LDS Podcast "Latter-Day Lights" - Inspirational LDS Stories

Finding the Faith to Overcome Two Crushing Trials: Elijahly Betriolo's Story - Latter-Day Lights

August 25, 2023 Scott Brandley and Alisha Coakley
Finding the Faith to Overcome Two Crushing Trials: Elijahly Betriolo's Story - Latter-Day Lights
LDS Podcast "Latter-Day Lights" - Inspirational LDS Stories
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LDS Podcast "Latter-Day Lights" - Inspirational LDS Stories
Finding the Faith to Overcome Two Crushing Trials: Elijahly Betriolo's Story - Latter-Day Lights
Aug 25, 2023
Scott Brandley and Alisha Coakley

Overcoming one major trial is hard enough - but what happens when you face two major trials almost back to back? How does that affect your faith?

In this episode, Elijahly bravely shares his experiences of missionary work in the Philippines, the challenges he faced, and the unexpected turn his life took when he was sent home.

Then just a few years later, he became deathly ill - being hospitalized for 4 months. Fortunately and miraculously, he was able to beat the incredible odds against him and go back home to his family.

Listen in as Elijah recounts his journey of recovery, finding his unique conversion story, and drawing strength from the small miracles in his life.

*** Please SHARE Elijahly's story and help us spread hope and light to others. ***

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Also, if you have a faith-promoting or inspiring story, or know someone who does, please let us know by going to and reaching out to us.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Overcoming one major trial is hard enough - but what happens when you face two major trials almost back to back? How does that affect your faith?

In this episode, Elijahly bravely shares his experiences of missionary work in the Philippines, the challenges he faced, and the unexpected turn his life took when he was sent home.

Then just a few years later, he became deathly ill - being hospitalized for 4 months. Fortunately and miraculously, he was able to beat the incredible odds against him and go back home to his family.

Listen in as Elijah recounts his journey of recovery, finding his unique conversion story, and drawing strength from the small miracles in his life.

*** Please SHARE Elijahly's story and help us spread hope and light to others. ***

To WATCH this episode on YouTube, visit:


Also, if you have a faith-promoting or inspiring story, or know someone who does, please let us know by going to and reaching out to us.

Scott Brandley:

Hi everyone, I'm Scott Brandley.

Alisha Coakley:

And I'm Alisha Coakley. Every member of the church has a story to share, one that can instill faith, invite growth and inspire others.

Scott Brandley:

On today's episode, we're going to hear how one young missionary found that prayer, coupled with the faith to keep going, helped him to face some of life's unexpected challenges. Welcome to Latter-day Lights. Hey everyone, welcome back to another episode of Latter-day Lights. We're so glad you're here with us today and we're really excited to introduce our guest El ijahly Betriolo. Elijahly, how are you doing? I'm doing good.

Elijahly Betriolo:

How are you guys?

Alisha Coakley:

We're good, great, a little sleepy on this Sunday but, that's okay.

Elijahly Betriolo:

There's a reason why it's the day of rest.

Alisha Coakley:

That is very true, Awesome. Well, Elijahly, welcome officially to the show. We're super happy to have you and to hear about your story today. I know that you had reached out to us and I've been asking everybody. I don't know why I do this all the time, but I just love hearing how our guests got in touch with our show. So how did you come across Latter-day Lights?

Elijahly Betriolo:

Well, it was actually when I'm in the hospital. I've been in so much pain and everyone kept telling me and I know for sure that it's going to be very effective to listen to. Before I found you guys, I actually listened to a lot of music from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir so they calmed me. Like I forget that I'm feeling pain. And then I was searching on Spotify for a podcast and then you were the first one that I found and I'm so happy because I was able to get through the toughest moments when I was in the hospital because of you guys. So just really thankful.

Alisha Coakley:

Oh gosh, it just warms my heart. Wow. Well, we're so glad that we could be there for you and the other guests that we've had could be there for you. Even though we didn't know, we were there for you.

Scott Brandley:

So in your mind we're already friends, right yeah?

Elijahly Betriolo:

I feel like I've known you my whole life because I've been in the hospital for so long.

Alisha Coakley:

I'm so excited for whatever Christmas gift you get for me.

Scott Brandley:

Well, I'm going to look forward to it, awesome.

Alisha Coakley:

Well, Elijahly, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Elijahly Betriolo:

So, yeah, my name is Elijahly. Every time someone asks me to introduce myself, I always start why I have this name. My parents named me Elijah because of Prophet Elijah. They were so inspired by what he has done and then they were thinking that it's kind of still common. So my mother's name is Jocelyn, so there's an L-Y for the last three letters, and my dad's name is Willie, so they put in the L-Y to my name so that they're always with me.

Elijahly Betriolo:

And I feel like whenever I ask them why would you name me like this? I'm the only person that has this name and they were so cheesy that of course, we wanted to be with you throughout your life. And I realized that when I grew up but so I grew up in the church I was pretty much been, you know, going to church like every Sunday, never missed a Sunday because our whole family, our members. I grew up I mean, I was born and my parents are already members and then I studied biology in college and started working in a call center industry back in 2014, so also handling US accounts.

Elijahly Betriolo:

So, that's pretty much my.

Alisha Coakley:

Your background the background my story.

Scott Brandley:

Well, I was saying before this, before the show your English is amazing. Thank you, Appreciate it yeah.

Alisha Coakley:

Yeah, that's awesome. I'm always so jealous of people who can speak more than one language, because I can't even speak my own language very well. I mess up all the time.

Scott Brandley:

So it's just so inspiring Awesome.

Alisha Coakley:

Well, and so you. So you're from the Philippines and you are living where now, in California.

Elijahly Betriolo:

I'm in California now. I just moved here last September, so I haven't been here for a year.

Alisha Coakley:

Okay, gotcha, and now are you single and looking. Do you need me to hook you up with some girls?

Elijahly Betriolo:

I'm single. Later on, you would I'd be very much proud to tell you guys why I'm so single right now.

Alisha Coakley:

No problem, well, awesome, very, very cool. Elijahly, I'll go ahead and turn the time over to you. Why don't you share your story with us?

Elijahly Betriolo:

Something is on my show, Alisha. So earlier this morning, before I like prepared to go to church, I decided to like kneel down on a very sincere prayer, and I know this podcast is going to happen today. So I was like really nervous, like guess, this is like the second time or, I believe, like the third time, I think that I'm going to tell my story to someone that's pretty much a stranger in a way. But, like what I've said, been listening to you guys for months, and so I was thinking like what am I going to ask? Am I going to ask for me not to like have a lot of stutters, for me not to be so nervous? Okay, here's what I'm going to do. I'm just going to let the Holy Ghost, you know, teach me, you know, whatever I wanted to have, like on that specific moment, like this moment. And then I found myself asking I'm Heavenly Father, please don't make me cry, please, please don't make me so emotional that I would like cry. And then that's it. That's the only prayer that or ask that I did, you know, for this podcast. And then today is fast and testimony meeting and I had the opportunity it was actually my first time of no second time I'm going or attending the church meeting after being hospitalized here. So it's pretty memorable for me because I remember the first time or the first week that I've been here in the States was also the first time that you know, I attended the church meeting and then I never thought it will be the last time.

Elijahly Betriolo:

So a little backtrack of my life Again. I grew up in the church, been attending to a lot of activities as a youth, as a primary Like. I can't think of the moment that I missed an activity from the church. My dad served as a bishop for 11 years in a ward. So everyone knows me. Like our family, I've been looking forward to the day that I'll be serving on the mission. Like my primary teacher, my youth teacher, a seminary teacher, institute teacher, they were all looking forward for that day that I'll be finally serving the mission, because that's mainly my goal, like whenever I saw somebody like an elder wearing the black name tag, I always liked those kind of activities as a primary student that you know we will create our own name tags and then put in elder and then our last name.

Elijahly Betriolo:

I just feel like for me it's like a crown or something of a king, you know, being able to wear that tag. So that's been pretty much what I wanted to do, or it was actually my dream ever since I was baptized. And so I graduated seminary, I graduated institute and then, right after our three months, after I turned 18, I served the mission. I can still remember the time where I work a lot of days, I work a lot of months with the missionaries because I wanted to feel like you know how it's done. I wanted to know, like what are the ways to teach somebody? And so there was a time where my parents would be like come on, you've been working so hard with the missionaries, you have to lay low. I was like really shocked, like every other parents would really love their kids to like be with the missionaries. But then they were joking.

Elijahly Betriolo:

But they were joking like to lay low because you're doing your student, you're attending seminaries and then afterwards you'll be working with the missionaries until their last hour, like 8.30 in the evening, and then after that you have to do your assignments, your homeworks.

Scott Brandley:

Can I just adopt you right now?

Elijahly Betriolo:

As long as there's a lot of food, I'll make it happen, that's awesome man.

Scott Brandley:

That's so cool that you wanted to do that.

Elijahly Betriolo:

Yeah, of course, when I was like what I said when I was a primary, I just really loved looking at the elders and I kept thinking, or I kept saying I'm telling myself I'm going to be that elder, I'm going to be an elder one day, I'm going to serve an admission and I don't have to make those name tags anymore myself, because the church will provide it to me. It'll be like the real one, the hard plastic, and then you can. I just really love the feeling of being able to put it on my pocket. And so the day came. But before that there were a lot of trials, temptations, challenges, and everyone else who's preparing for a mission definitely has to go through. But it was different for me, I think, because some other people would be like, yeah, he was born in the covenant, he's ready for it, he was born to do it. It's going to be pretty easy for him. I've read the Book of Mormon for as much as I can, back to back over, to cover and then. But I still remember those times where the challenge for me was because for some of my friends they were in a relationship and it's pretty hard for them to leave someone just to go for a mission. I wasn't in a relationship at that time, but it wasn't really my main challenge. My main challenge was that I'm losing my testimony.

Elijahly Betriolo:

As the days get closer for me to enter the MTC, I'm starting to doubt the teachings and the gospel of Jesus Christ. And the reason why is because, I'm telling you, I worked a lot of hours with the missionaries. It came to the part that no one else wanted to work with them just because they know that I'll be there for the missionaries. I'm just going to work with them. They don't need their help. And so when I finally get to, you know, get the gist of it, like how it's done, you know their schedule, their planning, everything about doing the mission and everything. And then when it comes to the point where meeting somebody who doesn't know about the church like they're basically RPS, isso, they haven't learned or they haven't heard of our church before and then when it started on that part where they have to pray for them to know the truth, you know, before they get baptized, we invite them to pray really hard to ask for the Answer directly from the Holy Ghost, from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, for them to really know that it's the true church and that all like everything that we taught them the gospel, the Um, the resurrection atonement, the restoration of the gospel, jesus Christ would be true. So I'll, I felt so jealous, like If only I wasn't born in covenant, like if only I wasn't like bore, I mean baptized, on the way we're in.

Elijahly Betriolo:

I was baptized like eight years old. I Would have that chance where I get to pray for it, like really have you know, undergo every specific step just to be a member, because I just feel it so it's like an achievement to be able to like undergo those parts of being a member of the church, the lessons from this until the very last one, and then to be baptized. I just felt it so just wonderful to really like feel it that it's true. I mean I can pray for it, of course. Then you know and just really have that feeling. I guess what I wanted to say is that I've met a lot of people. You know they were alcoholic, they have a lot of challenges, but then when they get baptized, that changed their lives. I guess I didn't have to go through that way because, again, my family are members of the church, my parents are, so I was just like Going with the flow, because my parents are our members, my brothers and sisters are.

Alisha Coakley:

Almost like you didn't have the bitter, so you didn't realize how sweet it was right.

Elijahly Betriolo:


Alisha Coakley:


Scott Brandley:

I can see how you can kind of have that depth or the perspective right, that is correct.

Elijahly Betriolo:

Yeah, right, really I create like I just I feel like I Did that because everyone else is dust, like in my family did that too. So that was my main like feeling at that time, before I served in mission. But then I remember it was like almost a week for me to enter the missionary training center and then I feel like I wanted to Back out, like I don't want to do it anymore. But then I felt the support of everyone around me, like my whole ward, you know, is on my back, like they supported me, like financially and then, most importantly is spiritually. So I did have to Go through it anyways, even though I'm having that doubt.

Elijahly Betriolo:

But I got so excited and, you know, really nervous on that day where I finally entered the MTC. So excited because I know there's a lot of food, the missionary training center, because that's what everyone's keep telling me. My brother served on the mission and it was like if there would be like a chance for me to choose, I would choose going back to the MTC than going back to the field. But that was, he was just kidding and I was like, why is that? Like you came there to serve, I mean to teach other people not to eat but, then I I Realized that he is actually correct.

Elijahly Betriolo:

I don't know if they're still doing it, like everyone or all the missionary training centers are doing it, but at my time, 2016, every Friday they have this Friday feast. So let's say, there are missionaries from Japan, from India, from China, from anywhere in the world Queensings that they're going to serve on every Friday, so every specific room. So if you go or enter this room, it'll be Japanese for this one, for Filipino, this one Indian, and it's all you can eat, like it's buffet. So I really loved it and I remember it really came to that part where I have to Untie as a way. Is it why you call it my belt, like remove my belt, open it? Like a little just?

Scott Brandley:


Elijahly Betriolo:

Have something more space for the food, because my tummy is you mean some stretchy pants.

Alisha Coakley:

Yeah, I really need that.

Elijahly Betriolo:

And then there was this is specific Friday when my ward and my family went on a temple trip and they I'm passed through the dining area, where, you know, there's a Huge windows. They can see us, I can see them, and I noticed them because I was sitting right beside the window. And then I was so excited because I get to see them, I get to see my family, and so what I did is I stand up and then went straight to the door behind me and I forgot that my belt Is hanging on my pants because we were eating at that time and I can't hear them because it's, you know, soundproof. And they were like I'm pointing over to my lower part of my body. I mean, they, they can see my garment, but, like you know, a part of it. And then I was like what I was so excited to see them and why they keep on pointing on something. And then I finally noticed that it was really memorable. So it was really memorable.

Scott Brandley:

I really can't forget a good way to put it, yeah it's memorable because they were laughing so hard at me.

Elijahly Betriolo:

It's just so funny and it happened that that was the feast day. That's why, you know, dave, I found myself you know my belt, you know be on that situation. And I love the MTC because I was also called to be a zone leader. So we get to Perside, you know most of the meetings and plan and you know, to be a leader for all of the missionaries, I was feeling like I'm on a staycation because the rooms, the Humanities, we have our own gym, we have our own basketball court, we basically have everything and there's always AC where, wherever you go. So whenever we teach like you know Our investigators, which are our MTC teachers, acting as one, I just really love doing it and so I was on the field already. When I feel I'm already on my mission, like this is it? This is a real mission, because when I was at the MTC, I was having a good time that I don't feel like I am going to be serving on the mission.

Elijahly Betriolo:

But then I was assigned to a remote area in Cebu, like really remote area. We have to use bicycle because the houses are not on one specific residence, it's like from this and you have to walk or either bike for at least 10 miles. Five to 10 miles, it's so far away from the city. Then, of course, being a missionary just came straight from the MTC. I feel like I'm the most righteous person in the world, because all I was doing in the MTC was all about spiritual. I can't think of worldly things when I was at the MTC, so I feel like when I immediately started doing the real thing, I feel like I'm Jesus Christ. I feel like I'm really representing Jesus Christ. That's the best feeling in the world Feeling that you are worthy to do the things that Jesus Christ did when he was here on earth and being able to inspire other people to hear and to be baptized and also to be inspired or to have that testimony that I have on myself.

Elijahly Betriolo:

It was so hard for me because they speak a different dialect. Over there In the Philippines there are like 20 to 30 different dialects. So it was pretty hard because it's a small country but city by city, the dialect could change, the language could change. So it was a challenge for me because you wanted to really talk, you wanted to really share a lot of things with them, but it's so hard because you can't do that because you don't speak the language, though they understand Tagalog, which is our main language. But it just felt so different if I'm going to talk to them on a language that they don't really use on a daily basis.

Elijahly Betriolo:

But the main challenge was, since it was a remote area, there were some of the missionaries, let's just say some of them are obedient, some of them are disobedient, which is happening anywhere, not only on a mission. I was just really shocked because it's not what I've expected, like with the people, I mean with the missionaries that I know. Like what I said, I feel like I'm the most righteous person at that time and I really wanted to do good. I really wanted to be worthy enough to teach other people and then to witness other missionaries who are being challenged or being not so obedient, which I said it's happening. I don't blame them, because I'm not perfect too, but it came to the point where it's affecting me as a missionary myself. Personally, I couldn't do the things that I wanted to do because there are a lot of distractions around me. I'm not going to tell you exactly what are those things, but it just so affected me in a way that I feel like I'm not being effective anymore, and so the first thing that I did, what a missionary would did was to tell or inform the mission president.

Elijahly Betriolo:

At that time, when I arrived, our mission president would be coming back home or would be released for like a month or three weeks. So he only asked three weeks serving on a mission. And so what he did is he tried like exchanging some of the companionship, so maybe it'll work, maybe it'll be much more effective. Let's just say it didn't work. I mean, I have my lapses as well, but it didn't work. So he went back home and I have to inform the mission president who took over him. So then the one, and then I've explained to him. I was so emotional because, like what, I only have been serving for like three weeks and I'm already experiencing, you know, those kind of things. You know being like on a box where you can't like express yourself because everyone would think, everyone would think that you're not like you're not friends with them if you're not doing what they're doing, which is, which is not in a way that's pleasing to the eyes of the Lord.

Scott Brandley:


Elijahly Betriolo:

So you know, when you are with your friends and then you don't want to do what they're doing, you would feel like they don't want to be with you and I felt that I felt invisible for the longest, but I still wanted to do my best. So I informed my mission president and I guess what happened at that time is that he has a different judgment of what's. You know, my concern is so it's his first week of being a mission president and I don't know, maybe he just that says. That's the answer from Jesus Christ, I mean, and heavily father, when he prayed for my situation and his resolution was for me to go back home. Wow, so he thinks that I'm emotionally not capable of serving a mission. He thinks that I'm not ready for it yet. And I'm pretty much so devastated because, like why would you think that? But again, I don't blame him actually. Well, I'm going to be honest. At that time I was so angry at everyone, like why is this happening to me? I know at that time that I wasn't emotionally prepared at that moment, just that on the specific moment, but not like when I entered the mission, just at that moment, because I feel like the world's turning back on me Right, like it stopped rotating, like what I mean is it's just like everyone just doesn't want for me to do good, like it's what. It's what I'm feeling at that time.

Elijahly Betriolo:

And then I remember where I have to really talk to him in person and, you know, decide of what's going to happen to me. And then I was in his office and then I was begging him. The first thing that he did is he had me my ticket on my ticket to go back home. So I done a plane, wow, I backed on him like I literally moved down, you know, begging for him not to send me away, to send me back home, and he has to do it anyways. But I'm telling you we have to spend like five hours. So I remember I arrived there, but he has off because we have to ride a boat just to be, just to go there.

Elijahly Betriolo:

And then we arrived at almost six in the evening and we were done by like 10 or 11pm and for that specific period of time the only thing that I was doing was crying and begging for him not to send me back home, because at the back of my mind, you know, I'm imagining or I'm already feeling the judgment that I have to face from other people. You know the disappointment of other people who supported me from, you know, my primary teacher to my institute teacher, sunday school teacher but, most importantly, the embarrassment that I think I would be feeling with, or that I would be facing with, my family. And then so he can't make me like go home, like he didn't know what to do with the mission president. So the only thing that he did that made me go home was I was able to talk to my dad over the phone. So he knows what's happening already. He knows what's going to happen with me. And the only thing that he said it's okay, son, you can go home. We're still proud of you, whatever happened, we're proud of you. Just go home, don't cry anymore.

Elijahly Betriolo:

So at that time I accepted it. I accepted it. I accepted it Okay, because that was my only concern, because I want to make them proud, I want to make them happy. And then when he say those things to me, I feel like, okay, everything's going to be okay. That's the only thing that I kept telling myself Everything's going to be okay, whatever is going to happen. So I went straight back home the assistance to the presidents, the missionaries. They took me to the airport. Then on the way to the airport, of course they've been playing a lot of church music on the car, and then I remember the song will bring the world his truth, as sisters in Zion, the. What do you call this? I don't know what it's called, but it's like a mix up of those two songs.

Elijahly Betriolo:

So like the version of that song Like a matchup, yeah, a matchup, yeah. So it was very hard for me to listen to that song because that's mainly about, you know, it's all about being a missionary. And it took me like years for me to be able to listen to that song again because I'm feeling so emotional whenever I listen to it. So I went back home I was with a smiling face but I was just pretending Deep inside me I'm really hurting. My the assistance to the president who took me to the airport. They gave me a little phone that I can use to get in touch with my dad when I arrived there. And then I was so thankful for them because they put in the context of the other missionaries who has been my friends. I was able to talk to them Like they gave me so very inspirational messages. They talked to me like we're going to miss you. We know you didn't do anything wrong. We're looking forward to see you again. You know they lifted me up and I was so thankful.

Elijahly Betriolo:

So on my very first Sunday I was thankful for my bishop, because I'm the night before the first Sunday when I get back home. I had an interview with him, so I explained to him. What happened and what he did for me was that we don't want other people, we don't want the white members to think that you were sent home because you did something unimmediately, like you did something, you were so disobedient that you have to go home. We don't want anyone to think that that is what happened. So here's what we're going to do you have to bless this sacrament, because if you bless this sacrament, that means you're worthy enough to do that ordinance. You're worthy enough to do that sacred ordinance of the Lord on a Sunday. And so when the white members saw me, like I was at home already but I'm blessing the sacrament, so they didn't tell me like verbally, like we know you didn't do anything wrong because you're blessing the sacrament, basically. But I just have that feeling that they don't think of me like as an embarrassment because they know I didn't do anything wrong. But I guess I thought that it was okay until even the girl was.

Elijahly Betriolo:

I was in a relationship with the woman that I think I thought that I would be with, you know, for the rest of my life before my mission. We ended up breaking up. So it was hard for me because she's been very supportive, she's been there with me even before going on the mission and I thought, you know, it's still okay, even though I was sent home, sent back home. I guess everything changed after I was sent home and I just thought that we're going to be married in the temple, I will be able to finish my mission, but then things change. So that's the reason why I'm single. That's the question, I mean, that's the answer. So it was pretty hard for me. It was tough and then that was 2016.

Elijahly Betriolo:

I thought I was okay, but then there was this specific day where I feel like I'm really an embarrassment. I'm hearing a lot of judgments from other people from our ward, but from the stake I can see them like looking at me, being, you know, feeling that invisible, that I'm invisible, like the way they look at me before I serve on the mission is different from the way they look at me when they knew that I was sent home. When they see me that I was sent home and I feel like I wanted to get out of the town, like I wanted to start a new life. But before that, I actually tried to go back on the mission. The only thing that I had to do is I need to have a recommendation from a psychiatrist that I am emotionally capable of going back on a mission.

Elijahly Betriolo:

And then what's hard, the worst thing, was that no one would accept me.

Elijahly Betriolo:

No doctor would accept me because I don't need a psychiatrist.

Elijahly Betriolo:

They said, because I'm not creative, like I'm not on a state where, you know, I don't know what I'm doing, that's not what they're for. So they said I need a psychologist and so we did that. We paid for a doctor to do a psychological test and then I have a lot of session with them. They made me do a lot of logical tests or psychological tests and exam and it ended up being okay, like I'm emotionally. They recommended that this person is emotionally capable to go back, like it's been very specifically stated on the recommendation. So I was excited. I gave it to my stake president Finally I'm here already, like I'm going back, and they wouldn't accept it because it's not a psychiatrist recommendation. It was just a psychological test that everyone can get. And what I've been trying to explain to them is that they wouldn't accept me because in order for me to have or to see a psychiatrist, I need to be on the spectrum. You know, that makes me able to see a psychiatrist and I cannot get them because it was a catch 22.

Elijahly Betriolo:

Yeah right, it's pretty much it's so hard, like what am I going to do? It just really came to the part where I lost on this strength or courage. I think, like it's okay, I can be a missionary on you know other ways, maybe not here and so I wanted to like distract myself because I'm started feeling, really I'm starting having depression because I feel like a failure, and so what I did is I work out of town. I thought that I'm on, that way will be okay, but then what I wanted to do is just to get away from, you know, the depression. But it made me also get away from the church. Like working on a call center, you have to work, you know, on Sundays as well. So it's been my greatest challenge because I can't go to church, because I have to work Sundays as well. So it's harder for me. Like I didn't really forget the confidence that I have. It's just that I've been so away from the church. Let's just say like I feel like it's not me anymore, but I still have to do it anyways because I really have to work.

Elijahly Betriolo:

So a little forward of the story last year I received a wonderful news that I can be with my parents here in the States because they came a year earlier than me, so they immigrated November of 2021 and then I immigrated September 2022. So I was so happy because this is the answer. Like I've been asking Heavenly Father to have a chance, because when you're in that part already, that you're not going to church because the situation is different, it's hard to go back, like on what I call this on our lives. It's hard to get back on track when you're already on a different track. You're already on a different path. It's hard. So I wanted to like start fresh. So, and then when I received the news that I finally can join my parents here in the States, I was so happy because this is the answer New faces, new people, new culture. It's definitely like being born again, like on a different place. I get to start anew. I get to start like get back to the basics.

Elijahly Betriolo:

I was so happy and, of course, I get to be with my parents and then, only after like three weeks, two or three weeks of being here, I got so sick I have to be in the hospital for from October until last month or what's it today? July, I think that was until April or May. I have to be in the hospital because my pancreas stopped working. So I studied biology but I didn't really realize the importance of having a pancreas because it releases enzymes for someone to, or for a human to, digest food. So if it's not like working or functioning, then you can't eat, you can't drink water, because that's the main purpose of it. So I was so sick I couldn't eat.

Elijahly Betriolo:

They can't like do a surgery because it's too risky, so I have to be in the hospital for that long once because my body is not like the pill, so they have to do IV medicines, like directly through my veins, and so they also have to put in. I still have the tube. They call it a Giganostomy tube. I still have it on my tummy because they have to bypass the pancreas and the stomach for me to be able to digest food, but it's on the form of a liquid, like a formula for babies that goes through a tube directly through my small intestines and that's where they've been putting all the medicines, because if I will take it early, I would just throw it all up, because my pancreas are so messed up that it wouldn't accept any forms of liquid, even a sip of water. I couldn't eat any food from June to April or May, like all of the medicines are going through the tube.

Elijahly Betriolo:

And I was so devastated because I thought that this is finally the way for me to start a new life. And I was on it. I just when I finally knew that I was revived. That thing you watch on movies like Grace Anatomy. If you're watching like reviving people doing those things, they have to do it to me. And of course I didn't know that and I've been losing. I've lost a lot of faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ because the situation is just so like the opposite of what I wanted to do or of what I wanted to happen.

Elijahly Betriolo:

Like I feel like they forgot about me. Heavenly Father, jesus Christ, I feel like I've been so unrighteous. I feel like this is the punishment and I was like I don't want to do it anymore. If you want to take my life, just take it. I want to give up, like I don't want to pray anymore because you're not listening to me. I'm going to be honest.

Elijahly Betriolo:

It really came to that point where I'm blaming them. I really wanted to. I lost trust in everyone. I lost trust in Heavenly Father. I'm just so thankful because my parents were always there for me with the scriptures Pray, just pray, just trust in Heavenly Father.

Elijahly Betriolo:

And it's hard to trust Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.

Elijahly Betriolo:

It's really hard to trust the Holy Ghost when you're in a situation that makes you feel like you can't, like you can't trust them, like it's different, it's the in the contrary of you know what you wanted to or what they wanted you to do.

Elijahly Betriolo:

I don't want to pray, I don't want to listen to, like, the hymns of the church anymore, but then I keeps on seeing like what I call it small miracles that's been happening to me like, even though I wasn't praying, like I wasn't asking out of anything you know from God anymore, because they're not losing to me anyways, but still I keep on like realizing the small things, like these small improvements that I've been having. When I was in the hospital, so I felt like, oh, they haven't really forgot about me, because I'm still, you know, having this simple or small miracles, because if they forgot about me I'd be there right now, like I wouldn't be here right now, but I'm still here. Yeah, the situation it's so hard, but I'm still here. So it made me like, okay, let's just go back pray, let's just go back reading the scriptures. Maybe it'll make those small miracles, you know, become really big and it does, and it did actually.

Elijahly Betriolo:

There was a time where the doctors didn't know what to do to me anymore because the the sickness that I have was so rare that you know, throughout the history of the hospital I am just like the second person to have that kind of sickness and that first person who had wonder I'm done the same procedures. She's not here anymore. Like she's dead, like she didn't make it oh my gosh wow and that make they have to.

Elijahly Betriolo:

That was actually my question. They were telling me, okay, we have this, they have a record of this, same thing, same procedures. And my main question is that did she make it? No, she didn't. I was like, okay, I wouldn't make it, I'm gonna accept it.

Elijahly Betriolo:

You know, I wouldn't be here for so long anymore and the hardest part of me being in the hospital was not the, you know the poking, a lot of poking through my veins because they have to transfer the, what I call it, the IV, through different veins, because you know my veins can get like tired and it wouldn't accept, you know the, the medicines anymore. So I have like almost 20 marks on my hands, you know. And then I get. I get what I call this, I get used to it like this is my life already, like waking up in the morning alone, you know, just seeing nurses, doctors. I accepted it. But then when I started praying again, that's when I feel like everything's going back on track. I feel the love of Heavenly Father like comforting me, where, whenever I pray with my parents, I feel the love of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. They weren't there for me like physically, but I feel them like holding my hands and it's like so weird because they have to do it, because they're the one who gave this to me. This is the only thing that I'm like thinking. You have to comfort me because you gave me this challenge, so please, please, comfort me. And so I wanted to share the sorry. I wanted to share the testimony to everybody that, even though it's really hard for you to be faithful or trusting God because you are on a situation or you're in a challenge that makes you feel tired already, makes you give up already, I wanted to share the testing, my testimony that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father listen this. It's just so hard to like really trusting them that everything is happening for a reason, because you're on a situation that you think there is no reason for you to experience that. You know what I mean. Like. If there is a reason, where is it? I want to know it now so I wouldn't have to like experience these things. Just give me the reason, please. It's an unlike enough. I'm thankful for my parents because they've been there for me all throughout. My family's been there for me, even though most of them are still in the Philippines.

Elijahly Betriolo:

A lot of people are sending me messages of comfort, and I guess that's the way of Heavenly Father telling me you're not alone, we're still here. And we're doing it in the form or in a way that we use other people to make you feel that you're loved, and I guess that's very important to think that sometimes we just think it's because we're friends with them. This just, you know, expected from them to like comfort me. But if you think it in a different perspective, that Heavenly Father is using them to show his love for you, he would feel that that person wasn't really your friend. That's Heavenly Father in Jesus Christ, telling you that you can do it.

Elijahly Betriolo:

So, for everybody that's going to listen to this story, I want them to feel, I want you guys to feel that it may not like everything's may not be going what you're expected it to be. You just really have to trust that it's heavenly father's way for you, a way of telling you that he's there. Yeah, like for you to continue to have faith in them. And I wanted to, I guess, like conclude my story by Telling you guys that prayer is definitely the most powerful thing a human can do.

Elijahly Betriolo:

Like we can get communicated through our phones, the technology, but that wouldn't Give us the Option to connect to or heavenly father in Jesus Christ, but only by prayer, only by reading the scriptures, by listening to his words and, whatever happens, you are a son or daughter of Heavenly father and that means, even though he gave you that challenge anyways, he wouldn't leave you. It's gonna teach, he's just teaching you something and you may not realize it at that moment where you're on that specific challenge, but as the time goes by you will realize that that happened for a reason. I was sent home early for my mission Because I was destined or I was. It was my destiny to be here in the States. It was my destiny to Feel all those embarrassment, let's say the depression is the anxiety. It was all in his plan and I wouldn't be here I'm talking to you if I didn't go through all those things, those kind of things.

Elijahly Betriolo:

Yeah so if there's one thing that we must be very thankful for, is that the way and the path has already been given to us. It's just going to be our decision, our agency, whether we wanted to go straight on the path, even though there are challenges, or it's just straight away.

Alisha Coakley:

Wow. So let me ask Elijahly, how long were you in the hospital for?

Elijahly Betriolo:

So that was October. October to December, I was going back and forth, but January until April. You know I've never been home, just stayed for In the hospital for straight months.

Alisha Coakley:

Oh, and you had only so what did they end up?

Scott Brandley:

Go ahead?

Alisha Coakley:

and and you had only been in States for a very short time before you went in the hospital, so it's not like you even had a lot, of, a lot of opportunity to build relationships here, right, so it really was just your parents right that yeah oh, that would have been such a lonely, lonely experience.

Elijahly Betriolo:

It was. It was like I'm so jealous of my brother and that he get to adjust with the culture, the time, the weather, and me I mean the hospital. So right now is just you know the part where I'm adjusting to everything. You know the food, the weather. It's so hot in here. It's so dry in here. I'm not used to it. Didn't really experience winter because I was in the hospital for the whole winter time. So yeah.

Scott Brandley:

So where, like it looks like you might be home right now. Like how, how things gone. Like you said, there was little miracles. How is your health now?

Elijahly Betriolo:

Just the other day I received a wonderful news for my doctor that they can finally remove the tube. So, like what I said, as in mom, those small miracles turn into Huge miracles that I didn't imagine it would happen, even though I accepted that it's my fate already. But it still happened anyways because I continued to have faith in him. So in terms of my health. So there was a mass on my pancreas, so there's like a tumor like on my pancreas. There were lesions on my pancreas that would. That's why it stopped functioning.

Elijahly Betriolo:

So when they started to put in the tube and started doing the medicines through the tube, it worked. The antibiotics, everything. It just started to work. Like they have to like use all the antibiotics In the world just to look for that specific one that will work on me and they ended up using the kind of the medicines that works with cancer patients. The works, it's the same thing. The works is the same medicine that they are giving to the people who are receiving chemotherapy. So that's the one that you know the works. So this tube will be removed on july 10th and I'm so excited because normal people doesn't have tubes under stomach. Quick, I can finally like go to studio. I can finally exercise. I can finally you know lift things.

Alisha Coakley:

Finally I'm feeling normal, started to feel normal again so in a way, you know we talked about before your mission you kind of were jealous that people didn't have that. You didn't have that bitter, yeah, and in a way it's almost like Heavenly Father was like Elijahly, I'll give you some bitter.

Elijahly Betriolo:

Are you kind of?

Alisha Coakley:

like you know, you didn't have to go to the extreme.

Elijahly Betriolo:

I know and I was like how do you feel overall now?

Alisha Coakley:

Like, do you feel like you, you have your own conversion story, even though you grew up in the church. Do you feel like you kind of have that Relateability with with other converts now?

Elijahly Betriolo:

Definitely a hundred percent. My, my modern life now is Be careful what you wish for, because you really might get it all. But kidding us idea. I was asking for this own like. I've been looking for that conversion. I don't even know how. You know how it means, because I grew up in the church, served on my mission and I just, you know, been so active in the church.

Elijahly Betriolo:

I didn't really I was looking for the conversion part and even though it has to be this way, I'm so thankful that I still If I have the testimony that I have before it grew up so big like, or so strong, so like among us I would say like, literally. That Made me so proud that I Now I can't tell other people that I was sent home from admission. I would pretend that I would. They finished the two years. But now I'm very proud that I have to go through those kind of things because it converted me In a way that Made me so strong, made me so proud, made me so confident To tell my story to other people and for them to hear it, because I'm telling you it took me a lot of courage to even Look at my mom's and my dad's eyes with With proudness and with confidence, because I feel like every time they look at me, they see me as a failure.

Elijahly Betriolo:

And then, when I was in the hospital, the hardest part was really seeing them like being so tired, being so Like exhausted because they have to be with me Because there would be no one from here I mean the states I'm not in the Philippines, it's not like I have any friends I didn't have. I didn't even had the chance to be with other people because just right after two or three weeks I immediately Was rushed to the hospital and I remember my last prayer, actually that um that I ask of God was If you wouldn't do it for me, just please do it for my mom and my dad, because I can Take it anymore like seeing them crying, seeing them being so tired. My dad is a high blood pressure, he has vertigo, my mom has. I'm supposed to be on the surgery, but they have to be with me because I'm their child like, and I need it, and so I'm just so happy that heavily, father, I'm listening to me and I'm here. I'm gonna go swimming next week.

Alisha Coakley:

I love to be.

Elijahly Betriolo:

I'm gonna go to the beach like I miss the nature.

Scott Brandley:

Yeah, that's, um. So one thing that I that struck me. You know, when things go bad, a lot of times we want, like for other people, we want so much to tell them Everything's gonna be okay. You know, we want it because we want to give people good news and we want to want to Encourage them and have them feel that comfort. But I liked what you said.

Scott Brandley:

Sometimes we it's better to say everything Happens for a reason, but that doesn't, that's not comforting, right. So, but there's always that battle. You, we want to say everything's gonna be okay, but we also have to have faith that everything happens for a reason and sometimes, and most of the times, we don't know what that reason is until Down the road, after we've gone through the trial. Um, so that really struck me when you said that. The other thing that's interesting, allegedly, is that this whole podcast exists, because I sat next to a lady at a conference and she wrote a book called early homecoming, where her name is Kristen Rieber and she got sent home early from her mission and she talks about some of the struggles and trials that she had Similar to you. Right, I mean, it's a real thing and um, and doesn't she have a?

Alisha Coakley:

podcast Scott.

Scott Brandley:

Yeah, she does, yep, and it's. It's hard because you feel like you've you've let people down that you love, right, um, but ultimately you were willing to show up when god wanted you to, and that's. That's what's the most important thing and not just once.

Alisha Coakley:

But then you went and you reapplied too like. That was some serious dedication on your part, showing the lord like, hey, I'm serious about this, I, I want to serve and I I just think it's awesome that, even in the face of both of those Moments where you weren't able to serve the way that you had wanted to serve originally, that you still, um, you still Did what, what you could, yeah with what you had at the times that you had it right, like it all of me, you got a little, you got a little shaky there for a little while, just because you weren't sure what the heck was going on with your health and and everything else.

Alisha Coakley:

And of course, um, I think that's completely understandable. You know, I mean, even without trauma and even without health issues and even without, um struggles in life, it is so hard to constantly Show up.

Elijahly Betriolo:

It is so hard you know it's, it's like.

Alisha Coakley:

I think for me I almost, sometimes I almost prefer either really bad stuff or really good and nothing in the middle, because it's that middle area that you just kind of get comfortable, but not super comfortable.

Alisha Coakley:

We're like yeah like I just don't feel anything, so I don't know. I just I think, um, I think it's very, very honorable of you and it definitely shows your love of the lord and of of our heavenly father. And and I love how you kept referring back to your parents. You know, they obviously, um, love the lord too, because of the way that they've taught you To love the lord, and it's such a huge testament of how, how we, as parents, can be better for our kids. You know, if we can just focus on loving the lord, how that will trickle down. So I just I've really enjoyed your story today. I really, really have.

Elijahly Betriolo:

Thank you, yeah, it made me so like I wanted to be with. I wanted to be with them, but most with my parents. I wanted to be with them for the longest but, in you know, most importantly I wanted to be like them when I finally get to be a parent, because they were so loving, um, they just did things that I couldn't imagine, um, a human can do, like they. You know, I'm not sure if you guys are parents. I'm pretty sure you are. I salute you because you show I'm pretty sure that you show I'm how you love your kids. On a different might be on a different way, but it just makes you so heavenly father like and I salute all the parents I wanted to be like you. I wanted to be like my parents.

Alisha Coakley:

Well, I know some. I know some women who are single. Scott's daughter is one of them.

Elijahly Betriolo:

I'm accepting recommendations.

Alisha Coakley:

I know I was thinking joe, me Right, joem is fun. I know some girls I could.

Elijahly Betriolo:

I could start taking applications and thank you for being matchmaker. I love it.

Alisha Coakley:

And then, you could experience being a parent, you know, in the next year or two. How's that sound?

Scott Brandley:

Yeah, I'm gonna refer to Alisha on that one. You're, yeah, I'm not getting involved in that Elijahly, is there any last thoughts or comments you'd like to share?

Elijahly Betriolo:

um, if various, I I think it's always going to be the story of joseph smith, because if there is one person that I can relate my life experiences with, always definitely him. Um, from doctrine in covenants, dine adversities and dine afflictions shall be but a very small moment. Remember the time where he was judged differently, even though he was doing the right thing. He was physically um Tortured. He was like emotionally been tortured, but still, if he like gave up, we wouldn't be here, we wouldn't have the church. So in a way I'm having that feeling that if only I have gave up, I wouldn't like inspired other people in different ways. So that's it. That's my thought on the day.

Scott Brandley:

I love it.

Elijahly Betriolo:


Scott Brandley:

I love that. Yeah, cool. Well, we really appreciate you being on the show and sharing your story yeah and. That's cool to know that you you know that you listen to us in the hospital. Like that's humbling.

Elijahly Betriolo:

So like to hear that. Like I say, I saved every specific episode and that's awesome. I couldn't like explain to you I mean, I'm not going to explain this crab to you guys but I was in so much pain that they have to use a lot of opioids Um, the strongest opioids because I have been in so much pain and it came to that part where it doesn't work anymore. But you guys worked, like listening to you guys, it did help me a lot, saved me and I guess not guess it's heavily father's way of telling me that he's there. So you didn't know that family, father and Jesus Christ are using you. Yeah, they did use you, but, don't worry, in a very good way, Elijahly, you're making me tear up buddy no I just really wanted to thank you.

Elijahly Betriolo:

That's a really big, this is really my thank you, guys, because you didn't know that you've been changing so much lives. You've been so saving a lot of lives without you knowing it. So thank you to to all of you and, of course, thanks to every father for using you. All guys, I saw you.

Scott Brandley:

Well, now you're one of us. I know you're one of the one of the family.

Alisha Coakley:

I love it. I love it.

Scott Brandley:


Alisha Coakley:

Man, well, you know, we got through most of the episode without crying, but then you just, he just it's no tears of joy. It's good, it's all good.

Elijahly Betriolo:


Alisha Coakley:


Scott Brandley:

We really appreciate you and your, your story and your time and your faith. Yeah, and we'll do our best we can to get it out there to to share with others. So anyone that's watching, Elijahly share story out there. Let's do our five second mission here. We're gonna hit that share button. Let's get that out there and share some light and some faith in the world for sure.

Alisha Coakley:

Yeah, definitely, and if any of our listeners have a story that you guys would like to share, or if you know someone who has a story, be sure to head over to Latter-day Lights and fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page, or you can head over to Facebook, to our Latter-day Lights page, and you can message us through there. We would love, love, love to hear your story and to see how your testimony can can share the light of Jesus Christ throughout the world. Um so again, ligeli, thank you so much for joining us today. Thank you for being so open and honest and just sharing such a beautiful, beautiful story in soul. We really, really appreciate it and we we're so happy that we're able to to have this platform here, be able to meet wonderful people like you. Thank you.

Elijahly Betriolo:

I'm sure he's always mine.

Alisha Coakley:

Yeah, to all of our listeners. Thank you guys. So much for tuning in. Um, scott and I, we are loving this journey. We love human guys's stories, so we just we can't wait until you know we put out the next one. So until then, hope everyone has a wonderful week. We will talk to you soon, bye, bye.

Scott Brandley:

Take care, see you guys.

Elijahly Betriolo:

Bye guys.

Stories of Faith and Inspiration
Challenges and Disappointments in Missionary Work
Struggles With Relationship, Mission, and Health
Journey of Faith and Health Recovery
Finding Strength and Purpose in Adversity
Overcoming Challenges and Finding Faith