It's Prophecy Time
This program's purpose is to educate an individual in the area of Bible Prophecy, which is nothing but future events or history written prior to its occurrence.
Podcasting since 2022 • 81 episodes
It's Prophecy Time
Latest Episodes
USA Bible Description #7: So Great Riches
Ancient Babylon fell on October 13, 539 BC, and the USA will fall on the last day of the Tribulation Period like the great, and mighty ancient City of Babylon. One should notice these "so great ...
Season 3
Episode 23

USA Bible Description #6: Its Twofold Makeup
The USA is both out of Europe and also out of all nations. Daniel 7:24 uses the prepositional phrase "out of this kingdom," meaning the greatest migratory movement in the history of mankind came out of Europe to the Americas, as 71% of th...
Season 3
Episode 22

USA Bible Description #5: The Mother Country
The USA has a mother country, England. Jeremiah 50:12 talks about the mother country being ashamed of what her child has done - all of this evil that's been done in Zion or Jerusalem. It says, "Your mother...
Season 3
Episode 21

USA Bible Description #4: A History From Good to Wicked
One parallel passage of the destruction of Babylon in the Bible is Isaiah 47. Here we have Babylon spoken about as the Lady of Kingdoms, which is destroyed suddenly. She starts good, tender and delicate, a virgin daug...
Season 3
Episode 20

USA Bible Description #3: Separate From the 10 EU Nations
The image of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2 has ten toes, which are interpreted as 10 kings, as the kingdom of Jesus Christ falls upon the feet of his image. A parallel passage is Daniel 7, as the prophet sees four beasts coming up out of the...
Season 3
Episode 19