Alpha Uncut

CRACKING DOWN on Big City Crime the RIGHT Way...Milwaukee Mayor Candidate Bob Donovan

Bob Donovan Episode 3

This show is for the ANTI “WOKE” where we talk about money, entrepreneurship, investing, free markets, politics, economics, and trending topics as it applies to life, business, and success… Nick is a contributor for Entrepreneur magazine and has been featured in the Huffington Post. He is an Author and speaker.  He is a TWICE self-made millionaire entrepreneur (started at age 19) who built a real estate investing business primarily focused on flipping homes and buying commercial properties…The show is a similar format to Patrick Bet David, Joe Rogan, Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferris, Gary Vee, etc.


Okay, welcome back. it is the Alpha uncut show where we talk about trending topics, current events, Um, situations people care about on a city Federal level, we talk about free market capitalism and making people's lives better. I mean, that's the thesis of the show. Um, and I'm very excited because we have a local mayoral candidate here, Bob Donovan, who is Um in a challenge here, And he's uh. He's a conservative candidate and we want to talk to them about the stuff people care about, the stuff I care about. I live here. I have kids. There's a lot of families here that care about a lot of things. So Um, Bob, welcome telephon Cut well, Nick, I appreciate the opportunity. It's great to be here. Yeah, Yeah, so I think the overarching thesis. I mean there's there's like a lot of stuff we can get into with Milwaukee, But like for me, the thesis is how do we incentiveiise migration back into the city. We know people in this in the good news like people listening. I told you there's actually on top of all of our local listeners. there's national and even international, but a lot of people are on the cities and it's like you represent this conservative ideology for a city that people in Portland care about that people in Chicago care about. There's other big city people that are chiming in And like saying Hey, can you talk to him about x Y and z, even though they're not inlwaukee, Because the big city problem. quote unquote is not just Milwaukee, We have a big city problem in this country. Yeah, crime is at the top of that ticket. Without a doubt, we have seen. quite frankly, Nick. I can't believe what I'm seeing in the last two years and the deterioration. not only of Milwaukee, but uh, Just as you mentioned, so many one great American cities. Yeah, and the foolishness and the direction that they have been led in. Yeah, that has really dug them so deep into a wholele it's pathetic. Yeah, and it's going to take a monumental effort to get us out, but I am sensing more and more of the desire on the part of people who have simply said Enough is enough. Yeah, and we need to go in a different direction. Yeah, it's I mean. it's part of like the populous movement. In a way. I mean people are fed up. They're sick of like the traditional political games. Um, it's Milwaukee, first, America first, et cetera, et cetera, Like people want this America First ideology. In fact, I was talking on my other show about. I don't even love. just saying Hey, I'm a Republican because I feel even there's like a like almost. I'm not going to say a split. But there's like these people are like America, First, Milwaukee first, and then there's like the card carrying like suitan tie guys. But like people want stuff done, That's the thing people want stuff done. This time people want government to work effectively andefficiently I will tell you, in the twenty years that I was Milwaukee, Aldomman, the decent, hard working law biting citizens in my district just wanted a few simple things. They wanted to live in a safe clean, quiet neighborhood with a minimal amount of money or a minimal amount of problems for a reasonable amount of tax dollars. Right, And that's what local government needs to deliver and it hasn't. It's got this whole woke agenda that for years of advancing foolishness, Yeah, and not really taking care of the real issues, and here we have as just as I said, Milwaukee's in such a deep hole. It's going to take a huge effort to get us out. Yeah, you know, it's funny you say woke, because literally the description of the show. I think the first sentence says This is the show for the antiwoke, Yeah, I B. S you not. Yeah, that's like our thesis because woke woke the word that literally ten years ago. Never no one ever heard like the word. Woke is a new newspee. Yeah, it's newspe. Yeah, that book Nineteen eighty four. I'm a big reader. Okay, I love history. I love reading, but Woke is a newspee word along with a lot of other news. You know what I mean when I say news, or well, co out very well, Actually, Yeah, um, but you're right like we want safety. We want security. A few things we werere going to talk about. Obviously crime is, I believe is the top of the ticket here like there's a lot of issues. Crime is number one. Because again, when I look at the overarching thesis which I want to get from you is you know what are you going to do to incentiise the that, the thirty year old couple with the five year old kid and a two year old, Uh, you know, in and then the pregnant with the third kid. Why are they? S. What policies you know? what I mean? Like what do you want to do? That's can incentiviise them to move back in, Because that's what we need. We need good. all the young families to rebuild the city. But why would they? now? they wouldn't absolutely. And you hit it right on the head. when you started with Safety without safety. Nothing else positive can occur in a neighborhood you don't. You don't have people moving in You. Ha, you don't have businesses moving in. What you have is businesses moving out right and good people who can afford to moving out as well, so safety is job number one. Yeah, in addition to that our educational system so often I would talk to young couples who may have a starter home in the city of Milwaukee. Yeah, child arrives. Yeah, he move out, of course, as they don't want to send their kids to M. P. S. So you blame ' you, I, I can't right. I mean what's happening there needs to be addressed right. We have got to have a mayrror, and and quite frankly, our our last mayor spent seventeen years ignoring our public schools, ignoring education. in general, he wrote it away, right A. and he allowed this to deteriorate, never even bringing it up, never holding anybody a accountable. I'll tell you this, Nick. the mayor of the city of Milwaukee, has the second biggest bully pulpit in the state of Wisconsin, second only to the Governor. He needs to hold people accountable and hold these agencies such as our public schools, such as all of the various city departments accountable for the services or lack thereof. I agree providing. I agree, and I think lack thereof is the better description. Yeah, it's just like, almost like a hands off deterioration model. Like no one's necessarily sledge hammering things down to the ground. Let their hands off Approach is letting it a rod away, Naturally, and I, right, I have right and I have watched this coved situation be exploited by many of our city workers. Sadly, many of our public officials you go to city hall. it's a ghost town. Yeah, no one shows up for work anymore. They're working out of home. Well, let's be honest, or are they working out of their home? You know, the workers there are purely incompetent too. I mean, I hate like. I literally went down to the courthouse for something. I felt like I was in like a check cashing place or something like it wasn't efficient, but you're right it. Well, it goes back to don't let a good crisis go to waste. I mean, yeah, Dep, we weep. That's a topic we won't even dive into because that's a crazy rabbit ho. but from federal on down, the exploitation of covet is disgusting. I took my kids to the museum the other day and we had to wear masks. Yeah and I go wait. I thought March first Milwaukee lifted the the mandate. Well, were this is actually a county property. I go. Oh, well, that's very scientific, Meaning if I go next door in the city property, I'm safe without them. I mean it's just you you look at that. You only can laugh because it's like next door, No mask, hear mask. Oh, that's how science works. Einstein D. Da Vinci. All these guys that that's the science we're in into. You know what I mean like that. S political science is what it is. Government will find a way to have mess things up. Yeah, believe me, when I was older in, I worked very closely with the private sector, both the business community and the faith community. I said, for years If you want something done, have the private sector do it because I will. my tas. Yeah, government will find a way to gum it up yet. No, you're so roous twice as much. Yeah, you know. I, um. I've I' love. one of my favorite books is The wealth and Uh, Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, which is obviously for people listening. The founders of our country basically based the free market capitalist model, which was virtually an experiment in the seventey, late seventeen hundreds, Off of this book The Wealth of Nations, which we're like, Wait, What if the com? What if companies compete, the consumer wins and we stay out of it. Look at our innovation like the any, And this is my philosophy. Anything the government touches turns to mush, Mhm, period, I mean, it's just a stay out of it. Guess what we have. The, the citizens have the brains, the ingenuity and incentive to go out and produce. Now I will say this, There's a few left wing policies that want to Robin Ro. You know, I always. my, always. My argument is I'm an entrepreneur. I risk everything I borrow. borrow my brains out. I'm at the brink of bankruptcy and then I make it and then there's a big Pa tax penalty at the end. No, no, no reward. the producers reward the producers right. That's one of my thesis for this show and capitalism, and it sounds like'bard absolutely. And you know so often what I've seen over the years too Is people looking to government to solve all of the problems? That's absolutely absurd. Now. Certainly local government has a role to play in our society, but not the only Roy. But what is the role of local government? I would argue. it's rather base basic. keep our streets safe, educate our kids with a quality education. Make sure the garbage is picked up. The street lights come on, the sewers, work things like that, and once you accomplish that, you also as much as possible, create an atmosphere where the private sector can prosper on their own hard work and merits. That's the role that government should play in our society, and it's not there to tackle every other issue which they try and do to placate this group or their group or some activ, Iss pandering for voters. Let's be honest, I mean, is it, and then they neglect their core mission. Yeah, and then things go to hell in the hand basket. Yeah, No, I read a book called Applied Economics by Thomas Seul and he talks about this exact thing. Give that, give the poor money, or help this group in that group, and that all sounds fine, And they, as they use the tax dollars and migrated over there, But the long term effects of these policies usually come into play. the devastating long term effects after the person who promoted it was is out of office. They and this guy basically did studies and correlated all these dangerous left wing policies that are supposedly helping the poor and the you know, Um, disabled, and all these things, which again, I'm all for helping people that are truly disabled. Let's be honest, though, and I look at the welfare programs, especially in a state like Wisconsin. I used to be an inner city landlord. I understand what's happening down there. People do need things. The very unfortunate should I believe there's more abuse than need. I don't have state. I don't have. I don't have the evidence to prove that, but anecdotally from what I've seen, these people are abusing this and free money. you know, free energy free. you know, Uh, food stamps. They take the quest card or whatever it is for six hundred a month. You know that they get the food with, and then they go sell it for four hundred cash on the streets and all these games, and that's a whole, another topic, but there, I believe there's so much abuse. You know, they want to hire eighty seven thousand. the federal government I, r. S agents to check on us, little guys. How about investigate all thebusers of these welfare program? It's scary and when you have people who feared the government, that's tyranny. Government needs to fear the people. It's called liberty. Yes, absolutely Il. I love. I love your thesis, because E on a local government level, Hey, let's make sure there's cops on the streets. Firefighters, you know, get the schools in order, but we're not going to put our hands in all the little operations. You gum it up, you said ass. You can mess it up now. That doesn't mean that government, and and certainly as mayor, you sort of set the pace and set the priorities. but work with the private sector. bring them into that. Yeah, a particular effort. You'd be surprised what you can accomplish when I was old De minuteed again. I hate to keep on going ba on on it, but there are plenty of examples that I could bring up of use of working with the private sector to help fund Uh initiatives that were very successful. One of them was our Operation impact effort. I reached out to the private sector to raise funds of businesses, foundations, all from private money to help pay for Uh, surveillance cameras that we installed on businesses throughout the district on Uh, additional lighting, most especially in our alleys because we were having experiencing a lot of car break ins, and uh a garage break is. Did you incentize their private investment? How did that work? They? I just asked and they were willing to do it, Because this was working in partnership with the police. It also provided for foot patrol officers, so these businesses, you know, beat cops walking the area. they loved it and they were very willing to contribute. I'm not talking huge sums of money. Yeah, but five hundred a thousand. Yeah, that all adds up. Yeah, and we were able, and then of course the foundations. so you'd get tens of thousands from right. Various foundations right. But they saw the benefit of this, so the private sector partnering with the police to make the area safer. Yeah, that makes sense. So W it, we talk about changes in the local community. So I think a lot of people have the understanding of federal government. You got the White House and then you got Congress, and they have to balance checks and balances. What I'm somewhatuzzy on and I think a lot of listeners too. like okay, Bob Donovan, the man. He's going to come in and do x y, z. Why don't you quickly go over the basic power structure of the city? You can't come in and pound a gavel as the new mayor and say I'm doing this and doing this. Obviously there's opposition. Can we do have a liberal situation with some of these? you know, S. city council? How does it actually work? Is it similar to They bring a to you, veto or not or exce et cetera You push something they veto. You know what I mean. Just sure, right on the general city power structure, similar all the various levels of government are roughly s. very similar. Uh, but the mayor sits at the top. Uh, he's the chief executive off. Sorry for the corporation called the City of Milwaukee right. There are also fifteen aldermen So there' the legislative, a branch of of government with the mayor being the executive branch. Okay, and um, they pass legislation, or they pass ordinances. The laws for the city of Milwaukee, They also pass the budget. The mayor presents the budget to the common council. Typically what the mayor presents, he pretty much gets. Uh there. there are certainly amendments to the budget. But this is a one billion seven hundred million dollar budget. and if it's amended by a couple million dollars, that's a lot. So you can see that most of what the mayor wants he sets the direction. That's why it's so important to get the right individual in their so much good can be done if that mayor has the willingness and the commitment to move this city forward and has the ability to create the partnerships. Yeah, that I believe are so important, and I will tell you with the challenges facing Milwaukee, both the Uh, fiscal challenges and our public safety challenges. a partnership with the state of Wisconsin is critical, and I believe I can pull that partnership off. I have the connections with the legislators with the republican legislator in Madison. Oh, would I look like that partnership? What are you? roughly? What? would you? Well, I, uh, certainly we need to. Over the last five or six years we have cut hundreds of officers from the Milwaukee police department. I will tell you this. We cannot begin the process of restoring order and stability to our streets and neighborhoods unless the police department have the appropriate manpower necessary to do my job. No question. So that's number one. We need an infusion of cash from the state of Wisconsin. Got to help us restore those officers. Second of all, we certainly need some uh, uh, legislation, I believe passed a sort of ren in uh, a bail, and so on in our criminal justice system. The we have district attorneys and judges that I believe have created this revolving door. a soft on crime policy. Slap a hand. They walk right by out, come moly, and you've got this five or ten percent of the same people day in and day out, committing the same kinds of crimes. We need to hold them accountable and I have argued this from day one, decent people have a uh, a belief, an understanding and expectation right that criminals are going to be held accountable for their crimes and that's simply not happen. and I look at it like. how could that even be an argument we're discussing. Thank of all the issues we're talking about for the city, how is that something anyone should have to fight for You think one hundred percent from right to left would agree on this surprise? surprise. Hu, That's not true. None of this is rocket science. Iian. It is a common sense, but you're right. You're dealing with individuals who I don't know what planet they're living on Sometimes. Yeah, because Yousing, and what I'm experiencing and hearing from people is apparently something that just goes in one ear and out the other for them. I look at this whole thing on from the left wing on on stuff like this. Especially it's like, are they incompetent or is there some kind of grand architecture they're involved in Because I don't understand. It's a common sense in the last couple of years, specifically, I believe has been almost extinguished from. for a certain our group of the population, E, and again, the fact that you and I even have to talk about holding criminals accountable ludicrous. I know this should be off the table. This box should have been checked a hundred years ago. like, of course, Yeah, move on to abortion and taxes, and those things we can debate on. You know whatever right holding criminals accountable? I mean these these D as, and I think one of one of the local people was talking about Um, the D a thing, and the that. S the D. A soft. How do you play into like making sure D A's crack down. Yeah, how does it make? can you do you have the power to be like? This is high to be now. I, I certain, no, uh, not to that extent, but I have worked in the uh years of back when I was on the common council. I worked with district attorney Chism, Uh, For whatever reason, I've seen a change in him over the years when he was first elected and I, I was very supportive and so are the police. Uh, yet, Uh, officers have told me. As of late, they just don't recognize him anymore, So I don't know if it's the influence of Uh, some of the groups in Milwaukee, or what have you? I would think I wouldventure has to placate them to get reelected. Yeah, I don't know, but I know he's an individual I can sit down and talk to, And if we can't come to some kind of understanding, well we need to get this community to stand up, the decent, good, hard working citizens of Milwaukee to stand up and send him a message. Yeah, that this is what we expect. You know what. I'm disappointed. There's only activism on one side. You know what the F. you know? the first great form of activism is this trucker convoy. Yeah, the left wing has all the activist groups and then everyone has to pander them. I think the the citizens of the conservative movement need to stand up more and be louder conservatives. Some of them are pansies, I hate to, but as a real like conservatives need to be more fighters. not just you as a mayor, candid. I'm talking about citizens, too. We need to stand up and say here's our. here's Will we believe we want to activating, Have to remark it, You want to activate capitalism. We want to activate law and order too. Mm. we're not loud enough. you know, I'll tell you another thing, too, and I, I, and this is a concern of mine because of what has happened too Milwaukee, and maybe certainly these other communities around America. I am almost seeing a numbness on the part of a lot of people who live in these challenged neighborhoods. It's almost like Well, this is the new normal. There's nothing that we can do and we end up accepting this unbelievably chaotic environment and trying to live with it or adjust our lifestyle. You know many of the elderly. I will tell you, Nick, feel like prisoners in their own homes. Yeah, they're afraid to walk down the street to the corner store. Yeah, because of what's going on out there, it is just absurd and we need as a community to stand up and say this is not acceptable. We can do better. we don't have to, and we don't want to live like this. Yeah, no, you're right. I think there's a lot of good people and I feel sorry for an inner city. I mean un, unless I'm wrong, statistically isn't Milwaukee one of the top worst inner cities in America? Oh, yeah, there. I don't know. I don't know what number is. Yeah, I know it's up there and it, and for're capital, we have a worse crime rate than Chicago. There you go, and you always hear of the chaos in Chicago? They never mentioned Milwaukee nationally, right. Yeah, right. so W. I. I think we need we. You talked about it. hundreds more cops restored. You know, police officers restored, but it it has to go beyond that like I look at it like, why don't we put so many cops on the streets that there's literally no dark corners to hide in for criminals. And I know that's like hyperbol in a little extreme, But we need to overload these pockets and we can look statistically obviously and see where the deficiency in the real bad areas are. We need to rein police officers in some of these tough areas right like way more than just restoring existing well, and' adding too. and we need to. once we get these criminals arrested, we need to hold them accountable. Yeah, they need to be punished and taken out of the environment that they're in real sentences. Yes, yeah, absolutely yeah. I mean they have forfeited their right to live in civilized society Correct because of their behavior. Yeah, and we have an obligation to uh, protect and defend the law biting citizens, And it seems sometimes we're far more interested in the well being of criminals than the decent people. Yeah, it's it's voter pandering and these activist groups and you know they, you know. Obviously the race card, you know. if you arrest anyone, it's your race system. It's like we have to get back to common sense. If you do bad stuff, you get punished. Here's why I love conservative policy because it aligns with human nature. Hm, humans are real simple creatures. It's it's uh, It's reward and it's punishment. Yeah, you look at a child. Okay When you spank them a couple of times or you put them on time out. They usually stop the thing if they touch the oven and they burn their hand. It stops. What happens is when you, when the punishment doesn't match the crime, they're going to keep doing it. Wait if I robbed this liquor store like Yeah, I can kind of be free in a few weeks or whatever. It may be year and so and so puts up the twenty thousand dollar bail like. of course they're going to do it again. Severity of punishment. Mms, snuffs this stuff out quick in my Oinion. Yeah, they. it's we need more cops and we need at the tougher D. a. so um, let's see what else we got going on here. There's a few things that the audience talked about, Obviously the property taxes. Um, you know, it's like we're paying high property. Tis. and what are we getting return? Yeah, well, we won't pay. I will tell you I met with a gentleman, Uh couple weeks back and had a very nice home on the east side near U. W. M. Okay, and he told me he's paying twenty thousand do colors in a property tax and I'm thinking to myself, I mean it was a nice home, but it wasn't thets mahall. The value doesn't match up well and he's paying, and at the same time his concern was safety in this nice neighborhood, Maice signia, York, y, hary, I, near your lake Frontront, beautiful neighborhood. The cars that are being stolen, Yeah, uh, the the people that are being mugged walking their dog, Uh, robbed at gunpoint in these nice neighborhoods. Yeah, yes, what they're They're not getting their money's worth. No, when they come out to many watches. Yes, the same house in Miuan and half I leave on Mac one. I like. Why wouldn't he move? I mean, that's the real question. Yeah, he has little kids right. why wouldn't he move? You can't there. There is no sales pitch to now and again. He doesn't want to send his kids to the local public schools, so he's paying additional I, uh, you know, and it to educate his kids at Saint Roberts Carlic Scray. Yeah, you know Oakland of Yeahd, Shorwood, What is that right? right? right that that. that is unfair and I think that's a. I think it's a lot of people who are pissing Amon Milwaukee. Going? Hey, I write a big check every year and I'm getting nothing. Yeah, I'm not getting lifey. I'm not getting schools, so he can theseeser. I'm sure some of the top things you have to pound the gavloon, and we know there's a power structure you're dealing with, but you feel that you will have enough power as mayor to really change the trajectory of crime in schools be cause. those are big one. Yeah, and the taxes. I mean, Hey, at least give me what I'm paying for. Absolute. I' saying co chu chop him in half. You're not going to do that, but give us what we're paying for right and the mayor needs to be able to work with the common council, you know, and at least get the majority of its members to move these initiatives forward. I have worked with every one of them. I know them. I feel most definitely that we can build a majority, because what I stand for is representative of what their constituents stand for, but you know, I will tell you something else. Tell me. I have watched some of these guys, most especially the last couple of years, most especially with coved to rely on social media and what they're hearing, Uh from activists and so on, instead of connecting with their constituents, and they're judging and making decisions based on that. Yeah, they need to get back and start talking to their constituents, one on one, holding down all meetings, taking walks through their district and their neighborhoods talking to business owners. Yeah, well, that's actually how politics was and is supposed to be right. Politics changed. There was some kind of like enrichment of like staying in office and all these different buddy buddy clubs. Politics is what you supposed to be ordering, serving the public all the way up and then obviously at at the state level, same kind of thing and at the national level the same kind of thing Like, unless I'm mistaken and I'm a, I'm a. I love history. Politics wasn't even supposed to be a career. Well, it was supposed to be the patriotic American that got so much from the greatest country that ever existed. Sit, They're going to give their civic do now, and I think that's the movement that trumps sper. haded. He's like white. America's been good to me. I'm seeing all this go to garbage. Um, he stepped in and said, I'm going to do a civic duty and fix some of this comments and stuff like. Hey, our southern border, you know, these trade deals, miscellaneous things that I, I think. here's what. Here's what's tricky about American politics, and even on a national level, how, by the way, how long is the term mayor term you in? And what? Well this would be filling out. Mayor Barret's uh, original term sour, and would be two. Two more years would have to be reelected. And then the full term is four years. every four. You and h. Is there a a limit or you can, as long as those loves you know of it. Oh, we've had mayors as you know. old. Uh, I remember North Wherem meer. Yeah, twenty eight years. Yeah was. May. yeah, yeah, uh, we had another mayor, Dan Hone, a mayor for twenty four years. So yeah, it's uh. yeah. Well, if you're doing the right stuff, so I just you know, we need to um, have people really caring about the citizens again. And like you said, the do to door policy like What do the people want? Here's what. here's what. Here's what's the the downside to American politics. Especially, I feel like on the state and national level people are so worried about getting elected And that's where this pandering de voter thing comes in. Wait if I say this, they won't vote for me if I say it's more about getting the votes than it is serving the citizens. Yeah, and I think again, I look at a guy like Donald Trump who came in and then he just had a massysteria about him because he's like I'm just going to do the stuff then should have been done. Yeah, I'm not going to say this because you like it because then you're ne you you. You always have to. You know, I think Einstein said You have to have a really good memory when you're a liar Because you pannder. and as we see on in in the beauty of social media, you see guys like biting. and some of these people it's like, and then they have the comment. That comment didn't age well. they set it there and now defd the police. Now I're saying up fund the pi. No, I like. Are we soer? you know stupid enough. You're like? Oh, we're supposed to fund the police now. thank you, Mr. Bydon for clearing that up. Yeah, like I read. Do they think we're stupid? Yeah, I don't know, but it certainly would seem that way by their behavior. Yeah, so we gotta. we got to get this crime into control. the schools, the taxes. We talked about the D. a stuff. Um, so, Wh, here's a question. A local constituent had. What actions will he take to protect his constituents of tyrannical government like those we have regarding mandates mandates, and then they put freezing bank accounts, which I think is more in a federal level, But for example, I took my kids to we talking about like this mask man da namehil, You like How do you let when he's an exercise in stupidity? As far as I was concerned, that the Common Council back in February passed this mask mandate, January, or whenever it is? you're right And it was for a short period of time, and we were. On the uh end of the whole, uh, you know, right virus right there didn't seem to be any need. they pass it, and then they don't have any enforcement mechanism, So again it was just stupidity. on my part. Yeah, uh, who are they pandering to? Who are they trying to be responsive to? I am very concerned about government overreach. I've and this is an example of that, right with this mask mandate. I, uh, uh, am very concerned about that because we've got individuals making these decisions that I don't think are taking into consideration the impact that this is having those uh lockdowns of a year or two ago. Oh my god, were unbelievable to our small business owners, and I'll tell you, Nick. I have watched public officials over the years. Uh, treat some of our small business owners like cash cows like Uh, with no respect for, and these are decisions that are being made by individuals on the common council. Maybe our mayor who have never owned a business themselves. Most how they have never had um, um, uh, reach a payroll. They've never had to ever taken on risk absolutely, and they're uh, sticking it to these business owners. It's It's just in my mind disrespectful, and uh, that's not the role of government. Well, like you said, that's an example of what you call guming up. quote. unquote be absolutely. You know. I. I think there's a couple governors who didn't like. I think Christineo', from South Carolina never locked down. You know. I mean again, I go back to founder ideology. I, I liked anything that's happening. I like to calibrate it to Founder ideology. like Um, we were pretty much s self governing like, just be a good person. Use commons. it's like Yeah, are we stupid We're You know, it's like the government tries to be our parent. Yeah, or' not our parent. I let a your model. I like your model of. Yeah, we step in where we need to. let's partrer with them right. senttivze them. give the best information you have available, and count on the fact that people are going to do what's right for them. Yeah, and in so many of these the medical situations I believe. Uh, those decisions are best left between the individual and their doctor. No, quite ahead, and for government, uh to intervene is again overreach when they're not even taking care of their basic core missions. Yeah, know, I mean like a a couple you know men and women consider on a conference table down to Milwaukee and tell us what we're supposed to do. Medica. Yeah, like that makes no sense. We've been like recalibrated to think. stuff like that makes sense. And the question is and I think this is what this person is asking. What else can they get away with Now? Yeah, we all know how government overreach works well once it's there. Yeah, it's not necessarily peeled act, so we're saying. What else are they going to do to remember? the lockdown was this for two weeks to flatten the cur, and here we are. Yeah, we don't even eat. We all know where we are now. how did that play out? and uh, but boy, we should have uh, stood up at the time. Yeah, but uh, you know, it just came out of sort of left field and we were just bombarded with so many things. and certainly I believe most good people want to do the right things and are willing to sacrifice Uh, their their resources and their time, and so on. Uh, if uh, you know to be good citizens, so all right, but boy, uh, what has also happened here and very concerning, Uh, for me is the fact that people have lost trust in government like you wouldn't believe through this whole crisis. Yeah, and they have lost Uh, big time their trust in public health. No, I. it's going to take a long long time to gain that trust back if we ever are able to. I don't know if it's reversible. Yeah, when you lose trust like that, it's hard to get it back. I'd be shocked if half of this nation trust the public health officials, and Uh, and their city officials and all Aate officials. Yeah, literally, I mean. What does that say for us like I like I, so many people. almost everyone I know doesn't have trust in government or or or city health or community health? And why would they? I know there. There's no realon to trust them. And sadly, these these folks, they're just getting their marching orders from Washington, right E? That is what you were saying before about like these local officials, almost like the hysteria comes down the line. Yeah, the local alderman and these things that the Mas mandate for Milwaukee. Yeah, that wasn't like. You know the mayor and the council had this Really like an intense. Yeah, meeting. it was. Oh, they're doing that in the state and then federal. Yeah, of course we're doing that too. Absolutely. That makes no sense it. It makes no settle. So uh, zeroz discuss needs to change. Yeah, absolutely. And and you know what I like the local situation Because that's really where the po. You know, we've I've looked at politics. The local level is the is key, the othering people mobilized in understanding things, and the right policies at the local level works. Its way up. Yeah, you know, even if Washington's going nuts right now, which we all know it is okay. Yeah, um, you know Ben Franklin said it. I think it was Ben Franklin when tyranny becomes law, Resistance becomes duty. Mm, and I. I firmly, that's good. I firmly believe that. Understand that and I think like this trucker convoy and differents like that like we're getting our way to tell you what. I' just narrative is crumbling. what I'm seeing in Uh, Canada, right is unbelievable. This' overreached by uh, Tdori minister. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and uh, the freezing bank accounts. And what the hell with no court order. All of this stuff. it's crazy. That's the definition. Irony. Yes, and we're talking not just like small tyranny. we're talking about like the scary tyranny that the ages have shown us is's like. Oh, this is scary tyranny. Uh, and watch the I R s with eighty seven thousand more Pe come in after and they wanted to control any transaction over six hundred bucks, And you know it's kind of insanity, so tax the rich is your motto that you speak on the podium to hype up your voters. But yeahre, hiring eighty seven thousand people to talk about six hundred dollar transactions. Which one is it? Yeah, We are you going after the rich or you going after the six hundred dollar guy? Yeah, because we says hundred doll guys aren't Isn't taxing the Rte. Yeah, explaining that one. Yeah, where it's the explanation? I want explanations. Yeah, you know what I mean. It makes no sense. Um, sure does. So there's a couple other things we can quick talk about here. What I want to. What about incentizing like downtown, business and economics, Getting the bi. You know like I think, Northwestern Mutual. The building is empty right now be cause they're Um, still have the coveed stuff. The Bu is. Yeah, downtown activity. We need lunches. we need like there's a lot of big cities where downtown is the place to be, And then I also look at Milwaukee. We have an unbelievable piece of real estate. It's called the Lakefront. Yeah, I grew up in the eighties and it was a thing Friday or Saturday nights. My parents would take us down there and have a picnic. And that's not going to happen today, And it goes back to the crime situation. How do we reverse that You know people take for granted our lakefront. W. almost no states have the right. We're almost no cities. How we sit on the shores of one of the greatest natural resources in the war world, and half the time you can't swim in it. right. Oh, you know what's for? Hang out there because they rhyme all kinds of stuff. D. absolutely Yeah, what do you say about that Because people want to go down there? I want to take my kids down there and guess what, Bop, Yeah, I, not. I'm not going to do it well again. I don't want to do it. I would argue the safety component is critical. Yeah, we need to have a a much more robust enforcement and presence of our sheriff' deputies down there and the police to ensure that we have a safe, entertaining, uh experience for people, and they'll come then if that safety is there. But in addition, yeah, the coved has. certainly, I'm very concerned about the old overall impact that that is going to have on many of our downtown. You know businesses because you know E Covd's going to leave us, or at least to the extent that it's had the emergency rightrandemic level is all right right right. yeah, but uh, the repercussions of having people working from home for a year or two. And are they going to want to come back And are these companies going to be able to order them back, Or are they even willing to do that? so it'll be interest? Here's what I'll say. Oh'll say this before you go. Yes, as mayor, we're going to have a busy city hall because all the workers at city Hall are going to be back and no more this nonsense workre hereing, home period saying period, the end, When and when that people' come down to uh, talk to the older men, and uh, talk to the mayor's office are going to be people there to greet them. Yeah, that's beautiful. I. I didn't know you were doing that. So day one, well on the gavel, you're coming back to work right in Next should go for the private sector, too. Uh, I have a unique insight. I'm in real estate. I flip homes that we purchase commercial properties. I have office buildings, et cetera and I am bullish on office. coming back. The statistics a lot of times are showing right now. productivity don't okay companies. Oh, I would imagine productivity down. Uh, there's not the collaborative effect of people in the same room interacting. Um, you know the the on zoom, and the babies crying, or they have to let out the dog and you know, like I say, like no one's being devious and saying, I'm going to slip one under the boss's nose. It's just human nature. You're at home. You're going to grab a snack. so office, I do believe is coming back and I wanted to really come back heavy downtown. I will. it's it's It's crazy. What happened? I, really in shameful, what happened in our city? Because we didn't have to do it this way and we didn't have to Ha. We didn't just get the kids in schools with the I. We wouldn't have to go into it. But the zoom and the masks, and I think it's actually disgraceful that these children had to walk through their classroom with the mascot. I think it is truly disgraceful. Yeah, so um, so that was handles me. You need E activity downtown like my again. the gra. I picture like the Grand Avenue Mall and the shopping and the family going downtown for ice cream Like we need that kind of economic activity? Is there way to incentize that? Oh, I, yeah, I, I think so. Certainly, I would want to work with the the business associations in those uh, that are active in the downtown area. I would, and have always felt we need to have a long Wisconsin Avenue. more of a like a A the Third Ward look of shops like their individual shops. You know, Uh, I know we're going to be. Uh, hope, Hopefully bringing uh a five star a hotel downtown. Is it in the retention center? Well, I'm hoping that's certainly something that I would want to see Okay, most especially on the property where Uh, you know, the Bradley center was that big, huge, vacant. lota would be adjacent to Uh F. Surf. Now you give some kind of property tax immunity or or incent. How do you dout you would do working with the Department of City Development, Also the State of Wisconsin, There are numerous incentives that could be offered to attract uh, uh businesses downtown and hotels and uh foster, uh, much more dynamic night lifef. But I'm going to mention this too, about the nightlife and the the chaos that we were seeing on the Water Street. I know I remember so many of the, and you know this, This is sort of the nightlie in downtown Milwaukee, right along Water Street. We had shootings. We had. You know well they start river splash. I remember that went on fireirs. It's like Is that where we're headed like? Oh, you stuff gets cancelled now. Yeah, events et cetera it's uh, just outrageous. So example, after example of how allowing our safety to uh deteriorate has as uh, fostered all sorts of other problems. Now that we're dealing with and businesses talk to some of those owners of those establishments down there, they will tell you some horror stories. Yeah, about what went on this last summer, so that all of that stuff needs to be addressed. We certainly can be bringing in conventions. Milwaukee, I have always felt Nick is one of America's best kept secrets. It just is a great community. It actually is. uh, and uh, so many wonderful amenities that we need to be proud of. We need to accentuate our positives, we need to eliminate our negatives, and then you watch this city take off and finally finally begin the process of reaching its full potential, because I don't even think we've come close in the last decade or twenty years. We have a lot going for us. I with with the festivals, Yeah, with the hell the last ro. the last thing that I believe should be a mecca for young families hang out at like you should be thwing out. Yeah, when I was growing up, let's take a ride down to the likeke front and have a grill. And yeah, the whole thing. Um, but yeah, it's it's the crime. I mean it really like crime is our not? I mean. there's a lot of issues we can talk about. it's it's crime. I wanna ask Giuliani. Really cleaned up New York. Yeah, and there was a policy called Stop and frisk. Are you familiar with that? Yeah, I don't. What else? What exactly a stopping for us? It did clearly work extremely well. There's obviously other side saying like stereotype or racial profiling was like their. The The Owner Iment. Have it it did work. New York City was clean under Giluliania. Do you not agree? Yeah, what is stopping frisk? And is that possible here? Just speci bad. what is it? I? It is still legal and and it's really stop talk and fris. Okay, okay, sure, right, so um, uh, an officer can approach someone and anyone, and if they were trying to make up a conversation, certainly and I and ask them some questions. I can go up to you or any one. and you know no different for an officer. However, they, uh, if they see something suspicious and so on, they then can uh search them and you know, pat them down or what, have you? But they have to have probable cause, so this is. It's a vague statement. Yeah, and the problem? So you know, that whole effort it was taken the court there, you know. big fight. uh, in the federal courts on it, and so on. So most apartments have just shied away because it's a fine line. You have to now. Uh, if you gets a mas ofist judge that it'sts ha racial pailling and things like that. but it. W it. The statistics don't lie. though, Yeah, you, right, Ru. Giliani's New York was like the Holy Gil of city policy. Yeah, was it not W, without a doubt, but it was more than just stop talk and frisk. It was hardly a broken windows approach the placing. Now this was a strategy of placing, and they call it the broken windows placing. Because in, Uh, if you have a broken window on a building and you don't repair that window, Okay pretty soon there are two windows broken. Because that's just how things work. It's no different than with graffiti. If you don't pain off the graffiti, there's going to be more graffiti. right The the? So the philosophy of this broken windows pleasing is you've gotta take care of the little things. you gotta maintain order, and then positive things result. And if you go after the small crimes oftentimes you'll find the individuals who have committed the larger crimes. As an example, I would scream bloody murder to our police department when I was alderman about the loud car stereos blasting the C stereos down the street waken up the people at night, and so on and so forth they started pulling over people for that Okay, which they should. It's an ordinance against it. They would find the same guys with illegal guns. So the point that worth' a similar rolicy to what we just talked about Absolutely, it's like Hey, there's usually a correlation. This pattern of behavior usually goes along with this pattern of behavior. Absolutely I like that And and in New York City, they were allowing the turntile jumpers to go un unimpeded. When Juli Ali came in. You jumped the turnstile, You arrested. And guess what. they found out. The guy that they're arresting for jumping. The turnstiyle was also wanted for a sexual assault or something like that. So it's that kind of. uh. The little things are imp important. You, and will you do something similar? I was a, absolutely insist that our police department uh, follow through on that type of plelicing. Without a doubt, I am also a big believer in foot patrol bicycle officers. I want officers connecting with the people they're serving and vice versa. I want the people to get to know that officer. I want officers the same officers assigned to the same neighborhood day in and day ousmar, so that that officer knows and could tell the difference between the church pastor and the drug dealer. Yeah, and and that they, the people that are living there know that officer as well, and then the wealth of knowledge that that officer can come up with. Hey, officer Joe, you may want to keep your eye on the house around the corner. I think they're doing drugs out of there. Well how there was all things. How are they stationed Currently? We don't have enough sure, they squad areas typically, but we don't have enough. We oftentimes end up sending uh, a one squad to a different area and shortage. Yeah, but you want to like your model. You're saying, Let's station like in a certain block area where it's like you know who's who you know that they. They like to get their groceries from here. the true constituent psychology and I like that. Without a doubt you've got. We probably need to replace several hundred of these officers that have been eliminated. Yeah, over the last eight years, Is the budget available for that? By the No, No, we need to have fororate, Yeahshipp, Your're talking a state. Do your feel I shouldn't get the state deal done? I do. without a doubt, I truly believe, because I have sat down with those same state legislators who have told me they had no confidence in Mayor Barrett, because he was wasting no one on the street car, and at the same time ask, give our money for cops. Yeah, so, but they do have confidence in me and so we can get that partnership done. Second of all, I'll tell you this, Nick. One of the first things I would do as mayor is begin conducting audits of every single city department to ensure us that we are spending every penny wisely and that every position we have is important and necessary. Just because we have done something for fifty years. the same way doesn't mean it needs to continue that way. Your firmmanness, you won't y'll execute on it all these programs. I guarantee you, I can get the private sector to pay for it. Without a doubt, I know I believe that I know that this is doable because how much weight up is in there. The more than we can even fathom Ramon, we can. we can find a lot of waste. I'm certain. Yeah, just by redirecting and doing things differently, but I'll say this, the private sector will pay for it because they have a vested intrigy in a well run, efficient local gon. I said, I believe it. I absolutely see the private. You know, entrepreneurs. there's so much waste. Government has so much waste right now. It's ridiculous, so we'll wrap up what I want to know is. so obviously you know, if you if you're into freedom if you're in a free market, Capitalism if you're into government, Not like Boss says, coming up your situation, you're You're going to want to. You're going to. if you want to be tough on crime, tough on. you know. Tough, D, as these are things you represent and and and I'm not representing them, Because again it all sounds good on a show like this, you know'. at the podium, I'm you know, but you are confident this stuff's going to happen like you like we want to see it done. We want to see the wall built, quotelo naa. let's protect our border and that's obviously a a comparison, but you get we want to see a Don. Bob. Yeah, let me tell you this, Nick. one of the best compliments I ever received in my twenty years as an olderman, came by a gentleman by the name of Ernesto Valerial, the owner of l Ray grocery stores on Sir, the Cel Saoni, Right. Yeah, Yeah, when he said, If you want something done, call Bob Donovan and I thought Yeah, I developed a reputation of getting things done when I was an olderman, I had to at times kick some butts, I had to step on some toes. Leave local, you woman so way work right. but you. uh, but I also was able to get the right people around the table and move initiatives forward. Those same qualities I will bring to the mayor's office. So and I'm hoping your listeners can help me out. Yeah, we are. I was going to ask you. How do we reach you? How do we support you? Yeah, does you give a little spiel on how all that would work if we if we like your policies, which I think a lot of people listening to thank you. If if you go to Bob Donovan for Maror Dot Com, Bob Donvan for Mayore dot Com, you can donate to my campaign. You can if you live in Milwaukee, order a lawn sign. We'll have one put in your front yard. Yeah, you can volunteer to help. Uh, we have got now, just a little over four weeks to go before the election. Yeah, so not a lot of time and that we're pushing hard, my opponent who represents the status. quoll, who is just more of the same woke Aganda. Absolutely. Yes, his biggest claim of fame in his four years as alderman was he banned plastic straws in the city of Milwaukee, I mean, Yeah, that was Lacka. Yeah, having said that he's got tons of money behind them, he's outspanding me ten to one. so if anyone can throw a few bucks my way, it would be deeply appreciated. listen to that guys. and you know what I always tell people too. Even if you don't live in the city, Milwaukee, Like I said, I've had people from Portland, Chicago, Uh, in these other cities reach out. It's worth donating to Bob as well, and the reason is if this can turn around like y. this could be the pilot city for a nationwide like, Let's be honest. Milwaukee's one of what a dozen to dozens of cities that need the same kind of revamp what you represent needs say, be happening in Chicago, San Franandco, So lie, yeahh, blah, blah blah. So if we can spearhad it and it can make, Wh, if you can make waves and say he, this guy, Milwaukee's putting hammer. I mean that that is what I want to see, Bob. I want to see you step in and I want to see the headline of this guy Milwaukee, Bob Donovan. I mean, I'm talking on a national scene Is putting the hammer down on all the stuff people care about and then other cities. I feel like we will rise up. I mean, I truly believe that it takes a pilot. It takes a seed. Yeah, situation, and Hawaki could be the pilot city of a lot of this style again. So if you're in Portland, donate to Bob like I'm pretty cious though no. And and this is the time too in Milwaukee, because we don't have the entrenched incumbent that we're running up against. Yeah, and we. Yeah, we. uh, it's a special election so the voter turnout is typically low. Yeah, if we get our people out there, and if I have the financial resources to get my message out and coordinate or get out the vote effort, we can do this. What is? What's this specific day of the election April fifth, Aprilpril, so obvious. not if're Miwaukee resident, You know what to do on that young? Yeah, but prior to that support Bob. Anyway, you can, um, I. I. I love your policies and you know the the key is getting it done. You know again, the thing and the thesis I think is tough on crime and the free market approach. The private sector can do a lot of youutiful. out. Yeah, lot. Yeah, I always have. they always have. Yeah, Everything great. we have the look at Ela musk. Okay, Yeah, governments don't think a cool stuff. No people will do right. We have to just let them do their thing and incentize them and not penalize them. Oh, now that you're you know a millionaire. Now there's this big tax waiting for you. I think that's nonsense. These are productive people. Yeah, I love your message. Bobs. go to Bob Donovin for mayor Dot Com. Right, Give up. Even if it's a small amount, you have it. it will help the campaigncause. Like you said, He's up against the but comeum in. who's a someone who has a lot of spending behind him. But uh, you know, let's get walking on track. I mean, and I, I have kids. If you have kids, especially, we want to make sure this is a city you want to raise your family, and absolutely yes. And and like it used to be. Yeah, I mean, Milwaukee at one time was considered one of America's safest big cities. Is that right? No look at how it has deterior. It is really scary Th. I mean, I don't want my wife going shopping at Basor and all that'. Im no lucky you by hell, but like there's a lot of that going on, so sure, ha, right pabul. Listen, we will wrap up. This has been the Alpha Uncut show with the Mayoro candidate, Bob Donovan for the city of Milwaukee, Thank you for coming on. Oh they. they, thank you, very much. Appreciate it. Yeah, okay, thank you.