The In-Between with Elizabeth Cheney

In-Between: Romanticizing Your Life

February 07, 2024 Elizabeth Cheney Episode 97
The In-Between with Elizabeth Cheney
In-Between: Romanticizing Your Life
Show Notes Transcript

Hello February! In the theme of love, today's episode talks about romanticizing your life.  Maybe you heard this phrase during the pandemic, but we're essentially glamorizing the mundane day-to-day tasks. We are fabulous, even if we don't live in the French countryside, so why not play up our daily lives? I really love the concept because to me, it's another form of self love.  

What else am I in-between this week? 

  • February themes of love and Groundhog day; anyone else feel like it's still 2019? 
  • New workout class
  • Unreal candy & finding healthier alternatives to snackies
  • Our country's new mental health support team, Sesame Street, starring Elmo! 
  • Crushing my ADHD and to-do lists
  • Making friends on the internet - should I bring back my Adult Friendships series? 
  • The Hurkle Durkle life

Don't forget to like, subscribe, and rate the show wherever you listed to your podcasts! Help ya girl out. ;) 

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Well, hello, hello, hello, everyone. Welcome back to an all new episode of The In Between. I'm your host, Elizabeth Cheney. How's it going? We made it through that super long month. What was it called? January? I feel like it's been forever since I talked to you, even though It was technically last week. I feel like I always feel like this after I have a guest, cause I mean, yeah, it's been a minute, so. Uh, but anyways, let's kick off February. Woo! The month of love! Just kidding, it's not the month of love. Every month can be the month of love. But, uh, according to marketing and society, Valentine's Day is the month of love, so let's just roll on theme, everybody. Woo! Um. So, everyone, how you doing? How's it going? Um, hopefully January treated you, treated you fine. You know? Hopefully it wasn't too much. Hopefully it was just enough. And if it was more than enough, in a good way, well That's great. That's great. But a nice, smooth start to the year. That's what I'm looking for. Also, for those watching, if you can see me, I'm in my mob life era. I decided, like, you know, even if I don't do my makeup and do all glam for you all, I like to wear very vibrant, crazy clothes. Patterns, colors, fabrics, textures, whatever you want to call it. So, I'm wearing my faux fur leopard coat. Apparently mob wife aesthetic is a trend and I'm like hmm, I've been rocking faux fur for a while y'all, so I was ahead of the curve before it was a trend. That's what I'm telling myself at least. But anyways, yeah, I am, you know, I want to show my personality. I love my clothes. I love my da da da da da. So that's, this is me dressing up for you without dressing up. And you know what, side note, maybe this is just a chick thing, but the amount of effort that goes into, uh, essentially no effort. Like, oh, I just put this on, you know what I mean? Like to get that look, it still requires like a lot of effort. I'm not even wearing makeup, but it still took me longer than I'd like to admit just to curl my bangs the way that they're curled right now. And they look fabulous, and I'm not complaining about the time that it took, but I'm just commenting on the fact that Even no effort requires more effort than you'd like to exude. So that's interesting. That's fun. That's a good time. I tried a new workout class this past weekend. I tried solid core. I don't know if that is a national thing. I have no idea, but it's here in Georgia. I think it's supposed to be kind of like strength training in Pilates. What I can tell you is that it was incredibly difficult, and my core is not as solid as I thought. Ha ha! Have you ever rolled on an ab roller? Like, it's, it's like one of those things where you have handles. It was always on, like, as seen on TV. I remember infomercials when I was younger. But you would roll out, and your knees would stay in place on the floor, but you're essentially using your arms, shoulders, whatever you want to call it, to move your body in the ab roller. And it, uh, it's supposed to work your core, work your back. It's basically what a lot of the moves were in this class. And I I am weak. I have come to find out. I am weak. You know, it takes forever to get strong and fit, but let me tell you, the amount of time it takes to get to that point, it takes maybe a tenth of that to lose it. So ever since Luna passed, obviously I have been in, what do you call it? A rut. Yes, a rut. And I've been, you know, putting one foot from the other as quick or as slow as I have to. So getting back into the fitness things has been quite the, quite the journey, quite the experience. I am getting back into it and it feels good cause like, I don't know. I, I used to have a love hate relationship with working out. mostly hate, I just never worked out. And then I started to realize, oh wow. Working out can release this thing called endorphins. And that makes me happy. And that motivates me just a little bit. Now I'm not like a gym rat. But like, I like a good sweat sesh. So, anyways, I ramble, I digress. I like working out because it makes me feel good. But this solid core class, it was a little chaotic. And I went to like one of the starter ones. me and one of my girlfriends that went. And this is the class where they're supposed to, like, tell you the moves and you go through the whole process of learning how to do it. Well, first off, I do not know how you could ever go to a regular class not having done that beginner class. I could barely keep up with the moves, but I don't know. I was overstimulated just a smidgy because it was a little loud and she was like talking on her, her mic just like this. I don't know if you can hear it but I'm trying to be very close to my mic and it was just like, I could make out every other word, every two words she was saying and I was just trying to use the mirrors to watch her so I could try to see what she was doing. By the time that I finally was like, oh I'm doing it, we were on to the next move. So it was fine but it was hard. So, hmm. I, I decided that I, I wanted to, well, before I say this, I should say I was inspired by my cousin's wife. Last year, she said her goal was to go to at least one concert every single month for the year. And sometimes, obviously, she went to multiple concerts in a month. That's fine. Cool. Great. I was thinking about what me things I wanted to, Try to bring more into my routine and routine is probably not the right word. I know I always talk about routines and trying to get better with them, but I was like what little Hmm date a little Commitment can I give myself outside of all the other commitments that I do? what little what thing could I give myself that's just for me and I thought I'd love to go try different workouts. I mean, I work out regularly on my own, but I would love to go try different workout classes. You know, try a hot yoga. Try kickboxing. Ooh, that'll just bust your ass, that's for sure. Let's see, what else? There's different types of Pilates. There's different types of barre. I'm sure there are more workout classes than I can even think of. But, I want to try and go to one workout class a month, a different studio, somewhere I've never been. So, this month, or I should say January, was SolidCore. This month, I don't know. What will it be? We'll see. We'll see. So, cheers to that. Cheers to committing to myself and giving myself a little surprise, a little sweet treat. Sweet treat. Speaking of sweet treats, that's actually a very good transition, unintentional. So, there is this candy that I stumbled upon called Unreal. And how this all came to be was, my husband has a sweet tooth I need to be honest with you. I think I do too. Who am I kidding? I've talked about this on the podcast before. I have a sweet tooth. I do blame my husband for it. It was not there my whole life until, I don't know, the past couple of years. So yes, sweet tooth me. Well, he consumes sweets like nobody's business. Loves himself some M& Ms. Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm like, hey, M& M's, there's dyes, it's unhealthy, also it's candy. Uh, side note, I feel like I'm in the ever non stopping pursuit of trying to get my husband to eat healthy. Huuuugh. That's what happens when you don't make your children eat vegetables, cause they, they don't want to. Their palates are super limited as an adult. Super fun for me, but we're working on it. We started off, when I first met him, he only liked Caesar salad. Now, there are several vegetables, at least a handful that I know he'll eat, without complaining, and without putting, I don't know, half a bag of cheese on it. So, progress. We call that progress. But anyways, back to, uh, Unreal Candy and Candy. so because Stan doesn't have the best, Eating habits, I should say. I'm trying to find healthier replacements with some of these things. Jury is still out on Gatorade. This man drinks Gatorade like it is water. Anybody have any tips or advice on Gatorade alternatives? I'm all ears. So I found this candy unreal because it had a healthier, and I put that in quote marks if you're watching, uh, version of m and ms, they called'em Candy Gems, but whatever. They're m and ms and I was like, oh my God. This is great. they use like vegetables for the coloring of the, excuse me, gem, not the m and m real chocolate, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Then I see that they have these like coconut chocolate covered things, which I am a sucker for mounds. I know I am. I am a millennial who loves mounds. You're probably listening to this wondering, what in the hell is a mound? Just Google it It's probably like your grandma's candy, but that's fine. Then they have these healthier. Peanut butter, cups, and they also had, like, almond butter cups, so I was like, oh, snap! So I bought a variety pack of all this candy, because I was like, oh, this is great, and, like, it wasn't just, like, little individual packs, it was, like, a big pack of multiple candies. I'm just here to tell you that I don't care if it is a Swedish massaged cow that is producing the milk for the milk chocolate, if it is the vegetable dyes for the coloring, like, the candy color coded coloring, Candy's candy and it is unreal how really good this candy is and You know, it's great to find healthier alternatives to unhealthy habits But I must be honest with myself Eating healthier candy does not replace the unhealthy candy addiction So, I am just here to say that the lie I keep feeding myself, literally, that, oh well, it's healthy. What's one more gonna hurt? It does hurt. It hurts very much. I am sure it is not helping my waistline. I am sure it is not helping the nutrition of my body because well, I don't eat enough food as it is. Well, I eat plenty of food. It's just not the right food. It's literally candy and pretzels and shit. So I'm just ranting about candy. Side note. It's delicious. I'm not trying to talk smack about the brand. Unreal candy. If you're listening, please sponsor my podcast because I love everything I've had of yours to a fault people. My husband loves the gems. So, you know, there is a silver lining. No more M& Ms. That's great. We are on a healthier, candy alternative. However, I do feel like, at least my consumption has doubled because, well, that little nugget in my head that's like, but it's healthy. But it's still chocolate. It is still sugar. Doesn't matter if the sugar is the corn syrupy kind or the coconut kind. It is still sugar. It is still sugar. So, That's my story on that. We went from solid core to candy addiction. Do not come to me for your health advice. That's, uh, that is for somebody else. I'm planning on bringing Bhavna Dr. Singh, talk about holistic health. We're going to let her give us some advice because, well, she is the, the educated professional and I am just a millennial that is trying not to lose her mind and can't stop eating candy. So she's got a better resume than me. other news. Remember, news around the web, in between the interwebs? Yeah, that, that segment that I pick and choose when I want it to come on. So I do have one story that I wanted to share that I thought was really fascinating. it's about this company called Alcor Life Extension Foundation. So Alcor Life Extension Foundation. It's very interesting. Maybe you've heard of it. Maybe you haven't. Maybe if you subscribe to the hustle newsletter like I do, you've seen it too. So basically this company freezes dead bodies. Yeah, it freezes dead bodies. So basically what you can do, it's not like donating your body to science, although it is, but like, they're not like studying you or anything like that. So, you can pay 200, 000 now for them to preserve your body or 80, 000 to preserve your brain. Uh, what they do, the blood is swapped for chemicals to preserve the organs. You are then put into some type of liquid antifreeze at negative 321 degrees Fahrenheit. Where your body is stored there indefinitely. It remains in this, like, crypto chamber, whatever you want to call it, until science learns how to revive it. So people are out here spending 200, 000 to freeze their body for when they die, one day, for them to be revived, presumably one day. I mean, I don't have the kind of wealth where I can like think about you know what I have so much money I'm gonna think about my not near death and I am going to drop mad mackerels To have my body frozen I almost said frozen shut. My body frozen for science to one day hopefully figure out how to revive it. Well, let's hope that, you know, the blood swap for the chemicals, uh, to preserve the organs that chemical works out. Look, I don't know anything about antifreeze and all that shit. For all I know, it could destroy the body. I'm assuming not, if it's what they're preserving the bodies with. But I'm just like, oh my god, 200k to freeze your body. 80k just for your brain. And that brings on a whole slew of questions. Okay, so is the idea that like, you're going to have a host body? Like some Frankenstein shit? Or is it like a robot? That's bizarre. So, I don't know. Alcor Life Extension Foundation. Maybe if you have a lot of money that you're looking like, hey, I don't know, I don't know where to spend it. Well, raise your body. Maybe that's, that's the angle you need to go. Also, you know, I have no strong faith in the medical system of America, whether it's for your pet or for yourself. don't have the knowledge to really, really soapbox that yet, but I'm going to work on it. But anyways, I am losing faith very quickly. So the reason I'm saying all this is because apparently Sesame Street is now our mental health care support system. I do not know what that means for us as a society. if Elmo is now our therapist. So last week. I'm sure you saw it. If you didn't, it's worth going and reading some of the headlines because, pfft, yeah, yeah. So, um, Elmo tweeted out, he was like, hey everyone, how's everyone doing? And, 20, actually over 20, 000 people responded in more ways than none. Most of them being, we are filled with existential dread, Elmo. We are not all right out here. Life is hard. Life is expensive. Help us. One person was like, I just got laid off. One person's like, I just, existential dread consumes me all the time. Bleep bloop blap bloop bloop bloop blap. So apparently it was so alarming that even Sesame Street came out and tweeted and was like, whoa, today was a great reminder that it's a good thing to pause and take in your emotions and take in where you are currently. Elmo came back later and tweeted, Hey, today was a great reminder that it's always important to check in on a friend. You never know what they're going through. So, I don't really know how I feel, I don't hate it, but I, I don't love it, cause, Part of me feels very confident that our government would be like, Well, there we go, solved. Who needs mental health support? We've got Elmo. He knows how to reach the people. Oh, it's alarming, isn't it? I mean, I love Elmo. Thanks, Elmo. Thank you so much for looking out for us. But, people, when characters like the Cookie Monster and Snufflewupple are giving you mental health advice, we should be a little concerned. Just saying, just saying. So anyways, on that note, Herkle Durkle. Yes. Have you heard of Herkle Durkle? It was a thing I saw on TikTok. I'm so cool. I saw on TikTok when it actually was trending versus like Instagram when it was like a month old. I know. I'm so cool. Remember Mob Wife era. But anyways, Herkle Durkle, it's a Scottish slang term to suggest lounging around in bed when it's past the time to get up. What's funny is like I did a quick Google search of hercule dercle before I started recording, just to make sure there wasn't like, I don't know, hercule dercle is actually slang for some weird sex act and then I embarrassed myself talking about it. Don't worry, it's not. It's not, don't know why my brain went there, but here we are. But I found this article from 2022 about Herkel Dirkel and apparently it was from the, it was trending during the pandemic and. it was very simple. I mean, it's a silly Scottish slang term about just lounging around, basically. Think about your classic lazy Sunday. And, you know, people need things to write about. And this isn't like some, like, pressing, hot, breaking news. Hercule Dercule takes the internet by storm. But it was like a blog post. I can't remember. I think it was like Huffington Post. But it was like, sometimes, Hercule Derculing is negative. Times to be concerned about hercule dercling when the hercule dercle extends past the morning and I was just like giggling my butt off like wow Some professional wrote this this news article this blog and they said hercule dercle I don't even know how many times and in multiple multiple ways Just yeah, anyways Hercule dercle just sounds funny, but we all need a nice little hercule dercle every now and then right? I know I need a hercule dercle That's for sure So, hurkle durkle's okay unless you hurkle durkle too far. And according to Huffington Post, hurkle durkling too far is if you're hurkle durkling past the morning time. So, Makes you reconsider. Lazy Sunday. Anyways, I'm all here for our hurkle durkle Sunday. As you all probably have heard by now, Kristen from A Little Bit A Lot was on the pod last week. She is my new internet friend. You know what? Let me tell you something. I did a friendship, like adult friendship series when I first launched the pod, and I'm thinking I need to revamp that. Not that those episodes are wrong. No, they're fabulous. I'd probably bring the same people back. But it's time to refresh it, bring it back, do some more talks about it. Because I see all the time people talking about how it's hard to make friends as an adult. I'm not denying that. I'm in agreement with y'all. But I feel like we can have a good conversation around how to do that. Like what are things you can do to make friends? I cover those in previous episodes, but the point I'm trying to make is one, listen to those episodes too. I need to revamp them and do another, version of them. But three, the internet, they say dating's for the internet. I think also making friends is for the internet. I will be honest. It's not that I make friends so easily, but putting myself out there in social situations, I am more comfortable with. Yes. What is that word? Extrovert. That's what I've been told I am. Although I am willing to argue that I do have some introvertedness to me, but whatever. Dissect me. I love being investigated. I love being dissected. So pull me apart. Tell me who I am. What's my personality? I love it. Anyways. the internet is where I have met a lot of collaborations that I've done. Pod swaps, things like that. So, Kristen was one of them. That's my new friend from last week. She is so cool. I just did like a simple pod. Actually, I think she found me, but, and that gave me the idea. Oh, wow. I need to go look for other podcasts on the, on the Instagrams, on the interwebs. So, uh, my special guests for next week, it's these two awesome chicks. They are on the podcast, completely fucking clueless. Um, I know, so ballsy with the F bomb. Oh, scandalous. I love it. But anyways, they are coming on. We're gonna talk about self confidence. They're these two really cool gen Z's in New York. I'm not gonna lie, it makes me really want to live in New York. It just, it just feels glam. Just to say you live in New York, like the sun hits different. The light hits different in New York. I mean, they're breathing in practically different smog than we are, if you know what I mean. Like, just everything is more glamorous. They don't have grocery stores. They have bodegas. Like, ugh! Oh, I want to walk around with a tote with my celery and carrots sticking out because I stopped by the bodega on the way home from the office. I want to take the subway. Y'all know I have strong feelings about public transportation. I don't care if it smells. I will take that any day than having to drive. I digress. How did we go from talking about making friends to my rant about how much I want to be in New York? So there's that. Keep up, everybody. Keep up. This train's going in all directions at all times. But they were really cool. I hope you guys love the episode. I'm just kidding. I know you guys will love the episode. But, um, yeah, we did some pod swaps. It's exciting stuff. I'm also crushing my ADHD lately. I mean, it's going to take A lot of effort and probably will never meet it in my lifetime of managing and mastering my ADHD. Well, managing, yes. Mastering. No, that's what I mean. I will not be able to master it. However, your girl has been doing real gains with this ADHD nonsense. I mean scratching off the to do lists, the tasks they're getting tasked, the to do's they're done. I am a productive queen. It's incredible. I mean, I am proud of me. I think you're proud of me. I don't know what else to say about the whole thing. when I had that astrology reading a couple weeks ago, which, side note, Shed a tear for me, please. She has not reached out to my contact form. Request to come on the pod, but that's okay. We're still manifesting it. We're still gonna manifest it. It's gonna be great. But anyways, when she gave me my reading, she said one thing that I have to master in this life is my mind. Like, that is gonna always be the thing that I am struggling against. Um, not that I'm always spiraling, whatever, but it's just like Because of ADHD, anxiety, things like, I don't want to use the word setback, but these little quirks, let's call them quirks, I like the word quirks a lot more than setback. These little quirks about me, they are something that I'm going to have to constantly work out and overcome and maneuver, decipher, work around, figure out. Right? And that's okay. Like, that's evolving. That's growing. That's just being a better version of yourself. That is using these quirks, as I call them, to be superpowers for yourself. I've got a whole spiel on how I think anxiety is a superpower, which, I, if you do not think that and you have anxiety, you're probably thinking I'm insane. So, we'll have to do that for an episode topic one day. But, she said that I had to master my mind, and I've been really taking that to heart, because I think my ADHD is something that I really struggle with lately. And lately, like, even before Luna passed, and you know, January was getting back into the rhythm of things, finding my footing, allowing grieve, and go at a slower space if I needed to, and to be kinder to myself, always working on that positive inner narrative. But, I'm really proud. Like I said, I do not have a master. That, I don't think that'll ever happen in my lifetime. Maybe it will, who knows. But I, uh, I, I've been, I'm getting the things done. And if you want to know my secret, it's not that I have one. It's just I literally tell myself, yo, like, do it, just do it. Kristen kind of talked about last week, like, head empty, dive in. trying to adopt more of that approach too. So, Try not to overthink it, just do it. And also, like, when you get immobilized by all the different things you have to do, which that happens to me often, start with the smaller, easier things first. Smaller easier things. Just get them out. Just get out of the way, because it's going to make you feel good, right, right. Alright, but the last bit segment of the podcast episode this week, I thought it'd be a good time to intro February and talk about some February themes. First one being Groundhog Day. This is just a statement. It's a thought I had the other day, and I'm just curious. I just want to put it out there if anyone else may feel this way, or am I just crazy and just circling the drain forever on my own hamster wheel. But, I still feel sometimes that it's 2019, you know, me and Stan moved into this little bitty apartment right at the tail, tail, tail, tail end of 2019. It was like December, 2019. Then we went into COVID, Stan lost his job. Everybody went remote. Life happens. We got married. Sure. Stan, you know, he did get a job and then a year later they like, or not quite even a year later, like six months later, six, eight months later, they got bought and then got rid of their entire sales team. So we got laid off again. So all this crazy shit has happened in our life and we're still in this itty bitty apartment living what feels like on top of each other. Although we are closer and we love each other even more. Believe it or not. Uh huh. we lost our dog in this apartment. So that really blows. But all this to say, even though so much life stuff has happened, I still feel like it's, it's Groundhog Day. Like it just still feels like it's, it's COVID because my personal life hasn't changed too much. I don't leave my apartment because I don't have to go to the office. Stan's remote most of the time, so we're here together like it was during the pandemic. It's just the same old, same old, and because we still live in the same area, it's just Oh, and I'm not even going to touch the house hunt process. We'll talk about that when I'm in a better mood. But anyways, Groundhog Day. Does anybody else feel like that? Like, Maybe that's why I want a house so bad or just to move because I feel stuck and sometimes I'm good and feeling motivated and like bam, bam, bam. And then sometimes like, I just feel like, how has time passed when I still feel like it is like January 20th, 2020? I don't know. I don't know. I blame my environment, but maybe it's something else. Because again, like, so much life stuff has happened. I don't know. I don't know. But anyways, again, back to February themes. I started the episode talking about the love month. The month of love. And so, I've challenged us this month. To romanticize our life. That's how I wanted to end today's episode, talking about romanticizing your life. Yes, it was a trend I saw on the internet. Like, okay, I saw it on TikTok. I saw it on some podcasts. I saw it on some other things I follow, whatever. I was like, what is this idea? This is cool. This is cute. I like it. And sure, you can be extra about it. Like you're, Essentially, I guess I should explain what it is first, is taking maybe the mundane tasks of your everyday life, whatever you're doing, and making them romantic, making them extra, making them grandiose, making them dramatic. I'm here for the drama. You wanna see me brush my teeth? I will brush my teeth with so much gutspa. Ha! You'll never brush your teeth the same. That's what I mean. Like, that kind of romanticized. Like, literally wearing a faux fur leopard jacket to record your podcast in because, well, you freaking felt like it. I'll give you a little secret. I'm wearing PJs underneath this thing, so that's what I mean. Glamorize it. I did my bangs. Even though I'm gonna go to bed soon. Well, not soon, but sometime in the next few hours. I'm gonna go to bed. I did my bangs. Mostly that's for y'all, but whatever. Romanticize my life. Romanticize the fact that, yeah, sure, I don't have a ton of sponsorships, any at all, but I'm gonna act like I am the podcaster with hundreds of thousands because, well, gosh darn it, I am. You hear me? You feel me? It kind of plays into that delusional confidence, that delulu mindset, but it's just another fun way to think about it. So, like, for example, Valentine's Day, I told Stan, I was like, you know what? Because I don't really believe in Valentine's Day, like, Oh, if you don't buy me flowers, we're broken up! You know what I mean? I mean, when I was 14, yeah, I definitely felt that way, but not so much anymore. I definitely outgrew that, thank goodness. But I was like, I want to do like an indoor picnic, let's do a living room picnic. and at first he was like, That's silly. Why would we do that? I'm like, because why not? It's fun. It's cute. Let's be intentional with it. We can light some candles. Find a good meal. Maybe make some chocolate covered strawberries. Some extra stuff. Let's play up. Romanticize the mundane. He's like, you know what? I'm into it, babe. So, that's how I'm going to romanticize my life. Romanticizing your life can be taking the extra time for self care. Romanticizing your life can be, you know what, I'm going to go do that workout class. Not because, well, I'm going to commit to a 150 subscription to the classes, but because, well, I want to go do a downward dog in a heated yoga studio, which, do I want to do that or do I feel like that might make me pass out and throw up? I'm not sure. We'll find out. Stay tuned. Other things you can do to romanticize your life. Showing up for you. Being intentional. Doing the face mask. Doing the hair mask. Not getting immobilized. Romanticize your life. Okay, you're stressed out because you have four things that you want to do. Which one do you do? Well, I am amazing. I am a queen. How dare I have a messy house. I'm gonna go fold the laundry. Alright, boom. Task one, done. Oh, I need to go wash my face before the night, eh? The night finds me in my slumber. I am a goddess, content creator, podcaster extraordinaire. I'm gonna go wash my face because, well Baby, I deserve it. And she's got hormonal acne, so it's probably good. But you know what I'm saying? Romanticize your life. You are the star of your own movie. You are the queen of your own island. The island of you. February being the month of love, I see what other, better time to start romanticizing your life. And you know, February, the month of love, it's a great reminder not to forget, what's the most important type of love? Let me hear it. That's right. Self love. You know, your girl loves that. You know, your girl preaches that until she's blue in the face, but it's true. It's important. And romanticizing your life is just another element of loving yourself. So, tell me, I want to know, how are you romanticizing your life? What are you going to do to make yourself feel fabulous? You going to glam up? You going to wear a faux fur jacket when you're on camera? What are you going to do? What are you going to do? You deserve it. Why not? I want to hear it. And also, you can be as extra as you want, or you can be as chill as you want. Romanticizing your life can be, you know what, I am going to allow myself to herkle derkle all day on a Sunday because, well, I have an entire Harry Potter series that I want to watch. So, boom. Romanticize your life. So yeah, whether it's herkle derkling, whether it's an indoor picnic with your lover, whether it's, uh, taking a nice walk. I've been trying to do more of that lately. Like, I'm depressed, I'm immobilized, I'm stressed. Ooh, sunshine. This feels good. This feels good on my face. Hey. There are plenty of little things to give that little boost to get you over the curve, get you over the hump. So romanticize your life, think about what, what could bring you small levels of joy, sprinkle it throughout your day and that's, there you go. You figured it out. Love that for us. All right, well, without further ado, I'm going to head out. I'm gonna go eat my dinner. I'm gonna go hang out with my husband. I'm gonna go romanticize watching some TV show on TV and cuddle with him. Eating my taco salad. And yeah. That's all she wrote. I love that. I love that for you. Love that for me. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. If you did, leave me a five star rating on whatever platform you listen to this on. I would love that. Follow me on the show, whether it's Spotify, Apple, wherever you listen to your podcasts. You can also follow me on Instagram at in. betweenpod or elizabethcheney underscore. That's my personal. And then on YouTube and TikTok at the inbetween podcast. Uh, this episode was recorded, so you will find it there on YouTube for sure. And remember, next week we have Sarah and Audrey from Completely Fucking Clueless on the in between. So it's all about self confidence, which I think is great in terms of self love for our Valentine's Day special episode. Yes, and make sure you're following me on Instagram and all the other social media platforms because, uh, I'm trying to do that C word more. That, Consistency, because your girl's a wreckin and rollin yeah. Okay, I know, I gotta end this episode before I just start singing on my own. And also, I have not forgotten, the website is still coming. Uh, apparently these things are a little bit more complicated than I thought. Hence why I hired someone to help me build it. So, you know, you just adjust your expectation, and it's gonna happen soon, hopefully maybe even next week. If not, maybe it'll be the week after. just roll with the punches. That's just, that's just how you do it, baby. That's how you do it. Alright, well, I hope you all have a fabulous week. Go romanticize your life. Remember that you're amazing. Love yourself above all else. And give a friend a hug, and tell a stranger hi. I hope you have a great day, and boom. That's how you spread that good positivity. Okay. Okay. All right. Love you Mina. Talk to you next week. Bye