Mama Knows

How to rewire your brain through positive affirmations and start living the life you are worthy of

January 23, 2024 Episode 103
How to rewire your brain through positive affirmations and start living the life you are worthy of
Mama Knows
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Mama Knows
How to rewire your brain through positive affirmations and start living the life you are worthy of
Jan 23, 2024 Episode 103

This week's discussion:

1. What is manifestation?

2. How does science back up manifesting & positive thoughts?

3. What are positive affirmations?

4. How to practice manifestation and affirmations.

5. A list of some of my favorite affirmations

Click here to buy my Manifestation Guide

Click here for the FREE affirmations page from my Manifestation Guide


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Disclaimer: This podcast does not provide any medical advice, it is for informational purposes only!

Show Notes Transcript

This week's discussion:

1. What is manifestation?

2. How does science back up manifesting & positive thoughts?

3. What are positive affirmations?

4. How to practice manifestation and affirmations.

5. A list of some of my favorite affirmations

Click here to buy my Manifestation Guide

Click here for the FREE affirmations page from my Manifestation Guide


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Disclaimer: This podcast does not provide any medical advice, it is for informational purposes only!

All right, girlfriend, you are now taking care of yourself like you are royalty. As you should. Because you are royalty. You are the queen, You are the mother. You are the leader of the clan. You are royalty. You should be taking care of yourself like you're royalty. If you listen to episode one or two the simple things about self-confidence, then you should have had everything shower by now. Ideally, you are dressed in something that makes you feel good. You are wearing some jewelry and you slapped on some concealer and lip gloss. And if you didn't, that's fine. The earrings in a slicked back greasy bun will do as well. I'm a nurse by trade, and in nursing school we took this class called Evidence Space Practice. It was the most hated class by most of my classmates, but it was my absolute favorite. And I don't know why. Actually, do you know why I have ADHD and I love love data and I also am a highly sensitive person, so I love to be able to hyper fixate and learn about things and obsess over them. So data for me is like, my God, it brings me so much comfort. I love seeing numbers, I love seeing insights, I love seeing analytics and I love seeing outcomes. And I'm not type-A. I talked about this in therapy today with my husband is an eye therapist. I was like, I feel like I'm type A in certain aspects of life. I love structure and I love to have a plan, but I can pivot very easily. So speaking of data, I did some research on how affirmations and manifestation actually works in the science world because we know it. We know it as like a personal feeling, psychological thing, right? We we know that your feelings are psychology, but how does manifesting something and or having affirmations, how does that actually look in the brain? And I really wanted to know and I really wanted to prove to you that there is actual sign in behind manifestation and affirmations. This is my shameless plug about my manifestation guide that went live last week. I think as of today it is now $10. I hope you snatched it up when it was $6. It is a 25 page manifestation guide. It has so much amazing guidance and life and confidence building tools in it. I'm so excited about it. I'm so proud of it. I will link it down in the footnotes. And also it's linked to my socials and on my website. Speaking of manifestation, what it is, is it is the act or practice of bringing something to life through belief. You are going to believe something and you're going to bring it to life because you believe that. and I've already gone on a religious tangent around manifestation. Are few people did question me about religion in manifestation. I've talked about it before. I will just quickly add that yes, you can believe in God in manifest the same time. Why would God give you the power to believe and pray for something if he didn't want you to do it? When you're manifesting your life, you're basically moving as if you already have that life. And that takes practice. It doesn't just come easy. You have to think about it. You have to plan it out like, what are you going to manifest? What's important to you? And then you have to believe that you are worthy of that. And that's where affirmations come in. And this is where neuroplasticity comes in. This is the science geek in me. And I really want to share with you why and how science plays a role in shifting our mind. Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural pathways. So basically your brain can reorganize its neural pathways. That's what it's saying. Usually our brain does this with itself in response to injury or disease. But when we as humans focus our attention enough and believe something and say it over and over again, we can quite literally slowly rewire those pathways. And I will link the research below because I'm not making this up. This is very true. Neuroscientists have proven this to be true. So to kind of dumb it down a little bit, basically when you are repeating to yourself every single day that I am strong and I'm worthy of being a good mom, then that's going to become your reality. You say that to yourself. However, you have to believe it, You have to feel it, you have to feel it in your body, and you have to truly believe that you are worthy of it. And you are. We know this. I know this about you. I know that you are worthy of it. So believing it yourself is the next step and saying it out loud and it feels silly like I've been doing this practice with my kids. If you guys follow me on Instagram, you know that I've been talking about how I really want to stop yelling. I'm a yeller. I hate it. It is something that I'm constantly working on and I get easily triggered and then I go from 0 to 100. One thing that I've been doing is I've been saying things out loud. I say to my kid, I really feel like yelling right now. I'm feeling very angry, but I'm not going to be a yeller. I'm not a yeller. I'm a good mom. So I'm going to take a break and come back to that. So I literally say the words out loud, and I'm doing it currently, so I can't tell you where I'm at in the process. I'm still yelling, but I'm hoping and praying, and I know that my brain will rewire itself. It will eventually wire me to calm myself down and become a non yeller. I would love that for me. now that we've explained neuroplasticity, let's talk about affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that can help you overcome self-doubt or sabotaging thoughts and negative thoughts. There are literal statements that you're going to say to yourself every single day, and they can look different every day, or you can say them in situations too. Like if you have a big meeting you have to present at at work, you can say right before the meeting, I am worthy of this position in my job. I am a very strong public speaker and I'm going to win over everyone's vote for the new project that I have planned. Like you literally have to believe it. You have to say it out loud so you can do it in situations. You can do it every single day. You can do it before bed. Whenever works for you. The goal here is to be rewiring those neural pathways When you are affirming yourself, your brain is rewiring itself because it's firing up those neural pathways. And this makes changes to those areas of the brain. And then eventually your brain just functions in that area, if that makes sense. Eventually, over time, with affirmations, you're creating physical connections with these repeated thoughts. All right? We've talked about this already. You're going to treat yourself like you are royalty. You're going to talk to yourself like you're royalty and you're going to move like you already have the life that you want. one of my affirmations every day for myself is all that is good finds me meaning the good things will find me. I don't need to go hunt all of the good things because what is good will find me. And I believe that. I truly believe that. And I personally have a very close relationship with God. So I do believe that God plays a huge role in this. I believe that he has good intentions for me. So if you're faithful and you have a religious aspect, you can definitely tie got into this. putting this simply, Our minds love to take the easy route. It is so easy to have simple minded thinking, especially because it just makes us feel comfortable. We know what we're thinking, we know how we feel. We've created these thoughts in our head, but letting go of negative thought patterns is quite literally as hard as letting go of like an addiction or something that you've engraved in yourself in your life. So give yourself time, practice. And like I said, it can feel very uncomfortable and weird at first, and you might not believe yourself the first. And that's okay. You will eventually start believing yourself because not only are you firing your neural pathways, you're also just creating positive thought patterns in your family and for yourself. When you talk positively about yourself, you're immediately going to start feeling more confident. One thing I really want to point out is that your affirmations and manifestation should always be relevant to you in your life. You can't expect to become a millionaire if that's not relevant in your life. You can't write down if you literally are working three jobs and can't make ends meet and you don't have anything in your savings, like you're not even close to being a millionaire. You can't make that a manifestation and then expect for it to happen. It's just not how it works. It has to be relevant. You have to set small goals and you have to believe that you are worthy of the next steps. Creating statements that are a false reality for you is only going to give you toxic positivity and then you're just going to be let down and not going to believe that any of your affirmations actually work. It's extremely important to make sense of all of these mantras and affirmations and manifestations in your life. Like they have to make sense, they have to align and they have to be important for you. You have to be willing to do the work and you have to be willing to believe that you are worthy of it. Those are so important to know before you start with affirmations and manifestations, I want to give you some ways that you can start using affirmations in your everyday life. There are tons of affirmation apps out there just type in like on Apple or wherever. Wherever you get your apps, just type in affirmation app and you'll get a ton of them. There are free ones are ones you can pay for. You can quite literally Google like affirmations. I can say there's tons of free stuff out there. On affirmations. I have an affirmation sheet that's included in my manifestation guide, and then I'll also include it down below for my listeners here. Personally, I prefer to write down my affirmations and or manifestations so I have it visualized. And the ones that are really relevant. Like right now I'm trying really hard not to yell, so I have sticky notes on my fridge and Tom and I actually are working on this in therapy to where we are working really hard on taking a breath before we step into conflict with each other and just having that reminder, like take a deep breath, that's certain. That's an affirmation. I will take a deep breath before I enter conflict because it just calms your body down, right? Like we don't need to go into that. But visualization is key for me, so I personally have to write it down. And then not only do I have to write it down, I hang it up in my bathroom. And then I also make the ones that are really relevant. Like then I'm not going to yell. I write them on sticky notes and put them wherever I need to in my house because visualization is a powerful tool in law of attraction. when it's a visualization, you almost have to see it as like a meditative state. Like, where do you feel most than most people in the bathroom when they're like doing their skincare, brushing their teeth, like have it on your mirror or write it on your mirror with a dry erase marker. It just makes you feel a little bit more Zen in that space where you feel like you have the most space. As moms, I feel like I don't get a lot of personal space, but in the bathroom I feel like is where I can find the best. Okay, so now that you have the app and or have written them down, you're going to put it somewhere that's important for you and then you're going to repeat them. This is the most important part. You're going to recite your affirmations. This can be tricky if you don't live alone and someone's listening to you. But honestly, as a mom, I love when my kids hear me say my affirmations and I love when they hear me say I'm a good mom, I'm not going to yell because I am powerful and strong and I'm calm. Like I love for them to hear that because I want them to also pick up that habit. want them to also become kids that are using affirmations and they do. We're really good about having our kids say good things about themselves, but we're not really good about doing that for ourselves. So saying them out loud is important because it is going to make you believe that they are true. Repeating them over and over again is rewiring those neural pathways. I cannot say that enough. It feels weird to feel silly. Trust me, I've been through it, but it is quite literally game changing. Here are a few of my favorite affirmations for confidence, as I do a lot of public speaking. So for me, I'm scared. Like I get the nervous poops. So I say this to myself, being out of my comfort zone helps me to overcome my fears. I believe in myself. I am enough. I attract positive people into my life. I'm resilient. My best is always good enough. That one is so important for moms listening. My best is always good enough. Some days are best is not the best that we envisioned. Some days our best is maybe another person's worst, but it is always good enough. And you have to believe that because you are trying your best and it is good enough. I am proud of my achievements. I am worthy of my achievements. I worked really hard for what I have. I am worthy of what I want. I trust my intuition. My opinion is valuable. My experience is valuable. My future will be positive. I am worthy of honest friendship. My potential is powerful. My uniqueness is enough. My faith in myself is unshakable. My voice is powerful. I can be as confident as anyone else. And I'm going to leave you with that one. I can be as confident as anyone else. And you can. And you should be. And you are. You are worthy of confidence. You are amazing. You're an amazing woman. You're an amazing mother. And I'm so proud of you for listening to this episode. I'm proud of you for being here in this Confidence series because it's hard. It is so hard to pick yourself up off the floor, look and feel your best after you have given so much you have depleted yourself. For everyone else, it is now your turn to take back your confidence. And I know you can and I know you will. I'm putting it into the universe for you. You are going to be confident. You are a confident, calm, beautiful and worthy Mother. I love you and I can't wait to hear what you think about this episode. I hope you took a little bit of science information away. Because I loved science. I was really bad at it in school, actually. But I do love it. And as always, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review. Share it on socials, follow me on socials and come back next week because I'm super excited to continue this confidence series. I hope it's simple and straight to the point and I hope you're learning a ton. Love you. See you next week.