The Holistic You Podcast

Connection. Part 1 Nicole Colantoni- Host of The Single at 30 Podcast

James Weyler Episode 14

“We put so much effort on trying to find love, instead of being the type of person who already knows that they are deserving of love.” - Nicole Colantoni

Are you still single? 

Are you dating intensely?

Do you get tired and frustrated when dating?

Tune in today and discover the proper mindset when it comes to dating, learn the process of getting to know someone, and know about the self-love journey.

My guest is Nicole Colantoni, a Dating and Relationship Coach and the host of the podcast, Single at Thirty — The Manual for the Modern Woman. Single at Thirty is quickly gaining traction and popularity for exposing the truths of dating as a Modern Woman. Nicole’s podcast has ranked No. 1 in Australia in its category. 

Check out highlights from the episode:

01:41 - Nicole’s journey and why she started Single at 30

03:21 - What is dating intensely means

04:31 - Three words to describe a modern woman

05:26 - The right mindset when dating

08:00 - Nicole’s learning during her self-love journey

09:24 - Nicole is not single anymore

12:26 - Key points from Prince Charming or Mr. Good enough? Should we settle? Episode

17:50 - Nicole’s services offered to clients

Tune in to learn more values from this episode!

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