Vote With Power podcast Save your freedom through a hybid form of democracy to save Americans Freedom
Americans are suffering due to problems not being solved and the death of democracy due to politics. Find out what you can do about it. Within these podcast you can find out about is a new hybrid form of democracy and a civil liberties movement.
Podcasting since 2022 • 141 episodes
Vote With Power podcast Save your freedom through a hybid form of democracy to save Americans Freedom
Latest Episodes
VWP podcast 141 Three events happened this week which can improve or destroy your lifestyle
In this episode I explain the three events which took place this week and how they will effect your life. It tells of how to stop the manner in which these events caused polarization. How politicians are corouply hindering America from be...
Season 4
Episode 141
VWP podcast 140 Kids in America are uneducated, what can we do about it?
In this episode I provide the scary truth about 8th grader in America educational performance results. I also provide the causes of our non performing educational systems and processes.You will hear what and how we need to make the critical...
Season 4
Episode 140
VWP podcast 139 Contrasting how our government functions VS. how a successful business functions
In this episode I explain the differences in how our government operates an how a successful business operates. The differences are dramatic and one offers you a better life.
Season 4
Episode 139
VWP podcast 138 Life in America is better when there is respect.
In this episode I expose the loss of respect, between people, voters and our government, the public and our institutions. How disrespect is affecting lives. I share ideas on how to regain respect in America and what it means to your life....
Season 4
Episode 138
VWP podcast 137 This was a terrible week in America, it will affect you.
In this episode I explained how this weeks California fires, Senator cabinet head confirmation hearings and the Presidents, Joe Bidon's farewell address all have indications that America is in trouble.I provided example of the underlying th...
Season 4
Episode 137
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