Signature Books Podcast
Signature Books, founded in 1981, publishes some of the best books in Mormon studies. We specialize in narrative and documentary history, biography, fiction, poetry, and Western Americana. Our books have received numerous honors over the years from the Mormon History Association, the John Whitmer Historical Association, the Utah State Historical Society, and the Evans Biography Award. This podcast will include interviews with Signature Books authors from both our new releases and some of the significant books from our backlist.
Podcasting since 2022 • 53 episodes
Signature Books Podcast
Latest Episodes
"Eduardo Balderas: Father Of Church Translation, 1907-1989"
Author and BYU history professor Ignacio M. Garcia and Signature Books editorial manager John Hatch cover a lot of ground while discussing Garcia's new biography, Eduardo Bal...

Reclaiming Our Narratives: Author Event with Laurie Lee Hall & Nathan Kitchen
In this moving and powerful conversation, authors Laurie Lee Hall and Nathan Kitchen share the genesis of their new memoirs,

"Dictates of Conscience" with author Laurie Lee Hall
Join memoirist Laurie Lee Hall and Signature Books Director Barbara Jones Brown for this fascinating interview based on Laurie’s new memoir, Dictates of Conscience: Fro...

"Journeys from a Desert Road," a conversation with author Mary Clyde
"In what novelist John Gardner referred to as 'the vivid and continuous fictional dream,' Mary Clyde writes two stories of alternate realities with the same or similar characters. Here, fugue-like, a post-apocalyptic world in the Arizona desert...

Writing Mormon History 2: Authors' Stories Behind Their Works
Dive into the stories behind Mormonism’s best-known histories with Signature’s soon-to-be released anthology, Writing Mormon History 2. Authors and contributors Joe Geisner, Elisa Eastwood Pulido, Roger D. Launius, and Konden R. Smith ...