Message In The Middle

Are You Always Fighting With Time? Learn How to Make Time Work For You With Time Strategist Jaimee Campanella

February 04, 2023 Marianne DeMello-Smith, Jaimee Campanella Season 1 Episode 41

Jaimee Campanella is a time strategist and productivity consultant who mentors and guides parents, professionals, and entrepreneurs to take control of their time. She is the creator and principal facilitator of the Time Power program that gives people the essential tools and strategies to avoid overwhelm and tame chaos so that they can regain control of their time for good.

  • In this episode we explore ways to:
  • Be in the moment with your family and not feel like you have a million things to do (playing is not wasteful)
  • Quiet the racing mind so you’re not thinking of the 8 million things you need to do when you’re trying to settle into sleep
  • Not feeling guilty about time spent on self-care.
  • Why the key to living an abundant and balanced life is inside of YOU and your willingness to shift how you relate to time” what does that really mean?
  • Whether or not 'To Do' lists are an effective tool
  • How to avoid the Sunday Scaries

Jaimee's Links:

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