Want to Want It with Jamelyn Stephan

#111 - Share Your Story with Lisa Helton

March 26, 2024 Jamelyn Stephan Episode 111
Want to Want It with Jamelyn Stephan
#111 - Share Your Story with Lisa Helton
Show Notes Transcript

I am joined by Lisa Helton, host of The Trusted Friend Podcast. Together we discuss the power of sharing women's stories to inspire, connect, and uplift each other. Lisa highlights the important impact of listening and learning from diverse narratives and she also emphasizes the importance of being a safe space for others to share their experiences.

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I'm jamielynn Stephan and this is want to want it episode number 111. Share your story with Lisa Helton. Welcome to want to want it a podcast for women of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints who are ready to ignite not only their sexual desire, but all of their desires to create a more fulfilling life and marriage. I'm jamielynn Stephan. I'm a certified life coach, a wife, and a mother of seven children. I'm excited to share my personal journey to desire with you and teach you how to desire more as well Hello everybody, welcome to Want to Want It This Week. March is Women's History Month. Except in Canada. I thought maybe it was in Canada, but apparently that's October for Canada. So, but because International Women's Day is in March,, most countries in the world celebrate Women's History Month. And when I heard that, I was like, yes! This is the perfect excuse to get Lisa Helton to come onto my podcast, because I have wanted her to come on. And this just seemed like the very best way to snag her and bring her on. So I've known Lisa, just acquaintances for quite a few years now. And, she is fantastic. And I recently heard about her new podcast called the trusted friend and I've listened to it and it is so awesome. And so before we dive into that, Lisa, do you want to just tell us a little bit about yourself so people can get to know you? What to say about myself in a very short period of time. I don't know. Well, I've been married almost 32 years this year and I've got five children. They're all older and three are married to amazing spouses, which I'm very blessed to have that happen. And. I'm very passionate about sharing women's stories. I'm very passionate about, uniting women and kind of be the driving force behind a lot of change in the world. Because I think that we have a lot of power within us as women. But I think the power in women, and I think we've noticed even within like, you know, church and our church and other congregations, the driving force behind a lot of change and a lot of things that go on is the women. But I think that especially in like, I don't think we hold the market on. amazing women in the LDS church. Right. And I have come to know that even more and more. And I've always had friends outside of my religion, but now it's really expanded to when I get to know all these women from all walks of life, all over the world, how absolutely freaking amazing these women are. It's just, it's unbelievable. Like it's my favorite part is interviewing all of these women. It's. Mind blowing and how much faith whether, no, I don't, you know, whether I know their religion or not, but how much faith and belief in God that they have and how that belief and that faith gets them through all of these trials. It's quite remarkable. Yeah. So tell me then, like what led you to deciding to do a podcast? Cause you're not really running a business per se, right? No, I, I wanted to do this literally, if you look at my email, it says talk mom 32. So I was 32 years old. And I'm turning 56 this year. So it was a long time ago that I wanted to start, some sort of talk show as long before podcasts even existed and before blogs even existed. So, I mean, had I started it back then I would be really popular. But I always wanted to interview women. In fact, I think I remember my first interview was with the mom that was doing homeschool and it was just like over the phone and I was recording it. I had no idea how I was going to get that out to people. I had, you know, I had published a magazine for several years, with some other women about, you know, what to make for dinner and tips and family and how to clean and all this, that sort of stuff. But every time I started a new project, I got pregnant. So I'm going to stop starting new projects because I don't want to get pregnant. And so, yeah, just, I think the timing of it. I don't really know what the driving force actually, I will say and I'll probably get emotional but There's a group of friends, they came into my life. And a lot of them are in my ward at church. But I don't know, they just kind of took me into this friendship and made me feel important. And for some reason, it gave me the The inner belief in myself and even though they, they didn't know that goal or they didn't say, Hey, you need to do the podcast or anything like that. They have no idea what was going in my mind, but it gave me that inner power. I'm a belief in myself. Like if this is what friendship does to a person, it changes their beliefs in themselves. It changes their direction. It gives them that kind of like wind behind you to propel you forward. Then that's what. Like it needs to happen worldwide and it needs to happen. The more we share our stories and when we share our stories, we really connect and we build that bridge of commonality between us. We, you know, they're just, it breaks the silence of what we're going through. We don't feel so alone in our struggles and we feel more like we can share. And especially For those that are listening in, you know, that are LDS, when you're like relief society, or you're in a, in a classroom and a religious classroom, a study, if you, if you are open up enough and feel vulnerable enough to share your stories, to be part of the conversations, then other people will feel safe to share their stories. And other people will feel more willing to get the help that they need or not feel so alone in the struggles, because we, as I've learned through all of these interviews. Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors. Like absolutely not even a close inkling of what's going on behind a woman's life or behind closed doors or what they've gone on in their past. And then now that you know, life is good now, but they've had all this trauma before and we have no idea, we have no idea. And we're treating people as if like, we think they're this perfect persona in church, but we have no idea what's. The backstory. And we need to be more open and vulnerable. And that doesn't mean to share your deep stories, you know, obviously, you've got to know your audience, but. The more we kind of open up, the more we could actually help each other and propel the change. And for like, for my example, nobody knew what my goals were. Nobody knew anything, but just that friendship made me think and analyze myself and my life and be like, wow. I really need to do this. And I just literally just started it. I didn't have a microphone. I didn't have nothing. Luckily I'm tech savvy. Yeah, that is good. Very lucky. I'm tech savvy, but I just started recording it and just started Googling how to do it and how to learn. And, and then I just started doing it. And I, it's funny. Cause I remember my son, my, the first episode I put out and I'm having them listen to it a little bit. And they're like, Mom, I've known you my whole life. That does not sound like you. I'm like, well, I guess I have a face for radio. But then some of them are like, no, mom, I listen to you all the time. I'm not listening to your podcast. But yeah, yeah, no, for sure. So, do you, do you put podcasts out every week? Is that, that's kind of what I'm seeing. Yes. Yeah, I put them out every week. Sometimes I give myself a break because I think nobody's really sitting out there sitting there yet. Hopefully they get to the point where they're like, where's our next episode? But sometimes I have to give myself a mental break where, as I'm sure you know, when doing podcasts, it just can be quite overwhelming. And, you know, life gets, you know. busy and family and stuff means more and my mental health means more. So sometimes the occasional time I've taken a break and that's where I like just kind of called it a season. Next season. That's right. You get to just invent it as you go along. Well, and that's the thing is that I'm my own boss. And at least like my husband Lee is like, you're in charge of yourself. Like, why are you pushing yourself so much? Because there was a time there I, I was doing four interviews a week and each interview is around two hours long. So It's quite the process. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So from my understanding, just for my audience to understand, Lisa talks to these people first. So she sets up an appointment, has a conversation, then she does the interview and it can be, yeah, a two hour conversation, but then she edits it down so that it's either in Kind of pieces so there's a part one part two or down to an hour and so just just editing a half an hour podcast for me to go through and edit takes 45 minutes to almost an hour just to do that part of it so to edit two hours of conversation and trying to really chop it down, but take a lot of time so yeah, it takes me it takes me a full day. Edit because of all the marketing and getting it out and trying to put it out on YouTube now and because I edit the, the text, I edit the words that are said, and then I edit and add the sound. Music and edit the audio. So that takes me a lot longer. I'm getting faster at it, but I'm very particular at making sure that their story is told and said in a way that they sound really good. So I try to get rid of a lot of the uhs and ums and stuff because I don't do it as much on YouTube because when you're seeing somebody speak, it's a little different than when you're just hearing them to hear a lot of the ums or the ums. Common things that we all do. Yeah. It's funny because now when I hear people speak, all I notice is like their, Like, What they say, because I'm like so used to editing it out. And it's not to get rid of who they are. It's just so that people enjoy listening to their story and get to their story and not get so caught up in the repetition of certain words. Yes, right. Yes, I do chat with them and the reason I chat with them is because I want to build that relationship of trust and I want to build that kind of friendship. And get to know them and see if they're, you know, how much of their story they're going to tell, because there are some people that are more interested in just promoting their business or their self and not really telling their story. And that's not what my goal is. And then I interviewed them so that when I go to interview them, we already have this relationship and they can feel that they're sharing their story in a safe place because some stories are quite heart wrenching and dramatic, and that's, those are the hard ones. A lot of tears are shed in the chats. Which I'm glad that I have those because when I've done some interviews in person, and it's been a very emotional, all you hear is me like sniffling through the whole thing. So, you know, it just, it's hard because you want to be real, but you also want to be so that the audience can listen to it. Yeah. And it also does the story justice. And they don't get annoyed by anything so that they actually that person that sharing their story has a safe place. Yeah. So like I look at myself and I feel like I have a pretty boring life. People are like, you have seven children, you should be on a reality show. And I was like, that would be the most boring reality show of all time. It would be so dull. And it's not because I haven't had experiences and things, but it's just really easy, I think, to look at yourself and feel like I don't really have much to say. So what's your opinion on. The kind of the value of all women's stories, all people's stories, what, what are your thoughts on that? Well, there's always something that you've lived or done that paves a way for others. It's like Brene Brown said, you know, your story becomes somebody else's survival guide. Mm hmm. And it doesn't have to be so powerful and dramatic. There's things that you've learned that we've all learned on our path and experiences. Cause nobody gets out of this life without shoveling a bit of crap. And so, you know, we've all been through something, whether it's, you know, the loss of a child or dealing with an illness or mental health or raising seven kids in today's world and economy. And, you know, there's always something. That we have gone through that can help pave the way and teach other women. So that saves them from kind of maybe the, all the obstacles that we went through. Yeah, actually, I love that because. That really was something when I went into coaching that so much of my own story and kind of struggles became the focus of my coaching practice. And I felt so drawn to it and just kind of like, Oh, if I could help women kind of skip the S the slowest process that I had to go through and skip some of the pain. Then it's all totally worth it. Suddenly it just feels like, I guess it's like alchemizing that God can do and take this thing that was so hard and make it a treasure for you to share with other people. So, yeah, I do, I do love that. This is, do you ever interview men or ever think about interviewing men? Not because you have to, I'm just curious. And not to be, you know, crash, but I have no desire to interview any men and I just because I think then it breaks that bond of friendship that I'm trying to form with a community I'm trying to form and not that we can't be friends with guys and not that men aren't important. That's absolutely not true. I mean, I'm married to, you know, one of the best men I know. And so I can't. You know, undervalue them, obviously, but for what I'm trying to do in my purpose is to build and strengthen women and make those connections and only women know what women go through. Yeah, you know, like you know, it's just not the, not the vibe I'm going for. Right. Yeah. So, do you want to share with us just some of maybe. Lessons you've learned through this, whether it's just in general or from specific certain women that you just feel like, I mean, I've listened to a lot of your interviews and there is, there's no way that you can come out of listening to these. And some of them are just simply like sharing things that they've learned as mothers. It's not necessarily all heavy, but you can't listen to these interviews without coming out, feeling so much love and respect and compassion for these women. And, and so I guess I, I don't want, I don't want to minimize it by not letting you talk about everybody, but just are there certain ones that kind of stand out to you or that you can think of right now that you just feel like this was a really powerful experience for me? Oh, that's hard. Cause when I was thinking about that too, I was trying to figure out what I've learned from each one of them. And so some I haven't launched yet, but I've done over 50 interviews. So it's a lot of 50 women that. I've really, it's gonna be hard not to get emotional, impacted my life and I'm sure they're probably sitting at home like, who's Lisa? But when you're going through the editing process and you're listening to these stories, first of all, first hand, and then editing it and going over it and over it, my love and respect for them grows stronger and stronger because I'm having to hear it over and over and over again. Right. And so, you know, I'm usually editing and depending on the story, Oh, I'm crying. I'm crying. I'm getting emotional because I feel for them. And so I, that's why I truly believe. And I, I think I have it on my website or I don't know. My website's under construction, but is that when. There's not a woman we wouldn't love if we didn't know their story. Yes. And that was a quote by Marjorie Hinkley, you know? And it's so true that when we know each other's stories, no matter how dramatic or how, you know, simple, we learn something, we love them, we grow to love them. One of my most difficult ones, I mean, there's so many, but, Well, actually yesterday was the anniversary of her daughter's suicide and that was the predator next door with Nancy and her courage to share her story about her daughter being sexually abused by her best friend's husband for years, and they were best friends for years, long before they started having kids and then because of it, her daughter at, you know, very young age as a teenager committed suicide, just, you know, Last year and yesterday was the anniversary of that death. And, and it's hard not to think of these women going through these things and being sad and lonely. And like, I just can't even imagine losing a child, let alone to such a tragedy. And that was extremely tough, but her courage to share it because she's this fighting spirit of mother, like going to spread the word and get out the warning signs to other people. What to watch for to know that. You know, there are predators among us and they don't look like, you know, creeps. They're like normal people. And so, you know, just to fight for her daughter's, you know, spirit and life and give meaning to her life was incredible. And then of course, another difficult one. It's hard because there's so many difficult ones actually. Some of them I've had to take breaks from to edit because it's just too much. And there's a lot of stuff to that. Kind of off the interview or, you know, off camera that gets shared in more details to that. I'd become aware of. So that is hard too, but with my daughter interviewing my daughter that was hard to kind of hold face because it was an in person interview, but it was hard to not get the emotional mom and want to kind of, you know, sweep in there and be all, but I had to hold space for her to be able to share a story or she wouldn't have shared it if I got an all emotional, you know, mom on her. And so that was a tough one. Cause that one, I cried a lot editing because. When you're not there for your child and you see the pain that they're going through that's hard pill to swallow. Yes. But yeah, that was an important one too for her to share. And yeah, the feedback that I get from a lot of these are quite remarkable. The one I got from my daughter, like these are just messages that I get. They're not reviews or anything, but one was to, you know, thank you to both of you for being so brave and willing to share Such a private trial. It will help so many. I was so impressed with how you were able to let her share her story on the podcast and not let your mama mode kick in. I can't imagine all the emotions you were feeling, but I think she really needed you to turn that part of you down or off so she could fully letter story. Out. It was so good. She was so lucky to have you. I appreciate this so I can be more aware for my daughters. Thank you. And I'm giving you a big hug next time I see you. But some of them have been really touching and some from surprising people that I didn't even know were listening to my podcast and it actually surprises me the feedback from podcasts that I might not think get a lot of like traction but there's a lot of episodes that get Feedback that I didn't, I wouldn't expect feedback from sometimes because I, and it just goes to show you that different stories touch different people at different times in their lives, and there's not one single episode that I have not learned something from, like not one. Yeah, you start listening to them and you all and you want to binge listen a little bit. Well, I appreciate that, Jingwen. She has a lot of episodes because, but I always have to question myself a little bit. I'm like, am I listening to this just because I have some morbid curiosity or like, or do I actually, but you listen and truly. You just feel so much love for these women who have the courage to come on and really share some really private, deep things. Does it make you want to be more vulnerable yourself and share more about yourself with others? What does it cause or stir inside of you? That's a really good question. It's, it's funny because on one hand, I want to share less that seems really, really scary. On the other hand, sometimes it's a little bit like, I don't even know what I would. share, right? Some people have such specific experiences. You know, Lisa has a woman on who was sex trafficked twice, right? That's, I mean, my, like, my brain can't even comprehend that this is real, right? As, as I'm listening to this. So yeah, but I, I think what it really does for me, Lisa, I feel like is I look at women, Because Lisa always says, you know, be kind, you don't know what's happening in people's lives. And I think that is what it helps me do. Is it helps me watch my words in a way that's like, I don't know how you are suffering and I don't want to add pain to that. And I think it just gives me more of a feeling of looking around at all the women I see and just think, you have an amazing story. I don't even know it, but I believe you probably have an amazing story. Very powerful. And I will say though, Jamelyn, you wouldn't become a life coach if you didn't have a story. Yes, probably. I guess. Because a lot of life coaches that I've met and a lot of people there, they all have stories and they all have this desire to help other women and help other people because of their own experiences. So because of your experiences, that's the driving force behind, I'm guessing. Yeah. Yeah. Desire to be a life coach. Yeah. And if you didn't have a story that wouldn't, that driver, that desire wouldn't be there. Yeah. Yeah. So tell me this, if you're okay to answer. You haven't shared your story on your podcast yet, I, you know, I just, I don't know why I shared bits and pieces of it in the last episode. I shared one of the most embarrassing moments in my life. But yes, I died. I listened. Did you hear that? I did. my goodness. Awful. It's like, yeah, don't trust me with a phone. That's for sure. I've had more, many more little incidences with phone and my kids are like, Oh my goodness, mom, stop. So yeah, it was awful. But I just, I don't know. I just, I ran it through my head over and over again. And I have been through quite the ordeals in life. But I just, I think I might have one of my daughters interview me or something. It's different to sit and just kind of tell your story. Versus maybe having somebody ask you questions. I thought a lot about it. I thought about doing it on my anniversary of my launching my podcast, which will be coming up in May, then it'll be one year. And I thought of doing it then. So it's cool. It's coming. I just have to find the right way to tell it. I tell little bits and pieces throughout other episodes just to kind of connect and share, you know, what the commonality is, but for the most part, but I will share my story for sure. Yeah, I think there is a part of me Lisa that is like, You know, some of these women you interview, I don't know, right, they're from the States or whatever, and, and so, as they're sharing, I have no face to the people that are involved in the story, and I think that is part of, also part of the reason why I'm like, I don't know how much of my story I would share because I don't, because there's other people that are in my story. You know what I mean? Yeah. And it's not because they're terrible people, or that I'm a perfect person or anything, but I'm happy to share my mess, it's hard for me to want to expose the mess of other people that maybe has impacted me. Does that make sense? Oh, totally I actually got one message from another girl said, Hey, I love the idea of your podcast. I wish I had the courage to share my story as undoubtedly there are women out there who feel isolated like me because of the highly personal nature, judgmental attitudes and desire to protect privacy of self and others. Are there ways you could do interviews with a hundred percent anonymity? Yes. And I have done one with anonymity and it's very difficult because I did interview her in person and then I transcribed her audio to text, printed it out, and then had Rochelle, who we both know, read it. And then I kind of inserted my live kind of voice for the questions into her reading it. And it's hard because the emotions and. You know, the fluctuations in the voice aren't kind of portrayed as well. But I did promise her she wanted to share her story. And I did notice that a weight was lifted off of her, and she seemed happier and lighter after sharing her story. But the only problem with anonymity is that you don't get a lot of the emotions and the fluctuations in the tone of voice with sharing the story. But my goal is to help others, whatever that means, so they can share their story. and feel some sort of peace or they can share their story and help others. And that is my goal. I've only had one interview where it was already out on podcast. It was already launched. Yeah. And they needed to change a few things because of the ramifications of the fallout from some of the stuff. And so, that was the only one that I let actually join me and edit with me. Okay. So that they can kind of delete stuff that might have some, you know, bad side effects to it. So, you know, my whole idea is to protect the person that's sharing their story, but also, you know, help others. Yeah. So, whatever it takes. Okay. Yeah, so good. Aren't there microphones that change people's voices? Yeah, but I tried to do that and it just, it didn't sound, it sounded weirder. And, and because her story was so dramatic about being sexually abused by her brother and stuff, you know, when you change the voice of that person, it just makes it sound, I don't know. Yeah, it was weird. It would made it weirder because I did try that aspect, but it just made it kind of. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So Lisa, let's say you are someone who's like, I. I don't necessarily want to share my story on a podcast, but, obviously you're passionate about women's stories, and what are other ways that you kind of feel like, or suggestions you could give of ways that we could just do better at sharing our story, or recording our story, or whatever? You know so that there is kind of this history of us. Well, I would definitely say, obviously, write a journal. Yeah. Because, you know, if you get to my age and then you start forgetting what your story even is. Mm hmm. But I also think it's important to especially if you have children, to tell them your story. And I've had my kids say, you know, Mom, we want to know more about your, you know, story and your childhood. Because I think we live it. We experience it. We go through it. Yeah. Absolutely. And then we kind of forget about it. And we don't realize that there's lots of lessons within that, you know. But, and it's funny because, I mean, I don't know if most of your listeners are LDS, but it might be journal blossoming. It says that I need to write my journal and share my stories with my daughters. Oh, okay. And so it's very powerful that I'm told to share my stories with my daughters. So I've actually given my journals that I wrote as a teenager that there's a lot of Maybe, I don't want to say inappropriate, but a lot of making out with guys and doing things that I shouldn't have been doing. But there's a lot of stuff in there that I've let them just read. And I'm sure that afterwards I'm like, I forgot that was in there. And they regret, but. I just think that there's power in lessons and learning about my own personal struggles with self esteem and self worth and for them to hear in my own words in my journal what I went through and then quietly in their own minds figure that out and kind of learn from that without me sitting down and feeling like I'm preaching to them. Yes. But our stories are important. Very, very, very important. And it's important for us to learn about the women in our life. And learn what they're going through and to ask the right questions and ask and be, be that safe place for people to share their stories. Right. If we are the safe place for people to share their stories, they will open up and they will share and. They will feel better and you will feel connected to them and you'll feel bonded to them for life when they share their stories. I have so many people, my husband is always shocked. My kids are too. They're like, I've never met a person, mom, that just couldn't like meet a person on a plane and become best friends with them or meet a person in the store. Cause I just love, I genuinely, genuinely, and I can be pretty crash and harsh sometimes. And especially basketball games, but I genuinely, genuinely love and care for. You know, everyone, the women out there. And I've had people standing in the middle of an ice cream shop in Banff. And this lady turns around to me and she said, she's just talking. And she's like, yeah, and I just had a miscarriage. And I'm like, and my husband's like, what the heck? Like, she's just sharing like all this stuff from her. And I just, you know, gave her a hug and told her I loved her. And. my husband's like, how many times has that happened? I'm like, I don't know, I just have this face that just says, tell me everything. Yes. You know, and I've met women on planes that have now become really close friends. And yeah, it's just, you just have to open up yourself and be a safe place and see people for who they are. are trying to be And not maybe who they seem like they are on the outside, right? Because that's what we we judged, you know, but I mean it's hard not to with instagram and social media But as i've learned it's all And i'm sure most of us know it's all fake. It's all smoke and mirrors. It's all Yes You know, people trying to be their best, which is not fake. I find it's just they're trying to be who they want to be. Yeah, it doesn't necessarily mean it's fake. It's just they're trying to be who they want to be. Yeah. Yes. And can we have a little more compassion for. All of us that are, you know, not necessarily totally want to be exposed to the world and all of our troubles. Right. And then you could be the listener instead of maybe the sharer. Right. Yeah. So good. So, so good. I cannot thank you enough for coming on, Lisa. I really, really would encourage people look at the trusted friend podcast. It is so well done. I think men should listen to it. because it is, it is just good to sit kind of in the shoes of, of somebody else and, and listen to their experiences. Some of them are really funny and lighthearted. Others just have stories that you just can't even believe, but it is powerful. It does create inside of you a desire to reach out and support women. It gives you so much respect for the resilience of women. And absolutely. You know, I think we, those of us who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints are really encouraged to do family history. And when you read those histories and learn about those women that went before you, you realize that you stand on the shoulders of extremely strong women. And it, it really does inspire to listen to these kinds of stories. So Lisa, if people wanted to get in contact with you, potentially share their story or even just become one of your friends, what is the best way for them to find you? If they go to my website, there's an actual link to share your story that they can kind of go to and. Fill out the form and then I'll reach out to them or they can message me on Instagram. It's just the trusted friend is on Facebook, social media. I'm not on really on Tik TOK. Cause I have no idea how to do Tik TOK. I know I need to do that to build the popularity of it, but I'm like, yeah, no, that's just not me. I think word of mouth is going to help you a lot. So good. So it's the trusted friend is your website. Yeah. The trusted friend. ca. Okay. And then the trusted friend on Instagram and Facebook. And I will link all of that in the show notes so that it's easy to find for anyone who wants to, but Lisa, thank you so much for coming on. I really, really appreciate you just encouraging women to share their stories. It's what you're doing. I was kind of nervous about this, but I appreciate it because I'm not used to being on this side of it. Poor Lisa, she has to talk more, but she's fantastic. She's always enjoyable to listen to. So thank you so much, Lisa. Thanks, Jamelyn. Bye. Thanks for listening today. If you like what you hear on the podcast, and you'd like to learn more, feel free to head over to my website. Jamilin Stephan coaching.com or find me on Instagram or Facebook at Jamileh. step in coaching.