Alpha Uncut

Prerequisite to Financial Freedom...Responding to 1 Star Review!

Nick and Dino Episode 4

This show is for the ANTI “WOKE” where we talk about money, entrepreneurship, investing, free markets, politics, economics, and trending topics as it applies to life, business, and success… Nick is a contributor for Entrepreneur magazine and has been featured in the Huffington Post. He is an Author and speaker.  He is a TWICE self-made millionaire entrepreneur (started at age 19) who built a real estate investing business primarily focused on flipping homes and buying commercial properties…The show is a similar format to Patrick Bet David, Joe Rogan, Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferris, Gary Vee, etc.


Okay, everybody wel comee back to the alpha Uncut show. you know that show for the antiwoke. If you're antiwoke, you're in the right place. We cover a lot of topics, but Anti woke is the thesis. We look at things through a conservative lens. Uh, yes, um, we love our country. we're patriotic We, we're entrepreneurs. we are pro business, pro, private sector, anti Government, reaching in and messing with our lives. Um, and that obviously blankets a lot of topics. you know. Wouldn't you say? I'd say. I just kind of like. I, I just uh, dispersed a can of worms and obviously' going into multiple directions. But we kind of have a guide for this show. I hope, by the way, tho how are you? How's going? Everybody right here right next to Nick. We in the studio today, Hope you enjoy the show. But remember no one's even listening. No one's even look talking to one person. You always that, Yeah, yeah, people love our conversation. That's my point. Where're joking? People are listening. In fact, you know we can look at the back in statistics, and I think there's um, over fifty countries that listen to our show. That's amazing. Uh, that's awesome. That's so. what's nice as we relaunched Okay, but we've had I had that prior audience from before, but there I think there's over fifty or sixty countries that regularly tune into this show so it's kind of fun. Uh, some local people, some national people, some international people, Um, 'cause the stuff we talk about, I think everyone cares about and so they know, though we may be changing the name of your channel to Elfa. Well, Yeah, exactly where we're going, So so we. Um, if you're watching this 'cause some of you are listening right now, and obviously you can listen to it on every pod catach platform, you can imagine if you're watching it. Uh, you're watching it on you too. But for now you can just search Nickez on Youtube or an Alpha Uncut, But we kind of had other channel for the pockcast To the point is, we're consolidating it all to the main you, I guess'. What I'm saying, You know, people want to see these beautiful faces we have. Don't forget that the Elphone Cut search may not come up with anything too. We switch it out and it gets payn out. So maybe searching, they crew as on Youtube, Recent video Boom, and you'll see the The, the Uh interview. Some people like to watch. Uh. sometimes I like to watch podcast. Sometimes if you're driving or you're on the treadmill or you're doing something and walk. Obviously you can't watch. so so we're available everywhere to be clear. I want you if you like the show to leave a five star rating. Inter review on Itunes. I tunes and spotify, I think are the two main ones you'd want someone to leave a review on. I'm not even savvy on the tech, but the Apple thing and you know because then we reach more people, which you guys all know. You've heard it a million times. We're not going to pound that uh in your throat. Um, but I want to start off speaking of reviews, and then we'll dive into some things. I got a one star review, One star a little week and I'm not used to one, sir, but I'm not used to one star. That's not how I live. I'm a five star guy, but from the review at one point he really loved your content and you're still you. Soly. And And and the thing of it is, so so Yes, this is a relaunch. and let me be clear and we'll dive in to why the shows. is this. This is going to be kind of a. We're going to cover some things, but we're also kind of going of dive into the evolution of this show. And why? why I'm even talking about this St. You know what I mean. Why am I turning on microphones and cameras to talk about these things right? Do you wantnna? just see. I mean, Do you want to to see your face on the screen? Is that what? Yes, I love that. So that's not one one, not un'm. fumb. We have one of those drumm things. Do, it's in there selling. Try it. Oh no, yeah, that was funny To that was funny. We'll let them have that. Um, we have some. We have some friends in the studio who are just hanging out with us too. By the way they couldn't hear that you. Gu. couldn't know. It's it's It's a funny thing. So anyways, I got a review. It's uh. it was one star. okay, Um, disappointed for another smart person with influence has decided to use their intelligence to discuss this click bait nonsense of a topic which it's not at all. No, but that's okay. y. Hey, everyone has the own experience. I wouldn't be here. I'm a free speech guy. Okay, God bless this man. I just want to. I just want to re. react accordingly and I, I actually think it's kind of cool that he sent me this. It's you know what, I mean. Um, So Nick used to teach me something useful, Um motivation business. I mean, I, I taught a lot of business motivation, real estate entrepreneurship. The tactics? not, Is it going and how to buy a property? And you know those are things. We're still going to be disgusting you, but there's more to it than that, but you know what I mean, like I, I would say like, first you do this with the contract, then you find the cellar and all these things with realistic which I love. but talking about a twenty four seven is boring to a point blank. We do this, me, and you are in the trenches duringing deals every day and we know it like the back of our hand. I know this business like breathing right. Okay, uh, and I still plan on conveying a lot of beautiful knowledge to people through this show, But this this show is more than that. and and I'll explain we're going to get into that. Um, And now Nick says he wants to talk what he wants to talk about, including politics. It feels like this new format, Um is something about following click bait, Bup, upp, up. Basically's calling it like click bait, Um, and politics, Ha, politics has never, and will never improve someone's quality of life, which I, which I fiercely disagree with, And I think we're living in an inv. So quote unquote politics, And I'm not not by the way. By the way, because you may still be listening this clay mo way ho, I am not making fun of you for this five star for this one star Refe, Whats from you? I don't you know they come up with screen names. It's clay mo way ho. I'm not making fun of you, though I'm not. I'm genuinely not. I'm not mad at him. No, I am, and I mean I'm not saying this in a condescending way. Thank you for leaving this reviewer cause I own you a long time, Nick and I do no con. you take constructive critics and I let that that this isn't constructive criticism. This isn't in that category. No, no, no, no, no, let's stop. but it's a instructive. A constructive criticism means he's criticizing me and I'm internalizing it, saying there' is multiple fastest of this that are correct. That I need to modify my behavior according to true. No, No, but I want to be clear. I'm glad you're setting up, but it's dayy. He on. hold on. let me explain. It's not cons. I'm not taking this as constructive criticism. Do you understand the difference? I want to be clear for the audience. I do because I believe me, I bet there's a hint of it in there, summerwhere. My, my feet stand very firm in my beliefs, and I think that's why, some a lot. because, by the way, just to be on on a side note for every one guy that says this, there's ten guys that say they love it. Keep doing what you're doing. I love this. I can't believe this is dynamite. This is what I've been waiting for, But Bu, about eps, Okay, but not to break, but that just the reality, like first of all number one, you can't please everybody, number two. I'm glad you said what you said. See this is the beauty of the show because I need to be off the cuff and real here. and the reality is this is not constructive criticism. Okay, this isn't I'm not looking at it that way at all, because that means this is a correct assessment and I have to try to modify behavior even though it's negative To try to like to try to piv it and weave point, take my feet or my feet in my. in. Most of my beliefs are standing and concrete. Okay, if you can understand what I'm saying, Absolutely, there's no modification needed or wanted. K. I don't look at this review as that. I actually am thankful for his review and again to be clear, I'm not making fun of the guy I am thankfully left this review and I'm not being condescending. I'm thankfully left it because it basically kind of shot me a an information message where I have to. I want to try to explain a few things. Okay, this is kind of triggering me to explain a few things. and maybe I' put a few episodes out before. I kind of had an explanation. Not that I owne anyone in excroonation and I'm not being stubborn and crazy. Wait. I don't know anyone. anything to explain. Anybody can turn out microphones and cameras and say what they want, But I do want to convey this message so people understand why they should listen. Moving forward, let me clarify one thing you said. No modification needed. I think maybe you didn't. You didn't mean that we will always take modifications to the show. Everyone's always evolving, but we're not looking. We're not looking for constructing's. not go to sway. I stand where I stand right, and that's final. Okay, so I just want to make that clear. Okay. I'm not looking for people to make suggestions to me. I mean here and there. Yes, but this it's not constructive criticism. I get the. there's a. There's no good right, but Th, I want to make that crystal freaking clear. Um, by the word, I'm littleive, criticism. Would you take it to heart? and oh, I'm not Li. I'm an open minded guy. Okay, but Th you know and then he? I think he said he put up. Um, he had a long thing, Nick, and his podcast felt legitimately like the Midwest, Tony Robins to some extent and I appreciate that. So my point is I'm thankful you sent it because it's triggering me to explain a few things and andravel why I am'm. talking about what I'm talking about, Because I used to talk about how to do business. You buy a house for this price and here's how you find it. Fix it up cellar. Here's how you buy a an apartment building. I love that stuff I do. but there's more in my brain than I want to talk about, And again, for every one of these there's ten people saying. Gimme more of that stuff. Okay, um, so I do wish you the best to luck. He wished me the best to luck at the end of that review and I genuinely do for him. I'm not a condescending guy. If I had something negative to say about this guy or I wanted to bust his chops, I would outright do that on this microphone. Okay, I don't have to be like subtly condescending about it. I am happy he left the review mart there. So without being said, here's the deal, number one. If you have a great thing to say, we're always open to that, too. we're open to all, Feb. I'm listen. I have thick skin. K. I tell, I teach my kids. They don't cheer for you out there. Okay, this is how it works. We love you and encourage you and this is a message. I'm probably get infused throughout the show because it's so internal to me. When you lose, they clap. That's how the world works outside of these walls, I tell my kids and this, whatever, When you lose, they clap when you win, they're mad. That's how the world works, and when you find the guy that caps when you win or girl, hold him tight. That's a real friend. There's not many out there That's not being pessimistics. True, I missed the optimism and a me. go lucky, but I have to tell my kids the truth. They clap when you lose K. I think even my friends in here can agree with that one. That's how the world works. It's unfortunate, but it's true. Maybe we all need to start making some new friends. Well, believe me, and even the people you think of friends are silently clapping when you lose. That is life. Um, So why am I talking about things expanding? So here's the deal. I'm forty years old about to be forty one. Believe it or not, And uh, when's a birthda? March eleventh, So Um, here's the deal. K, Here is the deal. I love business. I love entrepreneur entrepreneurship. I've been an entrepreneur since I was a kid. In fact, it's very funny, very funny. Coincidence here, So the first entrepreneurial memory I can. um, remember I was in fourth grade and it it's funny if an old friend reached out on Facebook messenger. I mean, I've known this kids since kindergarten. Okay, barely talk to them. Um, and he sent me a message just kind of like Hey, what's up? blah, blah, blah, House's life. And then he says, Uh, I, I happened to watch. some are Youtube videos. Um, nice job with business. I wass knew you were going places ever since you were able to sell the herbal plant to people on the way back from Leuisimo, which was a camp we took as a kid And honestly, God, it's the first time it's the first recollection of me being an a merchant. Okay, and uh, it's It's a long story, but the bottom line is in fourth grade we all went to a camp. Everyone brought quarters for the vending machines, and uh, you know, it was like early spring, people at colds. I picked up this plant on the ground. Keep him in fourth grade. What? what is that? Nine? How old are you in fourth grade? You wanted everyone else? Oh orders. hold on. I'll tell you the story. I'll tell you the story. how, And and and this storys relevant. because it shows kind of my nature and I want to unravel who I am in this episode here, So people understand the evolution of the show and why we're discussing this exact stuff, but I do want to highlight like I'm a merchant at I, my D, N. A is entrepreneur, right, Um, how are you in fourth grade ten nine. How's four Thmer in there? I don't know. Okay, so the reality is, Um, So these kids had cold stuffy nose early spring bubab. We went to a camp for a couple of days with the school, you know, and um couple day camp. And uh, you know, all the kids had quarters from their parents 'cause they had vending machines with drinks and stuff, So that's how you like you know, could screw around and get candy or whatever. Sure, and these kids at cold. So I pick up this this weed off the ground, Iest, God, this weed and it smelled mint, minty and mens stoly. You know when you rub it together, somehow I convinced everyone that they were going to get cured of. They're like stuffy noses from sniffing it. I swear to God, this is. This is not a lie. It's the earliest business memory I have convinced them, then, somehow I convinced Um, multiple people to pick it for me. Okay, so I was already in the business of delegating people to do things. They picked it for me. Bring me back the bags. I gave a piece of the action and kids were buying this and I came home with a monster bag of quarters cause I somehow like you know, conveyed value and it's actually like a conveyed value. I. I sold the idea that they were going to get cleared up, et cetera et cetera not to like harp on that, but no, no, No, This says what I do question. I'm forty. I've been doing this since I was niner ten. I don't want to send you off track. but what do you say to the person who who takes that negatively, which you just said He. What would be negative about? Why are these people? There's nothing Los. That's called capitalism? That's co. That's because. Why it? That's what you mean when you say someone's outside hating you for it right. The people you're just talking about like happen. Well now, I got you make a point, but the reality is it goes beyond that. I think people don't like to see it. Here's the re. Here's the reason there are haters. Let's talk about that they're hater. Why do people clap when you lose? Because you go if if you look and you can't see this visually unless you're watching the Youtub channel? But two people in life are here Okay When so and so goes here. The problem is hit him looking up. He doesn't look at it as he rose, he looks at it like I'm dropping. Okay because of that because of that delta of a difference. Okay, So and so is climbing? I'm still here. Um, I'm dropping, so I need to somehow drag this back down so I feel comfortable. That is the nature of haters You want to call them or sabotage. you calm anything you want. It's it's about them. It's always about them. Okay when they cheer when you lose. it's about them. It has nothing to do with you. It never has. So you're almost saying there's a. there's a component of selfishness. They're probably not seeing you. What the haters Yeah, Of course, that's all it is and it's it's basically selfishness. It's it's um. Which it? maybe the output is selfishness. But what's happening is in securityur. and uh, it's a lot of insecurity. And you know, especially when Johnny and Joey started here. I just make up names. That's what you know Johnny enjoy. especially when two people start at the same point and then one starts climbing. That makes this guy feel even worse. Okay, because he's like, Wait like he, like, for example, M the highest paying job I've ever had in my life Before I really branched off in real estate. I made four fifty dollars a week. Okay, so it's not like I had fortunes to shovel into investing my first few deals. I had nothing. I literally buy it in my own pocket, which willll talk about too. But um, so that that's how that goes? You go. Actually Have a question that relates to that later in the show. Yeah, yeah, yeah. so I, I wanted to. Um. What? what? What was the initial thought on that? though? just that story about the you know entrepreneurship. You say you were saying, Oh, you're just saying. people get mad of me because I bring him out to do stuff that's capitalism. You bring priy on. 'cause guess what those are capable. People who can raise their hand and say I can do this and it. I don't need to work for you. Okay, go do it. So here's my. So. but then go do it. Okay, right, the guy that raises his hand that loves communism, that says Well, the big business own. I mean, this is a our C. argument for pro communism. these young college kids, I think they know what they're talking about. Well, the big business owner would be nothing without me who's building the pencils with my bare hands that he goes and sells to the free market. Well, du, the they, the steps he went to to own that business is something you could never dream of all That You can hire a million people to shove the Le and the penel. Absolutely okay. Well', take a walk. Well that or start your own outfit. Oh wait. you can't Because there's risk you can go belly up you. Uh, you have to beg borrow and steal. You have the risk of being homeless. If this doesn't work out, you have to set up the tax structure business structure. Call your attorney. Go ro with the accountants, Uh, comply with the federal government, comply with the state government, Et et Ctera. That's why people know you with us. Let me as so. this, stop crying about your pay back up when you can raise your hand in the great country of America, which we're going to go into, And this is the why I'm passionate about these future topics. Because even when I talk politics in my conservative point of view, it all rolls back into. I want my kids to grow up and have the same opportunities. I did and I feel that slipping, and that's why I'm modifying the content of the show. Here's the question I was going to ask you. So part of this goes directly what we're talking about. So part of your objective for the show is to even brand act show. Which one that one were there? This. I went over there. Do you know? says that show? Which one tell me which long people listen to this? I pointed that time and they're over your left, and I just want to bring them in a little bit so. But but part of the direct objective, exactly what you said, you want to bring to your children, you would like to bring that to everybody who has the seed inside of them that says I can do this. I wa to do this. You want to help ' do it. You wa to help him have the mindset of you can do it. And if you fall, you're gonna get back up. and and you want, And even if you're not in America, 'cause we bragged about our inter international law. Sure, I do believe we are in the greatest country for a lot of the opportunities I discuss. There's no denying that, but if you're listening from another country, the good news is most places you're still able to put your own flag in the ground, but America's the foundation of quote. Unquote. Putting your flag in the ground as your own person, your own entity, your own business, your own beliefs, your own church. Uh, I mean we're the C. We're the. We're a country where you can start a freaking religion if you wanted to. I mean, that's what we're talking about here if you want to be, If you want to say, this is the religion of you know, Uh, Mars. I believe that all God comes from the planet Mars. My point is that's how free we are. You can start a freaking religion. It, and I'm okay with that, and you're okay with that and we. That's what this country is. It's not just about starting a business, it's about people gathering and expressing their beliefs. Let me tell you something I love reading. and as this podcast unravels, you'll understand that that reading is one of my obsessions. I don't like. I don't like anything in life. I'm obsessed with things. That's how my brain works. I don't just like stuff. You know that about me. I don't like stuff I do when I'm in. I'm in right. Get out of my way. like if I wake up and I want sushi. Step aside. I'm getting sushi that day. You won't stop me and there's only a few foods like that. By the way, Sushi. If I want sushi, I will. I don't know. to the extent I would go. Probably something super extreme'cause I want sushi. What did I say before sushi? Ah, you said we got a real this and let's get to these topics. No, I did not. I need you to dod. What did I say before Sushi? uh, susu. You were. D, you can. America's the best Gu. No, you can start, Ali. Oh, America's the best in world reading reading? There is a great book. One of the most life changing books I've read. It's called the Gulag Archipelago, K by Alexander Sochenitsan It is a must street. The end, among many, everything I read is a mustd. The Gulag Archipelago is a narrative. Um. from this man about the Stalin regime, Lenin, to Stalin regime, in Soviet, in the Soviet Union, the Russian Soviet Union regime of pure communism. I mean, this Stalin was a monster. We all know that this dives into so many specifics. I mean you talk about free, the freedom to gather and express ideas. He had something called social prophylaxis. What does prophle Axis mean to you in general? In thematical section, a protection slash prevention, right, protection Ees, and that kind of you know. if you look up, let me look up the word prophlaxis. I want to see something here because I'm going to relate this in a way that's going to blow your mind. This is. I'm telling you, proypo proph prophylaxis, hereigo prophlaxis, Let's see what that word means, and you think of this by the way in the medical world right. Absolutely, you think of it is medicine, action taken to prevent disease, especially by Sp specified means or against a spec specified disease. The Soviet regime had something called social prophylaxis, Let me explain. This stuff is so un unbelievable. And the all it why it matters. Why am I talking about thirties and forties Russia In Soviet, it only matters for one reason, I mean history. This all matters for one simple reason, Kay, because we need to understand that to understand where we are, and kind of like Einstein's theory relativity. He's the man is running fast. quote unquote. what's fast compared to what an antcause. If he's next to a cheetah, you's slow. It's all relative K, And I believe that's one of the beauties of history we have now a lation to social prophylaxis. Women were arrested and taken to the gulags, Google gulag, Okay, g u, l, a G. read this danging book. Everybody, these were slave labor camps. They had no maximum sentences in the beginning. everything was at the discretion of the regime. If a woman didn't announce her husband, arrested for ten years plus K. If you were too independent, too intelligent, too successful as an entrepreneur too well to do too influential. Arrested. They wanted to make sure zero leaders could rise up and had create a resistance. Okay, this is history, too. This is one of the topics we love talking about on the show, But history matters. I only care about. It's not fun to no history it is, but the reason it's great is because it produces that relativity. but where we are now learned from it book social prophlaxis, They wanted to make sure there was no resistance, so they literally arrested. these people. sometimes executed them, but sent them off to the gulags in the millions in the mega millions of people, like, like the world has never seen before that, okay, um, that's that was prevention of subversion of the regime. Do you understand that we get to gather and talk about this talk on podcast? We be dead in the Soviet regime, person, dead or slave laboring until our freakent bones were visible. The stories in this book. I'm not. I'm not going to go into too be cause, it's a lot of time. Read the book. You will close that that final uh cover, and just like literally, I make notes when I read some of my notes were. I bet you, half of my notes in the whole book were Wow with an explanation. Can, why? what can I say? I don't even know how to respond, and I say about to what they. what what happened? So socialerdin? it is this O Sha. Prof. Ax. Now now, hold on. they say history doesn't always repeat, but it rhymes. Let me explain. I love. this is exciting to me to really convey this. No, no, no, no, I get it. We're not going to slave labor camps or where it. but the rhyme is right, cancel culture. Okay if you're too influential, Ep's too wealthy too well to do too powerful. They cancel you perfect example. a guy like Joe Rogan, Okay, among many people, sure, but God forbid he has a doctor who just has a different point of view about covet or whatever it may be. We're not going to go on the coved rabbit holl today, because that over that rabbit hole is infinite. It's a, and it's never going to stop. But my point to you is on top of him getting slandered for being an antiax or anti science science denial, right wing, lunatic, blah, blah, blah, which the guy ain't right wing. If you look at Joe Rogan I mean he's Aj. He's just a logical guy. Unfortunately, logic is part of the right. Nothing, some of the is here is surerely, Listenhing him that I was going to say if he wasn't. If you are right, He, he's a self prec, proclaimed liberal like, literally out of his mouth. I'm liberal. The problem is today, which I, I believe I believe the left has shot himself in the foot on multiple fronts, being a logical person that critically thinks makes you right wing now Like literally, That's unfortunately. the. that's unfortunately. we're right. Look at guys like Bill Mar. We all know Bill Marr, That's a liberal dude. He's raising his hand. Going. wait a minute, like huh, he's quite, Are we? He's questioning some things, Any, and one of his old, One of his latest statement, questioning some things. It's it's more than that, he literally was like I haven't changed. My party has changed right, And that's where I feel like a lot of liberal again. To be clear, I I love all people. I like different ideas and opinions, et cetera, But unfortunately there's some extremism going on right now, so the point is Cancel culture is the quote unquote rhyme of something like this that I'm talking about, and then they dig up. You know things that he says in the past, and um, this is what they do. It's cancil culture. They're not sending him to a slave labor camper executing him, but they're doing something different, and actually, sometimes this can be a lot more powerful if they can literally silence important voices. either of the social protal axis hoa that I read about in several twenties, thirties and forties, Soviet regime. I mean, that's the level we're at. In simple terms, it's ex external forces denouncing freedom one way or the other, Correct how they do it. The tactics differ from generation to generation. That's correct, but we want to make sure that the regime is all power. Another thing they did. They made sure they. they. they eliminated religion. Remember when you have to answer to a higher power, Guess who? if I'm answering to him up there, Guess who? I'm not answering to the leader of my country who could be a total tyrant. Absolutely, they hate that and that's an. again. I. There's so many enlightening things about the book, but basically they, what they did was they pull out the priests and deacons, and whoever arrest them, get them out of the way and they would install the Soviet version of the priests and deacons, and all these things, And they called it the Living Church, And if you denied it, But if you didn't come, if you didn't become a member of their living church, they called it Yeah, you were also arrested and sent. They called them tenors, T, e, n, n, e, r, tenor, ten. Your sentence for a slay labor camp. These people couldn't believe it. They had to get rid of anybody who would instill the seeds of freedom in someone else's brain. Yeah, and they looked at a s. subversion of the regime, antagonizing subversion of the regime. It was at their sole discretion if you shook the hand of a guy who had a meeting the night before about subverting the regime. Even if you didn't know anything about it, or you were immediate in gllies. You're guilty. You're guilty even if you knew nothing. Oh, he shook his hand, and he's a subverter of the regime. This guy's corerial and it's fear tactics. fear, fear, absolutely, fear is we. we. we know with coovn, Spread the fear people listen. They'll do anything you say because they're scared and it lasted a couple of weeks and then the logical people are like, wait, man, the Dta coming out. We're kind of good. Yes, it's bad, but there's more to it than that, blah, blah, blah. I believe in the next decade or two. the H. the T. The real historians are going to look back on what happened. Twenty twenty twenty one. We have no idea what's going to be unraveled to the to a level. we can't even believe how much truth will be able to be led on Is answer. It's unfathomable when the the truth that we don't know. There's stuff even people like us who are pretty awake to all of it. There's stuff we don't even know about. Oh, we are clueless as to how suppressed the real truth is on many fronts. So again, the history matters to me In reading matters to me because it's that Einstein theory of Relativity idea. meaning, it gives you a relation to what was happening. What is happening? What social profile axis? I believe we're going through that right now. I believe this is a version of that Soviet suppression. So why do I care about all this So again? Going back to the review Nick used to talk about business, Tony Robin's success, Remember in the beginning I said the show is, It's like a Joe Rogan, Tony Robins, Gary V Tim Ferris, All pat, uh, Robert Kyasaki, K, Which is by the ways, one of the first financial books I've ever read when I was fifteen or sixteen, rich Dad Pordt, one of my favorite financial books all wrapped up in any people's Yeah, the very. I mean, I think it was like the best selling personal finance book of in history. Uh, one day I'd like to have him on the show actually to thank him for, because he basically turned open eyes when I was a teenager. he's like, Wait the way to becoming wealthy. Isn't you don't have to be born into it and you don't have to like, Make a lot of money at your job to invest in stuff. you don't have to have a pilo of money. No wealth is mental. Wealth is mental, Okay, and I want to go into that. So Yes, I taught people for years online. If you look at my history, ever It in a couple of books on how to become financially inend, financially independent from scratch with real estate. Okay, I wrote a book called Flip, You can look it up, teaches specific tactics on a certain real estate strategy With using no money or credit. I'm a specialist in that. Okay, then I wrote a second book called Success from scratch which strove into the mental. Um. The real mentality of how to become wealthy, becoming wealthy and financial independent has nothing to do with your resources. It has to do with. Are you being resourceful? It has nothing to do with your resources. How do I know that Well? Number one. I started from nothing. K built a multiim ar portfolio. Flipped all these homes, rent the properties, Bub up. then the two thousand eight crash came K. Some of you youngsters don't know what that is. The financial crisis of two thousand eight real estate was the spear head of that crisis. Kay, I was in the midst of it borrowed millions of dollars. I was in my La, late mid to late twenties When all this was going on, Two thousand eight, I was twenty seven, and then basically a couple of years after that I had to file bankruptcy bad bankruptcy. Chapter seven, There's different chapters I felt. Chapter seven. Okay then I quickly bounced back not just from nothing but from a deficit because the reality is when your credit says bankruptcy on it. That's worse than like. zero. You know what I mean, Kind of like. how do I get back into real estate for the business of borrowing money to flip deals. Eah, and I figured out a way you were saying. I got a. really. What a great excuse for me to give up right now. Of course, the the The King of excuses, I could be like you know what, and believe me, these poisonous thoughts even raised through my mind. It, re mind, as I was, I with you when you were going through. I rather and listening, Tony Robins, Cassetet, I was a teenager because my mom would listen to him. I always was putting positive material in my brain. Okay, um, so I was mentally prime for success, but that's how bad it got where I had these poisonous thoughts coming into my brain. Like Hm. Was this just my shot And I made it for a while and I'm done sure, among other things, but you get my point like I was really questioning. Like, I guess entrepreneurship wasn't for me. Now That wasn't the truth, but that's what happens when you're down downow. you start letting poisonous thoughts coming in. If you don't have a support system. it's even harder. Say so poison. I was impressed. rebuttling poisonous thoughts is one of the main objectives of the show, Also right for people who have these poisonous thoughts. Uh. well, well, if they have through stories like this, I mean, I hope this story inspires you right. So I file. Chapter seven, Okay, that's the worst bankruptcy you can file. That basically says I can pay nobody. nothing, make it all go away. It all goes away, But you have a monster black check mark against your name for a V. Very long time. I mean, I can't even get certain credit cards. I can now, probably would, even six, seven, eight years in it. when I was be becoming very successful. There were certain credit cards that just wouldn't even give me like a five thousand dollar limit. Just not because of common sense. A computer makes the decision. I mean, I could be sitting on millions, but it's like the ba, uh, Oh, You have a bankruptcy, no credit card and I'm like, Can't I just send you my tax returns Of they're like we don't do that. Sure, No, not see weceive bank, We see bankruptcy. We don't give you credit card, so my point is, after that I quickly bounced back in real estate. It wasn't like it took years. Okay, I made some very creative moves, exhausted relationships. It's about being resourceful. I didn't have any resources. This was time too. this was time. two. Okay from nothing from less than nothing 'cause of the bankruptcy. That's when I wrote my second book Success from scratch, and actually a traditional publisher picked that one up. Okay success from scratch, 'cause I was like, Wait,'cause it, you know, you look at successful people. Hey, the reality is, sometimes I did have wind at their back and the sun in their face, and they had the perfect thing where the stars align and theycame quote unquote lucky, which I'm not a luck believer. But my point is I did it twice from nothing. Maybe there's actual strategies I was implementing that. maybe I didn't even know about. Believe it or not, A lot of people implement strategies that they don't necessarily even consciously know. but I was like, Wait, so I did this once went belly up. Did it again even more successful than the first time with everything going against me financially. I think there's something too what I'm doing and I didn't even know what I was. Just learn to give yourself some credit that maybe you didn't even know you should give yourself with them. Well, it was a matter of yeah, like, maybe I should dissect my strategies and mental strategies and be well, because this could help people right, because everyone's raising their hand, Saying how do I do it right? You know, I'm depressed, My mom hates me. I'm living in the basement. I make five hundred a week. I can barely pay my bills. This sucks. What about me? You know what I mean, so I was like, Wait. I did it twice and things were miserable and I did it. I could probably have a message that would help the world do it. You follow. absolutely so. So that's when I started who in the book, And and I was like, I think, and and then I like, actually, like, actually consciously diagnosed, and uh assessed what I did because I'm like. I think I'm doing strategies and again To be clear. Some people in life that are successful, they're doing stuff on a subconscious level, and general', they have to get up. They have to make thes to call Bu, but it, but I was like I wanted to dissect this and actually write down what I've done in the past because it obviously worked and it wasn't pure luck. The stars weren't aligned Because it happened twice right. it wasn't like I just happened to like Get lucky with some perfect thing at the perfect time. Maybe that happens sometime. Well when you do it twice right, there's something to it where. Hey, what's the method? What's the streamline process? And I wrote the work Successful. Other, Yeah, and this is, by no means some kind of plug for that book. If you want the book right, if you don't you don't. I'm not looking to push stuff for Sell you anything. Okay, these are just this is. I wrote that book to almost. I want to say, diary slash journal, the mental steps that I took to become successful again, because if you notice the first book was Tactics, here's how you find the house and you flip it and do this, and you find the Cears and you put the deal together and you make ten grand. That was the tactics book. Flip. It's called Success from scratch. Um was a mental book. How do you become successful And the reality is, it has to do with developing your mind. That's all it takes. You need nothing else, and I, that's an actual. Marneously. I wast to stamp my name on that guarantee definite battle. The mind is a definite battle growing home. I go conquer. and you know this too. I mean, I, thirty thirty Inris in your life, we'll get into my story some day, but the reality is you know it very deeply. I know, too. Like, uh, you know, unraveing the thoughts that come in and out of your mind is the nature of succeeding or failing, and so many of those are planted there from other people in ways. we. You know that we didn't do it, but we have to learn not unravel. It's on us. it's our responsibility. They say, the mind is like a garden. We weeds come, No matter what weeds come, you don't have to water and mprunum, right, they're coming, right, The good, pretty flowers. You actually have to go in in water and pull this and clip that, and you got to do all the world, And that goes back to your Philo. Keep coming. It goes back to the philosophy of people. not exactly rooting for you when you're doing betteral. the weeds keep coming. the weeds can's right. We thetators are whenning total marow on their character. That's how we're built. That's how that's all things. I are. So so so moving forward and then obviously I'm buying commercial properties, and here we are today, and many years later we're bu up. you know, commercial properties, office buildings, apartment buildings, flipping houses, you know, thriving stuff. you know, we're playing around. Obviously we' having fun with this podcast, but going back and looping back around. Do you know how you watch Larry David, The Kirby enthusiasm? Somehow, at the end of the, the, We're not the end yet. Don't worry. Weve got plenty more wind, but now the reality is he always found a way to like thread like the theme from the beginning area. By the way. Any what a shanny good show does that? but y, but he somehow had this knack. Sure what? I mean. Like his' nap it out where you didn't even see. it was pulling the rabbit out of the hat. The end. You're like. What dude you like somehow figured out how to like intertwinine this scene with like your initial. Like right, you know what I like. Dudes, a genius. That's great, right, he's He's a writer. It's great, rightd his comedic writing is topped here. Um. in fact, one. on a side note, Speaking of comedy, one of the chapters in my book, Uh, success from scratches, Entrepreneurs see opportunity, or they see the world through an opportunistic lens. What does that mean? Why did I just say that when I talked about Larry David. Here's why comics see funny. We're sitting in this chair. We're not comics. If we were comics like Larry David, he'd look around this room. He'd have material. Somehow he knows how to make jokes of things that we see through a normal lens. These guys see funny. K. They can go grocery shopping for fifteen minutes and somehow get material out of it. Sure, because of someone they saw or the conversation they heard Were you and I dismiss it, or they see material. Sure they see funny. Stop. God bless him, so out of yours it goes down to who are you? What go? No, it goes down to the lens. You' right, Th you know entrepreneurs, right, I, S looked through an opportunistic lens, So that's why winners win and oper, Uh, entrepreneurs like myself have always thrived because when I look around I see I look for opportunity right like naturally, Like that's my default lens. There's opportunity that's broken. Maybe I can fix it, and like somebody that is ingrained theies dep de properties depress it. No, you can teach yourself. No, I'm not saying you can't taught. I'm saying certain people have have certain gifts for certain fllo. There' a scectrum of it. There's a spectrum of theres, a ce of it can be addressed. and and blossom anything's developable. Yes, some people have traits that are more by nature. but I do believe in um. neuroplasticity, which is the science of the brain. You can. actually, you can actually modify the actual synptic structures in your brain. He that can be measured Un, like a can scan. Like sure, you can chw, truly change the grey matter of your brain. Something as simple as meditation. They've done studies where like they scan the brain premeditation. The guy meditates for six months and comes back. The physical structure of the brain has changed Like this is. Science works wonders for me. I do it all the time totally. but but my point is, imagine. like In infusing like the right material into your brain, you're sure you're changings saptic structures and by the way it's hard. they say a habits like a war roof. Like's work picture like you know, you're uh, You're going down the sledding hill. If a million sleds have gone down, there's a groove and you just stay in it and you get out of it. But if you want to create a new path with the snow, it takes work. You got to really push and you know, might stumble, and you blo. You got to go back and sure, how about you get my point? So, um, so that's uh, So anything is developable and can be uh approached, But that's my point. I entrepreneurs see opportunity. They see the world through an opportunistic lens, Right and the only Es comics see funny when they grow out in the world, Right and you always have infinite material. I'm like. but they see funny right. But part, let me ask you. this part of this show in my opinion, and what I like to talk about is is psychology of people Right, Of course, so that's slow. Everything boils down to everything boils down to this. everything we talk about right politics, Uh, trending topics, The business. D, it's all. everything has to do with Th. Like the way the brain is structur. you know Vladimir Putin, Sheijin, Ping the tyrant, It's all you know right. it's all here and then he and unfortunately, guys in power that have the wrong psycholgy can literally destroy a planet. They want to push us, So follows you on people. that's right. They want to to to claim this. they want to tell us what our psychology should be. We would like to open up people's minds to what you know psychology could be, and they want to have that social prophle axis to make sure they remove andne psychology. They don't want. They don't want anyone gathering and doing anything to subvert or agitate the regime. We are under a regime right now, whether you like it or not, and that's the word to be used. This is not an administration. this is a regime and it goes way beyond our president right now. You know what I mean like there's a lot going on. Let's leave that alone for a minute. So anyways we go back and we say entrepreneur success. I wrote the books. Why be about here? am I now? Why am I on this microphone as we speak, Which is what we're leading up to. Why did? Why does it matter what the guy sent on the text or the the text, Um, one star review situation on Itunes. So as you mature in life, you evolve right. For example, there's beliefs I've had. There's beliefs that I would have stood firm on twenty years ago that I would laugh at today, Guy that's okay. That's called evolution. I think Mohammad Ali said it. He goes. The man who believes the exact same things he did now that he did thirty years ago, is a man who wasted thirty years of his life Like there's a point to that like you got to evolve, and you know when you meet new people, there's a lot of stuff like I tell my kids tot sopha yesterday. I go, honey, some of the best, some of the greatest experiences of your life, and she's fifteen, are going to be with people you haven't even met yet. She goes. I don't know. Maybe I go. probably, and well, you don't even know the greatest things of your life. You don't even know about yet. The greatest people you're going to hang out with and have fun with. you haven't even met them yet, right, especially someone who's fifteen, but I, even at forty I look at, I keep the doors open, like who knows. Maybe Tomrow shake someone's hand, where all this crazy stuff starts happening in autful way, but don't know someone's love meeting people. Somebody who's listening this far through the show might go back and say Well, Earli, you're in the show, Nick you. You had just said that you're not budgeting on your beliefs, But what I think you're really trying to. Well, let's wait. Leave's conviction, Wait, there's go ahead there' ahead, base, base truths about a person that may never change, But the things around that could are variable. The things around that are very right, right, right Ro. Yeah, I'm exactly okay. I am never going to not love freedom like no one will sell me on communism. It's not going to happen there. That's a conviction. I believe it. There's like beliefs. There's like convictions. Yes, like yes, I will never submit to the state Right period. You pretty much would have to kill me at that point. I genuinely mean that. that's just not going to happen. Okay, Um, so there's certain like core convictions, But other than that these beliefs that are kind of a layer down. talk to me. you know what I mean. Like period, I do have a pretty strong conviction in my conservative, uh belief system, thoughcause, it aligns with freedom. Like if you inal lines. If you're a conservative, you kind of like freedom a lot, and you're willing to like defend it at almost all costs. Okay, which is you know? if you look at like the sides of it on the political spectrum, like the more right you know, like I'm right wing. Okay, I'm conservative. All right. I love all people. I'm not racist. You know that people think right wing. Oh, that's k. k. K. automate. No, like there's a skin color has nothing to do with being conservative. It has to do with. I love freedom like we all know. the the founders of this world through today's lens would be looked at as right winging founders, own owners of this country. The founders of this country would be called right wing extremists Through today's teaching and lenses and what they're teaching in school. Literally, That's what they would call them Right wing extremist, The great country that you get to stand up and call them that, Today, and twenty twenty two was founded on people that you. that you, same person would call them Right wing extremist, What an oxyoron. But that's the world we're living in. We're living in an oxymonic world. Okay, Youre typing on. you hate capitalism, but you're typing I hate capitalism on an iphone produced by capitalism. Explain that to me. I yourne hypocritical. Explain it right. Right. if you hate capitalism, flush this phone down the toilet and never touch it again. Sure, absolutely I, I agree. No, I agree. Put on a mask till the day you die, 'cause that's what they want you to do, and we're talking. Don't say you hate capitalism unless you have Le. S under your argument, and I happen to know you don't have any legs because they don't exist. The date is clear throughout history. The data you have that is anti capitalistic does not exist. But wait, Socialism has never been tried properly. Really, That's your argument. it's not goodcause. The data supports capitalism. It's lifted more people out of poverty. It's preserved the family structure Okay, for example, a society with freedom. first of all, families flourish, the family unit Th flourishes. If I know that when I pop out a child, he's gonna be submitting to the state under slave labor. why would I get married and have kids? Societies are their populations suppress? Because they're like. I'm not going to put a kid into this world, which leads me too, Nick, which leads me to the review. Why are you going from business and success, Which I'm not going from? I'm just adding too. Okay, Good, poor politics and all these other he called it, Click, Paate. This is not click bate, I don't need Clliques le. Me, Be clear. I make a lot of money in real estate. I don't need a podcast to pay me, because Clliick Bay basically says, Here's some click baty stuff. Watch my show and somehow get paid from sponsorships. I don't get paid to dime for this shel, right, this isn't zero. Dollars comes in from doing the show number one, number two. I don't need this to make money. My family's well fed outside of anything I could do with it, Youtub or podcast, Et cetera I care about this stuff and again, I'm not going from business and success in entrepreneurship in real estate. I still have. We have plenty of episodes where that's going to be dove deep into. Because I like helping people with personal finance and success. Even if it's not real estate. There are strategies that I know that can take you from this to retirement faster, or you know investing of investment, passive income. We, I love talking about all that K. But the reality is real simple. I have children now and even me. I have a long. you know, a long career ahead of me With investing in entrepreneurship in business. I feel that we're on a trajectory where there's going to be less and less opportunity that I had for my kids and my grandkids, So that's why I love talking about this. So as I matured as an adult, like I said, early twenties, I just wanted to make money. I'm a capitalist. Let's make money. Real estate. As I started progressing over the years, I started caring about history. I started caring about politics. K. like this guy said in his comment, again, not Boston chops. I'm telling you the truth, he said, Politics has never changed anybody's life. That was his comment. Politics has never and will never change anywheree's. life very fas. The literal antithesis of that argument is true. It's changed like one hundred per cent of what he said. The opposite is true right. It's only changing people's lives, and unfortunately, in the situation we're in, it's changing people's lives on a massive scale. K. we have inflation that is completely out of control. What's inflation? Well, actually, if you really boil it down to the bottom of where everything lands in life. Well, when all the smoke clears, inflation is a tax on the poor middle class. That's what it is. When you all the smoke clears, we can say inflation and the reason things are going up, Iscause of Russia, and blame gameam blazee Bla. Inflation is a tax on the poor and middle class. The Gaston does Okay, explain inflationaryary times, wealthy people who hold assets. My building values go up. I raise rents on people. Okay, stock market usually arises. Usually, if you're holding assets. Yeah, exactly K, people flock to gold, which would inc increase. Uh, the value of gold. The more it's simple. The value of anything is supplying to man. If there's more people buying the price goes up. There's less people buying it goes down very. I don't care if you're buying pair of shoes or you buying a car, buying gold, mind stocks. People think stock value has to do with what the company's doing in their earnings has nothing to do with that people react to their earnings and then they buy more of it. But a company could make record earnings and still go down. The value of a stock is based on who's buying and who sells just those'. Actually one of the things the uh, the Amazon share split may about that to read about that. No, I didn't so we probably should leave it off the table or so many things I siff through. I did not read that article, but the point is, Um, I care about politics, trending topics, leadership or on the world, geoplitical structures, not because it's fun to talk about and it's click baate, Because again, click bait means I need you to click on cheap headlines, So I get paid right. I don't need a dime from you or anyone. I'm talking about it, because I have a long career ahead of me and my kids and grandkids I feel are at risk of opportunity. You know we're worried about equal opportunity for this gender and that race. We're in a crisis. where're like. we need to make sure Americans still have opportunity. not black, white, Asian, Hispanic, or you know, gender, this, or male, female, heterosexual, Bisexual like we're all work like, no, no, No, we're in a. We're in a situation. We're in a crossroads of a lifetime, or of a generation or of a century, or whatever you want to call it, where Americans as a whole are at a risk of less O. So you're like That's why I care about this. So I'm talking about this to make sure the foundation of the opportunities that I love in business for all youough you say Nick, Just give me the entrepreneur stuff to business. The real estate like, Understand something. Those landscapes are going to change with politics and leadership and the way things go. And you know we have to focus on the things that allow those things to exist, And that's why it matters to me. That's why I love history, because I'm understanding and seeing parallels and all these other things. This is serious stuff. So you like politics for the exact opposite reason, Because it, it actually does change people's lives. It it can help, and it does change exactly or downs. That it's the ingate. Is this what? What deassive dent in the way this world operates and works. What this country? this world, et cetera, Yeah, okay, always. it always has. Yeah, nothing's changed but right, but but he's unfortunately for him. So again, I have no desire to have people click on my stuff. It's just that that's meaningless to me. I don't care. I make a living in real estate. I've said it from day one. Even when I was teaching people courses and all that other stuff. I make a living in real estate. I don't need a podcast or anything else to pay my bills right right? So so and I care about these additional topics because they're still the foundation of succeeding in the world of business and real estate. But for those listening I want to be clear. I have. actually, I just discovered, Read it and know, I just sounds super dumb. Everyone's like Dude Red. It. Are you kidding? It's been around for who knows how long. I always knew it existed, but I never really underst, I never. just, I don't do much online. Um, but read it. unless I'm missing something, It iss basically like a social network based on topic. You don't really follow people. you follow like topics and ideal or topical forms Right And it's kind of cool and I'm like. Oh, like business entrepreneurs, the economics and like this stuff matters to me, So my point to you is Um. it's uh. I was like Okay, like there's a lot of different ideas and in, but what I'm getting at here and there's questions people have, and whatever, in fact, I, ha. I have a. you can go to Allphon and cut. I just created a redit form. I don't know how it'll do. but you can go to Alphon Cut and probably engage with me De know, and or the show or right. You have questions or justic, Probably a good place or have specific Hu and A shows. Yeah, so go into. Read it. I guess just search Alpha uncut and you can join the group that's really small right now, and uh, you know, engage there and ask questions and have ideas, suggestions for guests or topics or whatever. But I want to be clear. I do love business. I like economics. I like entrepreneurship and I like real estate and I plan on doing even specifics of like deal reviews Like I'm buying the deal for this. Here's the return on investment and here's how to look for the return on investment. Theres a little more or two hours. The question, so, believe me, I love people saying hey, Nick, I still get these emails, Nick. It's because of you that my life change and I was able to pay my bills or retire earlier, or make an extra two rand a month or whatever, Like. I still love that and I love that I passionately love that. I'm just expanding on a lot of ideas 'cause number one I do have a lot of interests. Okay, um, but I love history, philosophy, and um, and politics and the trending stuff because a lot of it's just the lines with business, and you'll see that as the show progresses Like these are some of the foundation of legs under the opportunity that you. You currently have to be an entrepreneur. Is my. Are my little kids going to grow up and have the same opportunities as me that I did you know with without the regulation, with the free market opportunities. I don't know. we don't know, but we don't. I hope it. I, I am, I am optimistic, but I'm talking in again. I'm talking about this stuff with her without the micway hold for a more open free of America. What does look like? It's like the. The trajectory's not too dight right now, But again, I do believe in the beauty of the American patriot and the American ideals to where I think we will prevail in the end Freedom. It just readom. I mean, that's it. It's just freedom. and and freedom is the foundation of leg under. Like the content. This, this review want it of business and success, believe it or not, without freedom, and with more regulation. The those, the things I tell you about business may not even be possible. Sure. Sure, that's why it's so important. It's support. I want to make sure my kids grow up in a beautiful America the same way I did and I feel like it's on shaky ground right now, so I'm passionate about talking about it. So there's there's more to my story that's good, but I, I'm glad we did this. I wanted to, and we'll take. We'll do a couple of quick huu and a uh questions here, pep questions we have. But I wanted to make clear where why this is happening, Because and I'm glad he left a review for that reason, 'cause some people are used to my content. And um, it's still going to be the same, but it it. It's not the new content isn't Instead of it's an addition. to sure, that's the best way I can describe. Oh, does that make sense? Absolutely one hundred percent. it's an addition to. Well, that's all. we should always be thinking right. It's an additionition. Get out of the box. And and this, I, and these are fun conversations you and I have. we and I like. Um, bringing on different ideas and different guests and things. Um, So you know what, Go to that Reddit group Alfph, and cut, and then you can make suggestions on different ideas and topics. And and please leave a five star rating interview. It really mean a lot if you could share the show with your friends, whether it's on Youtube or share the The. The audio platform, and uh, leave a review. It. it does help. So what did you? what? A couple of questions I wanted to address. Here you. I was just I was throwning around the show with some people and I was. I was asking them. You know what what interests you? 'cause I, I'm very interested in what other people want to hear for us right. Obviously you have you have your thoughts. You have your stances, but I'm also like, How can we add? valued other people's lives with what we talk about. So that I think we already are. We already are. But how can we keep doing that in a on a bigger scale? You know that's what we're doing. That's what we're doing. We're we're We're adding value at this content. You're right. A, a hundred percent, I think one of there was a. Wasn't there A common one of the Youtube videos right, Something about added value to something about adding value to someone's life. Thank you. Oh yeah. Well, like I said, for every one star like this, it's like five. Ten other people are like the thank you friighting, Valuelle. I really needed this content et cetera Era. Well, let's not get too far off to topic here, But uh, so someone asked me say hey you if we're going to be in the studio And they ask them. I want to get started in my own business as an entrepreneur. How how do I get the capital? What? So someones doesn't know. Even first of all, you don't need capital again. I was in. I started in real estate. It just takes creativity. Um, remember, money follows good ideas. always has. Look at a show like Shark Tank. I mean you're talking about. there's been peasants who's come up on that stage with just an idea and the sharks quote. unquote from the show are like, Here you go. No, we don't all we can't. We can't all get on shark tank, but even I've noticed, and especially like when I got when I bounced back from Um, my bankruptcy right, I brought it super discounted deal to someone I knew who had money. Okay, and uh, and they, they were able to get me the money and finance that deal one hundred percent. I'm literally recording. We're live on the show guys, Go ahead, Can I call you back? Okay, I, I'll talk to you a little bit. I got to go byebye alpha uncut. We don't even cut that out when my daughters was calling fussing about something. The beauty of home schooling. That's okay. leave it in. I don't want this in. but you know what? Honestly, you didn't turn something down, did you? I did not okay. God greatest worry. Well, No, someone said volume. So I want to make sure you know it's and the last show was like volume, Nic volume. I want Conist. Resime wants to turn us down. Yeah, exactly yeah, there you go. but I bring body, Get the I' know. I. It's great, your daughter called. So I was talking to my wife. A. and and she said, Go into who you are. As people tell people more about your life. your home life. Everybody knows Nic's the entrepreneur Right, Every, everybody knows Mick's entrepreneur. What? What is your life Outside of that and Mo. It's all Fa have time for this family right, you know, time for them now, But it's but it is all family. I literally work my business around my home and I think a lot of guys do it different. Um, I think it's a. It's it sucks that someone has the business first and they work their home life around it. You only get one home life. We're only here for a short period of time. Kids are only kids for so long and then they're gone. I, and this took a long time. By the way, work life balance, First of all, don't you're still? I don't. you're still working. Put hu on. I don't even believe in that. I almost think that's a fallacy, Work life balance isn't something that just is like you get there and you've achieved it. Every person's different. Everybody's d. n a is different. Everyone's family life is different. That's I don't necessarily believe in, but work life balance. Um, I just believe in a healthy homeostasis. Whatever that means for you, I don't know what that means. For you. Sure, every person's different for me to say, You need to be this many hours here and this many hours there. That's literally crazy to tell each individual. It's like it's like medical advice. That should be blanket for everyone. Everyone's got their own thing. God bless all their ideology of freedom. That's right. It's right, so I, but what I do is I work my business around my personal life, my family life. So if my daughters have some kind of um, you know, practice from two to four p. M. I'm not looking at deals between two and four. Believe it or not, unless something exs crazy where I like, have to sure. but in general I'm making an appointment around that. Really recording this show will not happen If there's a P. a family engagement. That, either, like I work my business around my family, and believe me, it's not you can't always do that. I get it like you're struggling to pay the bills. You got to listen to the boss. I understand that, but that was one of my goals as an entrepreneur was one of my oldless, and you know it as possible. And and a lot of people just remember right now that I heard an old expression that said wherever you're at right now A long time ago you would have wished you were here, So be grateful. Okay and I look at that and I try to writeide. hope I can say that the rest of my life. Yeah, but right, it's like You know you think like. Oh, this is so hard, but it's like dude, you actually like. There was a point in time where you wished for this to be true. So my point. I was thinking about that this morning. I was thinking Well, Yeah, I was in. you know, someone said to me this morning and they're like, You know, I woke up today and uh, I pain my car payment, you know, and he was like, sometimes I lose my thankfulness. He goes, but I'm thinking about it. I am thankful I can pay my car payment on time, but it's a little thing, but but it's a big thing right totally, and he probably had a point in his life where he struggled to make a car it a little, But now he gets to just stroke that check and send it off with while sleeping. Well, that's a real thing. That's a real thing and I, you know we all struggle with that like being grateful. I think we all St. I think it's human nature to get comfortable and complacent. Sure, but you know, in fact you gave me that prayer card. I love that. Um that. like we put it this way. Nothing on that card you gave me and we' It's like grateful. There's a bunch of stuff. You know. It's logical but nothing on its groundbreaking. and it's nothing I haven't ever heard or know known before. It's just that like reminder. That's why I wanted. I'm like dude, give me that card. Sure, not because I don't know what that stuff is and it's like Oh my God, this is a whole new concept. It's like the fact that it's just like a perfect little bullet point structure of praying for gratefulness. and again, I, I can't recite it exactly, but I like the sycinct like bullet points over her. I'm like Yes, like Yeah, I need a reminder. that's all right, right, And and I and I'm thinking of the fellow I was just talking about, And and part of the my passion for this show is, I've been on both sides of that fence. Yeah, and I want to see people who are over there. Get over here. whatever that means for them. Yeah, you know what I mean. I was over there. I'm over here. How can I help someone else get over here? right? Yeah, like if you've crossed the threshold, there's a big group of people trying to get past the threshold. And if you have the answer right or the strategies too? Yeah, it's almost like your duty to conve. It's a duty. Yeah, right. it's a duty. So so that all boils down much freedom for oils. Back to our. to what our original topic? You feel a duty for this show. This isn't click bade. can I make some money? I don't. I don't need your money. No, I have, and I'm going to open people's minds to new things. Yeah, I'm in the wholele in the show. look at our equipment. This is cop. not of stuff. I mean, let's be honest. I'm deep in the whole. If you saw everything we got going on here, this is in the negative, first reality break. Very true. first we have to break. even. so what you talk about, Click bait. this, a't it? Trust me, Um, So and again for those who haven't following me a long time, you know where my success come from. I don't need click bait to pay my bills. Um, and got, Hey, you know what? this is? The free market. If people use click Ba to pay their bills and do what they do on there, Sure, God bless them. If that's what it takes to get your view, What you got? it got to do. Okay, um, freedom is the word, and again I focused on financial freedom. I've been really good at financial freedom in teaching it, et cetera, which is again with a what a comment like this? this review was talking about, But the problem is financial freedom again. Going back to Um, is going to be have a trickier time being gotten by the average person. Sure, because freedom freedom, Mhm is at risk. Yeah, like real freedom for us, which is much more important than financial freedom. Without answer, freedom, freedom, like a shrew freedom, personal freedom, liberty. Yeah, financial freedom doesn't matter well. it's like you were saying, financial freedom starts in our bringing. That's where it starts. But if we don't have the upper freedom, these start. Uh, are people that are running this country right And that's why we need people to actually talk about it Because real freedom I can't create in my brain. Unfortunately, this is beyond that, which is why voices are needed. If we can't start there, we can't yanish. Yeah, freedom behindy them. You want to O, you know again, going back to someone who makes a comment like this or a review like this, I can teach you how to become financially free with the brain. The brain can't create freedom, right, right, freedom, ne, anti freedom, tyrannizers, T tyrants through Ourut government and leaders needs to be resisted. Sure, like, like Ben Franklin said, When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty, And don't get me wrong. There's people who are in jail who find freedom in their brain. Right, they find freedom. Oh, right, ment, or living in a place, but I'm saying this is about to be one big jail if they don't figure out if the leaders don't stop screwing on the grands Sce, And then there's no like wake up and be an entrepreneur. Oh, no, you don't. No, you. you guys get it like, look at the Soviet example I gave. Okay. I can't teach someone to become financially free in the old Soviet Stalin regimeo, That wasn't possibsle. I could give them every tactic in the book. They can read my book until they were blue in the face. They were never going to move forward because the overarching regime right was N. was going to step on their necks. never going to let it. That's why it's not and you's not a hisetician. My talks right now are in addition to where not. instead us see the seeds of that in our culture right now. I, somewhere looked at our culture. they'd say you're as free as could be, and we'll say the same thing. You guys go exercise your freedom. You still have, but we see the seeds cropping up of this this mental slavery before it turns into. Hey, we don't want you zing us anymore. Speak up and believe it or not, there's more of us than them. the freedom loving people in this country. Uh, unfortunately, there are certain bubbles throughout this country where it's really strange and you feel like you're in a communist state. Okay, um, but the reality is nationwide. there's much more of us. Yeah, that love freedom right right. Keep getting it other and there's nowhere else to run like I think great. I think Reagan said it. There is no America's the last stand. The therey's nowhere else to run if we get compromised. Now. think about that that actually is scary. There is nowhere to run if we are compromised. there iss nowhere to go. How many people have ran here for that exact reason? Yeah, to to be free. Yeah, there's nowhere else to. So my passion has always been financial freedom and helping other people get. I remember, even when I was in my early twenties, I' like what I was so excited about what I stumbled into on freedom. I'm like everyone should be doing this and I preach it everywhere and pretty soon I'm like, Oh, you got one really cares, boy. No one. everyone doesn't get it. It's too hard or it's a lot of work, or you have to pay taxes. I mean they come up with the dumbest excuses. I'm like. what, right like. I' look at these checks. I'm in my early twenties. Like why would someone have to slave away right? Okay, right, So financial freedom is my passion. There you go. there we go. Oh, and what it like all that? but it evolved. Answer you, Freedom is my bestt, No, I mean it really is among many passions, free freedom and irie them, And I, in my passions are history, and uh, you know, and it all in intertwins, philosophy, and um, you know economics, but it all intertwinines into one thing, And that's why it's important. That's why I said this is the show that I wanted that I want to listen to right. Like I created a show. I would want to listen to her or I feel like I can't really like thinking in a gambing ru. I' to evolve from our show is is through our bantering and both of our mentalities. Like young, Guess, we have a lot of value to offer a lot of people, And that's where I think it's already really, really reallyally appreciated. I think people appreciate it, but I wanted to convey. I, a lot of you know my story, and believe me, it obviously has a lot of different twists and turns which we can go into later. but I wanted to give the the overar or arching. Uh, you know, rough sketch of why this is happening. Why I'm doing this show why I love doing it and how it evolved and how my thinking has evolved again. When I was twenty, I didn't care about politics. I couldn't care less. Okay, number one, I was in a. I think we're in a much freer society without a doubt, but number two, as I see the trajectory going bad, but even more importantly as my, as I started having kids, I'm like. Oh, like leadership does matter like I care, like taxes matter, these abortion laws matter. Uh, I mean, among many other things, Okay, the economic structure matters. You know, it matters for our freedom to be financially free and it's fun. Okay, you know, it's fun to speak out, and I, I. I. I just don't care if someone opposes me or you know. I mean these are convictions. Freedom is a conviction that's not a belief you know. is said it. evolving. That's never going to evolve out of me like no one will ever convince me. Freedom is like E. Freedom's cool. But what about this like that? That will never. That day won't come. Yeah, period, so we arere going to explore freedoms. I, I think maybe do we save these questions for next show? Um, possibly, I think we had a good episode. I really do. I like where it went and I. it kind of explained the evolution of this show and how it came about where it's going and it's going in a lot of beautiful places. I could promise you that Ray tooun, Really, to share it with your friends. What we? what would mean the world to me is if you shared it with your friends. Yeah, obviously leaving a review, please do 'cause that makes the like computers tell the show to show out to more people, but sharing the Youtube video or the audio with with friends and family. That that to me is a compliment. The show. It doesn't cost you anything if you like the content. boom, 'cause I will be showing you if you stick along on this journey with this show. You're going to hear about so many things, but you're also go to actually have the blueprint mapp out for how to become financially independent from nothing, and you coming from a guy, which I'm glad I highlight in this episode that started from nothing in the beginning built a huge thing and then went belly up and then did it again. So if you're you know again, credible, it're incredible. Well, right, like I've done a few things, but I can show you and I'll show you how I do deals and all that kind of stuff too. And Ne, you know, maybe we'll come up with the second episode per week or whatever, Maybe be different segments where it's like deal review. Here's how you do z. How, here's how someone can make twenty thousand dollars with zero a people. We can talk for the more to buy an apartment building. You know, some people have money, you know. So there's the people that don't have money cool like I can teach all that, But then there's the people who do have money that' say how do I deploy? How do I do it? Like I saw a question on Readdit where they were like me, and my wife just inherited two hundred fifty thousand dollars. And we're thinking about buying a duplex, but we don't. Should. we put it all down on that, so we pay carery. all these watchings, Sayve that I nonise you, I have one of our questions today. We're not getting. I know, but I have the answers for that right. I can turn. if you have two fifty. You should have five hundred like this Like that's the kind of stuff I'm talking about. Not this small time mutual fun thing where over you know a decade you can make ten percent on your money. Like I'm talking, there's real ways to expand your wealth. Yeah, I think that's great and I think people want to hear that, need to hear there, and we got to keep move. Share this up. We're going to end it here. I think we covered a lot and we do have more. we always have. We always have more prepared than we get to get onto 'cause we really dived. That shows our passion. though like we love that dou. we're not like a scripted bullet point situation right right? I love this stuff. I do. I love the say. It would mean the world if you shared this with some friends of family. Okay, all right, let's take it out. all. so Al Fa and Cut, thank you guys for listening. Search Alfon cot on all the platforms If you're listening audio and you feel like hey', See what're doing on video. Boom, you can go to Youtube. Just search Nickroez or Alfon Cutt, and vice versa. You' you know you're in the car. you can't watch. Go to the audio platforms. Okay, thno till next time rang'. Next them, See you all later, all right bye.