The Holistic You Podcast

Nutrition. Aleksa Gagic Dietitian Interview

James Weyler Episode 4

"If you don't have the right diet that gives you nutritional adequacy, you're not going to have the right diet that is going to fuel you to reach that peak potential." -Aleksa Gagic

In today's episode, I chat with Aleksa Gagic, a Dietitian, Nutrition Coach, and Sports Nutritionist who is passionate about helping people achieve their goals through tailored nutritional care. His approach focuses on practicality, individualisation, lifestyle compatibility, and flexible nutrition. He is very fascinated with how food can enhance and empower our lives and enable us to become the best versions of ourselves.

-Who is Aleksa Gagic?

-Where did the story of The Climbing Dietitian come from

-The different forms of nutrition professionals, as well as their distinct roles

-What are some of the most typical issues or concerns that people bring to a dietitian

-What is the finest dieting practice, from a dietitian perspective

-The Ketogenic Diet

-Do Detox Diets and Cleanses Really Work?

-Negative impact on your own diet and health

-Understanding Intermittent Fasting

-What is Autophagy?

-What does a balanced diet actually mean

Tune in to learn more healthy tips from The Climbing Dietitian!

Connect with Aleksa Gagic






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