Alpha Uncut

Make America Stupid Again...Free College

April 07, 2022 Nick and Dino Episode 8
Make America Stupid Again...Free College
Alpha Uncut
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Alpha Uncut
Make America Stupid Again...Free College
Apr 07, 2022 Episode 8
Nick and Dino

If you are an ANTI-'WOKE' curious person who loves freedom, entrepreneurship, success, and the opportunities available from free-market capitalism, then you'll love our show. We approach these topics with passion and a strong conservative point of view with the infusion of history. Nick is a TWICE self-made millionaire entrepreneur, author, and speaker (started at age 19) who built a real estate investing business primarily focused on flipping homes and buying commercial properties. He is extremely passionate about all of the topics on the show and he will convey ideas and current trending topics through his unique 'free market entrepreneur' perspective….The show is a similar format to Patrick Bet David, Joe Rogan, Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferris, Gary Vee, etc.

Other podcasts mentioned: The Full Send Podcast by the Nelk Boys

Show Notes Transcript

If you are an ANTI-'WOKE' curious person who loves freedom, entrepreneurship, success, and the opportunities available from free-market capitalism, then you'll love our show. We approach these topics with passion and a strong conservative point of view with the infusion of history. Nick is a TWICE self-made millionaire entrepreneur, author, and speaker (started at age 19) who built a real estate investing business primarily focused on flipping homes and buying commercial properties. He is extremely passionate about all of the topics on the show and he will convey ideas and current trending topics through his unique 'free market entrepreneur' perspective….The show is a similar format to Patrick Bet David, Joe Rogan, Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferris, Gary Vee, etc.

Other podcasts mentioned: The Full Send Podcast by the Nelk Boys


welcome back everyone we are not gonna do the music today this is alpha uncut the show for the people who are anti woke curious people who love freedom they like entrepreneurship success financial literacy and the opportunities available from free market capitalism those are the people that like listening to our show and we're speaking of listeners of our show before we enter everyone else uh we got a nice review and we want to talk about that but anyways we love having fun on the mike and we're we're gaining a beautiful audience and we have joey rants over here say hi joey joey rs joey fellow how are you doing he's a newer edition a fan favorite already believe it or not very quickly and of course even of course we have the the one and only dio okay the what do we refer to as last week the holy grail of alpha holy some some very like top of the chart type the gold standard gold the way one of the traits of joey rants which is gonna help this show is the the fact he knows that he knows how to finish a thought something i you know lack being able to do sometimes and he's got a good memory okay i don't know how you did that you know what i want to talk about before even go like somewhere speaking of the gold standard okay here's the thing i actually here's a perfect thing okay there was an opening on the last show that we went on a rent and never got back to so we talked about johnny carson as the gold standard of late night tv correct two shows ago yep couple shows ago alright and one thing i thought about later on i had to finish it and then i brought up the melk boys who do the pranks et cetera which i've watched yeah the nl boys they're they're they're a good show good in fact let's reference i mean just any l k they do pranks but now they have its podcast called full send they had donald j trump on their podcast these dudes are in their twenty seconds frankin but their audience is so they just they have a really good brand when they went to marla it it's on their full send podcast like within the last year like three weeks yeah these guys are killers i'm telling you they're very impressive guys so listen to this when we go back to the late night shows in comedy so here's where it gets funny because we talked about johnny johnny carson being the gold standard and now the newer guys are you know what i mean and so anyways they're all woke by the way yeah let jar woke and i'm gonna to get to jimmy k i like some of the content in particular fallon but i hate that all these guys have to get political you know what is the worst you know obviously stm going to say something about kimmel and i want to loop i want to keep this this is he the one that started the man show with like adam carolla bob and now suddenly he's so woke it actually dis disgusts me but you know what really sucks about kimmel the guy has a funny bone he is a clever witty guy he he's not like i'm not gonna like and that's the thing i'm not like that's how like truthful i am i'm not like you know like i like people on certain sides would be like everything about him sucks no the guy is actually funny i'm not going to deny he's he's charismatic he's articulate he's clearly clever and witty like he those guys work hard at their shows they don't show up for a few hours and mail it in like they came funny working hard but his career unfortunately he went ultra woke and that's the cat his what what was the catalyst for so many of these guys like forget choosing a as side you like left to right right why any side like most people i don't care if you're like all day passionate you know liberal crazy you know i don't mean like all liberals are yeah like john shot up and dribble we're not tuning in to when i'm tuning into late night tv it's because i wanna turn my brain off i want to giggle and watch content that makes me happy yeah where i don't have to engage in all that bullshit that i've been thinking about and reading about all day long remember leno i said he was the last real guy yeah leno you turned on and it was just a great show they would he would like dance with that line a little bit cause of course he has to cone into heyn he has to mention like the topics of the day but yeah follow the money a good point right it's a good point but i don't understand how alienating at least half the country is following the money because the money wants to push an agenda that's maybe because hollywood is run by well hollywood is a puppeteer propagandist corporation the real you know follow the money is correct if i were a comedian or one of these guys in their position you are a comedian and you're just not but that's another story i've just now monetized yeah i would be like even to my producers i mean it's easy to say that i would do this but i would be like listen let's just do funny and not take that bait i i just don't understand what the catalyst was well you got to remember though there's a huge part of comedy comes from hitting the bones of something that is true well we know that but but when you go ultra woke ultra one direction every day morning noon and night there's a problem there a good comedian hits both sides comedian like the guy think he's like married to anything other than just being funny and whatever it is it is love right how about well i was going to reference jerry seinfeld no politics basically so how good do you have to be to have material where you don't swear or talk about politics really well and still make people piss their pants literally and that brings mee com to talent by the way gas african too we know which side gaff on but his comedy doesn't which side is he he's he's very liberal he hates trump very liber but his comedy doesn't he doesn't portray that in his comedy which is good and i think he's he writes a lot of his sign that you even know we shouldn't know we shouldn't we're in a world hold on and i want to get back to this thing with late night but we are in a world where we all know it's you know what sucks you know you you we talked about how the world is divided more now than ever and you're like yeah but civil rights and bub's almost like a prerequisite like knowledge that needs to be like known now about people you almost like well what side are they we're getting to that point of like when you first interact and i'm not saying one hundred percentage of the time i don't think you're wrong but i think that's always existed on some level i think it was flip flopped like if you watch movies from like the fifties or sixties it'll be like oh but they're a democrat and they like whispered about it now like you have to whisper of your republican so maybe it's flip flopped a little bit but i think there was always kind of sense of that the divide has always been there but it's more i think it's a little more glaring though that the f the divide seems very deep and like prevalent like a fault line i mean for example speaking a fault line almost every issue that comes up now that usually would be non partisan has this fault line where it's like if you're on the right you believe this about it going to covid to masks to i don't even know what to china to afghanistan like it's like oh well if you're a democrat you must believe this about it and it's almost like there's two scripts and you have to pick one there's a political fault line on very neutral events that should be neutral and they're not and on great point neck and on top of that because of social media the internet there's a whole group of people who probably weren't their opinion wasn't which is a good thing that they're now involved but there was a time they weren't so involved in they're picking aside and they're being really vocal about it right people who would have stayed away right but now it's like in your face internet social media people who usually would be minding their own business quote unquote are part of the game now we're like twenty years ago like i don't get into that stuff you have no choice now because when you open your phone you're into it or again we go back to the telephone no one would like the the way we communicated unless we were in person was dialing seven digits on a touch tone and god forbid rotary no one's doing it goes from rotary phone to iphone twelve there was nothing in between but my point is to communicate with someone if i wanted to reach out to joe or see what's going on with joey ordo like again i just no one was walking over to a phone and dialing a guy to be like dude certainly not to the extent so anyways going back to late night so we talk about kimmel ultra woke whatever melk boys have trump on trump says this interviews going to be taken down from youtube they're like i don't know sure enough youtube took it down it's still on the audio platforms but youtube is woke and youtube youtube took down the forty fifth president united states interview and then jimmy kimmel the next day the next day jimmy kimmel goes on his show and goes you know his typical like trump so desperate he which is obviously crazy but trump's so desperate he went on these these little youtuber show nl boys where they came in and hoodies and branded shirts probably have and jimmy kimmel hear the punch line in a second so so kimmo bu you know trying to be some big hollywood guy making fun of the little melk boys with trump and first of all so that video got six million views and twenty four hours before it was quick four hour so now boys responded they're like jimmy you might want to stand down here like number one we have like eight times of viewership as you and basically late night now is where comedians go to die and i thought that was like a killer response code for it's number one so true and number two statistically speaking their audience dwarfs jimmy kimmel and funny how he had the nerve to bust those balls when these dudes are just trounced on him audience wise you know what i mean though that i love the idea that the melk boys i mean i'm sure they have some handlers and stuff but i love the idea that they can say wherever they want they can control their content they one one hundred percentage jimmy kimmel like may be the boss there in ways but he's not the boss googles past the higher up circle back to control of his content circles back to what i was it was circling back to what dio said though which is there's a higher level narrative that kimmel just has to plug into or he doesn't have a show i do believe that in fact i believe a lot of well i think even if he wants to it's gonna they're like oh well it's gonna get how do you say like enhanced because of the people behind it you know he might be on that agenda but maybe not to that extent it has to push it to certain limits so i want to read a review that would be so exhausting for me what to be in that position where i'm this talent i've done this for so long i know i really kind of do know what works but i'm being like steered in this direction because somebody behind a desk thinks that this needs to be pushed or this narrative needs to be put and it's like that would be exhausting kind of like how i talked about my corporate gig i i would hang out for a while but then i'd be like yeah that's this i i can't live this way it's a perm i'm a puppet it's a permanent outline you just have to like abide by it get to your review i want to read a review because number one i hold reviews in high regard number two i genuinely appreciate them we don't just blow these off like i don't care if i got ten of em all ten would be appreciated in the last you care if i got a one hundred the next day i would read every single one person reply to most of them too i can't on apple you can't reply though comments i can reply to anyway slide right guess guess what though the person who wrote this which his name is v remsen no clue who that is but they're gonna hear this episode so i'm replying to you boss and i appreciate it so the title of qv so the title of his review is can't stop listening and then he says i really do like this revamp of nick's podcast now what does he mean by revamp for he says he means me he means joey ranks that's all about i mean it's the secret code for joey ran look thanks brother i know you man what he means by the revamp is the fact that this i had a shows prior to this that was more involved in like straight real estate you know house flipping and and commercial investments which by the way is not that's not we're doing this instead this is in addition to like diana and i have talked we all just got sick of you here talking about no i do love that stuff and actually there is going to be some training material and that we will inter weave and have special episodes for but the point is this revamp is more i described in the beginning of the show i've been following him for about four years it read both of his books i have two books by the way flip for anyone listening as a way to get into real estate using none of your own money and create wealth and then my second book called success from scratch which a traditional publisher picked up uh picked up and it it's a beautiful book all about the foundational psychology of success because i did it twice once was after bankruptcy so i kind of dissected how i became successful both times because you know when someone becomes successful once they could have had wind at their back perfect st star alignment which by the way i don't knock any day but the reality is i did do it twice so i ended up dissecting it writing a book about it so anyways let me continue i am a twenty four year old black man that lives in new york city the most liberal city in the world arguably but i never understood why people are so dependent on the government and so anti entrepreneurship and anti capitalism i really needed it to be broken down straight and dry because i felt like i was on the verge of being brainwashed to start hating capitalism too because of my peers and my family thanks nick for keeping it real i just wish people were more open minded enough to listen it's great to see a podcast promoting hard work entrepreneurship and business forward ideologies as much as you do you taught me in your episodes that productive self sufficient entrepreneurs are needed and that is who i need to become regardless of the negative naysayers thanks nick so first of all thanks v remsen for this very thoughtful reve he didn't just say like hey good job guys keep it up before you get into that i'll say like people are so quick to complain or like you know write a man or if you have bad service it takes a special kind of motivation i would experience in order to you know have give an accolade and write something nice so he was touched he's touched by stuff that you've done yeah and he felt compelled enough to sit down and write quite a few words that's right we do really appreciate that v and we totally appreciate it and by the way just i love hearing that as a friend of yours for over two decades that you've touched people in that entrepreneurial spirit way like yeah you've not just done well for yourself and your family but i think it's you being my friend your comments you confidence to me like i think that's super cool that he's clearly followed you and like you've given him some tutelage and now he's kind of enjoying this show too so that would i would i'd love to have v on the show when we get remote i think it would be really clear he could call in by the way live coins are gonna be a thing soon so yes i that's a great idea dean great what i want to i want to mention a couple of things number one don't worry that business success stuff isn't going away we're just recalibrate into our new show getting settled in i mean we're only four or five episodes into this this new format with me joey rans ando but believe me the the content you also loved is still here we should talk about that too we haven't talked about that in any of this but i want to say i appreciate the succinct way you just put everything i mean i guess i have to say like i agree with you one hundred percentage we talk peer pressure and people think that only happens in high school it's a different kind of pre the kind of peer pressure he's talking about which is very common it's the kind of peer pressure and this is what's scary and especially in big liberal bubbles like new york city la portland etc is the fact that you almost start to feel crazy because everyone around you thinks a certain way and you don't and i know how that feels and i want to tell you how i know how that feels because i was the genetic entrepreneur and everyone else was like well no you got to go to college and you gotta do this corporate route and you build bu your career and you have this big resume like that's life and i'm like but i just i can't like i thought i was like wait that's what everyone's doing and i always knew i was going to be an entrepreneur outside of the box from day one but but when everyone around you does think a certain way it does sometimes get to you and this dude is honest and he's like family friends it's just liberal you know the government has to step in and help us and it's like nah dude america remember this v remsen remember this and this calibrate yourself back to this from day one the only reason this country that you live in is great regardless of what everyone around you says is the fact that it was founded on the idea that any man or woman can plant a flag in the ground literally and put their own stamp on this country any way they see fit life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and guess what the pursuit of happiness is a very vague term and it's a very reason because it says what you see is happy may not be what i see is happy but guess what you have the right haines your happiness flag that's planted in the ground can look light years different than mine a civilization like this yeah i mean do we have our flaws sure but you can you are able to come here and make your life for yourself yeah so it is possible that is right where else is it possible like it is in the united states not like the united states especially because of to right any immigrant yeah talk to an immigrant i'm not even talking a hundred years ago talk to an immigrant that like came here legally twenty years ago they probably doing pretty well because they all they knew is if i worked really hard every day i am going to succeed and the truth is anywhere else you can do what we do here that they take a page at our playbook i have a second cousin that lived in europe europe and you know he was fine there whatever but he's like the way it was structured he was a communist country until nineteen ninety or whatever and he's like you you literally couldn't succeed it doesn't matter how hard you worked ninety hours a week you you could not ever get out of this bubble yeah he's like i just wanted to go somewhere he's been here now thirty years has succeeded on a great level and his kids have been educated in the best schools and to the bone but he ha he talks about it when you ask him he's like i can't believe people complain about this like i work hard but at least i have people that come here are like wait these young college kids are against this like it it like they one you know from cuba or eastern europe or north korea believe this and one of the most under one of one of the things we miss a lot is the whole word we right that whole we because we see so we see so many people on say like a college campus now this division is taking away from our we and as long as you can put someone on another side our country is falling in how do we get everybody back as part of the week was it whatever everybody's they're this and i'm that like that's team is that you're saying we need to stop with that team my team right 'cause i'm talking about the psychological aspects behind this when you think and you know i don't want to use this like world war two or post nine eleven no no like the like the white girl who is has this propensity to have to put blm in her in her window so everyone from the street knows that she is not only behind but she's part of this movement what's lacking in her life that she really needs to feel like she's part of this cause ifs her whole thing was like i want to help black people in their play or in their don't pay people's bills home you hear the latest hear you hear about that house i slowly read the article like the founders of the blm something just happened with yeah what is this i might have missed i talked to you on the phone with me mentioned that like seeds like are unaccounted i'm going going to bunch of the stats but i'm going to get pretty close it was like twenty twenty one they received almost between ninety to one hundred million dollars in private donations sixty million is a accounted for two girls two i mean that's disgusting meanwhile meanwhile there's people who have their movement up up in their you know their hard earned dollars hoping that that was going to go to a real thing and actually institute change and that's just missing yeah how are people not crazy goes back to my point these people throw their money at that because they don't they feel lost like they need to be part of something and i'm serious so much of our country is lost needing to be part of something you look at the even gangs down to games and when you said that nick immediately said virtue signaling which is one of those trigger things that i say and i hate and we've talked about that but with in your example of the sixteen seventeen year old girl it's hard with that scenario because it's a kid right well what i don't know what a seventeen year old is suppose i didn't know what i was supposed to think well you're not talking even seventeen you're talking whoever the point is basically that sign in their window is saying i'm like i'm part of the thing so like you know what i mean don't bother me by the way so in nazi germany many pe many germans many german business owners put swastica in their windows not because they were with the regime because they were saying i'm not going to be a problem don't worry about me it's a real thing and they weren't necessarily party members they weren't saying let's kill the jews i i love swastikas and i love ado hayler was saying here's the swastica my window so don't egg my car don't shatter my windows and i think there's some minor parallels to you're saying there and i don't think it's the extreme of if you don't have a blm sign or a it could revert the opposite like you're saying kind of like the opposite of what i'm saying and holds true in the in in the light of fear i'm just letting you know that's right like like leave my business alone i have the sw to spreads like a virus yeah oh absolutely i mean dude let's be honest i mean you're the young person puts that sok in the window and then it spreads and it spreads and it spreads and before people don't even know why they're doing it and then it's just a thing and mass mass mass psychosis much we know that may psychosis like with covid they called it the mass formation psychosis it's this domino of ideology where again as it spreads it's almost like people forget the true reason they're even doing the thing but it's just it's like a such a mass like tidal wave of real that we're like just yeah this is what we do now like and that's that is that's how regime changes happen i mean real and sorry my no you're not okay sorry you didn't watch the jordan peterson video didn't you watched i think there's a little pertinence to what we're talking about right because in the second half of that video he was saying how do i become a person who wouldn't be the person who takes part of what was going on in nazi germany because he said we all have the propensity to do it we all could do it how do i become so honest and truthful with myself that i know i wouldn't take part i think part of that comes with like a social maturity part of that comes to just like age and wisdom i i truthfully believe i'm one of those people well covid i will not conform in fact people like joe just don't make waves joey don't make waves and i'm like no i will die my feet and rather than live on my there's a meme i will not there's a meme i saw of a guy holding a sign that said in case under anyone's wondering who would have hid anne frank and who would have turned her in we all know we all know this covid crisis with hey he's not wearing a mask manager kick him out of the store or don't have a vaccine do you know so like you know i got to tell the authorities you can't go on this airplane whatever may be and i thought that was a very relevant like statement of like if you want to know who would have hit frank and who would have turned her in today's environment pretty much tells you who those people would say to my kids you need to have the courage of your convictions you can't sit here and say this stuff and then not live it if you stand for nothing you fall for anything i mean these expressions are true it's not always easy all the time at what we just went through it taught not always easy i mean got you could you were a medical doctor that went through medical school and had decades of patience and not always easy these people spoke words through their career in the toilet because they're like wait this covid thing isn't what they're saying we want to give you our medical opinion silence and career ending decades of being a medical by the way medical doctor was ended like this what are they going to do now people who trained their entire life and went through medical school and then residency then fellowship then extra training and now you can't be a doctor where are you going to be remember you're a stupid person you can be something but you have a lot of your life invested without a doubt and i think most of these people were doing it because they were taking the exactly right the hypocritical i tend to believe most doctors are genuinely trying i mean you know i will say this i don't think money as a motivation can get you through that much shit we have a lot ph friends some but you and i myself particularly have a lot of physician friends certain friends you know friend are up there do very well they want to help here genuinely there's no way they went through these ivy schools and the residents the m two years of fellowship and then plied here no he did it for the right comp in fact right that thought the other side of that point is it's for the right reason people didn't persevere and go through that just agree with you you want now on the flip side of the doctor game i do believe many of them are operating under a on a playbook that i don't believe is health and that's just a whole nother conversation i don't even think they know i think they don't know i think there's a lot of ignorance in the medical field see what happened was fifty years ago the guy with the white lap coat was god you brought in your kids whatever like whatever he told you literally the white lab coat was god and one thing i do believe with the internet and the way the average man and women can do research now we're realizing like wait doctors are wrong about even pre covid doctors kind of have a lot of things mixed up and wrong and you know they're not gods but what i'm saying is in the fiftys sixty seventy seconds even eighty seconds like the white lab coat mean god yes your kid needs to get these vaccines the end i think nick i think what you're saying is now it's too much work and there's too much to lose to be the doctor who stands up against say the pharmaceutical point that's what i was going to the fifty doctor fifty years ago there there are so many things that play there number one most doctors now work for a corporation they might be a doctor but they're no longer like the n b all do your house when your kid has the flu and lisa had one bedside guy that a local guy she had a a minor plastic uh some kind of stomach surgery and dude came to our house at like ten p m and like literally at the bedside like old school price of forty eight thousand not even a charge you know he was like he did this minor surgery but he like came literally to her bedside and like helped her and i'm like that guys not motivated by money no no no no he did have to live near us i'm not going to lie but it doesn't matter i don't care if he's your neighbor that's really cool things impressed by that i was impressed by that the health care community being corporatism your kids sick and you call the doctor you're never getting your doctor on the phone i you're getting the nse and they call you back and again about a lot of times you get the pa instead of the doctor when you go in now hey you know what sometimes depends on what you're dealing with more often yeah a lot of physicians will tell you that too like dude i haven't done suits in three years you want ipa that's very true very very true that's a whole nother god bless all those people like i hope nobody takes away from this that we're shitting on the what i will say quite the opposite here's what i've learned and this is just anecdotally for me and many people i know is the idea of you still have to do your own homework i'm just saying all i'm suggesting is you don't walk into a doctor's office one guy one lab coat god and say that is god's word and then you go off first of all there's multiple opinions from multiple doctors which i've had to do and thankfully did a multiple person scenario for my shoulder i can sum this up really easily but again we have the access to the info do your own research because you can't just you just can't believe a doctor because he's a doctor because of what i did prior which i'm still not going to divulge sm people can put it together i know blm i know there is only one person that truly cares about your health and that's you you have to be your own advocate that you have to almost demand no i want to see tea you have i'll pay for it i want it done i want you to do cbc i want to check my ebook do i go to my dentist i have to hold out on my wallett he's trying to sell me whitening and x rays we had to fight with you have to be your own for your own health this idea that we've we've all been bring washington birthday there's some doctor out there looking up for you every day that's wrong you are your own health advocate you are the only person that cares about you metaphorically obviously your loved ones care about you but if you don't care about your health no one else is going to and that circles back to what you were saying yeah he is not he or she is not a god that can see everything if something's bothering you the squak still there's too many people to take care of i i don't want to vote in here but and there's agendas a lot of doctor hey listen doctors love writing scripts for different pharmaceuticals with the extra perks i mean that's a real thing extra extra but the reality is like that's just like signing name to make money like that's an easy thing to do we saw a lot of doctors get pinched with the opiate i actually knew one person i think i will we'll say his name afterwards i don't know you want to say it but dude would just be spitting out the scripts they buy plenty of because because of all that a lot of physicians like really good moral physicians are terrified of writing opium scripts right and they as well as they should classic bad apple ruins it for every anybody oh my god this is araz story but i had a toothy last year you guys ouch i i am a big burly guy i shoot myself with nail guns daily pull it out go about my business yeah just i get all like just you know give us a that next day really cool x ray photos and stuff anyway physical pain is a part of my life and job and i just deal with it it does his own toothache teeth i tell i'm telling the world right now i was crying like a baby on day two and i came downstairs at like three a m to my wife and she's like joy i don't know what i've never seen you cry you cried once when your you dad died i've never seen you cry and you're crying like one of our children and i looked at her and i'm like please help me the pain she some viking put away well they ended up no they give me straight up morphine in the arm after the third time i went to the erm one night yeah nothing nothing it didn't affect the pain they had to eventually just start giving me locals like people that not dentists because it was on a sunday they had give me locals my guns' like oh my god why was that the tooth pain my blood pressure was like two hundred over one hundred fifty they're like who you can't take that wow you're not just in here trying to get opiates toothpaste i i never knew that and then all after talking to physicians and dentists and everything since that they're like tooth pain it's wicked is one of the most intolerable pains you can maybe because it's so close to the brain i don't know it's wicked it's that actually the nerves go straight that's not a bad point i don't i'm no doctor but that's that's a good point you guys i have like ptsd no dude trust me it i know you've had it pain anybody enough to we could do a root canal or maybe like i like pull that tooth out of my face yeah it's i had one question i'm like if you pull that tooth will it ever hurt again no yeah yeah well we just had well nick we have someone who works with us that basically just pull this whole mouth of teeth out because of pain that probably could got better he has like he's trying to do something with good painter that's all he's the best painter there is now when i talk to him he sounds like donald ducts where the guy the way you talk like like i'm like what the hell do you put your dents in even though i don't see you i need to hear you probably literally sounds like donald white is your teeth white as white as other people's teeth yeah no dude he i think he had like one bad dude that was like how the hell with these damn things i'm not doing it anymore and he just ripped multiple times are you sure are you sure sure that's kind of a permanent decision dude we have a short show right so you want to get you want to get some topics in here if there kids listening bottom line brush your teeth grandma was right hey i want to say did you guys hear about elon musk's purchase tradition nine point two percentage yeah you've heard of it of course hey that's awesome i watch my doze spike so this is a little so he's the number one stakeholder in twitter that's actually a beautiful thing beautiful he's a champion of free speech that's why and he seems to be a pretty libertarian actually type of guy i mean he's not you can't be a liberal by the way he talks how is he conservative and how conservative is he i can't tell but what i can tell you is he knows he knows that government is the problem and that's always more on the conservative side of the political spectrum let's say government is not the the solution they're usually bor in america right right he's south africa right right so he came here and prospered like like nobody else in the world that's right the richest man in the world quite literally he's developed the greatest things ever he is a huge champion of free speech yeah he's also funny and quirky and not always guarded about every little thing he says about his he's pretty unfiltered if he's if he thinks it he says it and i appreciate that in the fact he's bash twitter in case anyone's living under a rock that's listening twitter is like the number one sensor of like speech like im youtube and facebook is too but twitter's like ridiculous with it if you like having our next year name as a politician you're gone collectively literally twitter is like actively like they probably have a censorship team there are terrorists terrorist groups that are wide open to wide open pages but then like they make it donald trump doesn't have they make it obvious of what they're doing like at least be like discrete at least be subtle like again hit the terrorists up too like you said so that way it looks like you're at least hope that that dorothy's going to change things because out so dorsey owns tp supposedly musk owns four times the shares dorsey does first off times the founder of twitter not that that means anything by the way he's point largest owner that's right not that nine point two percent means he gets to go in and pound the gavel what it means is he has weight he gets to step into meetings and be like this is what i'm thinking we should do and then his voice has to bed and hopefully he does it with hopefully he does it with enough logic to where the people in the room are say oh my god i mean you're right i love this here's what i think and i feel we guy he startling yeah the tides are turning he is not scared i mean dude he's the wealthiest man on the planet and he doesn't have fear of being censored being canceled he gives two shits and god bless him for it and we need to we you know what so it's like people knock billionaires i i'm a fan of here here's the thing about going back to the capitalism and the you know all this kind of circling and so we know that equality of outcome is not what capital capitalism is about it's equality of opportunity meaning anybody we we know millions of rags to richest stories we all know that in fact i've said this on the show and i'll say it again now equality of outcome and equality of opportunity can't coexist they cannot be explained explain well why quality of outcome and equality of um opportunity can't coexist if we want to make sure that every single person gets the exact outcome which is by the socialist communist agenda participation it's impossible for people to um you know move forward no matter you know what i'm saying like yeah no i get it so so equality of outcome inequality of opportunity can't coexist for the simple reason that if you had every single every person had the same exact outcome where were the opportunities there would be no opportunity so there was an old expression and this is so true where it said because because because i'm not here i just to be clear i am a free market capitalist but am i saying that capitalism is a flawless system no in fact no system is i remember i heard jordan peterson once say capitalism is a terrible way to organize the economy he goes the only problem with it is it's light years better than anything else anything else we have and then there's the expression of capitalism may have some you may have some unequal distribution of wealth but we know for one thing socialism and communism all distribute the same amount of misery to everyone but i mean these are true these are true things but again you people are misery for you our borders because people are flooding our borders uh legally and illegally not because of equality of outcome they like the idea that they get to take their own shot hey they're coming from the equality the american dream does not look the same for an individual right the american dream does not look the same for two individuals i mean everyone's dream is different everybody's like the pursuit happiness thats ae statement for reason saying whatever makes you happy go here go i'm saying the outcome is going to be different we want the opportunity we don't want the outcome yeah we don't want the same outcome across the board 'cause it equals misery yeah i love it's kind of a trigger word for some people with trigger phrase when you say american dream now like american dream you still think america's so great and blah blah blah watched this montage this no it's still unbelievably free and i just i still love that phrase the american dream because i just know that like tomorrow again i could totally change everything i'm doing and just yeah buy a camper and start driving through the country no papers of any kind different culture i think more different languages with our dialects and accents yeah just i can literally drive to arizona and just open a gold mine tomorrow i think i think without a doubt who can do that and you don't know how precious that is until you it is taken away and that's what these young people need to understand and if we could think something they actually don't understand if we could ignite the american dream back into a lot of americans we'd be doing a lot better right i think i think it's i think it's prevalent i still like like joe said i joey i love the i love the phrase american dream um i think i think the indoctrination is so strong that i just think people have been compromised ideologically meaning anyone who's awake and just knows what's going on with the propaganda and all the media that w like wo yeah anyone who's aw yeah big difference yes we are a distinction woke is a whole different thing but i believe the only way you couldn't appreciate america and the american dream in the free market capitalist society is if you've been ideologically compromised brainwashing there's just to me there is no other explanation not your energy into listening and worrying about that and go to work yeah like right like there there's i don't even mean like a job job i mean like go to work making your dream come that if you're walking out of your door and operating as a productive member of society which is what we are all supposed to do unless we're like mentally and physically handicapped slash compromise and i agree with taking care of those people absolutely those are the places we do need a social program fully and you know you're in a wheelchair you can't think straight let's take care of a pro prospering civilized civilization community we should have services those services should exist to help people disabled veterans et cetera people who cannot help themselves yeah i think there's a stat a third of the countries on that's wonderful and we're all in favor of that correct you're not in favor of ramping that's help the tru helpless the problem is we've been the society has conditioned a lot more people to be quote unquote helpless meaning they're so weakened by the fact of they just they they know they can sit on their couch and get paid why would they go out and put some friction in their life by getting a job having a boss bus their chops about hey you stock these shelves wrong guess what do that's the way it works okay and work your up don't tell me you're too good to be a bus boy or a freaking waiter or whatever it may be everyone starts at the bottom this is again and i learned so i don't those shitty gigs right i don't care what any one says the only reason you would disrespect this free market capitalism in the american dream is because of plain old brainwashing and propaganda there's no real world experience you're not walking into the world and experiencing something that's saying i hate capital i believe i really believe it's a lot of brainwashing hey you know what i didn't get my shot try again i filed chapter seven that is back ten eleven years ago twenty eleven i filed chapter seven that's the worst financial position an american can be in okay in our society i was at zero less than zero being married well that's a tricky one to i'll say that but no the reality i'm kidding wife i love you i filed to go to target tonight right exactly yeah yeah exactly no no no the reason i target that's like nine hundred dollars so so and i and i'm just an anecdote you don't have to listen to me i'm just one person saying one thing but listen the rags to richest stories are infinite but the point is i f chapter seven and built my way back up purchased real estate flip you know cause you have to go out there and actually be a producer people i have i have family in norway okay they say they're one of the wealthiest countries in the world and they pay half their money in taxes and people say yeah we need to do that no no no here's the deal they're all productive everyone every works which means fifty percentage of everyone every citizen goes to the government so it's free college free health care free this you know but the point is everyone works so they all feel wealthy because it's all flowing the problem we have is we all work and then we have a certain group of people that just want to keep taking no no no if everyone contributed we'd be at a surplus on belief well they probably also contributed they also contribute mentally to what happens with that money everybody well yeah well exactly and there's some very earmarked scenarios i can look free college for this for that the free college thing whole another problem i me someone was talking to me so humans college that is paid for i'm gonna be so pissed where's my check if i busted my ass to come out of college with no debt so he's saying why should we wa these new people brothers and friends were just like o i gotta change check the extra money whatever like let's go party let's go out and i was like and i'll admit it was because my father yeah i didn't do this because i was awesome it was because my dad told me i had to do this god bless him yeah and no i i paid it in real time oh you paid it work okay like when everybody's having summer fun you had to work i was working seven hours a week paid college in real time you learn responsibility i hated it and i was really happening now you look back and you're like no all those people are having the kick ass time in lake havasu and i was like slaving away in these hard labor jobs and they're gonna have their paid back yeah i better get a check bro yeah and you're not going to and that's that's whats shameful but the other the other main problem with the fact of free college in this ac nonsense that she's talking about is humans are simple creatures we still are carrot and st carrot and stick very primitive mammals as far as how our lizard brain works and how we're incentivized and how we take action the bottom line is if someone walks into a university that is paid for their work ethic and their sense of taking it seriously are clearly going to grades will plummet we will be dumberer but there so many we have to up the curve for the grades because no we can't let people fail yeah well the whole thing is screwy cause again we're just we're gonna be it's gonna dumb down the intellect of our society by giving away free college i remember in high school one of the questions i asked us like senior year i it was either theology or something like that and it was i love this question and it's something you can bring up to it's not necessarily left or right but you can tell a lot by a person how they're gonna think about these values by the answer how they answer this question and here's the question if you're able to work and don't do you deserve to eat now there's a bible verse about going to say does not work you will not called laser and don't no you don't get to eat no but that's you will get ten or twenty percent of people say everybody deserves to eat that a human right so but what you're saying is you're going to eat based on somebody else's bor correct which is problematic and we're excluding the handicap the disabled veterans the people truly need it that's right philanthropist do too great way to frame a joy a great way to find the way i'm also okay with single mother you know she's trying to make her ends meet she just can't do it their social services that supp a temporary program she a life of income right that is hey here's a year or two we'll get you going again now you're on your own but the odds of her now working are very low so that still answers your question i'm just saying i don't want other one to think that all three of us are so stingy it's like get out there and break your back your obligation you don't get to waive your obligation to productivity and get to eat that's not acceptable be productive and the return is you get to eat the more productive and valuable the beauty of capitalism if you figure out a way intellectually to become more valuable to have more people listen to whether it's a show or a business and you can impact more of the world you get paid more that's the beauty of capital reward it's very binary if you impact one hundred people you'll make a decent wage if you impact a hundred thousand people through a show make a better wage you make a better wage and that's the way it's always gonna going to be that's why gods that that's the exact ideology that makes elon must do what he does because he knows i'm gonna build a rocket and it's gonna change the world billions of people are going to be effective so god bless the man for being that's not anyone who says there should be no billionaires he's not paying his fair share elizabeth warrens of the world i back hand that person but rounding this out i think elon musk is like an embodiment of the american drink no question a lot of people would be like he's a billionaire what are you talking about man that guy he capital all the way back it didn't come from nowhere yeah but it's also not to say there's not a lot of people who just because you impact so many people you know your impact should be good for example people say all these sports players they're overpaid don't go to their games we're buying tickets we are buying tickets as much as i hate some of these chucky sports they are executing exact capitalism they are going on a field and by the way they are beauty and i said this and i'll compensation proportionately hang on by the way if we start saying every bench player has to get the same amount of playing time just like i said free college no more money goes to the game no forget about that the game will suck no one will be incentivized i practice eight hours a day shooting a thousand free throws a week to perfect their game because there is no carrot at the end which means sports crumble that's what good it brings out the vital part we if we socialize sports and said everyone's gonna get the same amount of playing time it would suck no one would buy tickets and no one would watch it no men's teams no women's teams all get the same time same pay etc no no one would get good at basketball anymore there is no end reward so no as as much as i hate these cocky some of these cocky sports players at the end of the day they got good at something and a lot of people are willing to pay you said you said something else sucked we wouldn't you really hate someone boycott the prick i was you have the right you said something else that was critical we as a people if it's not productive and it's not helping everybody in a good way we can step away from it that's where we can stop i wanted to respond where you said sometimes like capitalism is where you know the bad people get the money they're doing something that's no no no i'm not saying throw capitalism out of the window because i'm saying not every person who has all this influence is necessarily good oh that is definitely i am saying the reward is there doesn't mean we're not saying because they have all this influence they i'm not saying they shouldn't get that money but i'm saying the people who are supporting them and if it's that bad shouldn't be giving them money and we're saying and i'm saying capitalism yeah can i erm is a neutral right it's nutritional process meaning if you're a badd guy you figure out how to exploit millions of people you are gonna get paid un i think i believe in carman number one kick i believe in the department of justice if you're actually defrauding people allah bernie mao okay like he was a capitalist he did it wrong he can i say this he got paid a lot you got you got to watch the jordan peterson video because something he said in that video he was like i'm not gonna be the person who believes that external social forces control the people and and the reason i'm going to say it is because the people control the external forces you know and if you think about you got to watch this video i mean he goes into some really deep thoughts how we are it's it's all about us the fact that it's neutral is a great point nick it's capitalism isn't good or bad it's a thing that exists i agree best guys and good guys flock to it and figure out how to work it exploit it win the game i didn't create the game i'm just playing it there's an invisible force of checks and balances it's called the invisible ham adam smith wrote about it the people who do use that to benefit off of you know negatively hurting people are gonna be kicked in the teeth that's right there is an invisible hand eventually unless it's your painter the beauty of capitalism is i get to be hey kick in his teeth yes we got a wrap up we do have wrap up but i want to say this the beauty of capitalism is simple and it's been it's such it's just a beautiful concept because my let's say i'm selfish and greedy i want to make money in order for me to do what my selfish ambitions to satisfy my selfish ambitions i have to please you and you and you because if i can't you're going to go to a competitor who can the beauty of capitalism it's adam smith wrote about it i was talking to joe rogan recently so thinking about going to one of your competitors well all right we're going to try to fight to keep we have a no joe c yeah yeah yeah he exactly do chel rogan said he'd have me but i have to change it's called joe no joe yeah we have a non joe rogan clause that joey had to sign saying you know he can't bounce over there but no but the reality the reality is there is an invisible hand watching over all of us and for me to get your money if i want to be selfish and make money and so by the way making money isn't selfish but my selfish ambition i have to serve you and you and you also a legal system you correct but if i don't if you lose i lose that's the beauty of it so we're going to wrap up here this is alpha on cut this is we have joey rants we have dino this has been another beautiful episode we do want to hearing reviews yeah i want you to leave comments when when it's on youtube uh by the way if you're watching on youtube you can also get on all the audio platforms and vice versa if you're on spotify stitcher apples and all that you can go on youtube if you want to see the video version of this we do want comments but more importantly share this with a friend and leave a rating and review that's really appreciate as you see i hold reviews i don't care if i got a hundred of them tomorrow i would highlight people talk to people recognize them it's very important to it's the fuel of the show and we we love writing people should know too this is passion driven a monetized enterprise we're doing this because we like talking about these topics we enjoy the interaction with people and that's right our heart is in the right place and so if you guys want to reach out we really do enjoy that so and we are going to be doing this live at some point on youtube where we will take actual callers live callin but we need you to share the youtube situation so we can get enough people so when we go live boom people call in because that's really where we're going we want to interact with the audience wait pf cut we're gonna sign off and uh thanks for listening guys thanks for watching please share this with the friend rating review we would love you for that thank you see you next week