Apostle Cindy Jarrett Podcast
Take a thirty minute journey with me, every week, as we experience a spiritual touch from Jesus on Dynamic Touch.
Podcasting since 2022 • 120 episodes
Apostle Cindy Jarrett Podcast
Latest Episodes
Dynamic Touch | with Apostle Cindy Jarrett presents | Evangelism | Part2
This week will will wrap up today;s message, Evangelism. Join us now for part 2 with Apostle Cindy Jarrett.
Episode 2

Dynamic Touch | with Apostle Cindy Jarrett presents | Evangelism | Part 1
It's time to share the good news! It's time to spread the good news, it is time to start the movement and let us win souls by evangelising to those near and far.Join Dynamic with Apostle Cindy Jarrett for part 1 now.
Episode 1

Dynamic Touch | with Apostle Cindy Jarrett presents todays message | Speak Life
So many of us, speak without thinking, answer without thoughts and don't forget, saying the Lord name in vein, bringing curses to ourselves and family & friends, and don't forget when we are angry, our mouth has no catch, causing regrets la...

Dynamic Touch | with Apostle Cindy Jarrett presents | Level Up
This week we invite you to another inspiring word here on Dynamic Touch, and the word is to Level Up!What does that even mean? Level Up! It's understanding that you need to Level Up with God, come straight, change your ways and more.

Dynamic Touch | with Apostle Cindy Jarrett presents | God is Judge | Part3| 2024
Hello #Friends, #Followers & #Family, by now you would have heard parts 1 & 2. There is not much more to add than to say read: Psalm 75. Galations 5 & #Galations 8, and prepare to be #elevated, be #promoted, be #upgrade...
Episode 3