The In-Between with Elizabeth Cheney

In-Between: Betting On Yourself w/ Sherreece Rowe

Elizabeth Cheney Episode 48

I'm so excited to welcome fellow creator & friend, Sherreece Rowe. Sherreece is a Baltimore native, entrepreneur, podcast host, and content creator... what does she not do?! This is a super fun episode where Sherreece shares what pushed her to start working on herself and recognizing her worth, how to pivot in times of uncertainty, and how you should always bet on yourself, no matter what.

Today's episode will certainly entertain, and I hope inspire you to never doubt how freaking fabulous you are! Remember - Always bet on yourself.

Connect with Sherreece!
@frontroweseat on Instagram
Local to Baltimore?
Learn more about Sherreece's Business, Cocktail Fantasy Bartending
@cocktailfantasybartending on Instagram

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Hello, hello and welcome to another episode of the In-Between podcast. I'm your host, Elizabeth Cheney, and I have the lovely Sherreece Rowe with me today. I kind of teased her a little bit on the podcast last week, but she is joining me. I am so excited. Shereece is an entertainer. She's an entrepreneur. She's also. Podcast host, we will get into all the things, but she is a content creator and before I hand it over to her to kind of let her introduce herself to the podcast, um, I just wanna share how we met, cuz it's a really funny story and I'm sure, sure. You, so you can like, uh, chime in there if you want to, so I don't know. It was like sometime last year, 2022. The job that my husband works at, he has a cold call or he gets warm leads, things like that. And Sherreece was one of the people that was calling in for the software that Stan sells. And uh, the, the company that she was working for was looking at different kind of call solutions, so, long story short, somehow she ended up telling him, like on their discovery call about her having a podcast and he being the husband that he is, he goes, oh, my wife has a podcast. And of course, Peeked my ears and I'm like, what podcast? And then of course being like, you know, a woman. I was like, whoa, female podcast. What's going on? So we instantly added each other on Instagram. I think I tell, told him how you were on the phone, like on your wor like professional sales call. I'm like, I'm gonna add you on Instagram, because that's how we do. And here we are. The rest is history. And we've just been friends checking in, supporting each other. We've been talking about game together on the pod for like ever now, and here we are. So. I don't wanna say it's fate, but I kind of feel like maybe it was because of just how unique the happenstance of us meeting was. So anyways, welcome to the in between Shereece. I'm so happy to


have you. Thank you. And yes, I am like the way we met. I just think it's so crazy because usually if you meet people through someone else, sometimes the relationship just stops. Right. And I'm gonna be like, we didn't just stop. No. And he was so cool. Like, he was like, Stan was like, my, my, my wife has a podcast and duh. I'm like, oh really? What's it called? He gave me everything. So you have a good one. Okay. He made sure. He represented you, so I was like, yeah, cool.


He, uh, he he can be good. He can be good. No, I love it. I love it. So, but I agree with you, like we continued on, and I, I feel like we've kind of gone through some our own life shit since we first met, and I feel like


we've got to see each other grow through


that, which we'll get into. But I don't know. It's just, it's really cool. And, and for those listening, like where are you from? Where are you at?


Um, I am in Baltimore, um, born and raised. Planning on leaving soon maybe. Possibly. Hopefully we'll see if it's in the car, but I would love to like leave, not because it's a bad city, um, you know, depending on what you look at, but, uh, I just feel like it's so much more outside of Baltimore in store. Yeah. Well, there's great opportunity here too. Um, I think I'm ready for something new like Florida and a yacht,


um, Atlanta. I don't know,


maybe, you know, I'm gonna come and see you soon, I


promise. Yes. Yeah. And I'll show you how the city really is. Like we'll have some fun. We'll go see all the cool stuff. And also just first thing, every city has their problems. It's not like Atlanta is, you know, squeaky clean. So Baltimore I'm sure is beautiful. I mean, shoot the movie Hairspray is from there.




Baltimore, do you just like sing that every day when you walk out


the. No, but the movie, I definitely love the movie. It's definitely a great, you've got a lot of movies filmed here that are like really, really great movies. So, um, I've even filmed a movie here. I was in a movie that was filmed here. Say


what? What movie


were you in? Better Living Through Chemistry, I think, um, I think I told you about that. You could probably still see it on H B O. It was a feature film with, um, Kevin. Kevin Spacey and some other people. I can't remember. I'm


gonna have to watch that. I feel like you did tell me that. I'm gonna have to get, yeah. Okay. We'll link it in the show notes. We can all go see Sherreece and her acting debut. But speaking of acting debut, you are an entertainer, your podcast host, you are an entrepreneur. I know that you. We both shared this whole, like we have dreams, we have these ambitions, we have these goals for ourself, but like obviously there's no roadmap in how do we achieve that. So we're just kind of stumbling, falling, sometimes skipping, but oftentimes like, what the hell did we just do? What did we do? How did we do this our way through this? So, um, I would love for you to kind of share your creative journey. Like what kind of inspired you to wanna put yourself out here, be this content creator, um, cuz you. A comic, but you've got also heart, like you're everything that I wanna be. You know what I mean? So, um, I would love for you to share that cuz it's hard. It's hard. We were like, before the call, before the call, listen to this, before the episode, we were talking about how hard it is to start and put yourself out there. So I'm sure those listening would love to hear anything like that.


Well first, let me let you guys know that, Liz, you inspire me. Oh, God, thank, cute. I'm happy I met you because like you said, we've been through some things over the past, like couple of months that we've never met each other in, in person, so I think that that's like really, really great. Um, I agree. I agree. But as far as that, I, I would just say honestly, it took me to really figure out what my purpose. Looked like what it was and then what it looks like. And I also had to fight some demons with myself as far as is this okay? So even with bartending, you know, I grew up in a church. Um, my aunts and uncles, pastors, they don't reshare my things because it's alcohol. I have family who's like against it because it's alcohol or because I wear black. You know, you might see a little boob-age or something. Ooh, it was some cleavage. It was a lot. And, uh, and, and being plus size, that, that's another hurdle I had to get over because. I don't think just because I'm on the heavier side that I can't be sexy. Absolutely not. It's like, you know, bartenders, they're fun, they're sexy, they have different colored hair. They, you know, have piercings, which I do already have my piercings. But even with that, that was something I had to be okay with because like my mom didn't like the septum piercing. She. She didn't talk to me for like two weeks when I got my nose pierced and I was like, 19. Wow.


But this, these are all things with self-expression too, though. You know what I mean?


Exactly right. So I couldn't wait until I started like playing with hair color. But even my grandmother, I couldn't leave out the house with a skirt on without like stockings. And it was so knowing, having those experiences and knowing that that's how I operate my day to day was something I had to unlearn in order for me to become who I am today. And that comes with, you know, family, friends. Just building that confidence, re rebuilding myself is really what I had to do. I'm still working on myself. Yep. Rebuilding, you know, it's, it's a everyday, the, the process never stops.


Absolutely not. Hell no. We are always working on ourselves, always evolving.


But I do feel like, yeah, I, I just, you know, I had to just tap into Sherreece. and it made a world of difference.


So unpacking those, like those kind of family systems and, uh, was it kind of like a wake up moment? Was it an epiphany? Was it just something you kind of gradually started to think like, uh, I wanna be me and that should be okay. And, and I know that's kind of like an imposter syndrome. Like if having imposter syndrome to be yourself. Wow. That's very, very layered. Right. So through friends, through other family members. I don't know, did you do any kind of therapy? Anything like that? Like how is your path to that? Because I'm sure there are a lot of people who have that kind of baggage to put it lightly. But those systems in place.


Well, when you're so used to, so my wake up call began during the pandemic. you know, having all that time when I, in not being able to see friends and then everybody had an Instagram live popping show, like everything Instagram live show. So I did that for a while and I realized like, you know, I used to entertain, I used to act, I still do, but when I was younger I was, I was more, um, I guess consistent with it. And I was like, you know what? Let me go ahead and try this and. Yeah. So to answer your question, I I, I did make the decision to see a therapist Cause I'm not laughing at you seeing a therapist. I'm just laughing at you. Came back to that. Cause I mean, cause you, you know, you said it, so Yeah, I, I definitely had to go see a therapist, but it was from me thinking that I was progressing and I actually was going nowhere. Right. So you can say, every day I got this, I believe in myself. But then if you let people deter you away from what your purpose is and what you're trying to do, mm-hmm. you don't. Mm-hmm. you don't believe in yourself because no one should be able to change your mind about how you feel about yourself. Ooh, yes.


Yes, absolutely. Let's


get that on a t-shirt, please. Well, it's gonna be so long. What's No one


That's long. I'll play, I'll play with the designer. I'll play with the designer. We'll see. We, we'll, we'll, we'll run some numbers, we'll do some AB testing. We'll see what, what the, what the, what the listeners view. But, but absolutely Sherreece, like 1000%. Um, because if, who are you gonna fall back on if you don't have your.


Yep. On the hard ass ground.


I'm sorry. Oh, you, you can say ass and, and you know what? Sometimes we fall on our ass and that's okay. Sometimes you've got to fall on your ass to pick yourself up, right? Sometimes you don't even realize you're falling. Yeah, that,


um, remember that movie, uh, sugar and Spice? And she said no one ever got ahead by sitting on that behind. So once you fall, you have to get back up because if you just sit there and you look at every, if you sit on the ground, when you fall, you're looking at everything else. Just keep moving. Time doesn't stop for anyone. And then what happens is you start to get lost. And I think that that's what happened to me for a while too. I sat there and I contemplated so much on how can I express myself more without feeling judged, but it didn't matter. Like I shouldn't have been worried about being judged if I'm comfortable in contemp with myself. Right, right. You know, if I know what I'm. Judgment. Okay. They judged, you know, Jesus, you know, like whatever. So, um, yeah, that's that, that's some of my journey. Letting people go was another way for me to like really excel in creating content and like having more fun with myself. Yeah. Being more fun with myself. I had to clean house because it's hard when you're. Posting a video, like I do a lot of, I'm lip syncing so when I post a video and I'm, I'm singing one of my favorite songs when my mouth is just moving. And you have a friend who messages you right after you post it and says, you have a, a, a, a booger in your nose, like, like Why? Like, no, go back and look and there's nothing there. But I'm just like, why couldn't you just like the post and say, girl, you look good. Girl, you do look good. I had to let go. Yeah, you do. You have to let him go. Yeah. You like that? I have to let go.


So during the pandemic when you were kinda like when we were all the combined, we, you stuck with your thoughts. You kind of started realizing like when you're alone with yourself, it's like that's when you're kind of faced with the question, do I love myself? And if the answer is no, it's like, well, we need to get back there. And I'm not saying you didn't love yourself completely. That's not at all what I'm saying. But it was more of just. I, I wanna feel good about me and I wanna embrace me and my meanness. And that's something that I have. I feel like you, the energy you evoke in everything you put out, whether it's content, whether it's a comedic reel, whether it's just you being you, everyday life kind of thing. Um, w. You kind of touched on this a second ago when you're talking about like, you know, fam family chains and things like this, but you are a professional bartender, but you are like an art artesian bartender. I don't know if that's a real term if I just made it up, but like um, you're, you have taken your bartending skill and you use it as an art cuz it's not just like the T G I Fridays person that you see slinging like a Shirley Temple. Like this is real beautiful. artistic cocktails. You were like, what the hell ingredient is this? I never heard of that. But you took that. You, you had some shit happen to you, which if you went get into that, we can talk about that too. And you were like, all right, I gotta pivot. What do I do here? I'm going to create classes and teach people how to make these fancy ass drinks. Mm-hmm. And, um, that's just something that I know I've only known you for about what, seven, eight months, but, Even though it can be hard, and I mean, I'm sure everyone listening knows what it, what it feels like, what it's like to put a smile on, to put the face on. But you're dealing with a bunch of shit, whether it's super heavy shit, dark shit, just confused, whatever, something, cuz life is messy and life is, is complicated. But you put a smile on your face and you pivoted and you bet on yourself the whole time. And it's just, It's very, um, inspiring. So I just want you to know, like knowing that you started this journey of just not necessarily the content creation, cuz like you said, you're a performer, you're an entertainer, you did acting, you did theater back in the day. But this journey of I wanna be me, I wanna do me, I wanna bet on me, happened just a few years ago. Like, wow, look where you are. So where do you think you're gonna be in three more?


Well, let me just say this. I don't know where I'm gonna be in three years. I'm just gonna let the universe serve me, whatever it's gonna serve. Oh yeah. It is hard. Like the, the dark shit. It's hard when, you know, you feel like you are stable and a lot of people tell you before you come become an entrepreneur, that you should have like stable income and you know, be able to take, put money into your business and be able to also survive. Right. Well, when I got laid off, I didn't have anything so I was already in it. What makes it worse is that I was already working on myself and being me, and, and living in, in that light that I created, and then for me to be laid off out of nowhere. Right. You know?


Because I feel like it was soon after we met. It was a couple months right after. a couple months after


Yeah, I think, uh, I think we may have met in, maybe it was hot outside. Hot as hell. maybe. Yeah, I think May, June. Yes. And then I was laid off in September. Yep. So that was really, really hard, especially when you have goals and sometimes you need your paycheck. Most of the time you need your paycheck. Yeah, I need my paycheck goals, It helped me because I used to be, it hurt and it helped back then when I was like a, just a little younger, just a few years ago. Pre pandemic, all of that. I didn't save a damn thing. Mm-hmm. I was just like, you know what? I'm gonna go and drive to these acting gigs, or I'm gonna, I'm gonna, you know, start, a marketing company. But I had no, no foundation. I had nothing, nothing to fall back on. And when I say fall back, I don't mean like a plan. Because I feel like if you have that plan A and you really, really work towards that plan A, then you don't need to B as well as that a's gonna happen. And that's probably why I was in a predicament that I was in thinking like that But if you think like that too, it's ok. Cause I support you.


Um, honestly, stronger. I only recently kind of broke out that mindset within the past like two years. Um, I don't know if it has something to do with like where you came from. Not that I had a bad upbringing or anything like that, but I mean, We didn't really come from money, you know what I mean? So I don't know if it's like just not having a healthy relationship with money or anything like that. But I point being, I think a lot of people can relate to just not having healthy spending habits and not cause you, you don't think about when you don't have those healthy habits, you don't think about like the emergency fund, the plan B, the safety net until, oh shit, you. Right mean,


you know, working at, I told you I worked at the bank for like six years. Why the hell wouldn't I know about saving my money? am I like, what the hell? Cause at the bank I worked at, we had a day fund and a rainy day fund and Sherreece's at like maybe$5 in each one just to keep it open and shit. So it's kinda like, oh, but when I got laid off that$5 was there. Okay. And it helped. It got me a little bit of gas Oh god. Seriously? Like killing. You just gotta, you know, I, that, that was the hardest thing. So with, with the being laid off and everything, it pushed me even more. It pushed me even more to really break out of my shell and to stop walking on shell.


That's what I was gonna say. That's what I really noticed. You didn't let that break you Not to say that it wasn't hard not to say that. There probably wasn't moments of you wanting to give up and just say, fuck it. I, I'm gonna go do this. Or go, oh, I'm sure. I'm sure. Like, I mean, shit. I cried last week having a panic attack. Like, girl, I cry all the time. You put. An animal video and it looks at the camera just right. I'm probably gonna cry, but


panic. Cause at this point, life wiping


Right. But I just wanna say that's the thing, like you got laid off. It happened so suddenly did you even get a severance? Like it was just like, so


actually they were nice enough. So the, so funny story really quick. When I got laid off, I, I thought it was a. I really thought it was a joke. I come to work, I have my coffee, my little breakfast sandwich, and, the cfo, it's like, um, Sherreece, I need to speak to you. So I'm like, okay. I'm like, shit, what, what, what did I forget? Okay, fine. They love me here. It's cool. So I walk and he's like, have a seat. And he had four pieces of paper in his hand. I'll never forget So I'm like, what's going on? So he was like, you know, before I say. I just wanna let you know that I really, really love you and I appreciate you. I'm thinking like what I did to get fired. Oh my God. Like you gonna fire me? He was like, I'm gonna have to lay you off. And I laughed. I literally like laughed. I was like, And I started like, you did not, you did. I know you did. Typing on my computer again. He was like, no, I'm. I was like, what? And then he said, look, I have two letters of recommendation for you. He said, I have a letter for you to give to unemployment. I don't have any issues but wait, that is very helpful. It was. And then he had another letter. that stated, that I would pretty much return everything. So he was like, you know, I appreciate you so much that I'm gonna give you all these things, blah, blah, blah. So they hired me and they shouldn't have, basically, they weren't ready, to take on, I guess, my salary. Mm-hmm. You know, we we're, we're badass. So when I was hired, someone had interviewed before me who only asked for like, it was so weird. Cause I was like, who would do this? They, they dunno what they're doing. I think they only asked for like 300 a. and it was a, it was a 40 hour week, so I was like, well, it was salaried, but you know, on call on weekends and things like that. So that was jinky to me. He said, well, this person asked for this. Why should I give you this? I said, because this is the position. It's the marketing assistant. I said, this is the position that you have posted. This is my required pay. Who, whomever told you that salary, you were gonna get that salary's worth of work. Ooh, betting on yourself. I swear. He said he laughed and he said, you're a smart ass. I like you. I'm gonna hire you. I was like, okay,


Betting on yourself has always worked out for you. Like it It does, and I wanna say this, I I'm not trying to say, oh, you always have the confidence because we're human, like, it, it, it's hard, but that joy that laugh like that, it comes out and, it's, you take shit and you're like, okay, do I make a shit sandwich or do I throw it away and make myself a new sandwich? I'm gonna make a new sandwich because that tastes better. So when you got laid off, that's the thing that I noticed so strongly is that it didn't break you. You kept your smiles, you kept your fun content, your humor, your this, your that. I'm not saying it's not hard. I'm not saying it's not hard, but you did it and then what came from that? The cocktail classes? Yeah. Yeah. And that was just so


freaking cool. That was a leap of faith. So, I mean, well, not a leap of faith. That was um,


so tell the audience, tell the people listening. What, what am I talking about? So this is another piece of where her entrepreneurial spirit really kicks in.


I'm sorry guys. Yeah. I do a lot of things. So my mind is like everywhere. Yes. So I started cocktail fantasy parties, and I said that it was like a leap of faith, but it was more so like a challenge. Mm-hmm. I challenged myself to do something. I didn't even plan it out really. But I was like, you know what? I'm good at making cocktails. I like to entertain people. I want people to have fun and network or connect with other people outside of their norm, and have really good drinks doing it So, okay, there we go. But I hosted in my first class, and when I say here we go to savings, well, this time I. I had just got laid off, so just got laid off and I put my whole damn check into got in the first class. So, Ooh, that is a very,


that is a huge bet. Okay.


Yeah. The bet that I would not have placed had I known I was about to be laid off because


oh wait, so this happened, you started playing


this before you got laid off? Yeah, I just had gotten paid two weeks before I got laid off. And I put my entire check, I lied to you guys. Now, I may have had maybe$200 for my check that I didn't touch, cuz I was like, oh, I gotta get back and forth to work. Cause I worked kinda far. But other than that, I put my entire check in it for materials, alcohol, liquors, mats, muddler, Jaggers, Boston Shakers, everything. Everything. Oh my God. That was. So very intense. And my first class was on freaking September. Um, oh my, oh Lord. My first class was on like September 24th and I think I got laid off the first week or second week of September. So imagine, imagine working on yourself. Challenging yourself, getting laid off, not having any money while you're trying to work on yourself and challenge yourself, but now you're challenging yourself with nothing. Well, what what felt like was, it was nothing. Right? But it manifested, it grew. It grew into something great. Absolutely. When I say grown to something, oh man, it, it's still a challenge because I'm still learning. It's something different. You know, I hope to have my own place right now. I, I actually use a friend's studio. Thank goodness, you know, having a village around you Yep. That believes in you and that believes in your dreams. And once you two, succeed is a great thing. Yes. You know what I mean? Oh, you can use the studio. You can, you know, I'll help you with decor. I have a friend that's in event planning. She's building her business too, but she's like, you know, if you need some table covers or if you need this, I got you. My first event, she did a balloon wall and everything and made people feel good. A grass wall with a bar sign just to create that am and just see how this, how this would really play out. For a first one, let, let me just give you a bang. If I don't give you another bang after, right. Bang, because I'm broke. So, um,


you'll pay it for it eventually. I mean, I trust that. I know that you


will. I hope so. but yeah, definitely the cocktail classes. I get to craft, I make craft cocktails, which are cocktails that are made from more fresh, ingredients than, you know, um, concentrated, right? So I make cocktails. I do make'em pretty sometimes. I'm not, let me just say this. If you ever are in Baltimore, you wanna come to one of my classes. I don't put big rose petals on top of the cup because you won't be able to drink it. Um, you'll get a cute garnish, something that's really cute you can take pictures with, but I'm not that, that bartender that goes garnish, like Right. Crazy.


We want the experience of the drink, not the topper. Yeah.


I don't, I don't go garnish garnish, but crazy. I, I just don't do that. But it's delicious. Yeah. But I am still building, I'm still learning. Mm-hmm. I wanted to give up a few times. I wanted to give up a few times. I wanted to give up yesterday. But what kept me was, like you said, the growth. That you've seen, you motivate me. You know, Lizzie, you send messages. I'm just like, you don't know how much it means to me to get some support. Motivational words of encouragement and support. I don't care if it's through a text. I don't care if you know, you might text me and gimme positive cuz this is what she'll do. She'll text me, gimme positive support, and I won't hear from four weeks. But it I shouldn't, joking. I didn't say that, but it's true. I,


I, I am like very ADHD with my texting. I am so bad at it,


so I'm sorry But I appreciate it. Cause you have to have people in your circle that like Absolutely. And I hope that I give you the same, you know, I hope that, I hope that I provide you with the same motivation, you know, and, and, and just to, you know, for me to like wrap it up. That's another thing and I don't know how you feel about this, but with finding yourself and growing. Sometimes I, I still have have like self-doubt on am I doing this right? Oh yeah, for sure. Like I can have good energy and give it off, but is this energy I'm giving adequate enough for the people that I'm giving it to?


Right. This is actually good content. Are they actually gonna get something out of it? Oh, for sure. Like, even though we're on the journey. Self love and and evolving like, which we've already said. And I think we agree, and I'm sure everyone listening agrees, like, we should always be working on ourselves. We're always a work in progress. And that doesn't mean that I am not great. I'm freaking great. You're freaking great, but I can be better. And that's the beautiful thing about life and growing, right? Mm-hmm. Going back to the inspiration and it being hard and this and this. Yes, you do inspire me. You inspire me to be, to push myself outta my comfort zone. To be the more entertaining, the more, uh, Just like to be more of the star, like, and I don't mean that like in a weird narcissistic way at all. I just mean like I'm a star. But to be like, Hey, I, I'm fun. I like being me. I like to sing. I like to be silly. I like to dance. I like to just go there. Whatever there is, you do that and, and. Oh, and I remember one time we were talking about content and you're like, I just don't never think it, I just do it and, you know, doesn't perform well. Maybe I take it down, but I just do it and I, I try to embrace that. And one thing that you were talking about earlier that I, I wanna touch on real quick. When you were talking about when you're on this path and, and, and even just like the content creation and the creator and These classes, like the entrepreneur, just you as the brand, if you will, right? Mm-hmm. when you're on this path, you're figuring it out as you go. It's scary, it's daunting. It's hard, cuz we've already said this. There's no rule book, there's no math that says, okay, you go here, then you do this, da da, da. But you talked about your tribe. and it's so important not just for the validation and the support and the tribe is your inner circle. It can be the people that you're having brunch with and it can be like me and you, like just the universe put us together. I think it might have been fate and then we are on each other's side and it's just support from a different angle and support specifically in what we're trying to do. Mm-hmm. But the point. You put your one foot in front of the other and you're like trotting down the path, you don't realize how things will happen for you. And I think that's the one thing that all the business books and all the self-help books and things that might be self-help a little bit, but they don't talk about it, works out for you and your tribe can offer that. So you talked about how your tribe had all, like, they made you a slam dunk with the the balloon arch and then this and the studio and this and this and like that will happen. So keep your tribe close. Get rid of the ones that make you feel insignificant, which I think, I know we've talked about this a little bit, like we've been cleaning out our slate a little bit with people that no longer serve us and energy that no longer serves us. And there's nothing wrong with that because what's most important us, me, you absolutely. Now somebody who takes that light away, right? So, um, I hope I made the point I was trying to make there. I think I did, but I think so.


never let anyone dim your light. Make sure you know, appreciate your village. Yes. And, and you know, in your tribe, and that's what they're there for. And never feel like you're being a burden, because if you were, it wouldn't do, they wouldn't, sorry, here's the Baltimore, they wouldn't do, they wouldn't, they wouldn't do They do, you know, it's a two 30, but no, but they wouldn't do things for you if you were a burden. So again, it's just stepping out your own. Walking on faith. What, uh, what is it? Walk by faith, not by sight. Yep. Um, and knowing that the people who are in your corner are in your corner because they want to be there. And the ones that are in your corner who don't really wanna be there, and they're just there, you know. You'll weed'em out like they'll go.


Exactly. It'll just be a natural kind of thing. Yeah, and trust your, trust your vibration. Trust your alignment. Like if they are not vibing with you, you'll know because you will sacrifice something about yourself. You will diminish something about you. You will mask something about you because you cannot be authentically you around this person. If anybody listening feels that. Maybe, maybe think about that relationship a little bit deeper. Not to say that it's gonna end, not to say that other person can't grow either. But protect your light, protect your space, protect your energy above all else,


You already know Lizzie, with content creation. You don't need negative people around you. No, because you are already. Doing things probably out of your ordinary, out of your norm, like you do all the time. You motivate me all the time. I see you when you, when you make your random videos. I'm like, shit, I wish I could just jump and just do that right now. But I'm like, oh, my eyebrows don't match. I dunno, but can you see that my chip, my tooth is chips? But you just do it. And I really admire that. But you have to have people around you who are not gonna diminish, like, diminish your light, be negative because you literally are putting yourself in front. Thousands of people. Right. You need much already. Right? Internet's already mean enough. Circle. Exactly.


Internet's all really mean enough. I don't need my, my, my people being mean. Okay.




so. Your classes have been growing. I know you've been making some great contacts in your new, your current job, where you've been, what'd you call it, your pass through job, which I think is a really great way to think about. So what's on the horizon? Like, what are your goals? Where, where do you want this path to, to take you? And I don't necessarily, you have to gimme your four year goals, your five year goals. But I mean, in this, in this conversation of betting on yourself, you looked introspectively and said, Hey, I wanna work on liking me a little bit more. I wanna be more authentically myself and really show up for me. And that turned into more content and more creation and more putting myself out there, more entertaining, more stepping back into who I was in my past, my former life with the acting, getting the job, in the marketing team. And that was your first marketing job and betting on yourself there and putting yourself out there. And then boom, then. Freaking, just handing you not exactly at all what you were expecting, ripping the rug from underneath you, losing your job, even though it was still a healthy ru, you know, conclusion. It was still shitty as you know hell, and then you pivot. You still did the class, and you kept with it and it grew and it gets successful, and you're just, you're, you're staying on the path. I'm not saying that you're not falling here or there, but you're, you're on it babe. You are on it. So where are, where is Sherreece going? Where, what can we see from you? Where do you wanna go with your brand? Your, your you-ness?


Okay. So, I'm gonna continue hosting the monthly classes. Um, I have one coming up in January. Jan. Well, this is January. Oh my God.


um, you just had a birthday. Shout out like happy birthday. Fellow earth sign I, which I think is very, very, I think that's a re other reason why we get along so well is cause we're both earth signs. Cuz I'm a Taurus. You're a Capricorn. Yeah. And um,


and I'm going along with my mom and she's a Taurus.


But I love you. Maybe it's cuz I'm a triple Taurus. My son Moon and rising are all Taurus. Maybe that's why. Oh really? Yeah. It's okay. It's crazy. Like I, uh, that's a whole other conversation, which we can sidebar on later. But, uh, I need to look into that more. Like, what does that even mean? Because I feel very strong about a lot of things and I'm like, is it cause I'm on triple taurus? I don't know. But, uh,


But yeah, I'm, I'm gonna continue the classes. I actually auditioned for a, um, miss D M V. Full figured pageant. Oh, what is that? It's, so, it's a pageant that's in, uh, the DC, Maryland, Virginia. area. And pretty much it's like plus size women. It's a pageant. That's cool. It's like a low scale pageant, but but it's a challenge for me, so I'm gonna do it. Okay. But, um, but I, I did that. So I'm looking into like, you like that brand building really honing in on my brand. What does that look like for real, like moving forward with the classes? With the marketing because I do still, um, you know, perform some marketing work on the side for nonprofits and other organizations. Oh, that's cool. Um, take on a couple of those clients. Some, you know, once a month, well, every month, you know, build contracts with them. Do the cocktail classes really hone in on this, uh, this pageant opportunity. I'll know if I've gotten in, uh, in February. But if I do, I think that this would be really, really, really, really, really, really, really good. Yeah. For people. Really challenge myself. Well, not even challenge myself, just for me to look deeper inside myself and say, do you really love yourself? Do you really not care about what people are going to say if you put yourself out here in a freaking bathing suit or. Evening gown and your arms are out because, you know, sometimes we think about those things like, okay, I wanna record this, but do my arms look fat? So I, I'm, I'm gonna take this opportunity to grow. I'm going to take this opportunity to, the wheels fall off to grow. Um, And then with bartending, I do provide personal bartending services. Um, not, and kinky, but more so like private events. Yeah. Things like that. So


I honestly, you're, you're an upscale bartender. Like I'm, that's what I mean, like, not just like our bartending, but like you are at swanky places. Like you are fine


dining. Right. Disappear term blue Then I'm drunk behind a bar and I'm just How'd you do that? But, um, I do like, make making crafted cocktails so that, that's my goal. Maybe even in the long run this year, well, this year I plan on finding an event space, where I can actually have a multipurpose space, host the classes, and also give other people opportunity. to tap into their skills. Yeah. So whether it's, you know, event planning or I'm not gonna do anything rinky-dink, like, I'm not gonna just let somebody come in and be like, oh, I wanna have a game night. What? Excuse me. But if it's a passion that they have, so if they wanna host poetry nights or, you know, spoken word live bands, like I wanna a place that's big enough to do things like that. So I can give other people a chance who, like you said, we weren't one with like silver spoons. You know what I. So had I been born with one, I probably would've had an event space by now. Right. But when you have to work your ass off hard Yeah. To get, you know, to, to save and, and get your credit. Right. And because all the stupid things like sprint bills that you used to have back then, it's like, oh, it really matters. Um, that's not me. It was T-Mobile, but it's all handled now. But yeah, that's what I wanna do. Well, that, that's what my future looks like. My future looks like, you know, keeping the classes up expanding. Hopefully I can, you know, i'll, I'll get so big. I can fly you out on a private jet here. Ooh, I'd


love that. But you know what, once we get a house, I'm just gonna like, get your ass down here myself. Like if I have to drive up there and drag you down here I will. But I, I love this idea of like the event space and I love the, the. The, the messaging behind it, not the messaging, but like the, the vision behind it to offer a space for other creatives, other people who are, you know, a little lost, not sure. Don't have those kind of opportunities. Like I think that's a beautiful thing and that's something that I wanna offer too in my own capacity. So, Cheers to betting on ourselves. Cheers to you. Betting on yourself, always landing on your feet. Even if it's a little wobbly, you still do it. Not to say you don't land and maybe fall down for a quick second, then you jump right back up. But hey, you still land on those damn feet, Hey, you still land on those feet? Yeah. Okay. You are an amazing energy. I'm so happy you joined us on the in-between today. Um, before we go and, and you get to share where everyone can find you, just curious, are there any in-betweens that you'd like to share with the audience today? Um, It's okay. I kind of put you on the spot with that one.


Yeah. Oh my God. You


share one in a nutshell. Uh, well, me in a nutshell. Let's see. Well I am in between a house gonna start that process, which I'm not looking forward to. Cuz you gotta like email these lenders and give them gobs of paperwork and then they tell you what you can and can't afford and then you realize there's no homes that really are worth the dam in that price range and you're just like,


ramp. But other than that, yeah, that's,


that's that


Thanks for sharing. Okay, now I can, now I can think about what my in between is. So I'll say I am in between dating right now. So just in between like figuring out, you know, I always say, I always thought I want companionship, but now I'm in between figuring out do I want companionship or do I wanna play thing thing. Mm,


play thing thing because we're on this path of like, working on ourselves and, figuring out what we're doing with our life following that path. So maybe it's not time for the committed restraints,


everyone says it's hard. Anyway, so I'm just gonna take everyone's word for it that I know


that's in a really, um, I'll tell you right now, it is hard in the beginning especially, I'm sure you are gonna be similar to me with the whole being independent woman kind of thing, it is hard. Relationships are very hard. Um, you have to learn how to communicate and I think that's the hardest part because most of the issues looking back on that we had in the beginning, came from poor communication and me assuming he was getting where I was coming from and then judging him or resenting him for not, and him being a dude. Dudes, they're a lot simpler than girls. They're slower. Sorry for, they're a little slower and you have to literally spell it out for any dudes listening, I apologize. I love you. You're great. But, um, if it was a snake, it would have bit ya. Yeah. You heard that phrase, So it's hard. But lemme tell you something. It's worth it cuz once you find the right partner that is willing to work with you and you guys work together, my mom always say, you either grow together or you grow apart. And that's what that makes the good partners growing together. It's great having like a built-in best friend. And it's also just great knowing that I have a cheerleader and when things get difficult and we are complete in total opposite, especially me and Stan, like we are literally polar opposites. But he grounds me and, it's really nice. So don't throw it out of the cards quite yet. It is hard, but it is work that's worth doing when you find the right. Yeah, when I come to Atlanta, you


gonna find me a man?


Oh, hell yeah. I love being a matchmaker. I love it. Let's go We'll, we'll, we'll plan it out. We'll make sure your dating apps are set to Atlanta so that we have'em lined up before you get here, and then we just go from


there. sounds like a plan. I'm, I'm, I'm definitely here


for it. I love it. But so you're in between dating, so you're just kind of playing the field and you're like, I don't know, I'm just kind of, just have fun. Maybe that's all you gotta do right now. Just have some fun.


I mean, you know, Fun is cool, but, that's why I'm like kind of in between that. It's in between like doing that and then you hear people say, girl, just have. Just go have fun, live your life, work on you. But it's also like the same girlfriends that are like, just have fun, go home to their man. They leave me and say, I gotta go home. I gotta go home to my man and my kid, or I gotta go home to, and I'm like, damn, but you told me I don't want that. But you go home to it. I mean, you know, go home to it. I'm not saying cheat or anything like that. No. They're like, you know, if I were you, I'd be happy. And I'm. but you sound so much happier when you're with your person too. And I'm in here with freaking plants and they don't, seems like I'm doing most of the work. I'm feeding them, I'm giving them


sun. I'm causing It's a very one side relationship with you and your plants. Yes. Relationship. My plants are very needy too, and I'm like, what am I gaining out of this oxygen,


whatever. acting like a bad plant mom when they die. That's it. Yeah, right. That's only, that saves us. It's like if they died and you're terrible, you're a terrible person, but you keep'em alive, you're doing great, so, right. Yes,


absolutely. Or I just get like dead dried plants, like my little, um, sculpture here. I, for those listening, you probably can't see it, but I'm on video. This will be on YouTube later. If you're listening, go watch it on YouTube. But, um, I have this little statue ahead and it has like a bunch of dried flowers in it. Those are my kind of flowers, ones that are already dead.


vacuum off the floor if you drop anything or if they fall out right.


Yeah. Well hey, as you're on the path, work on yourself, love may find you. So keep your options open. I think you got the right mindset. And have fun. Have fun, but don't be scared if fun feels a little bit more like Hmm. Kinda wanna also do serious things with you, and I kind of wanna do like. Weird things with you too. Not just fun things. And then you're like, oh shit. Do I love this person? Don't be afraid of that feeling.


Okay. I won't. I'm waiting for it,


All right. Anyone listening? If you have a single man in your life, and especially if they live in the Baltimore area, Washington DC area. Yep. Um, Come get your girl. Yeah. Come get your girl.


Come get me. Yeah. And, um, you can also, can I plug in? Oh, well I was about


to, um, intro that, but can you plug in Girl? Take, take the reigns. Okay. I was just gonna say I really, really loved having you on the pod. We'll have to do this again. Seriously, so, uh, yeah. Well, we, we need updates too. So we'll say, where are we at with, with our classes? Where are we at with our betting on ourself? Where are we on our journeys? So, yes, now's your time. Plug it in. Girlfriend. Where can everyone find you? Um, you


can find me on Instagram at front row r o w e seat, so that's F R O N t R O W E S E A T. Um, and you can also follow my business page if you like, which is the matter of fact. Yeah, follow my business page. Yeah. Let bae con girl plug it away. You're gonna come to Baltimore and wanna, you know, have a, a really good cocktail with me. So, um, cocktail fantasy bartend. On Instagram and Facebook. Um, yeah, so, you know, keep in touch, look at some of the crazy things that I post sometimes


and there're that's very entertaining. Like it's very entertaining. It's funny as hell. And also, I'll make sure that all your stuff is linked in the show notes. You can go and review it there. And then of course, all the things that we share on social media and posts. I will have you tagged all the places, all the things, so,


So much for having me. I'm, I'm really, really, really excited guys that we got this done. Yes, we've


been talking about it for like, like months


so I'm happy. That's like, listen. This day I'm sending this. Let's do it. I'm sending you the zoom link Yes. Sometimes we just need someone to put some fire under their, um, ls, so yes, we do. I appreciate it. Thank you. I enjoyed myself. I can't wait to be a guest again. Absolutely.


1000%. Girl. We, we will, once we hang up, we'll start playing the next one. Okay. But I appreciate your kind words and I. I, I know I've said this once and I'll say a thousand more times, but your support means the world. And, you keep doing, you, you keep betting on you and you keep, you keep showing up for yourself because it inspires us when we. Can't always pick up the pieces ourselves. So I, I really appreciate that. Any last words before we sign off?


All I would say is this, stay true to yourself, to your purpose. Walking your own light. because at the end of the day, no one can do what you do the way that you do it. Mm. That sounds so Baltimore. But no, that was beautiful. Right? But no one can on, on some real stuff. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is what you feel about yourself and what you're doing, because you are the one who has the vision. You are the one who wants to get to where you wanna go. Getting away from that, you, you'll never make it. That's the difference between people who make it and people who don't. They don't look at Steve Jobs. He, he told everybody, he was like, listen, I'm gonna sit in my little garage and I'm gonna put my little desk in the closet. Oh, hold on. Is that Amazon just saying, okay. Anyway, they both, they almost the same thing, but they didn't let people tell'em that they couldn't. They, they can tell'em that they couldn't all the time, but they didn't listen to it all the time. They did what they. Was what they wanted to do and what absolutely pick them where they wanted to. And I also am a big Grant Cardone fan, so that's probably why I sound like this. And lastly, I'm sorry, I don't believe in sacrifice. I believe in balance. And that's the thing, just creating balance. Because when you create balance, you can have every single thing that you want. When you sacrifice, you're letting go of something to gain something else. So you're still empty or missing something. Mm-hmm. So that's


a good way, that's a good perspective. And, and also the balance doesn't always mean 50 50, sometimes you gotta be 80 20. I like that idea cuz giving up is, or losing sacrifice is losing a part, losing a piece of whatever, whether it's you, um, Me something about you, whether it's like a hobby or an interest or a, a natural thing. So I That's, that's very deep Sherreece. That's very wise. I love that. I'm gonna have to write that down. Keep that on, you know, somewhere to refer to. I love that.


That's all I know. Like, blah, I can't


even get my words out. I'm just so, yeah. Well thank you so much for that really epic wisdom everyone go follow your girl for more of that. Um, but thank you so much for joining. You will be back, and if anyone's gonna Baltimore hit up your girl, you can find her on all the social medias. Um, but until then, thank you all for joining and listening to the in-Between podcast. If you enjoyed today's episode, you can subscribe, rate, review wherever you listen to your podcasts, and you can follow me. Instagram at in Between Pod. So until then, I will see you next Wednesday on a whole other episode of the InBetween podcast. I'm Elizabeth, bye.

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