Breaking the Grade

Oliver Knott on Providing Hope for Diverse Learners

December 06, 2022 Josh Chernikoff

Oliver Knott excelled in school from childhood through university. No surprise there because Knott was lucky enough to attend one of the UK’s prestigious grammar schools, which set him on a path to success. 

But – his brother, who did not attend the same school and struggled as a student, had a very different educational experience growing up. UNTIL – he was diagnosed with dyslexia which changed his life. And – Oliver’s life too. Dramatically. 

By listening to our show today about this champion for dyslexic people - including his brother - you’ll learn about: 

  • How Knott used his schooling and his brother’s schooling to shape his early career and drives him every day at International Dyslexia Learning Solutions;

  • Why Knott returned to the more financially depressed part of the UK where he grew up - the NW part - and how he plans to make a difference in his hometown;   

  • And how working at a supermarket after college for five years gave Knott experiences that taught him a lifetime of lessons about the inequality facing people today. 

Breakers band together as we talk to a champion of all people – especially dyslexic people – Oliver Knott. 

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