The Jodi Watkins Show

Take Back Your Power

Season 1 Episode 3

We can live life quietly or we can free ourselves of the bondage and fear we place on ourselves and share the stories most people wouldn't be willing to share. To admit our flaws isn't easy. Jo Ann Richards has gone from thinking she needed a man to complete her to knowing she is already complete with God and allowing Him to bring her the man she could do life with finally.

Jo Ann's book, Midlife Magic, takes you on the transformative journey of Jo Ann Richards' life, from her typical suburban childhood, through six marriages involving abuse, divorce, and death, to her current marriage to a military intelligence officer incarcerated for a crime he didn't commit. Jo Ann had been an active member of the Mormon Church for nearly 30 years before leaving it behind to fully embrace the world of UFOs, elementals, magic and the paranormal which had long spoken to her soul. Through her many struggles, she found her strengths, gifts, and inner power, and learned that dreams can, and do, come true. Today she is a warrior who proudly carries the title, Wise Woman-Crone.

If you are interested in getting in touch with Jo Ann, you can easily find her on Facebook at

She does also operate as a bookkeeper and accountant, so if you are need those services, reach out to her. She can also be reached via email at

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You are also encouraged to subscribe to the Breaking Barriers YouTube channel. You can find out more about the host, Jodi Watkins, and the links to her channels, including this one, at

Jodi also puts the podcast videos inside of a collaborative platform that allows the discussion to continue and engagement to be anonymous. Click to create a free profile and go the Breaking Barriers Now group inside Convene Communities, the platform with purpose:

Stay blessed and remember not to quit!

Support the show

The Jodi Watkins Show, formerly known as Breaking Barriers Now, is sponsored by Convene Connections Corporation and Lady J Global Enterprises LLC.

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Thank you all for being a part of this mission and for allowing me to facilitate these stories in ways I never imagined being able to.

Please share the podcast with everyone you know. If you are interested in sponsoring or appearing as a guest, please get in touch with Jodi Watkins through her link at