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Creato Podcast


Creato Podcast - Create Together 每集會邀請不同的內容創作者上來聊天,分享他們開始當內容創作者的故事:為什麼開始創作?為什麼喜歡創作?創作過程中遇到什麼趣事/困難等等。我們希望拉近creator與觀眾的距離,讓觀眾都可以參與creator的創作。At Creato Podcast - Create Together, we talk to amazing content creators about their creative journeys and challenges. Our goal is to amplify the life journeys of content creators and their stories behind the scene. 

Ep.61 AI創作,你都可以!開始學習AI技巧|Madchun講科技|Creato PodcastJanuary 18, 2024
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Ep.60 相信自己 做得好的事 不要吝嗇分享給其他人 |卓伊云 Ewen |Creato PodcastJuly 05, 2023
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Ep.59 數碼遊牧 邊旅行邊賺錢 享受財務自由|Miss K 投資理財札記 |Creato PodcastJune 22, 2023
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Ep.58 五分鐘心理學 助你每日作出一點點改變|樹洞香港 TreeholeHK |Creato PodcastApril 03, 2023
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Ep.57 Master the pacing of your video and you will get a good edit | MaxTheSensei | Creato PodcastDecember 20, 2022
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Ep.56 驚就唔好做,做就唔好驚!歡樂馬介休玩員 |下一個百萬youtuber 華浚|Creato PodcastDecember 08, 2022
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Ep.55 年輕剪接師的剖白|剪一條Youtube片竟要剪11小時! 柿柿 chichi|Creato PodcastNovember 24, 2022
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Ep.54 生活的方式不只得一種|獨遊88日中南美後得到的啓示 |Tanned Derek|Creato PodcastNovember 11, 2022
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Ep.53 不只愛看電影 還愛「講電影」|港產演講室|劇透影評|Sam先生 電影日誌|Creato PodcastNovember 03, 2022
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Ep.52 為斜槓與自由畫上等號|打造從內到外都豐盛的人生|Sally 莎莉|Creato PodcastOctober 19, 2022
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Ep.51 雞蛋妹個名點嚟?鍾意科技 動漫 砌keyboard的甜美女生| 雞蛋妹 Mavis | Creato PodcastSeptember 30, 2022
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Ep.50 男人EEETV Smith單飛|創意同誠意十足推出 The Smithy Show | Smith 陳俊藝 | Creato PodcastSeptember 20, 2022
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Ep.49 由髮型界轉戰YouTube|澳門新手影片創作者|高挑歐巴 Kazaf | Creato PodcastSeptember 13, 2022
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Ep.48 從全職結他手到影片創作|旅遊科技音樂 樣樣精|Mike Yuen 袁竣鋒|Creato PodcastSeptember 08, 2022
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Ep.47 「我好貪玩」 最緊要保持好奇心|時間管理大師 全職老師一個月可以出7條片|Creato PodcastSeptember 03, 2022
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EP.46 日本人妻の旅遊奮鬥史|在日本闖出一片天的女media|風信子🌺|Creato PodcastAugust 30, 2022
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Ep.45 無懼黑粉 勇敢做自己|會化妝的男星|嚴政 WallaceYim|Creato PodcastAugust 25, 2022
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Ep.44 一個屬於香港人的健身頻道|記錄健美比賽 Burger終於露面|Kofgym《漢堡talk乜show》|Creato PodcastAugust 22, 2022
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Ep.43 積極追夢 活出真我 獨自遊歐洲|Joeyful Joey 豚長|Creato PodcastAugust 16, 2022
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Ep. 42 夢寐以求的女生模樣 分享心靈雞湯/水晶|花樺楊 Flower Ieong|Creato PodcastAugust 10, 2022
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Ep.41 記錄港日夫婦的甜蜜日常👩‍❤️‍👨|Benjamin | Creato PodcastAugust 05, 2022
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Ep.40 現居於日本的香港男姑娘 分享日本有關的生活/旅遊資訊|拉哥 Lai UP|Creato PodcastAugust 01, 2022
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Ep.39 Outdoor Life with GoPro Camera 🏄🏽‍♂️🏖 | Abu Phampi | Creato Podcast July 29, 2022
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Ep.38 香港全方位探險電單車手🏍😎|HKMonkeyRider|Creato PodcastJuly 25, 2022
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Ep.37 From IT worker to GoPro Guru 📸🤙🏽| Andrews Santana | Creato PodcastJuly 19, 2022
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