Creato Podcast

Ep.37 From IT worker to GoPro Guru 📸🤙🏽| Andrews Santana | Creato Podcast

Creato Episode 37

Andrews is a full-time content creator in Brazil, who captures GoPro content for DJs, resorts, and TV hosts. Sharing all his knowledge on how to have fun and make awesome content with GoPro Brazilian community on his website and his YouTube channel - "Andrews Santana".

Andrews' interview on Creato:

*This episode*

0:00 - start
1:04 - introduce guest - Andrews
02:40 - favourite drinks and snacks
4:16 - how did Andrews start content creation? first GoPro was Hero 4 Silver
5:51 - how did he become so close with GoPro?
9:42 - where did Andrews get his inspiration?
12:43 - most asked question for Andrews
14:55 - Andrew's favourite accessories
17:55 - challenge as a content creator
20:06 - work as a full-time content creator?
22:08 - went to camera event with GoPro in brazil
22:31 - filmmakers are surprised Andrews use GoPro for TV commercial
24:22 - have you imagined what your life would be if you didn't buy GoPro
26:40 - which version of GoPro do you have the strongest connection with?
28:14 - which GoPro trip/event is the most memorable?
( 1 - 28:55 - GoPro creator summit in Broome, Australia)
( 2- 29:12 -  "Casa GoPro" reality show in brazil. Andrews won the contest!)
32:21 - opportunities to collaborate with different companies as a GoPro content creator
34:42 - how do Andrews connect with his audience
36:27 - audience vs community
37:02 - funny story about content creation
39:13 - message for content creator / audience
