast. Join our group of Run Disney Friends. As we talk about running at Walt Disney World and beyond. We'll discuss recent runs, training, upcoming races and surprise topics suggested by you, our listeners. Well, the alarm's gone off, so let's go.

Speaker 1:

Greetings, my friends. Welcome to episode 120 of the Rise and Run Podcast Friends. I'm Bob and I am here this week with Alicia Hello. With John hey how you doing. With Ally, hi friends. With Greg, hey, hey, hey. And with Jack, hiya, in order to make this work so that we can be with you on these race weekends. We are recording segments of these episodes out of order. So for this episode, we are going the bulk of the episodes going to be a rewind. We're going to revisit the episode where we don't talk about Bruno's bib, a very popular episode.

Speaker 1:

We hope you enjoy it. If you haven't heard it before, we know you'll love it. If you have, hey, give it a shot. And if you enjoy the podcast, please share us with your friends. Introduce them to the podcast, especially after these last few weekends. I'm sure there are friends that you've met and made over these run weekends who would love joining us here in the Rise and Run Family. Tell them about it. They can share their journey with us. Please remember to follow us on Facebook at Rise and Run Podcast, on Instagram at Rise and Run Pod, Check out our YouTube channel and visit our webpage, riseandrunpodcastcom. You got a question, a comment. You want to leave us a race report or introduce an episode, call our hotline 727-266-2344. Leave us a recorded message. Okay, friends, let's see what we can do.

Speaker 1:

Looking at our training schedule, as we typically do, to get things kicked off Well, first of all, if you're doing any of the Disneyland runs, you know what your training schedule is. You're there, you're doing them. Good for you, congratulations. All the hard work it is coming to an end. Those of you that were in Disney World last week, in Disneyland this week, congratulations. Hope you're having a great time. Let's look forward just a little bit for Princess Weekend, which is now just six weeks away. We are in week 12 of that training schedule and if you're doing the challenge, you got to double up a three mile walk and an 11 mile run walk. If you're doing the springtime surprise and yes, once again a little sadness, we're talking about the last race of the season already You're doing the springtime surprise. We have 12 weeks to go to that race. We are in week four of that training schedule and your long run is a five mile run.

Speaker 5:

Hi guys, you know, like Bob said, it's Disneyland Race Weekend. We've been waiting for this for a really long time. It's gone for a few years and now it's back. So, with that being said, you know that Lexi and I meaning Jack hello are going to be there for Disneyland Race Weekend. We're running all three races and we're going to be teaming up with Kristen from the Dopey Strong Facebook group and we're going to be doing that on Thursday. So this recording comes out on Thursday. So we'll be meeting today between the 12 and two by the expo, which is going to be kind of close to the Goofy's kitchen area. If something changes, we'll obviously let you know on Instagram. Other than that, what's planned is going to be around that time and in that area, so we hope to see you guys out there.

Speaker 1:

Awesome, Jack. I hope you have a great meetup and I hope you have a lot of fun and I'm excited to hear all about it. Hey, maybe you can do a Facebook live while you're there, so we can.

Speaker 5:

I could you know I would do it.

Speaker 1:

I think we'll have to talk about that. I think that would be fun, really neat.

Speaker 3:

So, jack, a lot of us haven't been to Disneyland. Have you ever been before?

Speaker 5:

I've been three times now and I can't wait to go back. It is literally one of my favorite places in the world. It's just something unique and indifferent about it, you know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, it sounds awesome. So I know a couple of us have gone to Disneyland and some of us haven't, so I'm curious, jack, what's your favorite thing to do there and what are you most looking forward to?

Speaker 5:

That's so hard, ali. I look forward to everything, but I mean, you guys know I'm a huge Avengers fan, so Avengers Campus, I want to go to Pim's Lab and I want to get that chicken sandwich and the Tater tots, because those are fire. I will get it a few times and not be ashamed of it. It might actually get two at once, you know.

Speaker 3:

Just one in each hand.

Speaker 5:

That's why you have two hands.

Speaker 3:

So, speaking of favorite things to do, I think some of us have some hot takes we want to talk about, of things that maybe are people's favorites, that aren't our favorites.

Speaker 4:

I think that Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railroad is overrated and not worth the wait.

Speaker 5:

Oh, you didn't even say that, john, you're laughing.

Speaker 4:

That's not real, no, no, I'm a bigger fan of a great movie ride.

Speaker 8:

Nothing can stop you. But I do like the Mickey's Runaway Railroad.

Speaker 3:

Oh goodness, that song is the best All right, John, I have questions.

Speaker 2:

That crushed my heart. The first is what movie in the great movie ride is still relevant enough to make the great movie ride a must ride attraction Aliens, which came out in when 1979.

Speaker 4:

I just I like the end scene, that whole montage, that whole movie montage.

Speaker 1:

It needed updating it did.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

But they have a bird that juggles at the end. It's just, and there's a I don't know. It's just too. It's too good.

Speaker 2:

Now I will say this though I was listening to a Disney history podcast a couple of years ago and if this would have happened I would have been right there with John. Apparently, in the original concept art for the great movie ride, the scene where the Indiana Jones scene was actually supposed to be Ghostbusters.

Speaker 5:

No, it wasn't.

Speaker 2:

And the reason why the temple was built the way it was is because that was going to be the final scene, with Gozer on top of the apartment but right out of right from underneath them. Universal got the theme park rights to Ghostbusters and they had to change it. So if Ghostbusters would have been the great movie ride, I would have been right there with you, John.

Speaker 5:

But it's not insanely cool.

Speaker 2:

I'm glad Mickey and Minnie finally have their own attraction.

Speaker 5:

I didn't never knew that.

Speaker 2:

The more you know.

Speaker 5:

I know as the as the MBC graphic goes across every once in years.

Speaker 8:

I have one and I know people are not going to agree with me, but I don't like Magic Kingdom. Oh, okay.

Speaker 1:

That was a people I'm not expecting that.

Speaker 3:

I was expecting like a ride or something, or.

Speaker 8:

I'll go there, but it's it's my least favorite park.

Speaker 3:

It's, it's hot, it's filled with children and all of the food is is like fried. So it's like it's hard for me to like hang out there all day. It's like sugar and then fried food. So I get like really tired really quickly and I turn cranky. But Tron is like that's true.

Speaker 8:

I did enjoy that yeah.

Speaker 1:

I think it's pretty, it's nostalgic and I love seeing the castle. But I get where you're coming from to a degree. There's not. We tend to back in. I tend to just kind of walk around and then leave.

Speaker 5:

Wait then, alisha. What's your favorite park? Now I have to know my favorite park is Epcot.

Speaker 8:

Okay, I can respect, has been since I was a little kid and, yeah, I love the countries and learning about different things.

Speaker 3:

So, well, that kind of goes along with mine. So my hot take is that I would rather pass on the metal pictures in front of the castle, and I think Animal Kingdom is the best place to take metal pictures. That's my favorite park, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

But also it's like shady and like I don't know. The natural colors behind you tend to like make for like a soft picture. I don't know it just kind of it. It looks really good and usually you can find kind of quiet spots. There's not a bunch of other people in your photos and so I don't know. I like taking the metal pictures in front of the castle and I get that. But like Magic Kingdom was not my favorite, animal Kingdom is my favorite to take.

Speaker 1:

Not sparking a lot of outrage with that one, Ali no.

Speaker 3:

Okay, all right. Yeah, I thought that would be a hot take, but I think we're all on board with that.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's not my favorite park, but it's a good park.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Here's I'll give you my race related. I could care less about the metals. People are upset, that they chip, or that they don't move, they don't spin. I mean, I like them, but if Disney ran races without metals, I'd still do them, hmm.

Speaker 8:

I don't know if I would do without metal.

Speaker 1:

Don't mean that much to me yeah.

Speaker 2:

I've gotten that vibe from you, bob, though you know in the past, you know whenever we've had our metal conversations before you know, it, you know again. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but you know, usually you know we had these, these long-witted conversations and then, and then you usually chime in yeah, they're nice.

Speaker 1:

That's about it. Now. It may go back to when I first started running in the 1980s. We didn't get metals period, unless you won, maybe. Uh well, first of all I wouldn't know, but maybe at some of the events the winners got some kind of recognition, but there were no finisher metals at all. But even so now don't get me wrong I yeah, what did I say, greg? Yeah, they're nice, they're nice, they're on my wall. I love having them all on the wall. But again, there's it's a lot of excitement when the metals are released and I just kind of shrugged my shoulders. I don't really. I don't really care if they spin or move or light up or, because once they're on my wall they don't do any of that stuff.

Speaker 3:

So that, is a hot take.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I don't give any new ideas to Disney.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we should say things like I could do without the like Disney brand shirts, that's my hot take.

Speaker 5:

I think the figment ride is fantastic drunk, especially with the end scene, it's just like it explodes and you're like in a whole new world, like, I don't know why, like, and the crazy thing is I don't drink really.

Speaker 4:

I don't drink I don't even drink that much I was going to ask how many beers deep is this?

Speaker 5:

I don't drink beer. I don't like it.

Speaker 3:

I usually like honestly my, my limits usually about two at most you get the fruity drinks with the light up ice cubes in them. I do that seems more your speed.

Speaker 1:

Me too Jack.

Speaker 5:

So two fruity drinks in pigment is the best ride at Epcot, yeah almost the best ride at Epcot and it's just like I remember riding it for my first time and it was like I think it was my 21st birthday and I remember going on and I was already I started in Mexico, so that was problem number one and then I went on that and I just, for the first time ever, I just blew my mind. I just can't, I could see that.

Speaker 4:

It is kind of psychedelic now, you know, with the neon colors and everything upside down. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

I mean, granted, like I said, I don't drink very often, but I do find it funny. If you are drinking around Epcot, I think that would be a great experience if you like to try.

Speaker 2:

All right time for my hot take and I don't think this is controversial by any means whatsoever. I know there's some people that love it to death, but I think the whole concept of Fastpass or lightning lane should be abolished.

Speaker 5:

Thank you. Okay, yes, hold on, you guys hold on. This is a very aggressive thought for me, sorry. Thank you, greg. Thank you so so, so much for saying that. I used to be a cast member and, although I think the fast-passing plus system is is nice as a guest, as a cast member, if the ride goes down, there are so many issues and then you're focusing on the people that bought the lightning lanes Rather than, like you know what I mean. The ratios change of how many people as an attractions cast member that you can bring in fast pass versus standby and I just the lines would move so much faster if there were just no, no lightning lanes and no fast pass. Truly.

Speaker 8:

I agree to a certain extent. I liked fast pass because it was free, but I don't like that. Some people are just getting to like have that privilege of paying more and getting extra things. That makes me sad, because some people can't do that.

Speaker 4:

I like the old fast-pass method too. If you're going back to that too, because you let's, let's book your fast pass, you know three months in advance, whatever it was. Oh, you know what? I booked a fast pass on test track. Guess what it's pouring that day. Oh, nothing's happened in there. Oh, you can't have another fast pass someplace else. But you know what? They're all sold out, so you can't go anywhere else. So you can always change your plans and not to worry about when you're at with your fast passes.

Speaker 2:

So the reason why I have this quote-unquote hot take is because I Remember I mentioned this a couple months ago, but I was down in Disney for the canceled marathon weekend of 2021, when the parks had just reopened, and at that point, you know, they decided that, you know, fast pass or I can't remember if lightning lane had been introduced by then.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, oh no so everything was just a standby line and it was just so refreshing to see that grant. I understand that at that point they were capacity limits because of COVID and you know and there was, you know, the physical distancing markers and stuff like that. But the fact that everyone was on the same level playing field and the fact that the lines were always moving there wasn't this whole you know, move forward for two minutes and then you're stuck in the same place for 10 and also made wait times seem a lot more reasonable to you know the fact that, like what? Probably that trip the longest I waited for anything was maybe 35 minutes for seven dwarfs mine train, because you know there wasn't, you know so many people going to lightning lane. I just the grant. I understand it's never gonna go away because Disney makes a ton of money from genie plus. So again, I know this isn't a realistic hot take, but if they could just get rid of the whole system I think it would make everyone's lives so much simpler.

Speaker 3:

I like lightning lane because I don't like to Do many rides. So I like to just know that, like I'm gonna do my three rides or whatever, and then the rest of the time I'm gonna eat snacks, like.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to wait in the line, but not the sugar snacks in Magic Kingdom.

Speaker 3:

No, I definitely get like every flavor of Dole Whip when I'm at Magic Kingdom. Yes, you do and I get a lafous brew.

Speaker 1:

Well, speaking of Dole Whips, had it once, don't care if I have it again or not.

Speaker 9:

Didn't hate it.

Speaker 1:

Didn't hate it but don't know what the big deal is.

Speaker 5:

Oh do I? I do not know whatsoever. Do you guys like pineapple?

Speaker 3:

Sure, yeah, I like pineapple a lot and so that's why I like it. Fresh pineapple is wonderful, yeah, I like. Well, I wish it had like I like the pineapple juice one, because I feel like that one is more refreshing to me, then just like the regular ice cream Kind of like the metals.

Speaker 1:

I'm not a hater, but I just don't know what the big deal is. It's ice cream with fruit. Now you talk ice cream with pickles whole different story.

Speaker 2:

Don't give Disney any idea. Well, I already did that great.

Speaker 1:

The pickle milkshake yeah, I.

Speaker 5:

Have a person I don't like being on my phone in the first place. If I'm on my phone, it's probably because when I'm checking emails to from my agent or work or whatever, I don't really like being on my phone. With that being said, I really don't like the Disney apps. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

I will use it yeah.

Speaker 5:

I'll use it for, yeah, wait times or whatever, but I just don't. I remember when I was a kid and people actually Enjoying their surroundings, but now, as in this current era of sorts, it's just like everybody is on their phones and it's just kind of so disappointing because there's so much to look at around you that Disney now has you kind of be so glued to your phone for everything you need to do. That just takes away part of that magic for me.

Speaker 8:

I agree, jack. Even at the restaurants when they want to, when you would normally check in with them, now they want you to do it on the app. And sometimes it's just nice to interact with the person and to not have that anymore and they're like just do it on the app. It's kind of disappointing I.

Speaker 5:

I miss the interaction you know what I found out about the hotels is my parents were actually talking to one of the front desk people. They're trying to make it so now that you, when you ever you check in or check out, everything's done on the app, they're almost trying to get rid of the front desk people at the hotels, which I find completely ridiculous. Everything is done through your phone and I Think that's honestly Disney, if you've really seen. That's absolutely horrible one. You're getting rid of jobs and to like not everybody is glued to their phone.

Speaker 3:

The other thing, too, is that you were mentioning about like being taken out of the surroundings. It's not a hot take or anything, but I got one of the new magic pans and I immediately went back to my old magic pan, because every time I would be walking around it would start, it would like haptic buzz and I would be like, oh no, I'm no longer like looking at that, I'm like taken, taken out of it.

Speaker 3:

And I'm like yeah like what notification I'm getting. And it would happen like all around the whole park, or like while you're watching the fireworks, all of a sudden your arm would start buzzing. I don't know if anybody else feels that way about those, but I kind of wasn't into it.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I never got one.

Speaker 5:

I would definitely wish they brought back, like the glow of the show ears, but with the wristbands it's making you forcibly look down at your wrist to then look back at the show makes absolutely no sense. I'm like. I would rather spend $25 on a wristband. That's all I need, versus $50 on a wristband that just lights up, oh cool.

Speaker 3:

Plus, the app like drains my phone so quickly that sometimes, when I leave it on, I look down and it's got no battery life left after just like half an hour or something.

Speaker 8:

It also takes away from the inclusivity of like what if some people that don't have a smartphone want to go and then they're not able to make the reservations, or even anybody that doesn't have the most up to date phone? The Disney app doesn't work, and I just feel like that takes away from the experience because they're not going to be able to do everything that everybody else can, but they do have the guest experience tents and stuff like that to help people if they don't have a phone, but it's very phone centric.

Speaker 5:

My parents hate being on phones. They don't like to do any reservations.

Speaker 3:

I wanted to mention a hot take that I know is probably going to tick off a couple people in the room. I think dinosaur is a terrible ride.

Speaker 1:

It's going away, isn't it?

Speaker 3:

It just jostles me and I end up with like a neckache afterwards, isn't it going?

Speaker 8:

away. That's my favorite ride.

Speaker 5:

Seriously, I just like favorite rides.

Speaker 4:

And John, you really like it too right, that's the best ride I've ever been on.

Speaker 2:

Because I remember I finished Bird in Hand. John came to cheer and that was the same day as the destination D23 event where all this news started dropping about the updated concept art. I'm reading this to John Diane and to David Bennett. So I'm going through this blog Mickey article and I just see John's face turn white. I was like I'm like did I just say something to upset John? And he's like, yeah, the dinosaur is one of my favorite rides. And I was like, oh no, I just crushed his hopes and dreams.

Speaker 5:

I tell you what. John Alicia, if you guys because I ain't going to invite Ally on this one when it's his last day. I'm going to marathon that. I'm going to literally pick a vacation just to go do that.

Speaker 3:

Maybe I just need to ride it with someone who loves the ride so I can see what they love about it.

Speaker 8:

I know every word and I just I love it so much. Right, left, left, left.

Speaker 5:

You're not going to make it Made my boyfriend sing he can come in and ride. No, I can too.

Speaker 2:

For Alicia's birthday. I'm going to get her a t-shirt now that says not our dino. I love it. I had mentioned this this hot take a couple of episodes ago and I really miss harmonious Again. I am beyond thrilled that those tacos and that Avengers end game. Portal is is gone.

Speaker 2:

Stargate, stargate is off of the world showcase lagoon. But my God, I was. I was just listening to the soundtrack a couple of weeks ago and, as the kids like to say today, all of those songs slap, I mean they, they, I mean they. There's some bangers in there and what what's great about it is that I think harmonious did, and you're, I understand there are people out there that are like, oh, there's too much. I, I pee in the park and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

But but that show was such a good job of mixing culture, language and Disney movies and I thought it was really really well done. I think if you would have never had the barges, there would have not had been so much visceral hate for that show and this is coming from a guy who will die on the sword of illuminations, you know, three times on Tuesday. But yeah, I really miss that show Now. Granted, I understand we are recording this one a little early and I have not had a chance to see luminous yet, which I hear is kind of like a mashup between illuminations and harmonious, so I'm going to reserve judgment on that, but yeah, I, I miss harmonious.

Speaker 3:

I'm with you on that. When the Starbucks was there, I sat at the Starbucks and watched every single time, cause it was a great viewing area, I miss the Starbucks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, never mind, never mind, hot take, hot take.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I really like where.

Speaker 1:

Starbucks was before. I kind of do too, but that's new, that's okay.

Speaker 4:

My hot take is I think they never should have closed down alien encounter Interesting. I barely remember it. That ride was so terrifying to people, it was great.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's true. I don't. I think that was before I ever went.

Speaker 2:

When did it close down? It goes way back. I never wrote it yeah.

Speaker 4:

And the makeover to Stitch was so cheap and crazy it was garbage. I probably about when did Stitch come out? So around that time cause they, they, they took the alien out and made Stitch the new alien. It's one of those rides like where people are crying coming off the ride in Disneyland because they're scared. So that's kind of a oddity in the Walt Disney World Parks.

Speaker 2:

All right, I just pulled it up. Alien encounter opened in June of 95 and closed in October of 2003.

Speaker 3:

Well, speaking of aliens, I wonder how many of our friends and listeners that we've alienated with our hot takes.

Speaker 2:

What is Segway Alley?

Speaker 4:

We get yelled at at race weekend.

Speaker 3:

Yep, yeah, so luckily this is after Disneyland comes out, so they won't see us until Princess.

Speaker 2:

Maybe for the first time ever, we'll get Ryzen and run hate mail. We'll see.

Speaker 1:

We'll see. It's gonna be fun. You guys get a break, because I think I'm the only one's going to be a princess, and let us out until then. So they'll be throwing tomatoes at Bob and stuff like that. They'll be throwing Dolwits at me probably. It's all good, it's all good.

Speaker 2:

Well, gang, that was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed learning that Alicia hates the magic kingdom, loves dinosaur all at the same time. Yep, I can't wait for someone to deliver a bouquet of Dolwits to Bob. That's just gonna be great. But we're going to hop back at our Mandalorian real quick for this rewind to chat with our friend Misty, who had a very unfortunate incident happen to her during the Princess Half-Marathon weekend in 2022. And the reason why we selected this as our rewind is that, since this weekend is the Disneyland Half-Marathon weekend, one of the figures of Disneyland races was the famous Patty Pan, who used to steal or dr bibs all the time, and unfortunately, a similar situation happened to Misty. So we want to replay this very eventful interview for you now.

Speaker 2:

You know we spent a bunch of time talking about Princess, but we think we still have one more story to cover, so the one thing that we didn't get a chance to talk about on last week's episode of our Princess Recap was, I remember oh gosh, I can't remember if this was Friday morning or Saturday morning I was scrolling through my Instagram feed and I start seeing all these posts about Bruno from Incanto and Run Disney, and with a four year old at home and I've been watching that movie at least three times a week my interest was peaked, so I started doing some digging in terms of what exactly was going on. I only saw part of it, but, and apparently there was maybe some bib stealage or something like that. So we're actually fortunate to have Pamela and Ali back with us right now. Ladies, did you hear anything about this story while you were down there?

Speaker 7:

Yes, I had seen a post on, I think, one of the Facebook groups that I was on and I saw a picture of somebody running and they had a smiley face across their face and so I was like what is this? And I started looking at it and it's this really long, dramatic story about somebody's bib getting stolen and it was just riveting. So my roommates and I followed along and kind of scrolled through all the comment section and everything and it was just really interesting, like how it played out.

Speaker 9:

I was completely unaware of anything that was going on until I got back, so I don't know anything about it.

Speaker 2:

Well, so here's the thing I mean. Obviously, you know there was this incanto reference about. You know we don't talk about Bruno, but if we were to make a correlation, I think we have our version of Mirabelle. Join us here on the podcast. Misty, welcome to Rise and Run.

Speaker 6:

Yes, Hi, thanks for having me. I'm glad to be here.

Speaker 2:

So before we get into the saga and the drama that was your Princess Weekend, give us a little bit of background about yourself and also your experience with Run Disney.

Speaker 6:

Sure, I ran my first Run Disney race in 2016. Star Wars the inaugural Dark Side Half Marathon, Dark Side Forever and said I was one and done. And now I'm like 18 Half Marathons in, I've done. I think that Sunday's Half Marathon was my 15th Run Disney half and my 40th Run Disney race overall, because I've also done 14, 10 Ks. I've only missed one of those and then a smattering of five Ks and two Marathons because I don't know, I make poor choices sometimes.

Speaker 2:

So I guess we'll start where any good story starts. We'll start at the beginning and, you know, give us the origin story of this and how it started at the Expo.

Speaker 6:

I got to the Expo a little late. I'm from Denver and I always try to fly in the day the Expo opens.

Speaker 6:

Although probably not anymore, I think I'd just like to get there right when it opens, but I get there so kind of in a rush. It's like three and everyone's been there since the morning. So I go and I get my bibs and we go in and we get our shirts and we do a little health and wellness Expo and we come outside and I have a history of taking pictures in front of all the standups the metal standup pictures, those that are on the way to the merch. So I set my bag down to take a picture of a group of people and I don't pick it back up. I'm 95% sure that's where I put it down, because I've looked back at my photos and I can see it around my arm at the Expo and not at the 5K standup. So I think it was there and we did five and ten and a half and went in and challenged. And then we went inside and I realized halfway not even inside the merch room yet I didn't have my bag. And the bag had my two race bibs, 5k and challenge, my shirts and my run Disney beer cup, which I know a bunch of people on the Facebook groups were like oh, tell us about the cup. Did you get your cup back?

Speaker 6:

I did not spoiler alert, but it was one of the original run Disney cups not even the wide world of sport spear cups and I never bring it back because I'm always such a paranoid like I don't want to drink before I run or after I run or I don't know why. So I was like this time I'm letting it all go, I'm going to have a drink. Well, that thwarted. So I send my husband back, or he actually offers to go back and he's like I can't find it. I'm like what, how, how could that be? So I am a little panicky, but I feel like we're at Disney, it's fine, this is a bunch of runners, this is a good community. So I go outside and I look, and I look, and I look, and I look and I can't find it. So I go to runner relations and see if it's been turned in, and it had not been. And the woman who I spoke to is like well, you know, we can just read. You know, cancel out your old bad bibs and give you new ones, which I thought was very generous of them. And I said why don't we just do the 5k? Because I'm sure it's going to turn up right.

Speaker 6:

Infinite faith in people at that point in time and we laughed me and this woman because she had been in Disneyland. I think Wednesday was 2017 when Patty Pan happened, right, so she had been there and she'd seen it and was a part of it. She mentioned like ha ha ha, not outside the realm of possibilities, but we'll give you a call when it comes right, because neither one of us thought that was something that could happen. So I just take the 5k bib, I run the 5k, everything's great, right, I get back to the expo because they haven't called me and I want to go to the parks and I don't want to. I don't want to wait anymore for them to call me.

Speaker 6:

And I show up and this woman says, oh, we just called you and I was like, yes, and she holds up a 10k bib. But I'm like no, it's not my bib. I had a challenge bib. So she's like all right, well then, you're going to have to talk to the woman you talked to yesterday. So, as I'm waiting for her to finish up with another runner, I decide to look up my bib number my old bib number on memory maker and, lo and behold, one single picture. To this day, only one picture has shown up. He only made one mistake, but one picture shows up with a gentleman wearing my bib. He's got a t-shirt, a jacket, some sort of clothing, article of clothing covering it, so you can't see my name or the bib number. But he was busted because there's also that bib number on the side and it kind of peeked out long enough for a photopath photographer to save the day and find the picture. So, yeah, that was leading up to how, leading up to the 10k, which was the big, the big show, the big day.

Speaker 2:

Somebody give that photo pass photographer a raise, you know, and you can send him a fruit basket too. Let's flash forward now to the 10k, where the infamous event happened. Walk us through that.

Speaker 6:

Sure. So when we get to the gather area which I never know what to call, like what is the corral? Not the corrals, but, like you know, the stage and the bleachers and the beer tent that's not open at three in the morning and all that stuff. So we get there and we gear check and I'm like looking around, right, because at this point we know this person is here, I've been given a new bib, everything's good. Oh, we're walking into the 10k.

Speaker 6:

This is the important part. And I open up my race tracking because the night before it still had my name associated with my old number and I noticed in Run Disney, on a Run Disney Facebook group, someone was like, oh, we've got the number, we can track them. This morning I'm like, no, no, no, wait, that's me, that's my actual race number. Please don't pull me off the course, please don't think that I'm the bib thief because it's my bib. But they took my original number and they changed the name to Bruno Madrigal, which I thought was great, and then, under like where they were from, it just said we don't talk about right. And it also said ineligible for scoring, because I knew they'd be dequeued, right. So that I saw that on there and I'm like, oh, I'm going to see if they start today. And so we had it open, and I also had one of the balloon ladies on there because I wanted to see exactly when the race started. I know that some people were doing dead last start, but I only knew that for the full. So I'm like here the half rather dopey, so I'm checking it out the whole first couple of miles of the race. Right, I don't see him in the crowds before we start. None of that. Someone did, though, which I found it after the race and took pictures of him. So the good thing is that, had we not found him Saturday, hopefully we would have found him Sunday. But so we're on the course.

Speaker 6:

We see that the balloon ladies have started no, bruno, and so my husband and I talk about it a little bit and we're like, oh well, you know, maybe maybe he just decided, oh, my picture's there, I'm not going to run, and we figured that was the case until mile five. Right, it was almost exactly at mile five. So there is like a photo op with I want to say it was goofy and Donald on the grass at beach club, and so I'm like, oh, I'm thinking of stopping, but I'm not really, because I'm like I was. Just I was kind of over it at that point. I was a little like emotionally drained, but I was fine. So we're going and I look up and on the back of this bright green shirt is my bib. And I was like what, like that's him and my husband's like what, I'm like that's the big thief and he's like what? And these, these girls next to us go, you're the girls. I'm like I did more big thief priorities. So I run real, real fast and my garment tells that tail to, I'm not going to catch up with him because he's like I'm five, five. I'm not very tall, he was at least six, he was a tall person.

Speaker 6:

So I run to the Disney security right near the, the character stop and then some bike I think they were medics so they really couldn't help but bike people and so I tell them like that's a big thief, you can see him, he's tall, he's got the bib on his back. No photo passes, pictures, rather. So he runs away. I can't catch him. But we hustle to the end of the race Because I don't want him to get out of the metal banana area right, which is now forever going to be the metal banana area in my head. We don't want him to get out of there with without being caught. So we're hustling.

Speaker 6:

We come around the corner from the Epcot ball backstage. Right before you take there's a left, there's a security office. And you take a left, it's got all these weird cages, I don't know, and to go towards the shoot right. It's the final stretch of almost every run Disney race and my husband looks up and says oh my God, he's right there. He's right there. And I look up and there he is right in front of us like five feet, and so I shout and he's got two headphones in so he can't hear a single thing. So I'm like that's the bib thief.

Speaker 6:

As I'm saying that, I look to see who can hear me say that there's like an orange county cop. On this corner there is run Disney security. On this corner there are race officials. The race director was there, like they were looking for him. They had apparently pulled another man off the course who fit his same description moments earlier, who I hope had a good story and not a bad race my gosh, poor person. So the good news is they took it very seriously and they pulled him off the course.

Speaker 6:

After I said that I don't remember which one it was, but whoever it was, reached forward and grabbed him by the bib which is still one of the more impressive things I've ever seen and yanked him off the course. I was like this is satisfying. It should not be. But yet here we are Right, because at one point I said to my husband I just want him to know it was me Like full game of thrones, because don't steal my stuff, I just want like what. So they pulled off the course and he's like what, what's going on? I'm like you stole my bib, that's going on. And he was all like what? And security was like maybe stay over here. I'm like you're right, I'm yelling, you're right, you know little adrenaline. He stole my bib, all that stuff, and I think I said and my beer cup, because I definitely yelled at him about my beer cup, I know that, I recall that and he was wearing one of the race shirts too, which I was like oh, this is just a grievous.

Speaker 2:

I thought you were going to follow it up with. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.

Speaker 6:

You know, I really should have and I think if I have any regrets, it is that and also the fact that I had my husband's phone in my skirt, my run skirt, so he's like I couldn't record any of it. I'm really mad. I'm like, oh you know, because you know, had he made a recording, oh, it would, uh, the the absolute, because there is a recording of patty pan getting taken from the Start and it's just dessert. So he, they pull him off. He claims ignorance. I yell at him. They're like maybe stay over here, it's fine. We're like five feet away from each other, I'm not gonna hurt him, I'm 48. Whatever, he's looks like a kid. So they pull the bib off of his shirt and the run disney guy holds it up to the light and he's like blacked out my name with sharpie, um, but you can see things under sharpie. So the guy holds it up to the light and he goes this is misty. All right, there you go, you got him.

Speaker 6:

No, I was like I I'm glad I did, but at the same time did I like I didn't really want to, and so we, um, then he started, he, he realized that the jig was up and started just endlessly apologizing and um, at one point though he did try to make it like, try to say face that he said Well, you did just leave it on the ground and I was like and you could have returned it. And he was like, right, and so I spoke to them for a little while and they actually had showed me the bib when they took it off, and they showed me where my name was. So not only did he have it on his back, he had blocked off my name, but he had also taken my tracker off, so they had no way to track him on the course. So unless people had spotted him, either at the end of the the race at the 10k had we not found him or during the half, we never would have found him. It was the weirdest kismet that he was right there in front of us, um, I, I read in the same thread by one woman who said Um, that she'd seen him in the crowds that morning.

Speaker 6:

Somebody started the race with a dopey bib, dopey bib. So and and I, and in talking to run disney about this, there is still a decent amount of bib theft that happens, which unfortunate but true. So they take my name, they take my information. He keeps apologizing. I'm kind of ignoring him. Um, and After about 10 minutes I'm like can I just finish my race Right, please, and thank you. And they, um, were like yeah, you're fine, um, and he's like I'm really sorry. And I said I'm glad you are, I just wish you had made a better like. I wish you made a better choice and I hope you make better choices in the future.

Speaker 6:

I'm paraphrasing, but basically that and it was, um, one of the medical there was some medical personnel there too, um, and she found me on on instagram and she was like I felt I felt really guilty myself and I didn't even do anything. I'm like, well, you know, questioning your life choices is never really a bad thing. It's always good to reevaluate, but he just had a lot of reevaluating to do so. Um, I do know from that person that he was still there when the race ended, but after that, I mean, he's right from the security office. He was caught in a very opportune place, so I'm sure he didn't have to go very far. I did hear them saying the word trust pass, but others in that, you know, there we go. So he, so we are able to finish the race.

Speaker 6:

And, um, when I got back to my room that night, um, runt Disney had left me a very, very sweet care package that had like a corksicle bottle in it and a jacket and some magnets and which is funny, because I never get, I did it, merch, even for races. That I've done a million times because I, we, we Always say we do not tempt fate Right, so I never get. I did it stuff ever, ever. And the only reason I have a bunch for dopey Is because a friend got it for me at character um cast creations on a whim after 2020, so Just kismet again. So, yeah, so that's uh how to catch a bim thief. And run disney right, run disney did say to me um, in a way that they were kind of like we don't really know how to say this, but we don't know that we would have caught him if you randomly caught him. So I mean, hopefully that deters other people, like you got detectives on the course.

Speaker 9:

I uh was Witness to a situation like that at disneyland in 2017 with patty pan the, the gal who stole a bib at a bib pickup. She actually went and like Picked up the bib as if it was her bib to pick up at at runner check-in and, um, they took that very seriously. I, I crossed the finish line and I saw them catching her at the end of the race. So, run, disney does take it very seriously. I mean it's, it's not okay so misty.

Speaker 2:

Obviously, we don't want this type of situation to ever ever happen to any run disney runner, because I'm sure it Just provides so much stress into what, for some, can be an extremely Stressed for weekend. If god forbid this were to ever happen again, what advice or what steps did you take outside of Contacting run disney? You know what steps did you take in order to make sure that this situation Was rectified, not only for run disney, but also for yourself as well.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I mean, obviously they don't lose your bib, right. But if you do, go directly to run disney Um, if you're at the expo, still go to run our relations. They were fantastic Um and very I mean super helpful Um. All I had to do was show my id to prove that I was me and they looked me up and they found me and they found my race registration and they cancelled the old and they gave me new Um. I thought that was super, super kind. They honored my original corral so I didn't even have to go to the back of the pack Um, which at that point I would have been 100 fine with right. I'm just glad to that. I flew all the way from Denver and it's looking to run right. So go directly to run our relations, um. That's where lost and found is as well, um. And there's another lost and found in the front of wide world of sports. Don't go there because there's no one there ever, ever, like. I checked three times, not no one there, um. But do it as quickly as you can, um, and then just work with them right, um, but don't.

Speaker 6:

It's hard to say because it's such a dramatic story with such a good ending, but I think my biggest piece of advice would be let run disney handle it. If I had not told them about it and I had just tried to catch him on the course and had done like the same exact things Happened, that could have been a dangerous situation. Like I said, I'm 5'5. He was it easily over six feet, right, who knows what could have happened. It could have been dangerous. But the other thing I would say is Kind of feels like it's not, like it flies in the face of number two, which is the run Disney community is really amazing and by posting it in one of the larger run Disney groups on Facebook, they really rallied and I mean that with people were looking for him on the course. People found him in the corrals. So if it was really like an all eyes on deck and people were pretty respectful about the please don't say anything or try to intervene, but point them out to race officials if you see him.

Speaker 6:

But if you're in the middle of a corral, how do you do that? But yeah, I think that, leaning on the community that you have after you've gotten run Disney involved and you make sure that you, like I didn't I kept his face covered in pictures that I the picture that I shared because I didn't want vigil people can get really mean right in the face of like drama, because that's what this was like, this and so I wanted to make sure that, even though, like, we didn't know this person's story and it could have been he might not have known it was I mean, it turned out he did but he might have thought like, oh hey, from a friend, here's a bib Right, like we didn't know the whole story. So I wanted to keep people from doing that. So just protect yourself, get the right people involved and, you know, lean on your community.

Speaker 7:

You had to run to use. Somebody saw him and you had to run to catch up to him. Did you run like a PR mile trying to get there? Was it a? I know you didn't finish like you. They held, you had you for 20 minutes, but I'm just curious Does that help you run?

Speaker 6:

faster. You know you'd think I did, but it wasn't that long of a distance I ran until I ran probably really fast until I found the Officer, the security officer, because then I stopped to tell him the whole story kind of breathlessly, but I definitely had that. I've run faster than I should have for longer than I should have feelings I'm an interval runner. That being said, I can run comfortably like a 30 second, nine and a half minute mile, so it's not that far. Like I think I might have been cooking Until I came to an abrupt stop, but you know cook and nonetheless.

Speaker 2:

I think we'll wrap this up by with this last question of Give us your finish line experience in terms of at the end of each race, because obviously you went through quite the range of emotions over the course of this past weekend. So you know, maybe just give us like a little final recap of what was the feeling like after finishing the 5k to 10k and then and then the half.

Speaker 6:

So crossing the 5k was kind of. I was kind of in a state of like ignorance is bliss, because I still didn't know that someone had stolen my baby. In my mind it was still some sort of innocent. I picked up the wrong bag, right, because I'd taken that picture of those women and I thought, hey, maybe they just picked it all up, brought it to their hotel room, they'll bring it back this. So I actually went to runner relations at the race, at the information booth after the 5k.

Speaker 6:

But cross that finish line was, I mean, easily my best finish line photos that I've ever had. It run Disney, so that's a good thing. But it was fun, like I just I wasn't even really thinking about it that much after the 5k because in my mind it was just going to be either my people show up or won't, I'll just go get a new one, right. I never thought that when I put those numbers into memory maker that someone's face would come up. So that was good. And then the 10k 10k start was actually the hardest of all of them because I was like eagle eye, like is, like, where is he? Where is he right. But oh ask, nowhere. And the finish line was it was good, right, because we had just it wasn't even just that we had caught him on the course, we had 0.2 miles to run after, where we left him to the finish. Like you could hear the announcers, you could hear the whole time, right, it wasn't like I mean, we were like at the cusp of the finish, which had to also be.

Speaker 6:

That was kind of a mind mess for me as well. Like as a mom, I'm a little empathetic here. Right, he looked like a younger kid, like he was definitely sub 25, if I had to make a guess and, you know, made a really bad choice and to be there, like I let myself kind of get into his mindset. Right, like in his mind he had almost finished this race and somebody asked me a really good question why do you steal a race bib and run the damn race? Like because people are like does he want to sell the metals? Why does he? He apparently just one of the experience, like he ran these races, he ran six miles and that's gotta be hard, right, like you get to six miles but you don't get to finish, right, and even though he stole it all, that's gotta be hard, and so that I was, I kind of had that. Like that weighs on you a little bit right, because it's it's all adrenaline for catching them in this map, but there's a human factor there too, and I, some people were really like forget that and I'm like I know, but it's, I try.

Speaker 6:

One of the big things I've been working on is giving people grace, right, and I think that this is a situation where he could have caused serious harm and we don't know what his intentions are. And I mean, somebody brought up a good point. To get serious for a second, I'm from Boston. Right, I know I've stood across the street from where those bombs went off.

Speaker 6:

I had friends on the course that day the marathon starts the city over from where I grew up. I drove over the start line twice a week for my whole childhood, right, like I knew, when April was coming because the lines were finally painted. So letting people into restricted areas like that without permission has consequences sometimes and luckily this was not a really severe case where someone was a bad actor that we know of, and that's why, like I feel, like I it's I try to look at the whole human situation picture of that, but that all of that carried with me across the finish line. I was like there's a lot in my head right now. I'm really glad that my friend lent me her beer cup and I did have a post race cider. It was very good so during the half marathon.

Speaker 4:

I know I'd be going crazy the whole time on the look at any person that looked exactly like him. I'd be like is that him again? Is that him again? Was that your experience?

Speaker 6:

So that's a funny yes, even though I mean it was dark for over half of it for me, which was a lovely feeling, because I usually don't hit the castle when it's dark, so I like, as always, a happy day. But the back half there was. Sometimes I'd see a tall person that kind of fit his description and I'd be like, but I mean we thought we saw him at Epcot Sunday night, right like in the park, and I'm like, no, not him. But my husband got up and checked, right, so we were. We did kind of see ghosts of him, right, but not him. So that was the good part it wasn't actually him, but we did. We were still kind of head on a swivel.

Speaker 2:

So, misty, we want to take the time to thank you so much for coming on the rise and run podcast, but before we let you go, is there, you know? If people want to hear more about this story, or you know I've got forbid. They're putting the same shoes that you are and need advice. How can people reach out to you? Yeah, I.

Speaker 6:

You can find me. I am a twitch streamer. We I think I don't know that we talked about it on here, but I do stream on twitch. Twitchtv slash Imperial, just like the best faction in Star Wars. And you can find me everywhere else in social media, at Imperial girl grrl, because tank girl phase back in the day. If you want mostly running, if you're like, hey, I want to see what she's doing for running, that's going to be Instagram. If you want to hear me get a little mouthy, that's Twitter, and then Facebook just reposts everything that I do on Instagram. Tic Tac is really just where I make videos that I do not care about. That make me laugh Because, as a content creator who has to take a whole bunch of things seriously, I like to have a place where I can just be like I don't care how this does, there you go. Whatever I'm doing, some dance looks silly. Who cares? Leave you go. So yeah, on all the things.

Speaker 3:

I love that. I love that story. I think it was just a crazy event. I remember when it was happening, how we were following it on social media and I love that she had the whole scoop for us. So I hope everybody enjoyed that rewind.

Speaker 1:

Turns out, you knew Misty, didn't she? I?

Speaker 3:

did know Misty. That was the second episode that I was ever on and I ended up doing that interview and watching Misty and being like she looks so familiar and turns out we knew each other from roller derby back many, many years prior to this event happening. Pretty cool, yeah, it was pretty funny.

Speaker 1:

All right, friends. Episodes coming to an end. Jack, one more time for folks who are at Disneyland and listening, now when and where for your group meet up.

Speaker 5:

So, yes, if you are here for the Disneyland races, our meet up will be right outside the Expo, probably near Goofy's kitchen, between 12 and two on Thursday. Yes, on Thursday, sorry.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful, beautiful on Expo day. Well, I hope, I hope you have a wonderful turnout. That sounds great. Again, we look forward to hearing from you and hearing the stories and friends. Hope you're having a great time at Disneyland. First race back Congratulations. Happy for you that you're out there.

Speaker 1:

Okay, if you thought last week's was abbreviated, where do you hear this week's episode of the race report? Of course, the big event last week was the runs at Walt Disney World, but we did have one friend who signed up for an event not at Disney. That is Katie, who on Saturday is scheduled to run the St Louis Track Club Frostbite Series Race Number three. This one is a 20K. Hope you had a good time on that one, katie. All right, my friends, and if you run, you know you are our friend. That is it for episode 120 of the Rise and Run podcast. Big back to back. Weekends are over or close to over now, but we still got plenty to look forward to. Princess is still coming up, springtime Surprise and before you know it, we'll be around in the corner and back in Disneyland next September. No Zoom this week. Our next Zoom meeting will be Thursday, the 25th of January. Have a great time, friends, until we see you again. Happy running.

Rise and Run Podcast Episode Rewind
Controversial Opinions on Disney Experiences
Disney Experiences and Hot Takes
Lost Bib, Bib Thief at RunDisney
Bib Theft at Run Disney
Reflecting on a Unique Race Experience
Race Report and Upcoming Events

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