Spinsterhood Reimagined

The One Where I Talk To Writer, Kerry Graham

Lucy Meggeson Season 1 Episode 64

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In this week's episode, I talk to writer Kerry Graham. 

Kerry is a Baltimore-based writer and former English teacher. She is a Creative-in-Residence at the Baltimore Banner, and her essays and vignettes have appeared in dozens of publications. Huffington Post published her essay about being childfree by choice in three languages. Dan Rather said of Kerry’s writing, “in a sea of doom scrolling, a beautiful island of hope.”

Topics that Kerry & I cover are:

  • why she made the decision to stop talking about her relationship status; 
  • the story of how she came to be childfree;
  • how she still struggles with other people’s perceptions of her childfree status;
  • how we still live in a culture where the expectation is that you’ll become a mother;
  • the implication that being single is a temporary state;
  • how there are so many facets to human beings besides from our relationship status!
  • the pressure on childfree women to make something amazing of their lives as a way of ‘making up for’ not having kids;
  • how women tend to spend alot of time talking about their relationship status, when there is so much more to discuss;
  • how we all have many important relationships in our lives, yet we prioritise romantic partners over and above all of them;
  • Kerry’s experience of co-dependency in a previous long-term relationship;
  • how, whilst other people can contribute to our happiness, we are ultimately responsible for it;
  • why Kerry never wants to marry or cohabitate with anyone;
  • the hard lessons she has learnt from previous relationships, and her determination not to repeat those same mistakes;
  • ageing, and why we need to own it;

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  • Email me: lucy@lucymeggeson.com

And thank you so much for listening!!!