Alpha Uncut

Unique and Practical Way to Beat Major Inflation and Generate Wealth

Nick and Dino Episode 5

If you are an ANTI-'WOKE' curious person who loves freedom, entrepreneurship, success, and the opportunities available from free-market capitalism, then you'll love our show. We approach these topics with passion and a strong conservative point of view with the infusion of history. Nick is a TWICE self-made millionaire entrepreneur, author, and speaker (started at age 19) who built a real estate investing business primarily focused on flipping homes and buying commercial properties. He is extremely passionate about all of the topics on the show and he will convey ideas and current trending topics through his unique 'free market entrepreneur' perspective….The show is a similar format to Patrick Bet David, Joe Rogan, Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferris, Gary Vee, etc.


Well, come back. It's another episode of Alpha Uncut. Okay, you guys know the description. We are the show. I, I, uh. the description basically says, If you're turn it down, Do you know if you're um, an anti woke, anti woke, type of person who's curious and loves free market capitalism, entrepreneurship investing, Um, and uh, you know once, and and like seeing things through the common sense lens of society, you know, I mean we have a conservative point of view, Um, I, I like. I tella you know, with everything that's going on, it's I like to calibate common sense to it, whether it's financial stuff we're talking about reacting to what's going on out there in the world, Et cetera you know Common sensese bottom line, common sense needs to rule at all times. It's usually the winning argument if you have it. If you have corret. it's the winning argument, but a lot of people don't want to hear it. Yeah, they're they'repenced off. Beinstein had an expression that said, The simplest explanation is usually the correct one, and a lot of times it's very true. You know. I'm reading it. I'm reading an essay by Thomas Payne. K. He was written in seventeen, seventy six, cool little essay. I like reading those old essays and um, you know, he talks about a lot of things that are great, but one of them was just how the complexity, complex comple complexity in society, especially in government like we have complex tax strategies or tax laws, complex government structures, complex. you know, processes. and the problem with that is you never know who to blame when the citizens are suffering Because there's so much complexity. I like even look today. Like, uh, everyone's trying to prescribe their solutions. And well, the reason inflation is this. And you know I, it's that and it's U. you know, like they do that on purpose complexity. I was just going to say If it's easy to figure out who's who and what's what it takes. the focus of the reality. Yeah, simple stuff makes it easy to decide for who's who, and what's what, Slide of hand. Totally, that's exactly. It's like the thesis of Like the media, and and what's happening today in the world. And it's it is a shame. you know what. I mean. Oh, and you see it right now Go. I mean, Listen Cove ad vanished like Van. Hey, in case anyone's missing what's happening here. Like coove'. Done Okay. Not, that's not Nick saying that. that's literally Me reacting to what is visibly like you can't miss it. Coove. It's over. not because I say so, or because I'm happy. It's over or et cetera et cetera I. I read something today that that. it's just genuinely said They told the, and I don't know who they is, and I don't know if it's on hundred percent true, but I believe it. They told doctors to stop writing cause of death coveed on the certificate. Oh so it's like official official. They're like right. they're like. Yeah, the covt thing's done and again is they don't want the publicity and co. And plus, if Kover can go away right now, how perfect is that? Just shove it on the rug now, dude. you know one of the things and we're going to get into some. Actually, you guys like making money right. I wish I could hear a big cheer and it likeh No, No, No, is there a cheer? You gotta turn it up. though, Okay, you guys are cheering. I heard that that's great. Um, No, the reality is, so you know, for some of you don't totally. You know my background. Some of you do, some of you, don't, some of your are newer listeners. I talk about a lot of things. I'm a passionate guy. I'm a curious guy and I'm an open minded guy. But one of my like foundational expertise is is in real estate investing. Okay, it's just what I've been doing since nineteen years old and I'm forty one. Like I know how it works. I've been through the multiple cycles. Okay, the booms, the bust that foul. Chapter seven, In between, I get it and K. Stay tuned in the show 'cause I'm goingnna show you how the average person see. Here's the thing with all these real estate teachers online and all that. It's like there's a ton of them. There's no shortage of them. Okay and just investing in business and entrepreneurship and business building. I love all of it, Ky, and I've done a lot of different businesses. Um, and I've written a couple of books. You can google me, and you know, Look in the bio and everything else. Okay, you know, so I've written two books. One's called flip, which is a specific real estate strategy On how to you know, Um, get into real estate with no money your credit, and the other one is success from scratch, which is more about the mental strategies used to actually execute and be successful. You can't be successful. If your brain is broken, I don't care. This is shown throughout history. Look at like people who have inherited and then squandered wealth. It's because their mind wasn't developed. You know you can hand an idiot ten million dollars of these lottery winners if you don't have the wealth mindset, the money's going to go away. I think there's an old expression that said Um, If you, if you took all the money from the wealthy people today and gave it to all the poor people, going in five to ten years. Somehow, all the we or I don't know how many years, but within a generation all the wealth would be back in the wealthy people's hands. You follow, though, let' init that all the wealth would aveenters no cliff back. There's no as the mindset. You know, you can take all my money. There's no. I'm going to make it bad. There's no question, and in a sick twisted way, in a sick and twisted way, I almost feel like that would be a good thing for me to have everything stripped to nuts. Not be. I don't want it to happen. Believe me, it was painful. I filed bankruptcy. I can say it now with ease, but back in the bankruptcy, but I remember the pain and suffering and my soul was very intense and I wouldn't. I don't wish it upon anyone, but I am thankful to happen. The silver lining's beautiful, but in a twisted way I kind of wish I could go back to ▁zero, just to like do it again. I lowly solidifies, I love the press. I love the game right, but it also proves what you just said to the to the fact of someone whose mentality is. I'm going to make this happen. I'm going to make this money. They're going to do it from ▁zero. or they're going to do it from five million. And keep me correct. That's exactly this is. and for me, this is part of what I want to happen on this show. We want to help people with their mindset in general for life skills, Right on top of Yeah, an economicgation. You can't build a house without the foundation. The foundation is brains. But what are you thinking on a regular basis? What are you learning on a regular basis? Are you controlling your emotions Because the reality is business can bring out some ex, insane emotions On the upside and the downside. you know, yourre celebratory. When you win, your celebrations can actually hurt you if you go to extreme, and when you lose your deep pression can hurt you if you go to extreme. So business, I mean, I was telling my daughter the other day, Uh yesterday, my oldest daughter's fifteen. I'm like Sophia, Honey, There's a reason Only one. one or two percent of people are business owners and the rest are employees. Okay, Like there's a reason for that. It's really really hard to own a business when things are good. We're like, Oh dude, look at this guy easy. you know, Print and money is a genius. Everything's easy and made for them. No, no, no, there was an uphill climb to get there. Well, the responsibility the responsibility is on the owner. correct it. There's no yess. No, you can't push it off. The buck stops with you. You can never push. it can never say it's his fault, or you know what. Talk to that guy? Well, not's on youing out. That's the beauty of it, too. that's the beauty of it, too. What you well can't push off a blame correct, which is something a lot of people have to work through and liing myself to a fault, I don't know that could either. But yeah, so my point is, here's why I do it when there's something that goes wrong in business. I first think how do I blame myself? My knee jerk is what did I do wrong? I've learned to do that meant not many people do that. The reason I enjoy that philosophy is because that way I know I'm in control. It's fixing it, but it's also the right philosophy. Well, I don't know if there's a right or wrong. Well it, no, it is a right. Because if you're busy doing this pointing the finger, you're better off being an employee and that's fine. There's pe. We need those people. You know what? I just work here. You don't know. See, my point is I just work here. Yeah, it's hit, but that's him, but that one like again, I'm not knocking him. I want to understand. I want people to understand I will never knock or down Playla employee like you're the business owner. You're the best in employees are smuks. I respect all people. There's a place for everyone in this world. I do believe that sure, uh, in different like circumstances produce different output for people. Whether there're business owners, et cetera people go through things. One thing I've learned in life is people go through a lot of things. I'm never judging anybody on why you're this or that, but what I will say is if you wake up every day miserable as an employee, you hate your job and you're spewing that to the world. you almost owe it as a service for sure to yourself. but the loved ones around you to maybe make a change because they're sick of here in your crap. I agree, I mean, know you almost owe it to you and your loved ones to say you know what I am going to start a business, because I'm sick of waking up miserable and guess what you're poisoning the people around you By being. It goes back to your resolve. It goes back to your original point. You're not going to start a business and be successful in the business unless your mindset changes to where you're the one responsible. Right, you're so you like you were saying. This is a mindset that you have to have before you can go without a doubt, which is again, if you read my book's success from scratch, which I'm not trying to plug. Domage. Buy my book. But you know, no, I'm not trying to do all that. Okay, I don't need you to buy my book, but it will help you with that And it's it. It basically builds that mental structure, that mental architecture. There is a specific mental architecture to start. Maintain, grow, and, and just you know, run a business and be an entrepreneur, whether it's a solo entrepreneur, which, these days with the internet, you can be, as they call solo prend, solo prereneurs. You can be a one man show in a closet with a laptop, and like, make a living. Then there's then you can grow into employees and offices and everything else, And I've always been a fan, and this is something that work that's going to segway into what we're talking about today and again. If you're listening, please stay tuned. You are going to learn how to start creating wealth for you and your family. Not this become a real estate millionaire thing like I'm that, no dude. the average person just wants to create a little wealth for his family, a little extra monthly income and live comfortably. Okay, I'm not going to tell you how to be, At least not now. Like, obviously, you can just do this more aggressively to make millions of chions. But let's start with how does the average person get out of their job and unlock their home equity and things of that nature? And I think a lot of people really want. Really want some guidance on that. Yeah, and I get constantly questions about that. So that's part of this show too. I wanted to kind of, and, and deno, kind of um, helped me highlight that too, like we have a kind of a mix of a few things here. but I, I, when I say who wants to like, create some wealth for their family and create some extra passive monthly, come like. I'm trying to understand a person that wouldn't raise their hand and I don't. I can't picture one person, can you? No, is there anyone you've ever met that would not raise their hand to that question? No, No, there's not, so. I mean, Yeah, you know, I, not as there'. not if they' being honest at the moment, right, Okay, like, regardless of your position, like the fact is, it's not that hard and you can actually create some real wealth for you and your family. Um, not necessarily millions. Unless you want to, you can. millions and millions is on the table. I love real estate because it's a mathematical, certain way to wealth. Right literally, you purchase a building and other people pay it off for you, and on top of that monthly you're gaining dividends which is monthly rental cash flow in your pocket. Are you in both ways, and there's tax benefits. I've talked about this since the beginning of time. It's to me the greatest um business? It's the number one wealth creator, I think in human history, If you look over time, Yeah, I believe, I mean you, you know it. it. just uh. There's a lot of beautiful things about it, so we're going to get into some of that today. Um, and uh, you know we talk to a said about blaming yourself. The first thing you want to do is hold yourself accountable for your position. Okay, if you hate where you're at, it's your fault. Like where you're at today, and this may hurt some of you. Whatever it is. what it is, it's the truth where you stand today is from the decisions you made yesterday like that's just fact. Okay, the a great portion of it that's not a negate outside there. There's extreme circumstances that can that can turn things in multiple directions. but in general and even those circumstances give you a fork in the road. and it's your job to decipher where to go with that. And there's many people who show that even in the midst of those circumstances they find ways to rise out of it. We've had. There's a lot of stories. We don't have to tell you the the stories of the worst person in the worst situation, whether it's drug addict. I mean, look at a guy like Mike Lindelll, from my pillow. For example, I mean the guy was a junkie. You know what, twelve years ago or whatever it was, I mean I'm talking like street junkie And then he chargear into. I didn't even know that. Oh, read a story, Strong Christian, you know. he's a real strong Christian. You and uh he was he. Get's a pretty bad P. Read his book. He's a stone cold junkie. Well gets a bad rap because he doesn't fit it the narrative of a many things right. He actually should have a good rap. that that dudes a patriot and he loves his country and he's actually sacrificing a lot of wealth and income from his business to focus more on other things. So anyways, he has a book and he breaks down a story, But the guy was a stone called Junkie and turned his life around later in life too. It wasn't like he like was in his twenties, like I think he was in his late thirties and their forties, or something, I don't know. but either way that's just an example. Many the point on example. I mean, Usually when you think you have a bad you, there's a lot of cases where it's way worse and they did it. Yeah, so it's kind of like My philosophy is what's your excuse? Well thenless like your St. Your situation is definitely not as bad as this guy and he did it, And then there's people who you know. In his instance he, I'm sure he got off drugs. Things got better. There's people who have this or have that say, physical circumstance, But it's not the like. The circumstance disappears or goes away. They still do it with that going on correct, They find a way, Yeah's, find in a way. it's resilience, it's it's it's resourcefulness like we talked about. It's not about your resources. it's about being resourceful and everyone can dig deep and do. Really. Actually, they've done studies that show like humans haven't even come close to their potential. What what a human being is capable of like measurably is just. we're only at like the ten percent capacity. Like the stuff we can do, especially when you talk about when uh you, your body's flooded with adrenaline and some of these like Yeah, neurochemicals that like give you superpers, literally, like adrenaline. you know, norap and ephram, and some of these like cocktails of drugs. Really? that the B blank that the brain can flood your body with in extree circumstances, I mean, you literally can turn into Superman. Physically. Yeah, so we name mentally, so we know they're there. How do you tap? Right? and yeah, and mentally you can. too. There's a state of flow. They call it flow. Read that book. Flow, very cool. Uh, the brain releases a cocktail of chemicals that can flood your brain with things where just everything's firing. Blom, Boom, you're on. You're on and we've all left. I love those day. I know where it's just like it's all flowing. You know what I mean. How to stay Infow. Twenty four. Yes, so I'm glad you're listening. Welcome back. Um, this is like. I think our fifth episode of the relaunch. We've had the mayor candidate. We talked about some of our ideologies and and whatever else. And Um, we do have an email deno at Alfa. You can email deno deno at Alfon, Ct, dot com de o at Alpha Uncut dot com. If you have any suggestions for the show feedback, guest ideas, guest connections, maybe you can connect us with some some cool people. Um, but, um, a couple of things I want to discuss today they're so go tying in with real estate with something relevant. We have inflation, we have record inflation, we have inflation we haven't seen in forty years. A couple of percentage points a year is usually pretty standard, We're talking, seven point nine, eight point three. it's going to go up. We see gas prices, so how do you beat it? How do you beat inflation? You told me you hold assets specifically reallyist, And we touched on this. We did. We did. We did touch on another show, But I want to talk to people about unlocking their home equities to start doing this. So here's the deal. Inflation's here so we can say, Oh my god, inflation, I'm dying, A the gas pump Bua Bob is is crying about the gas pump helping you 'cause absolutely not. it's it's it's it's everyone's doing it. It's the thing. Go, You all. hear everybody trying about the gas and the groceries and I used to pay. ▁x. yisee. I think they did a study that the average American family's paying. I think three hundred more dollars a month for everything. I, I might put it more than that for me personally Without the everj. I mean, that's an average. Okay, so let's say you make three thousand dollars a month. That's an extra. It's a tax. K. this is a. the infl. Inflation is a tax on the poor middle class. You your checks, Uncle Sam didn't necessarily pull ten percent out of that check, but the grocery store and the gas station did so. The reality is you are making ten percent less dollars, right, Uh, ten percent less money, Uh, in your paychecks. Whether you like it or not, you can frame it anyway you want, But that's what it is it. You're getting a tax, So how do you beat it? We're not going to stop it, Okay, you and I aren't going to stop inflation, so you have to hedge against it right. It's called real estate ownership. You need to own a. A lot of assets can help you. Uh, I always love real estate, so I'm go. I'm going to tell you a little story. I talked to someone yesterday For In depth he owns a property. That he has a hundred thousand dollars in equity and actually has a little more like a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars in equity. What is equity? Equity is the value of a property minus what is O. Okay, so he owes one, twelve, right hundred, twelve thousand, and it's worth like two fifty. So what? a hundred and thirty eight gran? whatever it is, can a hundred thirty eight thousand in equity? Sure, that's called equity. I want you understand what equity is? A lot of you listening. This is like, uh boring because you know, but I just want to quickly. All there's that you know. there's a lot of people who. the first thing you should do is explain that word. So if you're a wholemerer up, Okay if you know. So here's the deal. Your home, Ownner Listens up. This is why I'm a firm believer in purchasing your primary residence. There's guys like Grant Cardone and these guys online that are like rent where you live. I think that's dumb advice. I'm sorry. I don't like that advice. said dumb. buy a home. Live in it. K, build equity. Your're buding, equity, et cetera, Then you can leverage that equity to start creating wealth. So, um, he, o, he, um, So there's a couple of options, So I'm want to talk about the two main ways to unlock that equity in your house. There's two main ways to unlock that equity right now. It's dead. It feels good on paper. To say, I have a hundred and thirty eight thousand inequity in my homeer. That feels good. And when you say De matters, I know you well. you're saying that money's doing you no good. it. Yes, what it is? I're just sitting well. it's un. It's not deployable into future assets or some your wealth right, and for some people that means nothing correct. They feel good. The aver had Herrcedo siting there. But your mentality is, it's not working for. So here's the deal. We haven't fll. even if you're Johnny. I feel good in life right now and I have a retirement plan, Et cetera You need to pay attention to this, number one. the stock market is going to correct. I'm talking to people that have close to seven figure retire accounts and they're very scared of the correction of the stock market, because instead of retiring at sixty two now they're going to have to retire in their mid to late six. I know that I know personally, No people. Yeah, in this I know a few people who actually just pulled whether there might be another blast, but they just pulled. Now they pulled. They. good, ha, it to look at. Yeah, veryr smart now. by the way. Um, so that's a scary thought Because let me tell you something. We think stock market is just for Wall Street trader, guys. and you know whatever, I'm just the average guy. like. Remember your retirement account is tied to the stock market, So the four o, one k or I, r. a. whatever you have going on right now for your retirement, Um, if the stock market corrects by thirty forty percent, that's thirty to forty percent of your retirement account, literally vanishing into thin air. You know, period, talk about money. not working before your stock market. Oh, that's just an indicator for the wealthy. No, No, No, it's the indicator for the average working person. who, as a retirement account. So my, someone's going to ask you. The same thing can happen to something you bought a property. Boought. I'm thinking half. that's a great question. Here's the beauty of that number one real estate. You have you pay less taxes Because you have something called depreciation, so you're winning there. Yes, there can be temporary value road bumps in real estate, But if you look at a chart over time in the end, when you ▁zoom out, it's always going upwards. period. Um, that's just the supplying demand. there's more people that need housing and there's just a limited amount of land supply. Et cetera Yes, there are crashes. And remember if you're going to start busting my chops about, Hey, Nick, R, properties go down dode, I live through the two thousand a crisis. I know better than anyone how properties can go down in value. Okay, period, off the bat, what I will say is the properties that are most susceptible to the biggest Uh. collapses. A lot of times are inner city properties because those are grossly infl inflatedr quickly. and then obviously some really crazy markets like Phoenix and Um, you know Miami, and some mean the P. It's the faster they rise, the faster they fall. But here is the beauty of real estate ownership in the meantime, while value takes a a hit, a bump, which could very well happen. Um. I don't think we're going to see a crash from two thousand eight. like two thousand eight was, we could see a correction, or platea, et cetera And again, that's another conversation about why I think that and all that we can talk about that another time you're getting the monthly cash flow. You're getting the monthly income from the thing while you're riding out some kind of value change. Whatever that may be. Well, How about okay? let me ask you this question, So your property greatly depreciates in value. How? what's the correlation of how rent goes down there? I mean, you're never going to go and give your tenant the rent us length. Follow, That's why you're sing. And that's why you're saying what you're saying. Oh, the property value lost twenty five percent. Now we have to reduce your rent twenty five percent. That's not how it work works. That it doesn't work that way at all, So that's my point. You are getting monthly income. Okay, let's say I just um here. let's use an example. Uh, I just bought a duplex as much as by the way, I have an allegiance to single family and duplexes, so a lot of people say. Oh, I graduated from that. you know us. We buy sixteen unit apartment buildings, commercial real estate, you know, Uh shopping strip, Uh offices right, we buy all that industrial ace hardware we're buying. Okay, but I still. I'm not goingnna turn down a good deal on a single family or duplex, I still love. '. Okay, so we're buying a due for good reason. The reason I'm bringing up the duplexes 'cause it's a little more en reched, meaning we're not going to talk about how to buy an apartment building right now. I can and I will on the show, but right now we're just trying to talk about the average guy who has a retirement account, which I kind like I know someone who has a hundred thousand in a retirement account and I'm trying to convince them to convert that to cash, pay the penalty or whatever it may be, and buy a couple of duplexes, because you will end up much better in that situation. I'm actually trying to convince people, and E, even you listening, these four o one Ks, you might want to convert into some real estate ownship. You're thinking. Oh my God, I don't want to plunge toilets. I'm not saying to buy really run down places that you have to remodel. You buy more of a you know minor fixer, upper paint, carpet, blah, blah blah, right. Mhm. So we might as imagineed you have power over who you put in the tencency. You have control over your investors. Put in there you say Hey, you find somebody who can do that kind of work. Say hey you. I know you can do this. Things go bad. It's easier for me. Can you fix this or that? Are you capable that? find your tenant? You have more control. You're more powerful. We have con total control over your investment. It's tangible You can touch it. We don't have control over your retirement account thing. right? Okay? If a couple screw baalls at the top of some company that you own in your retirement account, go go crooked. You're f. That's it. You're finished like it's not you know. I mean, look at Enron, look at all these crooked people. Believe me, I don't know Wall Street's a scary place to put your money. If you ask me, I don't. I don't hold it dime. and I'm sure there's some traders who who know what they're doing. They do it all the time they're going to. They're going to tell you the same thing. I'm making money in any honor thing. I'll tell you, I'll never make a blanket statement that, say it is, One hundred percent of people should stay away from the stock market Un'. That's're you're saying for your average person. That's a silly blanket statement. Sure, I don't believe it, so I, I would never say something as ridiculous as that. I'm talking to the common man and women right now, actually, and most of you listening are a common man and women. Okay, so I'm saying what you do is. Um. there's a couple of things I want to go on so you know, let me write this down. Because I get off on tangents. We're going to talk about that call about the duplex 'cause I kind of bounced away from that. Remember the call call about the duplex, my duplex. Let's rain back in here. Good job. De know. Okay, way to keep your ringer off call. Didn' go my watch on my duplex and um, let's start there. So let's go back to the call, unlocking equity right. So he has a hundred thirty eight thousand dollars in equity and I said dude, it's dead. You're earning nothing on it. You need a return on your E, and he lives in the duplex. By the way he lives there, Kay, and he rents out the lower unit for nine and fifty, So he owes one twelve, his payments about a grand a month. He rents the lower for nine fifty. Not a bad deal. right. He's living almost free. Um can't be fifty bucks and fifty bucks a month. Let live on darelopes. Okay, so there's two ways you can unlock equity and I went through this with him. You can do it. You can get what's called a heellock, What is a heluck? It's letters that stand for something, unlocking equity. You're sloking, but you have ▁x lots of money because you've put it in your home and you can get that outright work. I want you to access that equity, so it's money in your hands that you can deploy into future investments. When it's just sitting as equity in your home. You don't have access to it. You can say it's worth two fifty. I only own one twelve, So I'm a genius or a hundred thirty eight thousand in equity Cool, but we have to do more than that, which is really cool my way. A lot of people love the fact that they're paying down their home and it's going to be paid off. we. but we are in an inflationary environment and I'm trying to tell people reconsider that strategy. I know you're like, say, pay it down No debt, Dave. Ramsea, blah, blah, blah, Yeah, Ramsesies, right. I have a. we had a question about that today. we're young, but the point is like No, Dave Rams is wrong. I want you to question that. I, really, by the way, I agree with you. Just because you've done something for this long doesn't mean it's always correct. Winners evolve. well, it goes. When weeve it goes. we admire. Uh. M. One of your thesis statements of a risk taker who owns a business. I'm a riskak. Or why do I get penalized? In the end it is a risk. There is a risk there, but it's It's a great risk, and real estate is so calculated and so low that'll It's pretty much a mathematical certainty you will win Because you get to preetermine your return on investment before you purchase. When I buy a stock. I'm crossing my fingers. You're crossing your fing like. Yeah, the company looks good. Apples has good earnings. They make new products, but it's still the finger crossing. Yeah, with real estate, it's not that I know that my payment is Exx, and I know that rents are exx. And or why, why minus ▁x equal something? So no, I'm goingnna, I'm gonna say that the risk is minimal to nothing. It's a very. The risk is extreme circumstances. Yeah, okay, we go into a great depression. Um, tornado hurricanes aren't risks. You have insurance or you get paid for that, So the risks are almost to such extremes that it's not even worth mentioning. So the fact that you s that I want to just make sure it's clear the risk in real estate is almost▁zero. it's virtually ▁zero. Okay, I'm not going to say everything has a little risk. Uh. but extreme circumstances produce risk in real estate, not your average. every day. Like when I buy a stock, I'm immediately risking capital. Yeah, okay, I agree immediately risking capital. Um, So he needs to access this capital. He didn't think like this. He wants to own more real estate, but he didn't really know how. so Going back to the two ways to Locke record Helock h, e, ▁l o C. home equity line of credit. What is that? That's basically a credit card against your house. It's revolving. You can run it up and run it down and pay it up and pay it. You know what I mean. it's literally. If you know how credit card works, you just swiipe the card at any time and then pay it down at any time. You can do that same thing. Um, So so that's how that work? Well? It's obviously, I mean it is going to be a. Is it a higher percentage rate? Then it's It's a fluctuating rate based on Uh prime And you know it's not like a Re. It's not like a credit card. No, No, it's a lower credit. It's a lower um rate than a credit. More like a Mor. but it works like a credit card, but it has a lower rate than a credit card. Yeah, you're not going to pay twenty percent, six, seven, eight, nine. whatever it is, introductory rates, blah, blah, blah. So that's one way of exceessing the capital. Then there's another way of literally doing a cash out refinance, Mhm, which is where you let's say he owes one. Twelve a lot of times. Banks will give eighty percent loan of value. What does that mean? Well, if it appraises for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, eighty percent of that is two hundred, Mhm. So the bank says, I'll give you a whole new first mortgage for two hundred thousand, but you only owe one twelve. So what happens at closing? You get a check in your hands for eighty eight thousand dollars. Take all eighty eight. Now, remember I said, and that law' not go it down. That's locked in a home interest rate that's locked in at a great interest rate of a first mortgage. Make that new payment every month. One mortgage and you're done. sure. Remember with the helock you're making your first mortgage payment for the one twelve. Then you're running up that ▁quote unquote credit card style revolving line, Um, up and down as you need it. Okay and I'm not sure your second audition it would be your first choice in this. said. no, No, I'm not saying that you know. I have no allegiance to either one. I'm telling you the two ways to go and we'll talk about him. So the second way he gets eighty eight grand. By the way, a home equity line of credit, a lot of times they'll go up to ninety percent loan to value, Sometimes ninety five for a primary residence. Keep in mind, you can't get a helock on a rental property. You can only get a helock on your primary residence. Okay, So anyways, so the second option is here's a check, Johnny home ownner for eighty eight thousand dollars. And now you have one first mortgage on this property and you owe two hundred, and then the payment will go up instead of paying a grand a month. Now he'll pay sixteen seventeen hundred a month, but he has eighty eight thousand cash in his pocket locked in on a thirty year term. Got it? Yeah? Does all that makes sense say at one or time? Say what? What would you said? He'll have eighty eight thousand in cash in his pocket in a thirty year term. Got a thirty year mortgage and it's one payment. No revolving, Et cetera I'm not saying. I mean, depending on where interest rates were at a low enough point where that could have been the better option. either way, works. don't get overthink and get fed up with. which way should I go and paralyze yourself? That's not what this is about. Either way, works, just understand that right. No, Well, th what What with doing stuff? What would be the Um situation where you can't get the the ladder. When you brought up, you said you can get a second first mortgage on your home? Technically you get a second. a second mortgage. A heylock is a second. No, No, No, the other option. it's a first mortgage. Where literally you pay off the one twelve, and then you just have a brand new first mortgage for two hundred K. Oh, but you have to pay off the one twel you automatically do when you refin it when you refinance. So it's almost you. It's almost like you're It's the second time you're getting a mortg on that only refinancing your home refines refinancing your first mortgage. Some guys say I own one twelve at a five percent interest rate, but as rates went down now I wa to refinance my hundred twelve thousand dollar balance and just get a lower payment right. That's what a lot of people usually think you can know you can actually cash out money, or and say, now I want to go for two. I want to owe two hundred on my house. I know my payment's going to go up, but I got eighty eight thousand of my equity in cash that I can go out and buy more real estate. With you see my point, I do hundred percent, So they. they both work this over analysis stuff. Don't do that. The reason I'm speaking these words is because some of you may know this is the thing. The problem is, a lot of you were stubborn in in how you're running your finance. financial life right now. Okay evolution, Darwinian evolution. You're familiar. Absolutely. what's Starwinian evolution? It's survival of the fittest, evolve or get eliminated. That's literally Darwin's thesis of evolution. Whether you're a Christian or evolutionist creationist, That's besides the point. You're using it as an analogy of Darwinian evolution Is what's important? Yeah, K. sure, the brown bear was in the in the tundra in Narctic. The ones that turn white for camouflage survive the brown ones died. K. the fish that jumped out of the water and grew legs. They lived on landn. the other one's died. You get my point. Okay? there's many examples in a Darwinnian evolutionary discussion. Economics is in play. There's no like. do you believe it or not sure, Darwinian economics. Darwinian capitalism is actually a real thing. Nobody talks about it. You're not going to watch the n B, C, and they say the words Darwinian capitalism, But your boy Nick is telling you. That's why you're listening. You're not going to go on C, n B, C, or some of these Bloomberg shows or whatever you watch. ▁jim. Kramer, blah, blah, blah, finance shows, Dave Ramsey, They're not going to tell you this. I'm here to tell you we are in a darwinian capitalistic environment. The economy is darwinian So what does that mean for you? this whole thing about In the random Gu, I got my retirement account of No, No, you need to evolve and adapt or you will get eliminated. Financially eliminated Can mean going bankrupt. Eliminated could mean you need to pick up a second job. Like so, eliminated or like a lot of you'. thinking, Oh, you inflation. I gotta get a second job now. I can't retire because of my retirement account. Sure, so I'm telling you, rethink your plan. Don't write off real estate investment as like That's not my thing. K. No surviving and staying above water should be your thing, and I'm showing you that one of the life rafts to be able to do that. Stop it with the discarding real estate. I don't want to plunge toilets. That's a nonsense argument and it makes me mad when people say it. because number one, I'm not telling you to buy garbage joints. There are management companies, so there's a solution. every problem there. You want to surrove. there are plummers. Do you want to survive inflation right, or do you not right? So I'm telling the average person that is so firm on how they think they should run their financial life, to open their eyes and open their minds and realize I'm onto something here. Okay, this is a fact. What I'm telling you is fact, So here we're going to break all this down. So anyways, he's going tolock his equity and whether he goes, let's just say he goes with the eighty eight grand cash out rout just to keep things simple. Now he owes two hundred K. So Now instead of member, we said he only lives for fifty bucks a month. Now he has to live. His payment will be, let's say sixteen hundred a month, right so now, sixteen minus nine fifty. Now he has to pay six fifty a month to live in his duplex, Oh, that sucks, does it? though? Um, number one, he can afford it. He earns a living K. He had a Bu, paying fifty bucks a month is obviously bonus and beautiful, but it's you know, now you pay six fifty a month, but if you're smart, you can take that a d a k and make way more than six fifty a month. Let's say you bought a two hundred thousand dollar duplex and you put down forty grand. What's the significance of forty grandn to two hundred twenty percent down? He can go by that duplex and he can make about. let's you say five hundred a month? Mhm, and he can take the other forty a K. Put that down in another second duplex And this is a very conservative approach. There's actually ways to stretch that a d a k to a few more properties. We're going to go stone cold conservative approach. Worst case scenario, forty k down. Let's so he depletes the eighty eight K. Don't spend itcause if you go a boat or a ranger over. You're dumb 'cause here's the thing when you're going to take this advice from Nick, right here on this show. Tell your friends of family. I'm goingnna leverage my house and you know, pull on equity. No, no, no, that's stupid. Like you got to pay it down Like be safe. Be smart. First of all, if those people aren't wealthy, taking their advice is retarded. Okay, literally, unless you love the financial position they're in, listen to '. I'm telling you, listen to this math. The A D a K, you buy two duplexes, forty k, forty eight, C. down apece. whatever you depleted, two duuplexes, each of them make you five hundred a month. Let's say on a conservative level, she probably six, seven, eight will, but will'll go with five. You're making a grand a month, and you have two more two hundred thousand dollar assets, which, in the next fifteen, twenty years, depending on how you your payments are set up, you can have them paid for. you're not paying them off. Tenants are Mhm. So you're making a grand a month, which covers the six fifty that you're crying about that. Your payment went up because you live in your duplex right? okay? you're making a grand of month. So you're back to paying six fifty or whatever, or whatever, You anywhere? Well, you're paying six fifty, but now you're making an extra grand a month with those duplexes, So really are you paying six fifty a month? You follow me. Yes, you have a thousand dollars a month of extra income, and one day you're gonna have those two buildings free and clear. That's someone else paid off, not you. If that's all you did, and by the way, those' probably be worth. Let's just say three hundred and twenty twenty five years. you know, just as an example, you have a six hundred thousand dollar retirement account just sitting there, Mhm. If that's all you did now, you can do way more and I love talking about that, because as you can see some of your, I know your minds are racing like you can do a lot more. But believe it in ten more years you can do advance all those properties. Let's say you know what. Let's buy. ten duplexes 'cause remember you can refinance out of those then, or use that equity and unlock that equity can't do a helock. To be clear. You can't do a home equity line of credit on those, but you can refinance cash out. you can cash out refinance. I rent the property, so as you build equity there, you can pull that equity out. buy two more. pull that out. buy two more. so let's just say you end up milking both of those and buy two more. So now you have two and then a two branch from there, and a two branch from there. Now you have six duplexes, K. this is the real retirement magic. Six duplexes in twenty years or less. If you want to be aggressive, you can pay them off sooner. you can use some of the cash flow to pay it down sooner. Let's you say they're each worth three hundred in that amount of time point. But you say there worth two fifty, They only go up, you know, a, a low percentage in in that many years, which I don't believe they would. I think they go up more, two, fifty time, Six is what, One point four or something, min, two fi, two hundred and fifty k times six, Oh, one point five million dollars in five. You, here's the better news that a four o one k, can't even touch number one. You have one point five million in real estate that someone else paid off that you have free and clear, the this one big piggy bank with six duplexes, K. you have one point five million in cash. You sell them. It's all cash because they're paid for. You're making now they're paid for. So instead of making five hundred a month, you're probably making like twelve hundred a month be cause there's no mortgage payment. twelve hundred a month times six, two plaxes, That's seventy two hundred a month in your pocket, right right? so On top of the fact that you could cash out and pocket one point five million in cash, seventy two hundred a month equals eighty six grand a year, I mean you're in a good spot, four o, one k, I, a A. They can't even touch this opportunity and this is six duplexes, twelve tenants. I'm sorry, but you can be brain debad and managed twelve tenants, And if you really don't want to, there's management companies that take ten percent of the rent or whatever it may be. You get my point, So I want the average person that thinks they have their finances under control to consider what I'm telling them. This is number one how you beat inflation. K. rents go up in inflation by the way, and as a landlord you raise rents. asset values like real estate go up now with the rising of interest rates that will soften that increase in value 'cause obviously it's real estate value's very affected by interest rates. Right were going to hope. If the rates say, low people can borrow more money, which will equate to higher real estate values. And when rates go up, it slows that down, which we do have to have increaseasing rates. Okay, you can't sit on three percent forever. So that's that's fine. If you double it up. I mean, what's the highest interest rate you've seen since weve been when I got into the business. I think it was like high eighths I, and that's that's hard. That's painful today. That sounds insane to do. But back then it was like, Yeah, that's the right. I, and you just real like it's no. That's that was normal back then. I mean, they're back in like the late seventies, early eighties. Whatever it was, it was like in the sixteen seventeen, eighteen percent, so the truth is if you are someone who never thought of this, or if you' somebody who is contemplating this right now, I mean this is the golden time to to do this, and right now to tomorrow, I mean, I think least a lot of people have been stubborn with their finances and their retirement stuff for so long, and I'm telling you going back to Darwinian capitalism y, whether you want to believe it or think you're some big shot that has it all figured. Out, okay, I have been doing this for twenty two years and I don't raise my hand, saying I know everything. I see what's happening and then I react. Yeah, that's That's what makes me able to win in any environment where some people say This is just how I've always done it. This is what my parents did. This is what. ▁quote, unquote financial advisor, Don't even get me started on those guys. Well, my financial advisor tells me to do. financial advisers are salesmen. Well, it's a closed mind set and a lot of people operate out of fear. correct. so but they should be scared of inflation. and where this thing' going? Well they should right. Those are those are real estate. Is that math? Listen, you know the math before you buy the investment, you know you're buying it for two hundred. You're putting down forty grand, and you know you're going to make five hundred a month, because you can figure out your payment and all that. Yeah, you're goingnna make five hundred a month. Okay, On top of that, you know someone else is paying you. The the tenants are paying off the building. It's a million dical certainty. it will be free and clear one day without you having to make it free. You clear tenants do. If I go by a duplex tomorrow and I give, am I going to be locked in right now, or ers at a variable state' or income property? Is it a variable interest rate at that point, or I get a fixed interest rate, or does it depend? The average person I'm talking to will get thirty, Your fixed rates on the on the investment property, So so they know, get to a certain point, and you have, I think over ten properties. Then you start going to community lenders and they have five year balloons, seven year balloons. I don't even want to complicate you with those thoughts, because I'm not talking to you to those type of people. tell. And if you are well today, I mean, yeah, they're They're St. We got. We're going to go into a lot of this kind of thing, But I want to be clear like this show is the macro picture. We are common sense, Anti, woke, as you know, Um, entrepreneur, like I am a free market entrepreneur and everything, I see my lens that I see the world through is a free market entrepreneur, a capitalist. Don't cry about capitalism. You have the opportunity. Okay, don't be stubborn about your retirement. If you own a home, you need to access that equity. Mhm, To grow your wealth, We are in inflationary times. Hold real estate, raise rents on people. watch your values climb over time. Stop with the being stubborn on stuff. Cash out half your four o one K. buy a a single. By the way, When I say duplex, it could be a single family. Buy a single family for a hundred grandn. Rnning for fifteen hundred a month. You know what I mean. same concept. I actually love. I have a love for single families as much as I love big buildings, which you know we do and we own big buildings. big buildings. I still have a love for singles. You know it's nice about single families, number one. they always pay all the utilities 'cause they're the only one there. Number two. they never move when you put in a person in a single family. They live there forever, which, as a landlord, fellow landlords. listening, you know, Turnover's not fun. It's part of the business people move out, move people in. There's always little you got to fix this clean that you know what I mean, like at much, you'd much rather have one turnover in ten or fifteen years, and in one of singles they, they don't move. they don't move out. they love the single too. they love staying there. Yeah, they want their own home. they have barbecues in back. they have the fence. Well, that's look. that's also a. A. You know it's an idea for another show. is, Is it because you find the tenant who stays there for ten years, or anyon you put in, there's going to stay there for ten years. I mean, you have riise us. You're sayinging your ten, you're saying, Why do a single family tenant stay for that long? I'm not saying why I'm saying that, Uh, I think you're leaving a portion out of that. You do a good job of finding a good tenant who is going to be that person that. Yeah, well, we're very picky, which anyone should be. If you're very picky with who you rent to. you'll do Wells, the guy that says here's my security deposit. I can have it to right now. here's the cash. That's a problem. We don't do that when someone says I have the money today. Thanks, but no thanks. We're goingnna, skip you right. That's a problem. You're probably getting forced out of your unit. Who knows what you're doing? so? um, I mean, we could talk about the weekend, but again I, we're talking about newplexes right now and this is an example from someone I just had a long, nice conversation with and basically at the end of the conversation he's like, Oh my god like, I just never saw it that way. I thought I was like cheering that I had this equity. It's like Yes, cheer. you did good. You're doing well. Yeah, like on paper that's cool. You own one twelve on a place that's worth two fifty. Yeah, like that is appausible, but now it's like all right, dude, If you actually want to like, then again, who am I talking to? I'm talking to the person that wants a couple of extra bucks every month that wants to gain a little more wealth or they want. If you want to be a killer, you own a hundred places Cool. Like you see where this can go. It's just a domino effect, I'm saying, Start with one or two deals. Everyone has this thing where they go. You know that's the problem with all these online real estate, Gorus, dude, I'm goingnna show you how to be a millionaire. Stop it, number one. not everybody wants that number two. Even the people who do. they're in a position in life currently where they just can't even like, Receive that. And you and I talked about that. We like the guy who's struggling to pay his bills like he can't even receive. He. He can be a millionaire. Okay, absolutely, but what I'm saying is they're at a mental state where they're like. Yeah, but that's so far for me, I like where do I start and it actually paralyzes their action. Because what they're thinking about millionaire and they're like, I know that's not me anyt timee soon, so I'm not even going to try. So what I'm saying is just lay the first brick, you know, and then lay a second brick. And pretty soon you built something that you necessarily weren't even conscious of what you're going to build on the front end. You just know you werere laying bricks. Yeah, and then all of a sudden you have a stankery one hundred percent Like that's how I kind of view anything I pursue. Just put the bricks down. right. What ends up coming out of that is something that may evolve into something you don't even know about yet. Sure, maybe you are the six duplex guy like I just described. Do that, one point, five million and seventy two hundred a month in monthly income. If you did nothing else, Mhm, nothing else. That's where you'd end. And if you're a million dollar guy, how much easier is it to make the twelve and the twenty four once you're already have the six, because it's that much easier to get some money. No, right. Well, you're saying If you want to become a millionaire, Well like, Yeah, I don't get really wealthy. Yeahest, thing you can with this model. Yeah, but I'm saying if you change your mind and you have six of these that you've been paying off and the bank sees that they're going to be more apt to give you for for more Well right, you're still your normal. You'll only strengthen banking relationships and your financial balance sheet. Okay, it's called a balance sheet. You have to show these people you show lenders a personal financial statement. People who are starting off. That's not even a thing you provide. But once you start getting to a certain level of wealth, you show your bankers, not just income. You know, people think I'm going to show how much money I make. Bankers Also want to see what's called your balance, Shainkt, And I learned this when I was sixteen years old when I re first read the book Uh richd poordt, I didn't know what that was. A balance sheet is what wealthy people use, not income income. Incom's, cool. Mhm, there's a reason when you look at the Forbes for a Hundred list in the magazine. They don't say Jeff Baso's makes this much money. They don't say Donald Trump makes you know to th three hundred millionire. uh, they don't say Bill Gates, May, it's nothing. Making money means nothing. when you're when you're creating It's wealth. It's your balance sheet. What's a balance sheet? And we can. These are episodes that we can dive into. Take Notic, This people want to learn this financial. financial literacy is also part of this show. Okay, and that goes out, it as a mindet. It's it's financial literacy. We are at such a deficit of that knowledge in this country. the whole country's bankrupt. No one knows what they're doing. They. you know, you don't just become an adult and magically know what how money works. So side noted, No, what thing we touch every day no one's taught us about. I was just going to say, say, I make any side. So I note another show. There is not financial literacy taught in our school system. Yeah, you know that. That's another show and that's a problem. Financial literacy is actually a thing. I might add to our general like description of the joke. I forgot that and it seems to come out. That's why we talk. You know things come out. You don't even realize it. It's but it is. Ah, the day one in school. Financial literacy should be a class all the way, So you're know with college and it's something we touch every day of the week for the rest of our lives as adults, And it's and we're not taught to think about it. How is that? even? how do you explain that way? Actually, I, that's how ludicrous. That is. how does someone sit down and say Well, here's why that's the case if you brought me back to K five and said right now, said, Hey, I'm going to teach a geometry or financial literacy. I'm I'm pretty sure most adults would know which one they want to hand out at ten people are like, I want to learn about money right, No, because it makes or breaks the way you live. Listen, money doesn't create happiness, but it actually makes choices a lot easier. It's undeniable. I mean, we can sit here and fight about G. you know, rich, poor, happy. sad. First of all, I look at it this way. there're two different categories being happy and sad. is this conversation and rich and poor is this conversation. I also believe money mag magnifies the character a lot of the time. If you're a generous, cool down to earth soul. I believe money would probably magnify that with philanthropy and different organizations and things, but I also believe if you're a dick. Yeah, yeah, filling your pockets with fortunes could make you a bigger dick. Okay, and sometimes it takes lessons learned. I mean everyone can change. if you're a dick. Maybe you'll turn into a nice guy and vice versa. Um, but either way it's functional, money's function. I' tell you something to function. I'm gonna tell you something. Most people who say money's the root of all evil, and I ha, love. hold on. I hate to say, I hate to ▁quote. like the movie Boiler Room, Because it it then athle. you love to ▁quota. people say people say money's the ro root of all evil. Don't f and have any. There is a lot of truth to that stuff. But the the, The verse in the Bible actually is the love of them. That's correct, but it's always motivated. It's all always misquoted And the point is I'm going off of the miss ▁quote, because anyone who's you know, just Itic people. I'm not rud of all Eva. Well, that's because you're broke. I correct people. I like you've never experienced money. but you know how me, tell me, I'll tell you now. I've had both. I've had my and I'm not had money. I choose money every time. No course, let me tell you. let me tell something. You can be just easier when you can go to bed at night, knowing you're not going to worry about paying your bills. Let' look it from another angle. There is a level of peace there if you're extremely poor. Um, and I know it sucks and I hate to say it this way. but there's a▁quote. unquote. Love of money Can go the opposite direction. I mean still, money encompasses all your thoughts. Because you don't have it. You bring up a really good point. Actually, that's a really good point, which is when you're in that starvation mode and Hu and hunger you're stealing, you're obsessing over earning more. Where when you get to that comfortable place, it's less of a thought. you actually make a good point like I hate to say this, and it. it is kind of weird, I say, but like it's all bad. it's almost like it's a different kind of greed where you wake up so hungry. Yeah, and starving. Yeah, and I'm not knocking you if you're in this boat, But the reality is you're actually thinking about money morning till night Because of how short you are on it. It still has a lot of power and the stuff we're talking about, and this literacy can get power. It's beyond power and I' been and I've been there personally, so I I want to see people not be. Yeah, being broke is poisonous, too, because it then money rules your thoughts in a different way Where if you're like this, you know Gordon Gecko type where, like in the movie Wall Street, he's like. How many yachts can you water ski behind that kind of thing? Lot's of different extreme though, but that's it. but I, I'm saying neither extreme is good. Right. How many yts can you water ski behind? I mean, that's a legitimate mcqu. Like you know. Like what? What's enough? But then also the poverty like I need to get money. I'll rob this guy. I'll do this weird drug deal like that's. also that extreme is problematic too, so let's get you somewhere where you're comfortable and then when you're comfortable, guess what number one. when you're financially comfortable, you somehow think a lot clearer because you don't have that burden of that major starving stress. Reg. right, What's the next move I make and you can logically proceed. Mhm, Financial literacy. I agree that's part of this show. Okay, well, so Don anywhere questions it. Yeah, I got quite. We got fifty minutes. Go out here. I don't know if you want them. I want him. I'm glad, Saw that story about the duplex If you are a home owner, Unlock your equity and unlock it now in beat inflation. Yeah, I agree. I mean, do we wrap it up your andpeed inflation? No, not yet. um, I do want to talk about. Uh. well, do we. I don't know. I mean it's fifty minutes. People got a lot of information that you on right there. Yeah, you know you don't what to go in this, Andwhere at the end of epode, do we start and we can bounce on this other stuff next time. Um. there's some things I want to discuss. Um, but I think that was a good episode. I think there's a lot to chew on like you said, and there's a lot to digest here. Here's what I want. Deno has an email address Deno, D, I n O. Obviously, um at Alpha and cut dot com, Deno and alpha uncut dot com. What? what it in the Dis? We'll put it in the D. I want. Remember might ont it on the video. I want you to send them an email. Tell them what you like about the show. Tell him what you don't like. Tell them what you suggest. Tell them you know you know what kind of content. Watch all of our episodes and' listent all episodes and all the platforms. So you know. By the way, if you're listening, we do have a video version. You can search Nickruez Alpha uncut on Youtube, if you do want to see the video version, and if you're watching the video version right now, you can go on Spotify Apple, Google, uh, Eeart media. All that stuff. It's on everything you can listen. If you're in the car or whatever it. I love listening to packs in the car. I know it's the best. It's great. it is the messages. I mean, sometimes I sit down to watch a Youtube video, but if I'm listening to an hour of content for me personally, I'm in the car, Driiveing. I do a lot of drug, I and and isson. but it's funny 'cause as far as books, I don't like audiobooks. I need to be feeling and touching pages of a book. Nu's. that's me. I know me. I love physical books. I don't have always will, I'll never, I'll never. I'll always read in my hands because I take notes and do some different strategies with the way I read. But I do like reading physical pages and there's something that's done in the brain. Uh, when you read when you read pages. Not only are you obviously gaining the new content from the text itself, but the process. The physical process of reading does something to the human brain that actually enhances intellect and fluid thinking. You know what, I mean, I say, fluid thinking, clearer thoughts. I notice when I'm reading a lot a lot. When I go on streaks, thoughts become clearer. I don't lose words and sentences. I'm like. what am I think? Just things the con to me easier. It's exercise in your brain. Yeah, know, I was thinking about this the other day specifically. I think it was last night or before I'm looking at my phone and I'm questioning, Does me 'cause I read on my phone. Oh, I hate it and I'm like, stand in carc to this Count Out was here in dark mode. I am, If you're in that white screen, you brought it up the other two min. but I ask myself, Does this count in my brain the same way as if I'm turning a page on a book? I don't think so, and I, I don't think it. It does either. there's some uh, electromagnetic emuls or something that. it's not the same, but the and don No, like coming off the screen and the blue like Come, Yeah, No, I know, and I usually do it when I finally do it. It's at night in the dark room speaking a blue light. You know who always promotes that on the like, uh, his um sponsored videos. ▁j P. Sears. Yeah, you know ▁j P. Sears. I do. They are in the right head with the long hair. That's hilarious. I, I want to get him on the show. I want to see him on that screen. See, well, hu, I love that guy. He's away. He's wait. What's your story? Because I got a Bl. I got a question of about blue. let. I't can we put blue out out there? Is that right with you? Yeah? well, No, I mean like screens and stuff put on. I'm like your business blue. like. Oh, whatever anyways. it doesn't matter. Ask the other day. what's your story about the blue lights? Just uh. Well, what was? Oh, I just was saying, You know, If you, if you look at your phone at night, it'll keep you up later like the science is in. Well it messes with your uh, melooe. let. But so then're hypocrts, too. You know my wife will be. Don't look at the formula or the you know to the kids, but every single I should get the phone. Fi. Yeah, I like re. I try to turn it off. What's nice about? I love reading before bed, Number one. it's just reading relaxes me, but number two, it does tire me out like it makes me. Actually, it does the opposite of the phone. It actually like winds me down. Everybody's different, but I' mailing me one in the morning last night, so you must have been on the computer, though I have only thought of something. Oh, when things come to my head, I need to release them and fire off the email or the text or whatever or offer. I'm beg. I am, know like I'm like. just now it's away from me. It's accomplished. At least it's out there. It's a compp. It'll come up again. I can do it again, but I won't forget. Yeah, I I want. I'm glad we did this episoe because it's it's unfortunate. Remember I talked about their one star review. He doesn't even know what's in in store for this place. We got a lot of stuff Sus. Actually, one thing I wanted to talk about was Um, Let's just you know we're a you'. California. This is from the San Diego, uh n b C. San Diego, dot com. Like a local news source, California lawmakers and I know you kind of talked about this. You know. this pissed me off the California lawmakers and of course, California, the most regulated, just dumb, state dum State, California lawmaker proposes twenty five percent tax on real estate investors to level playing field. Okay, the California Housing Speculate Speculation Act would impose a twenty five percent capital gains tax on a short term investor's profit. There's a push to pass a law that limits short term investors from buying up homes and rent the properties and then selling them at higher rates. Economists believe this practice has contributed to driving up San Diego's housing prices more than eighty per percent. In last year. Those economists are wrong. Paricia Cortez is a Scripts Health, pharmacy technician. Since October, Sheen or partner have been trying to buy their first home. They've been outbid thirty three times. Man, I was done. I was ready to make to move back with my parents. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Um. it's frustrating. this is the environment when coolved. restricted supply. interest rates are on all time low. There' a perfect storm which spiked value. It's not because of flippers. Okay, Well, did you read the question? E? Centy, Actually pertains the house flipping and the Per and the Uh. This is an aationwide phenomenon. Well, this guy says, here, he says, right here. Where? where? Where is here? Uh, number six on the first page. So there's a twenty five percent tax on any profits from residential real estate. Just just said low down flipper activity. That's the point. That's what he says. you saidper slow down because we're going to panalize you. This guy says. I specifically got my real estate license for the sole intention of starting a flipping business, So then punishing him for this is basically him saying I don't want to be here. Welcome to my thesis. This is not free market capitalism. This is what. you know. what this is? This is moving towards a socialist planned economy and this isn't too a big That you're not putting this on Apple. You're not putting this on Google. You're saying this one guy who wants to St. here. we want to crush you before you can start. Yeah, you know Guessu California, Guess who California? these leftist liberal, Uh, democrats love big corporate interests. Okay, their donors are the Hi that the oxy moon, right, The Silicon Valley. Are they whacking them over the headad right? right? Okay, right, like they're worried about little flippers making an extra twenty five percent? I know how about the fact that they're housing the censorship tyrants of the world. Deno. they're housing the censorship tyrants of the world. Where's the common sense right? this isn't an accident. This is by design, right. Okay, the, the smaller you can crush little guys, the more monopoliistic the big guys can be okay right right period, this nation was built on small business, and this is a disgraceful law that's going to penalize the small guy trying to make it for his family. I agree. I spit on this law. That's why I susmit on this law, and yes, people are going to continue flocking out of the regulatory state. They're exiting California. I think there was some statistic that the Yh business is booming in California like everyone's buying new housing right. I believe it's disgusting to me. I believe this is hurting none other than a little guy. I believe it. Oh, it is. Yeah, it is. so for all of you that think this regulation is a good idea. Number one, this is not what's driving up housing. Okay, values value. If someone in puts a better kitchen in bath in, it's worth more money. Okay the end. Yeah, um, so this is hurting nothing but the little guy. this is not free market capitalism. this is planned, economic socialism, socialism, one of their economic um. ideologies is a planned economy. They want to plan the economy. They want to sit in a bureaucratic boardroom and say this is how this industry's going to work. These are how these regulations are going to work, and all it's going to do is hurt the little guy. This is a ta. This is an attack on the small entrepreneur man, it's ass, not land. It's not new. I mean this is't going on here. Well, would they better keep that stuff in California? I mean we could keep show. We can probably have episodes of shows just yet, California. Right? and maybe we should. they need to keep this in California. Yeah, the federal government better stay far away from something like this. This is true. this is socialism. And if you think, Oh, niick, talking in hyperbly and just hyping things up with socialism. No, no, no, this is. This is a policy that is under a socialistic umbrella, whether you like it or not. Okay. This is controlling and regulating an environment and not letting the free market run this industry. right right? I mean, the market's the market. That's a quarter of your. I mean a quarter. I mean like when was I reald and real? Our tax is additional. Right. Are they're already problem of your income? They' already probably takingn twenty five of every. They're They're saying, a twenty five percent tax just period to level the playing field, and all that says is we, we know what to do better than you with your money. Yeah, and I've seen how good there because that's that's Apmks. the boarder topic Front it, A couple of smuks in the boardroom are deciding what you and what's best for you and your family's business, entrepreneurship and wealth situation. It's disgraceful Well in re. Ila shrugged, Everybody, but I know, read the book at Lizzi. Ohrug, I was going through old text today and I saw when you sent me that and it was literally anyway. somehow I saw it super lahawad ass. like twelve hundred pages means you guys should read it. I haven't read it. Is it is fiction. Yeah, but believe it or not, fiction actually can convey an ideology or ideas a lot better sometimes than like a raw text Can sure, because you can just you can pull it out to where you are and now, well, you get entrenched in a personal narrative of the exact situation. Read Atlas Atlas Shrugged. It's actually one of the favor. one of the best books I've ever read in my life. It's very long. It's a. It's a beast like you're making a commitment on reading it, but I'm telling you right now it talks about all this kind of stuff and this was written in the fifties. By the way, It's amazing how a lot of these Orwell and the Forties a A ran in the Fifties type thing are all coming for full circle to today and believe it. Believe me, these are the seeds of authoritarianism and and socialism. whether you like it or not, it's the truth. this is not Nick, hyping things on it. This is a problematic Bill and I just wanted to highlight because I just saw this recently and then you saw it somewhere too, and we're like, Oh my god, W. That's why I brought it up. We kind of both. It struck us. It's just it's it's uh. This was published on March ninth, Um, which is another main topic of the show Though, how do we, as the people fight up against this and granted, it's Angel question, People have. The powers are the exercise of powers just becoming greater and greater, and so many people don't see it. Yeah, they just don't see it. Yeah, there they th we. we are. We are losing the grip on free market capitalism. The thing that made this the land of opportunity. Remember the reason people flocked here correct. Remember equality of outcome cannot co, which is what these democrats, and liberally wequlity of outcome fair, F. equality of outcome and equality of opportunity literally cannot coexist Like factually, it can't happen because if you're creating equality of outcome where everyone ends at the same with the first place trophy across the board, that means you're modifying well, Youre anying of the Ra. You say something to this. I got a story, so we met a new guy who was going to do flors for us and he's from Romania and we got to talking. Did I tell you the story? No, So he's from Romanian, and he left when he was eighteen or nineteen years old, Because everybody had to go into the military under strict communist regime over there. Okay and he said he goes. When we. when that saw no choice military, No chant, he said At nine o'clock, Oh, no choice in the military, he said At nine o'clock at night he said lights go off, whether you like it or not, Our lights went off. He goes. Then they got to the point, the military, or you're talking every national. Everybody he goes. We got nation, and they turned off their lights at nine pin. If you were out After that he goes. Everybody went into the military. So we had enough people to control continually. That's what all we got of the military to be patrolman, And that was part of the the right of passage of growing up, and he said, And then we got to the point where at ten o'clock they would give you only so much gas. They would regulate your heat, how much heat you could use throughout at night, so this is really real to him and we're talking and I'm saying Well, this bonest he goes. Yeah, a lot of people don't see it and he said So everything changed. he said everything changed and uh, we finally got a president, he said, But the president had a really hard time keeping things in order. He goes. So there was a lot of people at that point who felt like, Oh, I want to go back to what we had even though it's sucked, and uh, he goes. But it was terrible. He goes. That's why it left and it he goes. That's why I left. Because until it takes, it's goingnna take that much longer to put everything back in place to get a system like we currently have that people don't appreciate. I mean who? here, who here could We had covet for a couple of weeks and we, nobody could li down stight. nobody can handle it. This was every day of your life. We tell you what and how to do it. but in their heads they got to the point where it seemed like order. Because it was safe. There was some food on the shelves, but it was all chosen for you. Kind of like this law, right. It supposedly helps people Uh by ▁quote unquoteveling playing field, but in the end everyone does lose and the and it y I was going wearing. That's why Um. capitalism is undefeated. Okay, Historically, not, that's not Nick saying that's this historical fact Is capitalism the perfect system? Number one. nothing's perfect. No system is perfect. In fact, Jordan Peterson, who I'm a big fan of Doctor Jordan Peterson. Okay, yeah, he, I heard him somewhere. he's like Capitalism is a terrible way to organized the economy. He goes. The only problem is it's light years better than any other option or something that is right and I was nice, right because you know there's always going to be an equality right. there's always going to be poor. rich haves have Notts. what I will say is we need to get away from these corporate interests and give it back to the small entrepreneur. Free market capitalism is the greatest thing for the average free market, Uh, ambitious small entrepreneur, this business, this country was built on small time. I well, even Nick when I was growing up, I mean, I'm for this aggregateative power from the Silicon valley like oligarchs' a problem. I mean when I not cap, I'm forty seven. when I was growing up, People from other countries that open a shoe store, they would open a gas station. they would open a grocery market. I mean, we're already passsed a point in over return. I mean there's certain grory grocery stores across the country. It's just but you can't just open on the grocery store and right and say hey, I'm opening in a grocery. It doesn't work. So do we want? We wanted to get that way with every losing the grips. you' guesss like man, this twenty five percent tax pay attention. this is you. many people listening back. Ahd number one, I'm not in California. Forget about it or I'm in California, but that doesn't affect me. I'm in the freaking electronics business. This is how it works right. It's one step, one little step, one little step. They don't come out and announce. Hey by the way, Where communism. now everything changes. It goes in a very subtle sequence that the average person doesn't real. and the power is that. How does two? This was Two weeks to slow the spread. Do I need to say any morere? and the thing about government overreaches, as which we all know historically true again. this isn't Niick saying it. I'm just a student of history. You don't? It doesn't get peeled back. Meaning once over eachach starts, Mhm, it doesn't go away. Oh, it doesn't go away and come to a comulbination of toppling. And usually it's well, what else the government says. What else can we do? These people are willing to comply here. What else will they comply with? They and I'm goingnna leave. I'm going to leave it off with this. the American saying of ▁quote, unquote. That can never happen here is unfortunately natural and we're actually seeing that for the first time in my lifetime, and I'm forty one. I can't even imagine where this could go if we don't have a reversal, but I do. I, I do have optimism on many fronts. I think there's people rising up as patriots and lovers of this country. Okay. I think racism has been completely weapnized. Okay. weapon? I, not to say it doesn't exist. It's going we, but it's been weapnized. Covet has been weaponnized Yes, did it exist? Yeah, did people die yet, but you know what I mean. everything is turning into a weaponization of these these things and it'sged and all it's doing is pitting people against each other. Yeah, and no Id' and conquer. It's just so classic Sunsu art of war like you see. once you know what's happening like at once you understand things from a macro historical level. It's just so obvious. Unles's. help it from another angle. Let's look at it. so let's say there's not even a power that B That set it up that way. The fact is our system is working that way. Yeah, do you know what I mean, but ask, Can you expand on that because I don't think I can explain it. The system is kind of almost reaching autobile. of you could call it artificial intelligence. but it's own evolution. It is actually evolving beyond what one person can maybe thwart, or stop or whatever. And that goes back to my comment of free market capital. We're losing our grips on what the founder set up. The founder set up free market capitalism from Adam Smith, the writer of the book called Wealth of Nations, Another great book that I think you should read. It was an experiment, Em boy, Did that experiment go? Well? Okay, there's a reason all the inventors and geniuses and technology comes out of this country. Because we're incentivied to produce it. You got to have. If I know that I can break my back, Put in all this labor. Take all this risk, et cetera. but in the end I'm just a slave of the state. What incentive do I have to innovate? Why does Elon must go to space? Right? I mean, the guy in a couple of years trumped what Nassa did right. A government agency, people, citizens are efficient. Government is inefficient and it's been proven over time. What are we thinking? College kids? listen up. Do you really want to ▁quote unquote? Try socialism. Do you really think capitalism is broken? Study history and then come back to me? Well, it's happen in the face too. it's a. It's a lack of belief in our personal intelligent intelligence. Like people can do it. people can do it and we can do it All right. Well, leave us off there. Um a lot of good stuff. we touched on email, Deno and Alphon, cot deno, Alfoncot, Here's more importantly. if you like this show. I, I'm asking you share it with your friends. share it with a friend. You know what. I mean. Not like. share on social. Tell your friend about it. Okay. Leave us a rating and review mainly on our Apple, Itunes or who. wherever else you can. I don't know where else you can leave a rating of you. That's probably the most powerful rating. Inter review, but share with your friends, leave a rating review. We appreciate it. so if you're if you're here' on audible or on audio, you can always go on Youtube and listen and watch, but uh and vice versa, but share with your friends, it would mean a lot. uh, and uh. we love to win it. I mean, as you can see, we're having fun. Okay, thanks for being here. It's going to get better. It's only like you. An email deno for suggestions, guests, suggestions and all these other things. Remember we can get remote guests or in studio. both. Okay, Awesome, great talk to later, guys.