Westside Church Spokane Podcast
Welcome to Westside Church's message recordings from our Church Services and Events! We are a Non-denominational church out of Spokane, WA. We teach straight from the Bible and pursue relationship with Jesus just like he pursues us everyday! If you like the teaching please share with friends and family to promote the spread of the Gospel.
Westside Church Spokane Podcast
Stewardship Part 3: Sowing & Reaping
Money. It's not an easy topic to talk about. But, scripture has a lot to say about how we're to manage it and the generous life God has called us to live. Today, we're starting a new series exploring the subject of stewardship. With God's favor and our faithfulness, we can partner with God to build his kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.
We love to believe God with you for whatever you're facing in life. Fill out a prayer request at wcspokane.com/prayerrequest