Alpha Uncut

"Take the hat off or get OUT!!"

Nick and Dino Episode 6

Featuring guest Joey Rantz 

If you are an ANTI-'WOKE' curious person who loves freedom, entrepreneurship, success, and the opportunities available from free-market capitalism, then you'll love our show. We approach these topics with passion and a strong conservative point of view with the infusion of history. Nick is a TWICE self-made millionaire entrepreneur, author, and speaker (started at age 19) who built a real estate investing business primarily focused on flipping homes and buying commercial properties. He is extremely passionate about all of the topics on the show and he will convey ideas and current trending topics through his unique 'free market entrepreneur' perspective….The show is a similar format to Patrick Bet David, Joe Rogan, Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferris, Gary Vee, etc.


Hey, um, this is Alfon Cutt. Thank you guys for tuning back in. We have another episode. A very fun episode we've been. We should have been recording fifteen minutes ago. In my opinion, Like the The Energy and the clown in around that was going on in here is very fun. We have a special guest with us, Joey Raances, r, a n t. ▁z, Joey ran, sorry, Tz Rn. He, uh that here this is a. This is glad to have him'. happy to be here. Let him Jo, take your suit off. Okay, happy to be here. Enjoy. I'm not of smoger. No, No, how many to be here, fellas. So anyways, uh, we got a lot of good stuff. The energy in this uh studio right now is is very high quality. I will say that, Um, so we are. You guys know who we are. I mean, this is our fifth or sixth episode of the relaunch. You know, like we tell people if you love Anti, woke, if you're a curious person, If you know if you like what's going on in the world and you want to see it, I shouldn't say that letting back up if you look at what's going on in the real world and you enjoy seeing it from. Uh, a a unique conservative, common senseense perspective, Um, I think you're going to love what we got to say and you're going to have some laughs. I think again, we have some funny comedic energy in here. Deno. How are you? I'm as we know I, it's goingnna, Intro you like You're kind of like the standard now, but of course I'm the gold standard of ▁l. Phone cut, literally the gold standard. But then we got Joy raance. look at Joey' call Johnny Carson the gold standard of late night T. V. That's affect. I mean, Is that debatable? That's it. not a gold sounder, No', not to bi. You are the gold standard of of Elph, of alcons And where is La T night T V. Now, yeah, well, you know what you know, what'? such, just stop at Che Carson. Yeah, yeah, don't even bring up any. you win order. maybe man o ▁j lun. see this. Speaking of late night T v cars. Leno. Yeah, well, I like Leno is like I like everything he does Now too. Yes, like I don't know. if you watch. you know it's car show. I don't follow that, but I will say this. That guy's unbeliev. I will say this. I believe, um, faalent over too soon from Leno. I believe Leno had more years in him and I was disappointed that he. It converted Leno to me, Was like my era. ▁quote unquote gold standard. Like the eighties Go like I grew. I. I was born in eighty one. The nineties gold standnder was Leno. Yeah, I'm born Ndy. So I mean we're the same age. Real, ninety eight high school ninety nine. You guys are the same age as my wife. It's good to know good for you the younger the Megas are both young. Likexino was born and I almost made an aging joke there, but my last time I was setting up for that Mr. Tom on that year were you born? Um me, nineteen, seventy four, seventy four. I say, not that much. so. Speaking of, speaking of late night and where it is now, it's funny you say that. So do you guys know the Nelk boys? The Yll got boys, the Nelk boys on not youue, No huge U tubers, They probably do. They're prank stars and they have a popcast called Full Send, Pock. I had watch so much Youtube that it's highly unlikely that I haven't seen these guys. Yeah, 'cause I knew maybe you're They're hilarious. They're funny. They prank people like they do like they do these pranks where they're like hitting on the girl next to their husband. Kind of thing Okay, and like Ch, ah, they did this funny. I think it's hilarious to meet the parents prank. where like they, they, they, um, put out a thing in their audience They have. so they have um, merch. they have like hard selt or lines. These dudes are bawers and they're young like funny dudes. Sure, and uh, they said, Hey girls who wants to prank their dad and all these girls coming. So you hay them and I'll tell you right now. This with a new. They're that things were my daughters. Dude. I swe of got a why useer' prospect. Why do you remain like you as daughters? I have beautiful daughters, Correct co immediately, my mind goes to God. somebody's going to die eventually. Oh, dude, I always joke in my Ch, I always joking. my daughters. I go ju with the first guy you bring home. I will be walking down the stairway with a full blown Atdas track. Sut. that is, ha, there legit. You do there now? I don't even have to change doing ti. my daughters. go check it out. No, No, so these dudes had this prank. I thought, calling the parents, where, Um, they pretend to be the new boyfriend in meeting the father for the first time and they do the most disrespectful stuff. It makes you cringe. It makes you that uncomfortable. I, and they like reveal at the end when egg. they push it too far, but like they do stuff that, like most ads would literally jump over the table and like kill this dude. That's what I'm saying Like sheing hows, drug money Like dude, Are you stupid? I told you ▁. like just okay since my tolerance level ends at wearing a hat at dinner Like that's when the guy's out forever for me like I'll never get over that way. You say that stuff would would not refly. The ha ha is okay or not, O. Not okay, not okay. Well, especially if you're trying to oppress me like the hears. don't comp. You came to dinner. My wife made a meal. I, well, child put some John. I wore a hat at the table. I mean, you are weared to head at our Elph, 'cause huck. I am. of course I'm not eating. I'm not ar. I. I' I go take a shower, right, I' simple etiquetes, Yeah, yeah, I don't know. Yeah, No, literally. it's funny. The ha thing is a big thing for me, and my wife gives me crap about it because she's like. Why is it such a big deal to you? And of course you guys are probably already predicting correctly because it was a big deal to my mother, right, you know, my mother's like. take that hat off at my dinner table. Sure, at a restaurant. I don't care if it's talk about. Take your head off. You're a gentleman. Yeah, Yeah, here are arguable boy, Right if I'm a gentleman, but principals'm dogs bloods on your garden. So, but then you can bring it up to like fellass. you know, like otherwise civilized fellows that you know now and they're like Dude. That's that's an old thing like nobody does anymore. You don't have to takeick your hat off at a supper club or it's start dinner for thelo. So you go to sucer clubs and I'm like Okay, Well, then who says that you can't just spit on the floor and here or where do you draw the line? What's a good point? Right? Where are you drawing? All etiquets are just social graces that. Yeah, we have learned to adapt in civilization. That's where I living in a community. Mine are mo. On this thread. Nine are more important so yeah, no, no. I. I agree. it's petty. It's totally not know about what you get it and I get with you know. we. we are on this thread of that where it's like human etiquette is hanging by a shoes string. But it actually is like you said. It's actually the glue that keeps society like in function, and we're losing that because the the parent thing has changed absolutely, and you know almost everything you're going to say. I mean it sounds cliche, but almost everything we're going to talk about. I'll bring back to paradise. Yeah, everything, all the holes, all the flaws, et cetera the found, And you know what, I'm not going to sit here and say that, like all, my etiquette is perfect too, and I'm this perfect gentleman and I never forget to hold the door or whatever, but I try. I really try. old school principles matter more than most pi, I think, and we people chuckle like that old school. but no, no, no, that's the foundation of like Why we were a great country. Why people get why? W. Why we this country Ju. Do you know what it really bows back to too? Those that etiquette does boil down to youday or Christian Da. I was just going to say joy. Are you Jewish? No, No, what I wasing. what I really was going to say was would you wear your hat in church? Not nobody. absolutely. However, if you have worse than dinner, it's kind of where it started. I think the ideology is is in church where women should wear a ha head cover. In fact, my grandma used to tell stories Thatn ware hat they had to put toilet paper on their head. I, I never heard that one, but they hadem played something sense like those cating well, like you know, nuns beating kids and stuff that they to notch them a lesson. but like go rap your head and to the paper, put them on your head. You were wearing a hat at Massp. Yeah, so but no, I was aller. take my name a murder. I find my family and not meetings are legit, though I did figure it out though they are, and I did figure out your point, woman, noneple. whatever you wouldn't do a mass, don't do him at dinner table. Well, you cant Gen. I mean it is well last supper. If you don't behave, you can't mes. you can't eat a mass. So how does that work? You eat the bread. you do is it bred? Excuse me, I, not. They were away for a body of Christ, the body of Greigs, Thank you any. I was watching marvelous Mrs. Mas. We almost went there. And uh go. That's another that. Martin. Other marvelous Missus Masil, the Jewish guy went into church accidentally and got body of Christ and hes, like Guy had a mouthful of Jesus or the way like that. It was funny. The great show. By the way, the marvellous, Miss Marvellous Eyes, Mas, I passed over a million times, but I don't know why because I love period piacece. anything. it's It's an older. It's It's like a S in the old New York Jewish family woman breaking into Com comedy When that was like a nogo, Joe. I have gotten all those things, so I just I swear to God, just do yourself a favor and your wife will love it too. You know I to like about it. It's a feel good show. It's not some miserable drama, some thriller, some horror. It's a good. I'm telling you right now, Watch marvelous Misses. My wife loves it. She' like I do, my mom love, so my mom loves it. good, dude, but you guys know what I mean. I made that audible noise. That's I you. You probably can tell where I'm going already. I couldn't. I love the idea of getting into a show with my wife. I love that idea, but in practice it's like impossible. Yellow Stone Works for me. it did. Elli, Yellowstone's like one of the only shows that worked for my life on recently, Noll, Sos. Now it's not a product of her not liking the show. That might be where your mind is going. No, it's not like Kty. That's a given right. No, it's a. I will watch two episodes right and then it'll be the second night and I'll be like all day. like Oh, looking forward to this week. sit down. I'm going to do this and then when she's tied up, then she went up. She was a cha, necessarily tied up that a problem. Yeah, like. Oh, I had to Pl. go to a funeral for my aunt. I mean, come out. What are you know? It's not that we. It's something we could have done earlier. whatever. No, and then it's like God forbid I watch it up so welld her. That's forbid. So now I'm on pause for like three effing weeks, you know, King, and then I lose it. I'm not interested any morere. Like Ion was so about you, but watching it without her suicide that you can't do. Absolutely not. you cannot do that suicide. Yeah, you be. it's easier to just never watch the rest of it. Basically let Painfall look for an apartment. Hey, Nick, will you come watch the rest of the yellow stuff If my hear bets are little terror in this one da na. let have a roommate. The part. but no guesss. Really Does Nick have to watch Yellowstone? Let me come on. Uh, you have not watched Yellowstone. I haven't. I only wait. Let me say this. Somebody watchs a lot of T. v. in general, my head. I don't need the book. I sort a guy, don'ty this so big reader? You and I know about each other. Yes, uh, I'm a big reader. you. V'. A little bit more self help type y stuff. No, my genres are ▁ultra expensive. It's philosophy. It's history. It's um. see all right. Hence you already have a better attention spending me because I don't cant. I listen to. I can't even stand the listen to you talk about those things they kind of about of he kind of likes Genngus. Kh da is okay. Now you got me Ngi. No serious historical non fiction. That's me I like to read about. I don't know that. Imagine that the men and women that built this country, in particular, the world, is it? Yeah, yeah, American history. Basically what it boils down to, I love reading and hearing about how people's extreme struggle helped them in eventually persevere. I love them for example, and I know this Im open up a huge bux of worm, and it ties to a lot of what we werere talking about earlier, like traditional valles et cetera, but trying to explain, let alone to somebody in our generation, or a millenniial, but trying to extan explain to our children how easy our lives are. And again, this may sound clichet, but I'll tell. I'll say to my oldest. I'll be. He's ten years old and uh, at least for now I're afram with their names, but you know he'll be bitching about some menial task. That's just so easy in First world Pro. And and I look at them and I'll be like son. Do you realize in this world two thousand twenty two, there are literally over a billion people that have to walk to get their water today. Yeah, yeah, and by the way, that's the why that the cows are drinking out of people are defffecating in. You do realize that reentance holds no way to the children were talking. Unfortunately they. Oh, well, no, I, I say. hopefully since I've been telling my kids since like day one, lessons like that right at's any point. maybe I'll make a difference. You're infusing it into their' subconscious. and I o. my philosophy is with my kids. If that's all I'm doing is implanting it in a subconscious. And' I had to catch everything you know they're conscious is like Hu, right, You'd have to see the video to know what I'm talking about if you take the fingers and you flick it on this. and that's what the K. their subconscious is receiving it. and I'm a firm believer in that. Absolutely, I told my, I tell my daughters I'll say you can have anything, be anything, and do anything you want when you're older, they literally row their eyes at me, but he. I'm going to tell you something, though I try to say that as often as possible. it is planting a real scene in their head and I know they're like. Yeah, daddy, whatever, like. I'm trying to like te someone right now. Let call my point, is it? it's like it right. It'll take a while and you know what I think. it's you guys will both admit. Um, it's still clicking for me. My dad's gone fourteen years now and you know you're operating off of his play book that he instilled in you when you were a child. Yes or no. Of course, I would think a huge percentage of what I do and what I am and what I've become ariseed because of him and my mother. Of course, Yeah, but I, you know, like a lot of guys with our values and are upbringing. Yeah, I, the boys idolizeer father, So yeah, my dad, you know, is a totally huge part of who I am. Yeah, but what I was seglinging into is it's interesting that a lot of the things that he taught me either consciously or subconsciously like I didn't. I'm still picking up, so as a childd, now a four young kid. I relate to what you're saying, I will take action or scold my kids a certain way or do something, and I'll it'll literally be like a moment where I'm like. Holy shit. that's why Dad did then totally here it is twenty. You know, he's dead Fif fourteen years. Yeah, that was. That scenario was probably twenty years ago. Yeah, I had no idea why he was doing that and now it's just clicking. and actually that's segu into when I miss them the most. Yeah, because I want to call and be like Dad. I'm not get it, man. Yeah, because that would make them the most pro. I, Yes, I was so pissed at you when you did that. I get it now. I now I know that my sons are pissed or my daughters when I say this to them, but they'll get it someday if they'll get it some. and that's all I need. All I need is to know that some day the older I get the smarter my parents get the old expression like regularly every year I gre older, Nick ism can not cheat wisdom. It's like is inhent get smarter. As I get older. You can read a. I'm like them, Moral to correct. That's you can't educate yourself. all you want. correct. Wisdom comes with time and experience, and that's when I teach my kids. In fact, I love talking about things that. if if N was going to say it with time and experience period period, he, he? He's not surert. you should see his new shirt that my nephew got him. It's it's all niisms, all all Shi. we'll show it on you. I have a few coin phrases. Let's say I have go tos in life. I'm like. you know what, Forget about thinking. I'm want to put managergy here. I just say some word that blankets a lot of things. Sure, Sure like there's just words that I can ary a blanket. I could add like nine things at list. But before we depart from this topic real quick, I've talked about my dad, And you know if yeah, if I end up being on the short time, I wass going to hear a lot about my dad and uh, ▁ultimately, I think that's such a huge compliment. I mean, I'm a Bl man to have had such a great father. I tell people like you know I was twenty when my dad died and it's so sad that I lost him when I was twenty eight, but I had more of a dad in twenty eight years that a lot of guys have or gals have in a lifetime. Son't that weird? I believe that went on and and it kind of complement that, though, when it comes to my dad, so my dad wasn't he was always there. There was a huge part of my life, but the fact is I don't know how which way through us most is he taught me a lot. They never were had that kind of relationship because he was a little more distant, little more militant, little more mafio soldiers. you know you' saying like yeah, You're saying there was never those like heart to hearts all the time or some right, those bonding moments. But somehow he's still the way he was, and his personality taught me so much and I don't know how. and it's a lot of it's on Sp. I can teaching. Yeah, I. I hear a lot of things are taught. aren't necessarily the good things either. Yeah, you know, Um, and to be very clear, my dad was very militant. He wasn't in the military. He was a giant man. He was six. Eight. So he know how he? That's what Allll do? He was drafted, but never one. How tall are you six? You're not sure? Yeah, six two. Now, yeah, I, I mean, I looked up to him, but he's only. oh man to me when six eight I. How is he like? he's getting tall? Yeah, and uh, no, he was very tough, very strict, very fair, very very fair. Um, he expected a lot of you, but he expected more of himself. Yeah, just the kind of the well that's called leadership. By the way, I thought it good, and then there's one leership. Now he's a great point in the corporate world. Yeah, uh, it was quite successful. I think because people saw those qual. He sounds like a real leader. He was a real leader who was a real man. Is what? Yeah, say, male man man's mass. Yeah, be careful. be careful with the words you. Yes, sure, absolutely has no sexist comnotation. No, No, we're not licking his. I'm kidding. First of all, I'tracking me. I was kidding. No, but he knew, but Deno made up. made a a point. Oh, okay, let me highlight the final point of. We don't care if someone's offended the the work toxic mascuinity doesn't exact. I' care about offence. I, we're not offend. No, No, I just don't know, but I don't want to be misinterpret. No, but man, he was a real man. Yeah, and that's a good thing Said, it's a necessary thingly. it molded you into what you were. Yeah, if he was some woke dude with purple hair, you would not have turned out the right way. I would not turn out life fors, that's for sure, period, so I applaud that type of manliness to the fullest degree, and what you're describing is a great father. and and again everyone has their flaws. But just from that little bit, you've just told me that's a man's man. And you know what, especially a young boy. they need a tough man's man. I don't care what anybody says. Totally G. that let the kid do what you want on or twoe. let him do this orderns without a good father. Well, correct, but feel in other ways I, but I do notice you know Ioid. I have four daughters. But when when I look at my nephews and you have boys, too. Okay, they're two. They are genetically like different. Like species on like you can just see, like Bas is loild and crazy and actually like I feel like boys do need to be like, really throttled in a little more, and that should be celebrated without a doubt. Like girls, girls have their qualities and botht have their qualities. He ill by mascuinity, celebrate femininely Absolutely, I agree. A hundred percent. I going maculated. He needs to come back role feminine. He's very too. I'm fine with all. I'm just not fine with the hate. all men poor and righty, hate only certain types, or hate only certain types. I got a comment that said Oh yeah, I'm sure you guys have a Du, when it was just me and me Andino you saw that, so I'm sure that you, uh, two white males, Uh white developers. They call us. They're not even white. Are we in real estate? I'm Oh, we're in real estate. I'm sure you guys have such a diverse work, um diverse view of the world? Here's the bottom line. If you're a white straight male and I've heard Rogan say this, and it and I agree with them. He's like you're not allowed to speak on anything like my Ori. It doesn't matter. By the way, I'm half gladoren, you. I'm half Puerto rican. By the way, I am fifty percent hispanic. I am a. I know I am a minority on paper. I don Sck on the box. I check white, though like I'm like W. I don't need any advantages. I mean, not that I don't know how many boxes I check in life, but when I check a box, I go white race. Well, when you buy a firearm, not only do you have to put your race, but then there's a separate box Who says? I never understood why either a Spnanic or non hispanic I was just go as see that. What this hell does that mean? Who? and there is there is separation If you're if you're A or nationality. there's two different things. Oh, what? Hispanic and non? Why do they get this whole ta show that everything like a question? Number Ten is like his span line On this span. lack, uh, you know it goes through Mul. Two thirty five. Is this it own question? And then it's like question number Eleven and I' pairphrase. I don't know what number it is? It's a separate question. It's a saic coronous pen. It's a separate like if you put in actors and even know, also put non hispanic. That's strange. I that I'm sure somebody's going to comment and give a logical reason for that. I've just tempered. I've thought about it so many times. If you, if I was for to check their fs. it's why I' like you a check you'm like. So I'm sorry. I thought I put white and that was pretty clear. That's hard. de go there. I want' this matter anyway, You straight. my, why thought it is America. I'm American or E, me a gun. I' not man. I'm not a criminal. The end very very right. The and on at the end that you are an American. Let's get back to like liberal hair. We are a country, but we're a countrycause. You know what? America's different, because we are founded on an ideology and not necess race ideology, and we had a lot of strong values, But you're right. it goes back to parents. Here's the problem, though, the government is being some of a lot of the parents in this world right now, and we do have problems in like inner cities and different things like where parents Um aren't feeding their kids breakfast. We're just talking about this the other day and the school has to feed the kids breakfast and they're not learning things at home. Um. parenting is hard to fix. There's no government fixed either, Like the government's not going to come in and fix parenting. Well, you're saying, Is it wrong? But it's it makes me say, dude. Jeez, it's like What is? No? You let start We doing Because even the best of parents aren't doing it right. You know what? I'm just going to tell people to be good parents. and suddenly they're going to be good parents. But oh, I, I didn't know. I go. now. I'll be a good parent. I said youj. Question is what's the solution that you today? My Christian value system is what this all comes from. I'm serious, like it comes from. like. Like you were saying, our society has this fragility of like we like the way you put it was actually pretty suycinct. the interlacing of these values that like. it's like on a shoe string of like, we're just all like on the honor system of having good values and morals towards each other. Like this could be anarchy in a second. If you think about. absolutely. Yeah, If you, everybody has transded that stuff right away on us in a second, it's it's a. There's a frigly no', social gradit. We take it for granted, but there is a fragility that is. so the ice is so thin on this it could crack at any moment. I, Now you're talking about like social norms and nice subsidies, and W, the way we interact with my hearlord in for that sociological perspective, and to be honest with you, we can bring that back that I mean, and it comes wear and ties back to the pats at the table right. Oh no. okay, so that's new one allg, right that Aly, but it all ties back to this traditional. We've been taught to not you know, be animals and by your parents by our parents. So let me ask you this. exactly. Well, me ask you this. If this guy who comes home, you'll never been quite taught ▁quote unquote hat's not at the table. Could he still be an allright person that you could see through that? But I know you get it real, you know', saying if it's never taught and you literally was ignorant to the idea of taking your head of my point. A lot of people. I think who, who didn't maybe didn't get what we get, But maybe one cursy, So I think to hat off at the table is more of a representation of a daer ideaus. It is, you don't have. Yes, I agree, like I love those kinds of analogies where it's like I think I had' have the table thing that represents a lot more than had off at the ter. Let's be honest. I mean I. I. of course that was the levity I was adding to it, Nos. he, my no daughter brings home this great tall, good looking charismatic guy that I think is taking care of her. It's clearly going to be successful. Whatever the definition of that is because Nick and I, some of us have a different definition. That doesn't necessarily mean money for me like I'll tell you, I'm a very, some my kids'. By the way after this Go, Hey, he's finishing the thought. You knowt. like all. he's hitting all the notes right like Okay, this is a good guy. She clearly likes him for the right reasons. I can see past the half thing. Of course, you know if he was a, and or I see an opportunity to be a father figure. and like Hey broroke right in this house, right, wee hats with the table and my all. Let's see how he reacts to me saying that right, Like if he's like, If you, dude, then it's like Okay. my ▁questers are clo. That's where you can pull out his respect. Well, there you we at. And the only reason I ask you that question and your answer was great, but was to say, what is the solution to all these people who don't cave it? Yeah, I'm not saying it's an excuse. They get a get out of free. It's bad parenting is the Roy you fix book At, And people who are, if we're losing this whole idea of Juddale, Christian, that you said is the foundation which wins away. There, they are methodically pulling those values out of our society, And that's another treachous laps. I mean, like accidentally, things are getting a little rougher. the end trading it for votes. It's literating. if you' methodically extracted from asizement One and you can see it like Whoa. this is a conscious thing. This isn't accidental. This is all being done on purpose, which is what's really freaking. What's really freaky about it is where it puts your. My word puts me in my mind, my own heads space like, because I'll eventually I'll try and break it down right like. how can I? Okay? Why is this happening? You know what are the roots? What? then? I'll explore Little. What can I do differently or how can I help? How can we collectively help? And then ▁ultimately, I come to the same conclusion that the rest of us do. I'll continue to be a good person. Help her, I can, but I basically have to retreat to my home, Ra, my children. right, of course, you know what more can I have a healthy lasting relationship with my partner and that's really all. it may be my extended family. Yeah, but it's all I can do and I hate the idea for treating, and my, my, my wife will always tell me like it's not your problem to fix, like you don't have to fix the world' problem. Why are you so mad, that guy and put hiss cart back? And why are you so mad about this? And I'm like, Because nobody does anything All right. No one gives a shit. Everybody walks away. But▁ultimately that honor system is hading away, I know and I, and also like you said, those little things do count. You put your card away. Someone sees you put your card. I think they do. I think they'. then alo, like that up to a big thing. At a minimum my kids do right. your kids come and they saw it, and it' be nice. Yeah and again like I want to cure the world's ills, and I want like to tell everybody this say, But you,▁ultimately, all of us have tired days or bad days and you retreat. You retreat back to your family Like sure, and you do it. There's two sideight out of that that I hite, Then I have to admit that, but I mean think not all. Do we all do it? but there's obviously suic sides to the coin like. I feel like I've had something like Relesa, One of the kids is like, But daddy, you know you're just one person, but at the end of the day it there would be no m. ▁l K. With that argument there'd be no gondy. there be no Mother Theresa, and I'm not absolutely. I'm with you. By the way, I'm not saying you're wrong joke 'cause I do the same thing. My point is, though, like even just with this podcast of this little voice of this potcatter and put a few dent into a few minds, that's all I care about. but it, one person can do a lot if you don't get me wrong. Like somebody cuts me off. I'm not chasing them off the on ramp to. Yeah, get a fist fighter or lecture them now? Maybe there was a day in my youth where that was in me. I've I'll go a little nick. No, I have assets now, so I have things to lose. Yeah, so but that also, I know that that's unself by the way. On a side note, you said S the definition and success, and I tell this to my kids. if you've because we're talking about jobs and stuff, and I want to make it clear to her because she's like Daddy. Because I obviously encourage entrepreneurship. But that doesn't mean that Ha. here's what I tell my kids and this is what I would tell anybody if you choose it and you love it. You've won. Whether that's a job entrepreneur. That's how I look at success. far as career goes. For example, Sure, it's not being a multi millionaire. It's if you've chosen it consciously, I say. what I don't want is for you to have to wait tables or be. deal with some schuck boss telling you what to do Because you got to pay the bills. That's that is a loss, and you should try to fix that, So that brings me back to Joe Rogan, Um, will we reference a couple of times? I love your world, Of course, I all love royal love. They is show in the life of me. I like. I love that because he's flawed, you know, and he admits, and it braces his flaws. Y. I'm he's no joy Rans. But then yeah, well, that's another story. but um, one of his things is and you can. That's one of my favorite Youtube videos is and it actually changed. I whole back story about what I do now, V versus what I, and we'll talk about it some other time, but yeah, um, the living a life required desperation, And that's what you're talking about. Yeah, you either get this degree or you go down this pathway and you have this much time invested in this career or this future. Yeah, and so you're not willing to bail on that and then you buy a house and then you expand the house and then you take equity out, and now you're you, At least two cars and all that so asking itstdent, Yeah, On this path you're on you know job. Yeah, but let's call it a path to be a little bit more macro and all this stuff like you're miserable. You're miserable on that path. Yeah, but you cannot divert even a little bit. Yeah, because all that other stuff iss dependent on it. Right, and that's your li. I mean that is. I lived that life for half a decade. It came. it'. like you don knowt anybody outside looking in would be like these first world problems. This guys got a nice house. You know he's got. I think, Come me try to nice car. He's He's ▁quote, unquote miserable dude. I was so miserable. Oh, you could have taken all that shit away. It that had not to do with anything. I was just miserable on my path and my job. And yeah, it. there was no fulfilment and whatever. And so so what else cha? What would you say? What else changed besides the job that made you 'cause you're saying you're not miserable. Now I know I'm I literally wake up like, can't wait, Exci, like I wake up like a dog. Was I wake up happy and yeah, I leave. I haveve another happy every day, too. I really do. Nick. I mean, you always call them to know you all wakes up like I can't leave them alive another day. No, I like you like. It's another guy. That's how I wake up about that. But what changed? Besides that you change your job. Well, what do you think? The job was a mostsr catalyst? I mean it really mental change. It really was the job. So really was a job? Okay, I worked for and I won't name names, but I worked for a really large employer North in Um, in Wisconsin, A based to Milwaukee. I loved the company. I loved. the people I worked with are loved to the salary. The benefit like, but nick with, but be, I loved it. all it on paper Does not make sense that I was unhappy, but I feel like I'm breathing really loud. We just fat guyosis It's just it's Nick settings. The one we deal with it another day. Yeah, but um, no, I. it. It doesn't make sense why I left that job Like because I liked and loved all those things. and and still I'm I'm still custom with that company two, and still acquainted and know a lot of really good people. I work there, but I sat in a cubicle. You know, I was promoted several times about my peers. I was doing Va. well. A lot of people listening to this can relate to exactly what you're saying. I, I hope I can help them because you know I felt trapped like I'm at this company that nobody ever leaves. I'm you know, vested in a pension which people don't have any morere. Like it was the what you were supposed to do. ▁quote unquote pass. Yes, that's really what I was. It was. it was the feeling of you hit it on the head. I think it's that feeling of being trapped. Yep, that will kill in it kills anyone. I was in production environment, so I came to work and I did the same thing every day. Maybe it. it varied a little bit, and actually I thought the work was interesting. It was sly trying to explain to people like If you ever had like, not even necessarily nightmare, but like a dream that's recurred like. Oh, I have it. like time you even wake up and go back sleeping. You' fall right back in the tree and it's It's not necessarily nightmare. but like it's a nightmare that you're caught in the same dream Like Die how it felt same day, same day. Just like you could make a a video montage on a movie. You of like say rote your cock, D get your coffee. C. Sure, log out snock in, get in your C. It's like I'm like. What am my ones? liket? Roba? You have to mentally separate at some point from what you're doing and be a robot. That's exactly why do you think mental health is at an all time crisis right now in the pharmaceutical industry, Fort that depressant is booming. It's be. It's because of that because people think tolltckt, Only if you're in poverty. you're depressed. No, no, no wealth. people don't realize wealth has nothing to do with like um, or the the level of wealth you have. You can be depressed, top down top, middle. And what do they say? Uh, individually? Once you make like seventy thousand dollars a year, I doesn, and happiness does not increase now. All right, there's a sear based Your basic needs, or Marr Heerson could tell you, Yeah, when your basic needs are met like you, The the. The exponential inh goes away like going from thirty to seventy exponential. Like if you be on Musca Ferrari, he'd be like cool. Yeah, no, no, there's um. But even after illustraer, not even not to that extreme you, there is a point where like your happiness, the the the curve dwindles on a chart of Yeah, happiness dwindles massively, but again, going from Th. my. My philosophy is I, if I can get the thirty forty fifty k guy to get to seventy eighty ninety hundred. Like to me, that's the bigest true. That's like. I guess Dk that jump and then you know you're going to choose that every time. like I always tell people I'm never going to choose. I've been broke and rich. I always choose rich. That is a fact. what. of course, Nobody wants to be nice. S to not worry. No, no, no, but but the what and then people say, Oh rich is greedy and we went back to that Gordon Geckco Common and Wall Street, where it's like I'm no. Thats how many yachts can you water ski behind? Create is good. That was the people call that people con, correct people. I love that movie People call greed. Uh, people call the the wealthy guy greedy, but there's a level of greed in being bro, too, though where. when you, I don't know if it's a right word. greed. but the problem is you think about money morning tollnight, and that does'. only place to din. I mean ses insolation. I'm so still obsessed. You want help putting it well, For example, you can't help. I can't help my fellow citizen, because I'm in survival mode, so my goal in life is teaching my finance five year therer to other people, too. I'm always right you. On top. it even gets worse. That's exactly right. So my goal has always been How do I get someone into financial literacy and financially independence? I've done it in my whole life. I've done it online. People can google me. I enjoy seeing people go from that really place of starvation and desperation into financial freedom. This. let's become a millionaire, like if you want to become a million cool, But how about just get get comfortable, But that starts with financial litters'. Me segway from you and get back to. We've left so many of these things open. I want to close this one Because you. You motivated me here by saying that can maybe close. Have you taken off the head? I do have hair. How did you get motivated them? well, I want to. I want you motivated me that. maybe I'm helping some people with this story that. so a hundred percent, I want to round it out. You got depressed with your with your daily, re. you know, I don't know if it was like clinical depression. I guess I don't know what that looks like. Uh, maybe that's what it was. I mean, I was unhappy all day every day, right matter, you know, lived for the weekends already depressed on Sunday, like the last day have fe youvation like I'm already in like, worried about going homemo. That feeling and you? Yeah, that's so wordd it's like physical. Yeah, Yeah, and I was in like physical pain. like even my wife. I had two little babies at that time. Even my wife, you know, was like Joey. You' got to we. You got to make K. this tragy. You're not happy. You're goingnna die. Yeah, youre have a heart attack or you're just going to or be on palls or something. Get fatter H, if that's possible, and the just depressed all day every day. And you know what that? it's selfish to think you're only affecting yourself and you can just you know, gut it out and be a man. No, you're affecting people around you. Yeah, you affects your children. You're affected, but that goes back to your point about taking it back over, retreating to your home. But if you treat your home the right way, that's going out. You got four kids. You got a wife. Five other people are going to take it in the right direction. So Yeah, well, that misery translated into you weren't as a good of a father or husband et cetera And I felt like I was going those every workse. Of course it's a. It's naive now to think that that wasn't affecting them. Yeah, and I, I hear in that mo, I have a really tight extended family, too, like my mother and my sister, my brother and I were all geographically close world. I speak to everyone, one of them every day at least once like I was affecting their lives too. You know, they're worried about me, and what's going on with Uncle Ofque, And like you know, and whatever, So anyway, longt short, we won't get the degree today, but I mean an, actually, a trargy. I just know it starts, Joey Rans, you know, but he. He's holding off two their ants. Um, I started a company, you know, entrepreneur Shi, like I said, and this is the way, and uh. I. I think. uh, in that decision to ▁quit that day was one of the hardest things I ever did. You know. you're just yeah. You. You're handing in that lottery tick, you know, is a great job, And like the security, security care, the No, for sure, you're handing it. Well, you youngs, you jumped down on faith. go un, uncertainty is the beginning of entrepreneurship and people need. If you can't swallow the pill of uncertainty, you're going to have a tough time becoming an entrepreneur and you swallowed the pail of uncertainty. It's hard the certainty. but here's the t. say and no disrespect to you, But you were never in that position. The the one I was in like a perfect. I know your background, but like the Bellally off, I, different ki, Young and see, had it in a different way and where they have. If you just maintain this and just leaving, and I know you did some kind of corporate stuff before. Not really. You were pretty much Niney. Who are the day you came out of your mom Genetically, but I went here and he's not even a. That's true budget, Go through that. Well, no, that's that's the big. That of different. It's theres happen what you're saying, though we were in different places and I, actually, you're right because I was coming from a thing that's ▁quote. unquote. He was good. I thought I just said eleven years ago. You know what I say to that though number one, Chapter seven was the best thing of my entrepreneurial career. Here's what. I also say. Your career is dangerous, not you, as in what you just described specifically, but I always say I've been on stage speaking about. Et cetera The guy who makes fifteen hundred two grand a week is in a dangerous position because it produces just enough comfort and certainty to not push them to do anything. And I always looked at that as a dangerous place to be. That's actually, it's when you're ding, but when you're filing, Chapter seven, Like I did, I had no choice. My back was against the wall and I had to defeed my family, so I actually produced at levels that. I almost seemed inhumanely possible. You're juiced up man, Yeah, you. ha. you have to do it. It was survivalism. The problem with your fifteen hundred. whatever you're making, I'm just making up numbers. the guy who makes fifteen fiftyfte hundred a minute. Yeah, but the point is the guy who makes fifteen hundred and two grand a week. he is. That comfort is dangerous if you're trying to actually lead to him an entrepreneur. and I think there's a. There's a commonality in that you could say. Almost each situation almost doesn't leave a choice where yours. You did have a choice, but you didn't and I'll tell you a little about that experience and this is going to be pertinent to people are listening, Because that was real hard. Here's this long standing hundred and sixty year old company that's treating me very well, and that day I decided to ▁quit. to. For all those reasons previously mentioned, I, I'm not like a nervous person. I was nervous. Like why? Why am I nervous My own my life. I don't then you, ▁quit, You mean Yeah, like the uncertain Like I was afraid to like. It's onwndy to hand in that, you know, resignation on his army, But the second I did, Mhm, was free. I got to say it it was or gasmic. Yeah, Yeah, there it was. really. I couldn't believe the freedom. Yeah, it. it was like being cool. It had to be like what people feel like they did. They get out of prison. Yeah, right. it was like I. Well, that's what good know everyone. I thought earlier you. whatever. I'm wa hanging up tomorrow Like wait. I can do anything Now you were out. how, hey you' you didn't have the money, but you were out of the trap. Y. You're out of the track. You got out of trip now. Luckily, I did take a little bit of tdul li for my father and I did make an ex exit strategy and I had already started my business and was making some income which is always smart and that's my recommendation. The all in thing. Yeah, people do the all end thing, but also, but this as hobby. Why as that line, but that's just unwise, but starting the side thinging until it supersedes the income of the main thing. That's always been what I tried to tell people to do that real estate. Now that's ideal. Yeah, that doesn't always happen that way, but there's a spectrum of it. That's what my father would have said. Yeah, like make sure you're equaling your income before you and I didn't. I wasn't there yet and it. it was more of a product that I couldn't put as much energy into the. S. The side all, there's only so many hours in Right, and so I didn't and I, I got to the point where I just literally couldn't do this other thing anymore. Well, humans make decisions. Once I had that full ability that all that time energy to put into my ▁quote unquote side hustle. It flourished quickly quickly. Yeah, and now it's like you know, I can't believe it took that long, number one, because I was in the court eleven years. And and could you imagine living that? Either way, I't imagine Nick. I can't. sometimes. I just reflect on like if I hadn't done that where I'd be, I'd be so miserable. It's a scary thought my kids would be miserable. Everybody'd be miserable. Yeah, I be might be making nice money and everything. But well, you know what, Actually, I would not be making what I make now humans, which your dis lives me. I'm not I'm no millionaire. But your, your decision was based off of a, basically a, a p, a Te chart of pain. What it literally? which side was more painful was the, And that's where people break thresholds. I believe the pain of the uncertainty of starting an entrepreneur thing is real pain. but the pain of where you were was more pain. I mean literally, like I, I try to bring everything down to like bare bones. It's like the pain of staying was worse than the pain of the uncertainty. Well, how am I going to feed my family? Yeah, painful, but still worth the pain be cause this stuff. Forget about it. I'm quite confident it was the Te chart that got you to walk away. That's an exacly. That was, I think, Benjamin Franklin. That was his main decision making, Uh utensil. So I was reading the memo. Im not making money. I think its been frankn, I Mars at lunch. You car? Yeah, any Chrk came up H. I'm out. Yeah, go. let's see Joey Rad. Here you go. but away from this is and I don't want to be responsible for like forty thousand of your listeners. Like weing. Their hold, Them are responsible. I mean, if there's like a mass suicide, so we put se tper, come and put your address up there. And you know Joe Rogan, we're goingnna again referenced has mentioned this a thousand times though, And it's really hard to listen to. Sometimes it's hard to listen to Joe Rogan who's worth at least a hundred million. Right Because of that deal minimal, it's rare. it's hard to listen to him say. Hey, just c your job and do something. Oh, okay, you know you're g. me, your min Roy real, but something about him has an authenticic, absolutely, even though he does like. I know what you're saying, but I, also on the flip side, which we both, i'm sure agree on, there is still some type of deep authenticity to him. that. Regardless of how many gazillion intiible and mean, that's why people like him right. we're less burial. Oh, you're not that rich Muck. That's just saying that like I believe you. I, I want people to believe this is what I want them believe. I'm not saying. Go do it tomorrow. This's what people believe. It's very very po. possible. It's way more possible than people have brainwashed you to be. that's that's the Chs, Sos, and those people might be your parents. They might be the system they like. Oh might be. usually it is usually. but it's everything 'cause parents want you not take for certain. Our textbooks basically said You had to be a doctor, a lawyer to succeed. Like then, Mar'. playing well college was the only answer when I grew up in the eighties, and don'll come on around on that too, and we won't go there, Dont, because it is literally. It's literally like a three part series if you really want to get out college, but I'm sure, by the way we agreed, I have a college de gree, but I'm sure I do. not. I. Oh yeah have, and I don't need either one of them and nor do I want to agree. No, don't use mine either. Yeah, who? I mean, So that's a whole, another series. But the reality is that is, the The indoctrination ran so deep on that and I think it is changing now. First of all, Um, obviously the trades are up and coming. I like. if like, honestly like the trades get paid so well, And the de beauty of it is there' a shortage. So if you raise your hand and say you want to be a plumber like Chit Cheng, there's not only a shortage. there's going to be a shortage. Oh, we haven't even seen them wort of it. No, Yeah, you're at the very tip. You start of the parabula. Yeah, the trades are literally knowled, shocking perrabulos, Pamoolla. So, and the fi a color? A lot of beautiful things, Joey rans and play, and I love Joey Rns. I love this guy in a long time. you. Yeah, So all these joy? Almost we? So joy. I just wantnna. I just want to have fat littleter interlude number one, If you like this type of content, you can email Deno Dino at Alphon Ct, dot com, Deno at Alpha Uncut Dot Com. You can leave a comment on Youtube when this is up and we want to hear from you and we want to know what you think about Joey Rens, If you think he's a total smuck. I want you to type that, but I don't think you will. I think you're goingnna. like the point is I wind up ask because I want him back. I think it's going to be fun and I think I have some ideas for the future, but um, we covered a lot of beautiful things. We talked about the de value system which is really important, and again, the parenting and we're We're a tough spot because there's no easy solution for that. You know what I mean. Like parents are not parenting the way they're supposed to, and a lot of the part you know. I'm not saying I, by the way, I'm not a perfect parent. See the camera. I'm not a perfect arent. Okay, I'm not. I'm not saying that at all, but there's just some like foundational. You should kinda not be a schmuck in society. That like is gone like you. Just you have rights now and you're protective. I think there's also show. Don't offend me. I mean literally like the level of being offended. Yeah, stop it. I you. I tell my kids and I, I, I love to teach my kids thing for this show because it feel if feel like. it's just standard like I try to tell my kids like Listen. I told my daughter she's twelve the other day I said Sabrina. Honey, Here's the deal. You are so lucky that we're loved and we're We encourage you, and you can be the best and we literally know we're present. Told on we were in Chicago. Yeah, there you go. We runs. We were in Joicago and I said. Unfortunately, it is a minor. It's it's kind of a bubble because I'm always saying yes, honey, you can do it. That's a good idea it. I' tell if it's a bad idea, but I said you got to understand when you step out of these walls of us. Most people are telling you those ideas are stupid. How did? Why does you think of that? That'll never work? I said That is a standard. They will chew you up and spit you out. and I tell, And it, And I've said this on every show. I teach my kids. they clap when you lose out there. That's how it works and the people who clap when you win hold them tight 'cause there's very few and I'm talking family, friends, et cetera Literally, there are friends and I hate to say it. I've lived through these situations. You can have a friend, and when you start doing positive things with your life, et cetera if they're not, they will look at that as they are moving down. When really they're just staying the same and you're moving up, But somehow you look up at that matter. It's psyological phenomenon for sure, And that's what you know. You get haters. ▁quote. unquote. Someone makes like feel less about themselves when. Yeah, I feel better about you and I tell my rather, when you feel better about you correct, so I tell my kids It's never about you If they say that's a bad idea or that'll never work or dod. argu, a man. the woman, whoever aboutte them innovated something beautiful literally got left up by a thousand people. So it be my perfect ex, My favorite example. I, there's a million of them is the Red Box guy. Do you remember the Red box? A V, Ds. Yeah, How many board rooms was that guy laughed out of? Totally wait a second. You need like an A I machine in every grocery store That's go to calculate and mail, and they were like. this is the most ludicrous idea anybody's ever had. Yeah, that guy, your gal made like five billion out of the game Al. ▁qaeda. Yeah, right. yeah, but the mock No car pro did Okay. I love how he said the boardroom because I call it the focus groups going to say like, like, uh, an idea. like um, I'm trying to think of like Uber. Like the Oob's ridiculous. Nobody's here. do that. we' orxy. So you have a focus group, We have taxes. Wait, so a stranger, a foreigner. You don't know who they are. You, and you're you're goingnna? let your sixteen year old daughter just get in a car like ten out of ten people in that focus group are going to be like dude, stop it. get. go get a job right. A, like you know what, And then Tony. you know to you know Tony was talking about. what? What should my domain be for? This? that new thing he's starting or whatever? Yeah, and uh, I go here. I said you want to know about domain names. What about you? So so Jeff Basos, in the early nineties he went into a focus group of ten people, and he said Number one. I'm going to sell books on the Internet, which was already laughable that then. But number two, and I think I'm going to call the website Amazon Dot com. Ten, not of ten people would have been like, Wait, your name of your business. Amazon is afternoon books. Literally. When I think it now now we're so indoctrinated. The word Amazon means the company, not the biggest river in the world by the way, like it means the comppet. That's funny. So the point is ten out of those people out of that focus group would be like Wait. You want to sell books on the Internet, which is so stupid that things' going away in two seconds. But more importantly you're naming it Amazon Dot com. No one's even know what you do or what you sell. They are, so I tell my kids. I tell anybody that askedk me. Don't do the focus group thing because M. No, like you just said, M. The most innovative things have all been left out of rooms. and by the way, some of your ideas are actually stupid Cover and that's the real of my ideas are actually stupid. That's a real thing that you're never all, are going to get laughed now, you're never going to innovate. You're never going to come up with something new if you're not willing to risk be being laughed at or told. It's risk opposing the status. ▁que. Absolutely yeah, and status ▁quot was a powerful thing and we're seeing it now. it's called. We're under a psychosis. Okay, I was sawght Mc formkea, I was talking to a guy today. I was talking to a guy today. Like look it up. I was talking to Ad at thejimmcause. I was talking to guy today at the gym. Oh, he goes to the gym and I said, Ah, I have a trainer. Buto one onm for was probably I was probably a cousin's sons when he was doing. Let let me tell you someone. discipline. Hey, let me tell you, book or list. We're always very self aware of myself. I am ▁ultra disciplined, but I was al redunded. I know it's beautiful, so anyway, beautiful, I know what I'm good at. I know what I can do on my own. One thing I don't do is walk into a gym by myself and just work out. I know that about myself, so I have to pay someone that stands there and waits for me. That's just how it goes. I'm sorry that's my life. but anyway, docause. a lot of people revolve their life around that job. Yeah, So anyways, so I freaking. I talked to this guy and I said Hey, did you hear about that G. the the swimmer? Okay, Ick, there's a girl, female biological female who took second place to the biological male That they just to be. I saw you on this morning. Yeah, so anyways he goes. Well, what? how? How much did the guy win by or the Gu? You know, the the the transgender. I'm like, wait, Wait. that's a real question. I said. The bottom line is a biological female one, but this like I don't care if you won by a hundred body lengths or if you by a hair, a biological male who had testosterone. The chemical that's a real thing flowing through his brain and muscles for the last two decades, and we're talk. whatever. However long it was like that doesn't go away like the. the male body is built in ways that. Like so that just kind of you know we don't have to go too far on that. But anyways, he's like. how. How mo? How much did he win by? Like what? what's I Don't get that or let's just open it up all the way you know, boys, girls and transgenders. Oh, then they were sitting in there, Iing Ra, and they were ▁qui. Hold on. Then they were questioning. The Senate was questioning the new Supreme Court pick, which we all know you Kanji Jackson, Brown, Brown, Jackson, whatever, and I think one of the senators said. Can you tell me what a female is or about? Tell me what's the definition of a female? My God would have pa. it go. They annoy, but it was like a. Um. She couldn't answer it. She on a situation and be like, Wait, and there was what they guy say and retract later. Yeah, what is a woman change later? No, No, what is a woman? Like people are saying. Hey, but ummpum, Your're sex over there. Yeah, hey, we're sicking our game though a minute. that because he's working. And then they asked her they said, should we? they? they talked about all the murder rates that have been skyrocketing and all this fifth, I think like seventy percent of rapes go un, uh, caught rapist, go unc, unreported or uncaught, Un caught half to on on reporting. Can't even know. An could be ninety fif. Fifty percent of fifty four percent of murderers get caught. Forty six percent of killers are literally walking around us. So she goes. So he goes. That's actually not that surprising me. So she goes. Should we have more cops or less cops? Well, each case is different. It's just the wmings. One of us. That means one of us. he's probably a killer. That's why people. No, statistically one of us. one and a half of us is like, definitely, killer. I saw some real animals. No, I eat them. I saw some seminar. We all I. I saw some himself help seminar that said, like, look to the person the left, look at the person of the right. Do you like gods? One? You will be dead in a decade or something. Oh yearir. it us in this room. I'm guessing' Me know. I sort of go. You know what I mean, You do go to the gym. No, you don't got me to go to the gym. I went to a doctor that said, I have an eighty eight percent chance of living for another decade. They done some heart C. D. A. You mean that's in like only a decade or or no, not a decade or more. No, they only do admire the. They can're not eleven years a old. If they don't want to me to hold on the next. they don't want to be the bad weather man. It was some holistic doctor that had this kind of test that was like Iv, an eighties. You went to a holistic doctor. I don't see you doing that. Are you? are you joking? No, I, his wife Almos. Hey, I going to get friky. I don't know this about your joy. his wife. do? his wife breaks the whole bank on a whole list of ya. We go to this food. Who's like No, Joe. Are you one of those people that goes to characterors to cure your asthma? He is. He is only a practors, but only that own skirt. They question measures. This guy measures unbelievable things about the bite that the average doctor doesn't measure. Though like life insur as no, no, no, No, this talks about P. like underwriters guy and no actuar on people. No, those people are motivated by billions of dollars. They do it better trust. but they don't. they, don't they? This guy knows how much Cordz. all is flowing through my brains in the morning. A new I do you a lot, and my my decent brains po, ga, my bra of blood, et Ctera, Okay, let's back up. You're right. He must be good, Jo. He rats everyone. Joey Rys, show you ant. come on. give him some love. Okay, Um, we had a very functional show. I think we went in a lot of directions. Um, I think it's about wrap up time. You know. there's a few notes that I have, but I think you know the the beauty of the show is we go organic. You saw how this flowed. I do want feedback on Youtube comments and on Um deno at Alphon Ct, dot com deno at Alpha Uncut Dot com, Uh, it was a lot of fun. We, um w. there. That's all the rest to it. I' think I to enjoy. Would you think if you have a good time so we get a great time. I'm hope he guys have me back. Yes, sure, I think we will, and I think the audience. I know we will. I know we would. Yeah, I mean, if it was up to me, I book him almost every week every year. Know the guys got to make this comeing a. he's He's got an hour a week. Let's do it all. We'll make it up. Okay. all right, Um, anyways, you know here, I'll leave you with the ▁quote. I got a ▁quote. Uh, I saw it this morning it says Teacher. What does it mean to work on yourself? It is to stop waiting for the others to change. Ooh. I like it like it. That is. really With that. That's very good, and we should leave it with that. That is the special verbiage of the great Deno and Kirk, huh?