Life Boost with Amelia

Ep. 61 | Unconscious Chains + Free Resources

Amelia Knight Pinkston Season 1 Episode 61

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The moment my life changed was the moment I started to see the unconscious chains that had been holding me back from everything that I wanted but I didn't think was possible. It felt like suddenly the clouds were parting and everything seemed sunnier and more colorful. Since that moment, I've been on a mission to help others experience that same feeling like a huge weight is being lifted off your shoulders and you can breathe again. In this episode, I give examples of how unconscious chains (like limiting beliefs and automatic habits/patterns) hold us back and make our life harder and more uncomfortable than it has to be. 

Here are the free resources mentioned in this podcast episode:

Disclaimer: The information provided in this podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical, mental health, or professional advice. I am a certified health and life coach, not a licensed medical or mental health professional. Please consult with a healthcare provider before making any changes to your physical or mental health routines. If you are experiencing a crisis, seek help from a qualified professional or contact emergency services.

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Hey Life Booster, this is Dr. Amelia, multi passionate, certified integrative health and life coach, change worker, hypnotist, and recovered burnt out vet, here to help you break the norm by freeing yourself from the unconscious chains that are holding you back from living a life that energizes you from within. Hey, so did you notice that I I just totally changed my intro to this podcast. Um, I don't know, it's a mouthful. It likely is going to change. But, change. I am realizing that I am always changing, um, and of course, so are you, right? That's what life is about, and that's what makes it so exciting. We are always evolving. And when you do identify those unconscious chains, and you free yourself from them, That journey of change just becomes the most liberating journey you could possibly go on and that is kind of what I've been reflecting on a lot lately. I am starting to, let me back up. So right now I woke up early because I'm feeling so energized and I think it's because I Am really starting to like see the light. So the past six months have been Incredible. I have had done so many cool trainings that have just like Totally expanded my mind to what is possible. It's helped to create change for me. It's helped me to let go of some things that had been hard. And um, that I just, I just was able to just kind of finally unchain myself and to move on in a way that feels so empowering. And I have done a lot of reflecting, inner growth, um, I have really, it's kind of, I guess I'm like even having a hard time articulating just how much has changed and grown in the past six months. Um, I had a lot of projects. So in terms of like my own training and, and growth and knowledge, just the past six months I haven't had a moment when I'm not doing a training. So I did my integrative life coach and change work certification for the first quarter, that just absolutely blew my mind and helped me to really understand how to coach the unconscious mind, rewire the brain, calm the nervous system. That was the best investment I've ever made in any training, ever. Then I immediately did a program called PQ and there's a book, Positive Intelligence. I highly recommend reading it. That program was another way of calming your nervous system, calling out like your inner critic, survival mode, uh, just another way of rewiring your brain that really did utilize the same concepts that I had learned from the integrative life coaching program. And change work, just in a different way of explaining it, which I loved. It was such a great way of just building on that and building that momentum. And then I loved the hypnosis that I had learned in the integrative change work program that I did. And I wanted to dive even deeper. You know, hypnosis is really powerful for, chronic pain, for addictions. Just get, um, Getting deeper meaning about things, getting out of your busy mind, and really connecting with your inner wisdom. And I really wanted to dive even deeper. And so this past month I've been doing an additional training with my same teacher, Melissa Tiers, who's just brilliant and so skilled. Um, And I'm getting my certification in that. And this is the final week. And I'm, I have promised myself, I am not going to do another training or certification for a little while. This has been amazing. I am so glad that I have done this and also I need a little time to sit with all of this and just to use it and to Give my brain a little break. There are definitely some things I'm already Wanting to dive into I just naturally I cannot help but dive down rabbit holes. It's just the way my brain works and I have some more things that are really interesting me, but No, I'm gonna sit with this and it's going to be, oh, it's gonna feel great. But, um, going back just for a moment for the hypnosis certification and Melissa Tiers and what I have been doing, I mean, I cannot emphasize how cool it has been to see how quickly change is possible when you understand how to be rewiring the brain and It's kind of, when you combine, there's this newer concept that really just in like maybe the past 10 years starting to, we're becoming aware of it and seeing, um, how it creates change, using things like fMRI, like really seeing what's going on in the brain, um, there's something called therapeutic memory reconsolidation, It helps to create change really quickly and then along with, hypnosis, that can be really incredibly powerful. So just in the program that I've been doing, the way that it works is we have, we are taught things and then we practice on each other or we watch demonstrations and so I've also been able to experience the All of what I'm learning on myself personally and also, you know, everyone in the program is sharing their experiences and it's so cool, you know, like, um, people who have had like fear of heights their entire life within just like a short period. It's just that fear is gone. Um, they were able to just rewire their brain, um, there with the pain, um, management that we're learning. It's. It's certainly very different for individuals, but one of the demonstrations, one of the students has had like chronic pain in her abdomen for years and years that were, was very severe after having a pretty traumatic C section and multiple surgeries. During, like, an eight minute demonstration, where we learned some, um, ways of helping with chronic pain, that pain just went away for her, and it hasn't come back since that demonstration. That's just how powerful it is when the unconscious mind, when you connect with that, the unconscious mind... works in metaphors and it's so interesting to see how when you are able to connect with that and to change things how much it can change the way that we experience life and I want to emphasize that this does not mean that pain like that kind of pain is just like being made up That's a very real pain that is being experienced And it's also very interesting when we can just speak to the unconscious mind and help the body to change, especially when that pain is associated with traumatic events. It's very interesting to see how much it can change, and how we can get relief. So that's where I'm at. I mean, it's been a wild ride and just so cool about Experiencing this and gaining all this knowledge and I'm also like, wow, it'll be really really cool to just like not be having this learning and while I've been doing these Certifications, I have also been just really looking at life boost and Thinking about where I want it to go, reflecting on like, what is it that I really do, what is my mission. That's what led to really looking at, um, the coaching that I had done, and the results that I get for the clients that I work with. And, It led me to putting together all of these courses into this client portal, or this amazing website that I'm proud of. Um, that really helps to walk you through one step at a time. All of the key concepts and exercises that are so critical for freeing yourself from those unconscious chains. Basically, identifying the things that are holding you back and finally living the life that you want. And it has, um, taken some time for me to even be able to, articulate what I do. Um, like I had created the Game Changer and my one year mentorship, and it's easy for me to, like, know what I do and to know how to get the results with my clients, but sometimes it's hard for me to be able to articulate what, what the programs actually do, because it's profound, like, there's not something, there, it's not like other programs out there, it's not like a simple, oh, just like, follow this plan for four weeks, and you'll like, lose ten pounds, no, it's like, it's so much deeper, and um, So I could have kind of, I created these things, but I didn't have any, like, actual helpful information in terms of, like, what you would expect while I'm going through these, because it felt kind of hard to, to articulate that. And so, that's, I have been creating that program, and then also trying to reflect on, like, how can I describe what you can expect. How can I describe that to you? And so I've also been really working on revamping my website and, um, that is in the works and in the next week or two that should be updated. I have been creating a lot of very valuable but free resources, because it's so important to me. That everybody has the ability and the resources available to them to create the change that they want. Like, I, I remember what it's like to feel so stuck and just to not know where to turn to get help and feeling ashamed. And I, I do not want anyone to feel that way. And... So, that is one thing that I've been spending a lot of time on, is creating free resources. Um, that I have spent so much time on, because I want Lifeboost and what I do to be available to everybody, no matter your circumstances or financial situation. and I have also worked hard in creating, you know, once you get those free resources, creating emails that additionally help to share all of the key concepts and exercises that have changed my life. As I've been doing all of this, Uh, it has really required thinking back to when my life suddenly changed in a really big way, like, what led me here? Like, why was I so miserable and stuck? Why had I stayed like that for quite a while? And what was it that just... Shifted things and has led me to this point now where I'm just living life in a way that I just didn't think was possible a few years ago and I, it really goes back to I remember the moment that it changed, like I was sitting on my couch in the living room. I had gotten home from another just totally draining shift. And I just was, it was at the point where most days I had so many, like, bottled up emotions that when I would get home, I just felt emotionally numb. I felt, like, irritated and just like it was too much. Like, I was, so maxed out on emotions that, like, I couldn't even connect with any of them. And I was sitting on my couch and... I think I had just been crying, talking to Matt, and then there was one question that changed everything, because with that one question, I just remember the feeling it was like clouds were parting, this huge weight just lifted off my shoulders, and suddenly I just started to see everything differently. It's like, truly... Like, the clouds parted, things started to be sunnier, life just looked more colorful, and I started to see what was possible. And it sounds cheesy, but there's no other way that I can describe it. That's truly what it felt like. It was like this huge wall that had been in front of me that was just like holding me back from everything that I wanted and didn't think was possible for me. It just came crumbling down. Um, and From that moment on, I started to move forward and feel free. And nothing changed in my, like, my circumstances didn't change in that moment. It was a mindset shift. And that, when I am saying unconscious chains, that's what I mean. I... I started to see the chains that were holding me back and I just started to unchain myself from them. And there is this concept called baby elephant syndrome that I think helps to describe what I experienced. It's, you know, an unethical practice and a sad concept because, I mean, I love elephants. Elephants are one of my favorite animals. They're just... So cool. Um, so this is kind of like a sad concept, but the way that, it goes is that baby elephants in captivity, they are trained really early on, they have either like a rope or a chain that's like put around one of their legs, and it's tied to a giant log or tree, something that, they're small, you know, and the tree is big, they can't break free from. So they kind of, you know, try to break free from it, and they realize that they can't. And so they stop trying. And what happens is that, you know, elephants become gigantic. But their brain early on makes that association that when they have that chain around their leg, they cannot Break free. And so as adults, they can have like these tiny little, you know, like sticks. And that's what the chain is tied to. Something that they could very easily just take wherever they wanted, but they just don't try because their brain believes that they are stuck. And that's what was happening for me. Like that, when I'm talking about an unconscious chain, it was like I just really believed that I was stuck And in that moment, that's when I started to see, Oh, I'm actually tied to like, a tiny stick that I could totally drag wherever I want. And I did. Like, from that moment on, I started to realize that I can just, I can do the things that I want. Like, this chain is... It's pathetic. And since that moment, it's like as soon as you start to be able to see these unconscious chains, you start to notice where they are all around you. So when I say unconscious chains, what I mean is that there are either limiting beliefs or unconscious automatic patterns and habits that are happening that are holding you back from feeling your best. And I'll give some examples, but there are endless possibilities. So for me, when I was burnt out, So, some of the things that had contributed to that, one was the limiting belief, so a belief I had about myself and my circumstances that really wasn't true. The limiting belief that I was stuck being a vet, that I had just invested too much time, like everybody thought that I was going to be a vet, I had student loans, like it just didn't seem possible to me that I could do something else. And as soon as I questioned that and recognized, like, when I looked at the facts, none of those were actually reasons, like, I absolutely could do something different. And when I started that path, you know, I continued to be working full time as a veterinarian, but I allowed myself to see, like, oh, I just first started exploring what other things that I could do, and I was so passionate about, health and fitness and wellness. That was a topic that I could, I never got sick of. And so I started to explore options, and then I learned about health coaching. And then I... Allowed myself to overcome the money mindset. Um, my money mindset of like not being, not wanting to invest in myself because I had invested so much in order to go to vet school and I regretted that. And so, for a while I was at the point where I wouldn't treat myself to anything. Paying for guac at Chipotle was just like too much. I was just punishing myself. That was another unconscious chain. This habit of always punishing myself in these subtle ways of not feeling deserving of anything. Even if it was like an extra dollar for some avocado. And so... Um, recognizing that and allowing myself to, to make that investment, to do the program through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. That was huge for me as well. That was just another unconscious chain that I just started to drag that stick along because, I was still working full time at the same place where I, was feeling burnt out. But allowing myself to do that program, that added so much richness to my life. I was adding something onto my plate, but I loved it. It really changed. It was continuing to change my mindset. It was just really, the things that I was learning were really great just in my own personal life as well. And so that was another unconscious chain that I identified and started to unchain myself from. Some of the unconscious patterns that I had that were contributing to burnout, uh, was the people pleasing, I didn't recognize that like the reason that I had a hard time saying no, or the reason that I didn't ever speak up for what I was really feeling where these habits of like this people pleasing rooted in trauma, I didn't, I just thought that that was the way that I was. And so that I didn't think I didn't see myself changing. I didn't really see that as an option or my, um, you know, being in flight, I never was able to rest. So on weekends, I was already feeling totally burnt out and exhausted from a job that was draining all my energy, but I had so many beliefs about like As a, a wife, or like, as just like a productive human being, what I should be doing on weekends. So I would fill it with projects, or always just, I could not rest, even though I knew that I needed to. Those were more unconscious chains that were just keeping me stuck in this life that was making me always feel overwhelmed, like I wasn't doing enough, that I was exhausted. And in order to break free from that life, I needed to identify, one by one, these unconscious habits, these unconscious beliefs, these limiting beliefs that were holding me back. And everybody's living with these, right? You know, when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, there are so many beliefs that our culture and society has conditioned us to believe. And when we are inundated with messages all around us that contribute to beliefs about what it means to be healthy, that get in the way of living a sustainable lifestyle that's actually enjoyable. You know, we are taught that unhealthy food is more desirable. than healthy food, right? Like pizza is for parties, cake is for celebrating, broccoli is what you had to eat in order to earn dessert. And so our mind just has this belief that unhealthy food is superior to healthy food. But that is one of those unconscious chains. Because when you look at the big picture and the facts, there's lots of really delicious, nourishing food that makes you feel great. And when you look at something like fast food, where maybe your brain is like, ooh, donuts, that's like awesome. But when you notice how that actually makes you feel for the rest of the day, compared to a super delicious nourishing breakfast, you start to realize, like, actually that unhealthy food isn't superior. Actually, I want that healthy food. And just continuing to call out any beliefs that you can't be, like, a healthy weight without depriving yourself. All of these are just unconscious chains. It doesn't have to be so hard. There are so many ways to just do things differently that will transform the way you experience life. Even noticing your brain filter, you know? Like, are you going through life with a glasses half empty filter? Like, it's gonna be a bad filter looking for all the things that are hard. Or, or, do you have a glasses half full filter? That good day filter. Looking at your successes versus your perceived fails. There are endless Unconscious chains that you can just start freeing yourself from today, as long as you start looking for them. The life boosts The starter kit that I have also has, um, in the, the brain assessment, it has some signs that you're in survival mode and it also has some of the common limiting beliefs when it comes to having a sustainable, healthy lifestyle and having a, really positive relationship with yourself. So I really invite you to check that out. It's like the simplest, super quick assessment and checklist just to start giving you an idea of some of the unconscious beliefs and chains that may be getting in the way. And so when I talk about breaking the norm and living a life that energizes you from within, that's what I mean. I... It is my mission to help others to experience that same sense of freedom. Weight lifting off your shoulders. Feeling like you can breathe again. Feeling like you suddenly just see life in a much more, sunny and colorful way. That is what my programs do. That is the experience that I want everyone to be able to experience. And so, that's what I've been busy doing the past six months is making sure that every single resource that I have, whether that's free, or my one year mentorship, or one on one programs, that anyone who comes into my space is able to start identifying those unconscious chains. That have been holding you back from everything that is totally possible for you. So I hope that this gets you a little curious about what are some of those unconscious chains. And... Man, I took a little break from podcasting because I've been busy, but now that I'm starting to, see the light and to, um, to see that I am finishing some of these massive projects I've been doing, I'm really looking forward to doing a lot of podcasting. Um, but just to give you a summary of some of the free resources that I have available right now. I have my favorite anti anxiety tool, it's a one minute tool, and six powerful ways to use it. If you want to start rewiring your brain and calming your nervous system, this is it. I'm teaching you the basics of self directed neuroplasticity, basically how to rewire your brain and to create change. So that is a really amazing resource. I have my Life Boost Starter Kit. So, if you're familiar with the Life Boost approach, that is how to be creating a sustainable, healthy lifestyle that you love. You need to prioritize the three L's. That's love, lifestyle, long term. You have to love all What you're doing, the way that it's making you feel, and it has to be coming from a loving and respectful place. Lifestyle, it has to make sense with your unique lifestyle, it has to feel doable. And then long term, you need to be Wanting to create a new norm that you love. if your approach, if you're just doing that and planning on going back to your old ways, then the way that you feel is going to go back to the old ways. You need to be using an approach that you want to keep up long term. And in order to feel your best in your body, you have to be balancing the three life boost B's, belly, brain, and blood sugar. Belly, meaning gut health, blood sugar, needs to be stable, and brain, meaning stress, mindset, happiness. When you address and balance all of those, you will feel unstoppable. And my Life Boost Starter Kit has some really cool, super fast assessments, so that you can check which of those Life Boost Bs may be out of balance for you. And then once you identify that, you can just click on whichever one you want to focus on. And I have, created and compiled so many free resources that I have. say you want to be, uh, really focusing on belly, your gut health. Here are the places to start. Here are all the resources that I have to support you. It took me a lot of time to put this together and it's so important to me that everyone has this foundation of being able to really support your body and to approach healthy in a way that actually Makes you feel more alive because that's the point, right? Like the point of being healthy when you think about what does it mean to be more healthy? You probably imagine feeling energized. You feel confident. You have energy. And so if your approach is making you feel that way, like if you're relying on discipline and willpower, if you're feeling deprived, if it's sucking the life out of you, if it's making your life harder, That's not healthy, right? And so this is how to help you to be listening to your body, learning from your body, and connecting with what you need in order to feel good and to create a sustainable life. That is what the Life Boost Starter Kit does. And then I also offer a one hour Clarity coaching call. So this is a complimentary call. It's a one time thing available to anyone Designed to help you to have clarity on what has been feeling hard and how to move forward in a way that feels good And I've created a clarity worksheet. That's a consult form that you fill out beforehand And there are two goals with that. One is that just working through those questions, they're going to help you to start having clarity on why things have been feeling hard and what you need, even before the call. And you could absolutely Just do that worksheet it a lot of those questions would be really awesome Journal prompts for you, even if you don't want to do the call. I designed it for that but if you do decide that you want to experience coaching and you want to do that call then filling out that form is going to give me a really great background so we can really dive into creating change during that hour and I I've been doing so much reflecting too on like my past experiences with programs and how I want you to feel in In my space and in any of my programs and one thing is like I've been on calls before that just like turn into a sales pitch and that just feels gross and I want to reassure you that if that is, if you decide you want to do a call, that's not going to happen. This is an hour that is for you. If you want to learn about my programs, I would be happy to share that with you, but I can guarantee it won't turn into a sales pitch. And then finally, I am so passionate about creating change in the veterinary profession. I see so many solutions and so many things that just don't make sense in the vet profession. And so I have created the free Beat the Burnout series for Every member of the veterinary team to start teaching what we should be learning in vet school, and how we can beat burnout. And if you're listening to this at the time that this podcast is coming out, the next one is going to be Thursday, June 29th. It's going to be about no more bullies. It's overcoming toxic clients and the negative thoughts that are weighing you down. And I already have had one anti anxiety tools that actually work and the replay is available. So my goal is that all veterinary professionals are going to be listening to these to create positive change around them. So whoo. Yeah. Those are all of the free resources that I have been creating. I have been creating epic programs as well. And I do want to do some podcasts just speaking to what change and transformations you can expect with those programs. But I think that this is enough for now. I'm going to leave links to all of those resources that I just mentioned in the notes, and I'm really excited to continue to be connecting with you, to be sharing concepts that have been just totally blowing my mind, and, yeah, just sharing what's on my heart. So I encourage you to start looking for those unconscious chains that are holding you back from living the life that you want. And if you find this podcast helpful, please share it with your friends or family or someone that you think would benefit and if you want to do me a huge favor, if you could leave a review, I would appreciate that so much. I am back to podcasting and I'd really like to grow this little podcast of mine and you can really help me with that. So thanks for being here and cheers to your inevitable health, happiness, and success.