Real Estate Reinvention | With Michele Bellisari

Ep: 032 - Shannon Milligan - Listing Video Creator Extraordinaire!

Shannon Milligan Season 2 Episode 32

Loved this interview for so many reasons! Shannon and I met on Snapchat a few years ago and I have been in awe of her amazing creative videos ever since!  She is an amazing Realtor to boot and savvy smart business woman. Listen in to today's sip social sell sesh and hear her tips and suggestions on how she story boards and creates unique video experiences when she has a listing.

Shannon has a passion for marketing, blogging, and providing a tremendous customer experience for her clients all while winning with integrity. She is someone to follow on social media as you absolutely want to catch one of her "micro" movies!

You can find Shannon at RVAHomeTeam

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spk_0:   0:00
Welcome to the real estate influencer buzz podcast with Michelle Be mid like Mama of Millennial Swipe, South Florida Realtor marketer Life Stop Blogger and fan oven Okey start in a Who Loves in its life. Each week she'll be sharing her real life marketing and branding tip from influencers and and out of real estate bloggers and social media stars buckle up from a side of sassy Sprinkle of sparkly and entertaining conversations with influencers who share their secrets to grow their businesses. Sit back and get comfy with your favorite drink. Let's start today. Sip social cell sesh. Hey, guys, it's me, Shelby with today substantial cell sash on the real state. Influencer buzz podcasts. I'm so excited because I finally finally got the fabulous Shana milion to come on my show. Welcome, Shannon.

spk_1:   0:52
Hey, So, Boca Michelle, how are you?

spk_0:   0:56
I'm doing great. I'm so happy that I got to see you recently. Shannon and I met on Snapchat. How many years ago was that? Three or four now?

spk_1:   1:06
Yeah, it's been a while, and it doesn't seem like that long ago because we've formed these great friendships since, and it's just amazing.

spk_0:   1:14
It's just amazing and I'm so happy that I got to see Shannon out in men connected asparagus. She was out there speaking and did a fantastic job. And it's It's really great how social media has intertwined our world relationships with friendships, and it's really cool. And so I wouldn't tell you guys a little bit about Shannon other than the fact that she is a Penn State fan. My head just ag o girl. I'm

spk_1:   1:42
sorry, but it shows that we can love each other

spk_0:   1:44
anyway. I know, right? So Shannon is a 40 something social, media loving Richmond, Virginia, realtor at RV, a home team broker by the expiry lt She has a passion for marketing in a relationship building. And let me tell you, this girl knows how to use video like nobody's business and a really cool level. She is something that I would love to start, which is a unique M V P program that resonates with potential clients and her spear. And when she's in selling real estate, you will find Shannon building connections with fellow agents across the country. I can attest to that for sure. She's the co founder of Snap and Real Estate and marketing media group on Facebook. And she's also the co founder of RAM, which is a marketing mastermind, Realtor said. I'm very fortunate to be in. She's also very accomplished so she doesn't want a marketing don't want of social media. But she sells a lot of Holmes, and I always like to promise that because it's great to have these talents. But if you're not converting, then what are you doing? So she's the expiry ality Video Star Award winner 2017 and 2018. I love this. I forgot you were named the 19 snap chatters. You can't help watch about that completely by Inman Named Virginia Living magazine's top Realtors 2018 2020 19 on Surprise. She's a national speaker, online video and Rules state. You gotta catch her on her lives that she does when she doesn't They're fantastic, and she's been a guest on so many podcast, which is why it was we were going back and forth is our schedules are a little crazy, but she's been on a number and cleaning the massive agent podcast, the voice of social sales agent martyr game changers under contract life gets social smart. I can't meet. By the way, Katie Lance is coming on tomorrow. And storyteller more so, thank you for joining me today. So I know you've got a lot going on right now, So we're just gonna dive in and chat a little bit about the woman Shannon is doing. And I've got three questions and I'll probably just ask you, And then we'll roll into some things that can help my audience with a 24 hour challenge and then also a few other fun questions that we have. So you game for that? Welcome to the hive. Thank

spk_1:   4:01
you. Know I'm excited. It sounds good.

spk_0:   4:03
Yeah, be fun. So one of the things that you don't know is Shannon does these amazing amazing videos, and I won't roll back a little bit, because when I first met Shannon, she was in a lot of really cool Facebook lives and doing this fun show. And she also knows lyrics like nobody's business Just thought I can't even get any lyrics right. And she's like, you know, spews them out there like nobody's business. She's like a boss at it. But your your specialty is really these amazing marketing videos and listing videos that you started to do, how long ago tell our audience a little bit about how you kind of Jonathan just doing that and where it's gone from there.

spk_1:   4:45
So I think I started doing some listing videos in 16 4017 and the way it started was my videographer saying, Anderson with Enzo Media. He took me out to coffee and he was talking to me about these 360 tours. And I'm like Sam, I hate them. They're hard to use. Nobody shares them whatever, like I'm not interested in, He said. All right, cool. But what if we did like these not live like not Facebook live but, like live video? You know, we go in there and we just we use the hand held and we shoot it. And I said, All right, so we get to the chutes and I'm like, What should I do A little differently? Because I know that this squeaking wheel gets the oil and I thought, Well, I don't know. I'll just try this. So I thought about what? What's it called? Goldie Locks. And so I'm standing in front of one house that I'm like this house is too big, and then I go to the next house. This one is too small, and then I go to my listing and I'm like and this one is just right. And that's how it started. And it just evolved because I got a lot of views on it when I posted to Facebook. And then it just really came to one upping myself on each one. And now it's turned into this story boarded video for Sellers. You know, we've done spoofs of the movie Big and Stranger things and mission Impossible, Risky business. We've done Star Wars. I've been dressed up as The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy, and so I really just sit down. And I think about the house in particular Olympic. What is special about this house? What story can I tell? How can I show the haps in a way that will keep people interested? But I'm not just showing another kitchen and another master bathroom, but really keeps keeps following. And so it's kind of just evolved into that, and we get anywhere from you know, I'd say a minimum 5000 views up to 30 40,000 views and a lot of that's organic now. Sometimes I do boost, but most of that is organic reach, and it's just turned into a life of its own. And I'll tell you what, Michelle, it's really interesting. Other agents are starting to pick up on it and do it. And I'm very proud to say that we my team was at the beginning of that because it is so important for your business to stand out. And now what's interesting is I feel like I've got to find the next thing because, you know, so many people are doing this storyboard video, and now I'm really like, Okay, now what's gonna take that to the next level? And so that's where my brain is kind of going. Now what am I going to implement with that? But that's how it all kind

spk_0:   7:16
of started for us. I love that, and I think you just did a new video with your DV are for right because this he saw in his room.

spk_1:   7:25
He is. So my videographer came to myself and another agent that he works with. He had four people to decide between because, you know, put yourself in his hands a lot of agents that he works with, but he narrowed it down to four. Yeah, And so my friend and I worked the same brokerage, right? E x p. And we were like, You know what will make it easy for you? We will team look to list your house because he liked the way that we did video. And he said, You know, of course, I would love to work with you guys in the fact that you'll do it together is just icing on the cake. So her and I teamed up and we came up with a concept of, you know, here's how it really came up. Do you remember the Monica and Brandy song? The boys line your remember slowly. So I went back to that video and I'm like, they're fighting over this man. What if we fight over the splicing now? My only regret is that we didn't take it far enough. It's a good video. I mean, we have about 3500 views on it so far, and we should have really going at it like we should have really paid each other up. But I think when you're sharing the screen with a partner. You're trying to be a little more, you know, worried about what they feel and used. They're in their opinions and use their suggestions. So we didn't go for it as much as we should have. That's my only regret, but it's still a really cute video, and I think it's showcases the house. And in this instance, the seller is actually in it because he is the actual seller and you get to see the house and and I think it holds your attention.

spk_0:   8:51
It definitely holds your attention, and I love all your videos. But I have to tell you, I thought this was one of the funniest videos and I totally got it. Isis sterile. And what I want to is that it's so funny because I was running a little late today, but I was driving because the weather is so crappy and I stated by someone like, you know, when I met Shannon and she really was the only one doing this kind of video marketing that I knew of and I'm pretty sure she was one of few and flash forward, I do see a lot of people doing these videos. But I also wonder because I know you actually do get business from your videos and your so consistent with what you're doing with them that I know. I thought to myself, You know, I wonder if these other agents were really getting a lot of business or two more branding tool. Whereas I see you, it's branding, Yes, but I know you're getting business. So tell our audience a little bit about the type of business that you get from these videos. And what would you say would be the biggest surprise? Listen, you got from one of your videos.

spk_1:   10:01
Well, what's really interesting is not only do I get consumer business, so it really helps me at a listing appointment. Now, maybe they haven't seen a video, so some have and some have hired me and had me come into the listing appointment because of the video. But sometimes I go on listing appointment and they haven't seen my videos. And when I show them one, that makes the difference and they're like, OK, we're gonna hire you. We think that's really cool. You're stepping up your game and I'll tell you, video and marketing's never going to be more important than it is right now in the middle of a shift in market. You know, so many years we've been going since 2013 that it was a seller's market, and I don't know about yours, but we're shifting a bit, and so marketing is gonna be important. So the consumers hiring me, either they see the video and they hire me for that or when I get to the listing appointment. It's a difference maker between me and another agent. So there's the consumer side. But the biggest surprise in business has been I get referrals from other agents across the country because they are seeing what I'm doing with these videos. And so my referral business has skyrocketed. I mean, it's about 50% of my business now, which is amazing to the point where I have not bought one lead this year, not one, and we are. We're maybe three behind from last year. But that is not bad. Seeing that I'm not buying any leads, we turn them all off. And so it's been really surprising the business that I'm getting from other agents and asked for the best listing you know. This one that stands out is I went on the listing appointment and they have not seen my videos and they were ready to say goodbye to me and they were like, Yeah, we're interviewing three other people. And to be fair, we really like so and so And I said, Well, that's awesome. And before leaving, may I show you my video and they were like, Okay, I think it was just humoring me, you know, they probably expected, like a 360 humor. And I played the video, and halfway through he was like, We don't need to see any more And I thought it was upset. Like I thought he was kind of like, This is not my thing. And he said, Will you excuse me a minute? So him and his wife went to another room, and I'm sitting there thinking, Oh, man, whether I too, at he comes back and he goes, That's it. You're hired. We're gonna call the other agents and cancel the appointments. We loved the video. You definitely do have a unique perspective on marketing, and I think it's funny because a lot of agents give lip service on Oh, I have a great marketing plan and they don't have something to back it up. What is that great marketing plan? Because everybody syndicates to Zillow and truly a and anybody writing something on a list. But when you actually show somebody your value and I'll tell you what else, Michelle, it really changes that conversation of your compensation because we all know compensation is negotiable. And when you show your value in that sense, they don't argue with you as much because they're like, Okay, I see what I'm paying for and I'm going to get what I pay for it and I'm going to hire you.

spk_0:   12:59
I love that, and I think you're absolutely spot on with that. And the bottom line is, you bring a quality and a level of professionalism with a little time stick at the same time. That is absolutely gonna make someone's listing stand out. And I am untypical to hear that you're getting like, all these referrals and that you're not paying for all these leads because they're organically coming to you from what you're doing, which I think is brilliant. Well,

spk_1:   13:28
thank you cheated. We're seeing how that's something that video does right. You can Yeah, me. You get to know me. You get to like me, you get to trust me and and I think that the authenticity comes out even though these are kind of scripted videos, people get to see that if I'm doing that much in a video, seriously, if I'm dressing up, I mean, I've dressed up in every kind of costume you can imagine. If I'm dressing up in these caution, I'm willing to go that far. Other agents are like, Look with that agent is willing to do for her clients. That's who I want to refer to. And Michelle. The other thing I need to mention it is. Here's the other cool thing about video. I am often able to get my cellars listing on the first page of Google, sometimes the second page of Google, because of when I upload it to YouTube and the way it's tad, you know, that video now is getting shown on the first page or second page is evil, and why that's important is when people consumers bios are driving past the house. They're no longer called bling. The sign they're not just taking a flyer from the box. They are googling the address, and when they come across that video, we have a much higher like good of having that consumer and that by see the video and get a little peek of the house before ever calling to make the appointment. And then if they like what they see, so call and make the appointment. So it also weeds out some of those lookie loos, and it's really helping to get that the house discovered by the Clinton Super.

spk_0:   14:57
I agree with you completely on that because at the end of the day, your goal is to get as many views as possible. And this is the number one thing we all say this that do video. You may not like doing it, but if you like selling houses and you want to be a top producer, you've got to get your head in the game and not worry about it. And I'll go back to your has a 40 something and I'm as a 55 plus something. Hey, you know what? We're not always looking glamorous and whatnot, but it we want to make sure that we are taking advantage of, you know the video platforms and being able to utilize all of these different things. And my goodness, look at that. If you can get your listing from the videos that you d'oh on the first page of Google, why wouldn't you want to do that? You know, question. So, new agent, maybe a nation that hasn't done a lot of business doesn't have a big budget. What would you suggest that agent right now? And how much typically is your video or fur ball part charging to do your videos?

spk_1:   16:02
So my videographer for listing video, I can't believe he said that this inexpensive Don't anybody call and tell him he is $150 her video, and that's for the listing that he s now. That's also because he knows when he works with May I show up work in and out in an hour with exception to his own house. But that's because he kept being the perfection tips on his home. But we're in and out in an hour. I come prepared. I know exactly what shots I want. So he's 150 for that now. The branding videos are a lot more extensive. Ah, lot more expensive. Mine's probably, I can't really say, because he gives me a break, because when I do a video, he gets more business. But my guess is you could light up to 1200 but those are very late. We're insensitive. But just the listing video is about 100 and $50 for video unless on adding in C special music that I pay for, like I did one recently where I did Mister Rogersneighborhood and we hired a musician in Nashville to actually change the words and play. It's a beautiful day and Salisbury and enlisting the home of my neighbors. So he came up with all that short, 100 little feet to that that musician. But otherwise it's $150. And for somebody just starting out, listen, if you can't afford or the 150 I get it. I mean, we all started somewhere. You can have your Facebook live. You can absolutely have your husband. This is not used to dio. I have my husband come and take some video clips and then we would just edit it. But even before we tried to edit, I didn't have any edits, skills I would do it in one take and buy one take. I mean, I would make my husband do it 25 times with me with me just doing one whole continuous video. But there are ways to do it. You know, Instagram live instagram TV. You can do Facebook live. You can just take a video on your iPhone. You can get one of those. What are they called? Michelle? There's, like, bendy bendy things that trying Yeah, I end around. It's like

spk_0:   18:02
the job. You could get a job, E you know, I'm looking at mine.

spk_1:   18:05
Yeah, like something like that. And you can start in here. I have to tell you. Misconception. Because I know you were mentioning some people are, you know, they're nervous to be on video. Listen, then, the misconception is that I'm this huge extra Burt. I'm not I'm really not. I'm of the classic extroverted introvert. I turn it on because I have a job to dio and I I'm shyer than most people. I think now I'm willing to do anything because I'm willing to do anything for a client. But the minute I get off video, I mean, I turn it on to be in the presence of people because I have to. But when I get home, I mean, I have a home body. I am not somebody that likes a ton of attention and are willing to go that extra mile to get the attention on my client's home to earn the business. So if you're out there, just worried about, you know, if you say, What was that listening to the other day they were like, If you think you're fat, you're fat. If you think you're skinny, you're skinny. You know, if you think your hair's a mess, it's probably a mess. If you think it's perfect, it's perfect, like my point is you are who you are, and video isn't changing any of that. You just got to get comfortable with your skin. You know, I don't always look so great and videos, and that's okay. I'm not always going to look perfect, because I never looked perfect, and that's just not who I am. So everybody needs to get over, you know? Well, I look this way I look that way or my voice is too high. My voice is too low. It doesn't matter. You know, it's it's about progress, not perfection. And if you get about 80% that's that's good enough. You know that that's what you need, because things most people aren't doing it, You're gonna be your competition. They're not doing it. So you're 80% is way better than their zero

spk_0:   19:49
hands down. That is like, absolutely, absolutely brilliant because it's the truth. And, you know, and I say this all the time, Shannon, I'm like, Listen, I think in this they have some really good filters. If I'm not feeling it on instagram, I'm jumping over to snatch and jumping on and get a little a little filter action going. You know, I wear baseball caps a lot in my videos. If they're not about my listings per se, they were. I haven't going out like today. Went out for lunch, and, you know, I'm gonna be doing some stuff later because I'm already kind of made up okay, kind of plan around that I'm with you on that and I think anything is gonna make you stand out against your competition. Is is the way to go and you will get business from it all day. long. So I am another question for you because you're a mom too. So you got a pretty busy schedule. And on a mom of Millennials, I still have things that I have to attend. Thio as a mom How you juggle like work life balance with having, you know, kids and business. And you also have a team now, So can you share a little bit on how you manage your day?

spk_1:   21:00
It's a crack show. It's, um I I'm being honest, you know, I was in the boss. You're gonna come hold back that curtain and they like, what the hell? But you know, I'm working with a coach, So I'm working with Wayne Salmon's. He's an amazing coach, and we're actually just have my coaching call before this. We're working on getting my day back in control, in my control, because, you know, I will. In that classic agent, I'm a star agent. And when somebody told me I was sorry that once I'm like, Why thank you? It's not a compliment. It means you're all over the place. Well, babe, what? See, though you know I'm a work in progress and balance, I don't believe in balance. You know, I I used to say, You know, you, you have to have balance in this business. I don't think that's true. I think at any given time something's going to be out of balance. And, you know, I'm always giving my point, my all. And if my kid's sick, you know, I will find somebody a call late to go take you to see that house, and I will tend to my kid. That's not necessarily balanced. That's just problem solving. And I'm a really great problem solver. My husband likes to say to me, Go create the problem and then we'll find the solution. And so I always scream the moment that I always find the solution. So I think balance might be a word that gets used. I understand what people mean by it, but I don't know that people actually understand that there's always going to be a give and take. And you know, my marriage. We just we carve out time and we make sure that what we do is to go for a walk every night when it's not like ridiculously hot or raining. That half hour is all we need to reconnect beyond the same page and move on my kids, you know, today I'm off. I tried to make Monday's my admin days, but sometimes that gets blown up by a home inspection. And if that happens, my kids understand that tomorrow I'll probably they have free time then and I can take them swimming, Ben. So it's a real give and take. And so the balance is really just problem solving. And I don't know that there's any perfect day. I think time blocking is awesome and theory, and I'm really striving to to narrow it down. And I think it's super importance and I'm not gonna lie. I'm one of those people that I fail on it every single day and

spk_0:   23:18
I am trying.

spk_1:   23:20
But you know what? Did you ever read the book that 10% happier by that guy from ABC News? Dan, something I, Dan Harris, I got to tell you 10% better if I could just get 10% better each year. I don't have to be 100%. I'm okay. And so I feel like this year my schedule is 10% better than last, and it will just continue to get that way.

spk_0:   23:42
You know, it's funny you should say that. I just, you know, thank you can attack on air. See the one who had the panic attack? Yeah, and he started doing yoga. Okay. Yeah, I do remember that because I've had a panic attack, except they suck. So when I saw that he wrote about it, it was like it was very profound. And, you know, I say this all the time. I really I wouldn't say I have balance when I do is I set boundaries. So when I became horrible listing agent, I did that because I needed specific boundaries in my life because of life happening around me That was not pleasant at that time. And now when I'm doing now, my kids are older. So Indian are typically empty nesters for the most part, but for the weekends, because I tend to be on the listing side. I'm not really going out with a lot of buyers. I do try to set some boundaries with Do not disturb on my phone now. So then I'm not getting blindsided with something that can truly wait until Monday from an agent That isn't it. You know it's not urgent. It's not anything I can problem solved through on a weekend. So that's what I think. It's more about having bound recent balance and I agree with you. And the funny thing is, when Shannon and I met in Park City, that was like, what, two years ago? I think you are more introverted than I. I thought you were gonna be. And I It's funny because I tell people that I have I'm I'm a social loner that I am introverted as well. But people always see the extra Burt Michelle. And so I respect exactly what you're saying and yeah, pulling back the curtain e love it. So I, uh go ahead.

spk_1:   25:23
No, I was just gonna say, You know, I love what you said. It's more about band, reason, balance. I love that because you're absolutely right. And, you know, you teach people how to treat you And I have been teaching people to treat me very poorly for many years and just what my coach is helping me do it. So I just want to say I love that boundaries because it's not balanced its boundaries.

spk_0:   25:44
Yeah, I want to wait in the keys two weekends ago. I'm an hour and, you know, not even two hours away. So it's not a big slap. But, you know, I needed some downtime and I finally looked at my phone. In a way, I'm walking this agent, this agent, this agent, this agent cause they tend to be Saturday agents and something that they should have done Our Friday. Now they're bugging me on a Saturday and it can wait until Monday. And I thought, I'm not getting blindsided. No. Why? Well, I'm having a contest with a friend, relaxing and having a conversation with something that really is not necessarily needing to be dying. And I think that's the first time ever in my license since 03 It's the first time Amber, I've done that. I said, That's it. I'm not being blindsided by stupid stuff today.

spk_1:   26:32
I think that was, I think to myself I had an old broker. I got so pissed off at her once I went in and she just looked at me and she was like, I was upset about you know, some agent or somebody upsetting me or my client. Whatever. And she said to me Shannon, you gotta stop riding in here on your white horse and drawing your sword and being. And unlike I have to fight for my clients. What are you talking about? Global level. Bleh. I was so angry with her, but now I get what she means. She was talking about the boundaries. She was talking it out. Yeah, just does not rocket science. This is not brain surgery. You are not going to die If I don't answer your texts at 6 a.m. It can absolutely wait till 11 or 12 p.m. When I've been up and I've done my li jen and I'm looking for the buyer for your house. That's what she met. It took some self reflection and just growing pains for me to get there. But I get it now. That was in 2014. She said that to me. I'd say about 2017. I finally got it. I was like, Oh, I see that she needs you know so And, you know, just this morning my coach and I were talking about taking back power I've given you. I've been trying to control everything for so long that I actually ended up giving up power because I'm trying to have power. Does that make sense? And so taking back my power was taking back my power with buyers putting them, you know, Michelle, remember when you had your kids? You know, my doc, I've Prins and the doctor said to me, You got to make sure that you put them on your schedule. You're not on their schedule. And I did. And you know, they slept through the night at six weeks, and they never have slept in my room. And they're the best kids ever. I need to do that in my business, and that's what I'm doing this year. So 2019 is the year of putting people on my schedule, not me on theirs. And there is a way that you can do that. And if you can't, if a buyer needs something right then and when you're at your kid's basketball game, maybe you find a couple agents that you can call up and say, Hey, when I'm in a pinch, I'll give you X amount. Will you help me out and just have them on call? And that's kind of what I've been doing it, and it's starting to work pretty well. Well,

spk_0:   28:43
I agree with you and Kush. We must. Our doctors must have known each other. So my kids are 24 29 seriously, and they not only did both of my different doctors say the same thing, but my husband, who's the oldest of six, said the same thing and he was way better with kids. And I was. My kids are also they slept through the night. We're in a way. They were always on her schedule. They always ate everything because everything was a chicken. I don't care what was octopus or it was fish or was stay. It was you're having it isn't that, you know, same thing like which was great because we both travel a lot when our kids were longer for our businesses. And I agree with you. It's so funny. I think this comes with mid life, which I say in a very positive manner because you tension reflect and you go, Wow, you know what? I'm not laying someone still my weekend and I'm stuck me over an inspection anymore or over an appraisal anymore or over whatever it is anymore because it doesn't do us any good. Let's fix the problem when we can, which is typically Monday through Friday. Because there's not a whole lot you could do on weekends a lot of times it anyways. So I think that is very sound advice. I love it. Let me ask you this. I like to ask my guess. What is it? 24 hour challenge that you can throw out to my listeners in regard. Thio starting to do video or when, or even not video. You have so many good points, shin and whatever you want. Just a good challenge for my listeners today.

spk_1:   30:14
You know, Let's I'm sure you get a lot of people, you know, for video, you could just go on and you could do alive every day. You can give a market update it every day if you want. Don't just go in there, do statistics, though. I'll tell you what video. What I would suggest. I suggest you go every day just for one week, five days to a local burger place and I'm local pizza place and talk about back that place and talk about why you love it and and put that on your Facebook and put that on your website, and that will do it. So there's a video challenge. But I have to say I haven't even better challenge. I really believe that we all got to get back to the generating and listen, I'm gonna put myself on this challenge to, but I think we need Thio all our clients and talk to them about our N v P program in. And if you don't have one to start willing, you know simply, it's so simple. Just go and get a power washer or rub scrubber. You can start with one item and call your clients up this week and say, Hey, I've started my M V P program. This is how I'm gonna love on you a little bit. And what that means is I'm gonna have, you know, special discount codes to Bender's and all that. As the months go on, I'll be calling you to tell you about them. But right now what we're starting out with is I bought a power washer, and so if you're looking toe, list your house this year or if you just stayed to get it power washing. Wanna borrow that? You could come borrow it up to a week from from May for free. And you know, they're You're adding value and you're getting a reason to call, so that's another challenge. So you've got the video challenge you've got started. I

spk_0:   31:46
love that. I need you to challenge me on that because I don't want to do that. And I love that idea so, So much. I think it's fantastic. And such uneasy like low entry of like a barrier low entry. You know what? I know you don't have a lot of money. His new agent. Hey, go on, marketplace on Facebook. You can find these things and start your own FDP program for pennies on the dollar, pretty much which I think is fantastic. Another question for you. Obviously, this is the real estate influence, our podcast who influences you in your life?

spk_1:   32:21
Oh goodness, so many people I have to say. I love I love Chelsea pipes booty. She really sequences made it, and it's in a different way because we're personal friends. And so it's not just her content, but I'll tell you, I watched her come up and start E B, an influencer and a hate to use this world or a thought later. I hate that word, but you know she is. She is definitely has her pulse on real estate. And I watched her building and I watched her write her book. And what I love about Chelsea is that she puts in the time and she puts in the work. And so she's deserving of all of the good things that are coming her way. And I really admire her and she influences me in that way because it's not just about Hey, I'm gonna be an influencer. It's going to be right. I'm going to be an expert in my field and I'm going to share that knowledge. And sure enough, she is an expert in the field and she is amazing, and I just I'm really I just love watching the work ethic and the way she's put in the time. So it's like I said, she's got great content, but I'm really influenced by the way she tackles something, and the way she goes about. If I don't know what, I'm gonna learn it and then I'm gonna be the expert and and she does it and she stand passed. I got it.

spk_0:   33:42
I got to tell you, I'm a fan girl and I feel the same way. She inspires the crap out of me and makes me I feel like a better marketer, you know, because I wanted to learn more and die a deeper into things and watching her do her book and meeting her in person in park Si. I mean, this is the thing, guys there We made these friendships that came from social media that turned into more than just Francese. We were for each other. We mastermind with each other. If I, you know, reach out to Shannon or Chelsea or some of the other fix that we're friends with Pinky stupid and said, you know, And I said, Hey, listen, I need to brainstorm an idea. Availability is there, you know? And that's that's just that's just huge for me, you know? So I'm I agree with you 110% on that piece of that final question for you. If you could break bread with anyone dead or alive, and it could be more than one person who would be and what what would you have to eat.

spk_1:   34:49
Oh, yeah? Well, I'll tell you what, I have to eat first, cause I gotta think about who I want to break bread with. But I'm goingto have, like, the best pizza in Italy, And then I'm gonna go have some gelato and cheesecake because like that, by the way, that is going to be at my memorial one day. I've already decided it's going to be pizza cheesecake, and they're gonna play that song. You know, I forget how to say his name. The Hawaiian guy works somewhere over the rainbow Mixed with a wonderful love. I got a Yeah. So that's what we're gonna eat and

spk_0:   35:25
asked for you. He's a lease.

spk_1:   35:29
Oh, I just love some pizza.

spk_0:   35:32
Pizza place in the Cosmopolitan

spk_1:   35:34
wasn't not amazing. Pizza

spk_0:   35:36
I got first of all should was short story. Shannon said what was the name of that place?

spk_1:   35:43
Whole secret secret pizza.

spk_0:   35:45
The Seeker. Oh, so they're like, Come on, you gotta go. This pizza place. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. And I'm like, Can we just, like, take like a neighbor over? And you're like, No, come on. You want to walk off the pizza? you're gonna eat. So we go back into the Cosmo. I'm has down. I couldn't. That was the custom piece I think I ever had.

spk_1:   36:08
It's fantastic, right? Like, it's

spk_0:   36:09
just you know what I mean. So that was, like, crazy guy. All right, so now we know. Okay, So you're a pizza person, which my husband is a pizza person. Who would you have that pizza wet.

spk_1:   36:20
So I just gotta go for I think I'm gonna go with Matt Damon. And I know that sounds so weird and like, so dumb, but, like, I love that guy. Talk about another one who can talk about having not balance. But, you know, he has boundaries. Like, I feel like he's got a great family life. I don't know him, but, you know, you got family unit, but he works his butt off and you can tell Like when you look at those born movies the dedication that that takes I don't know, he just seems like the guy next door that I could go and have some pizza and watch a baseball game with, and he'll indulge me enough to go have the cheesecake and watch me eat it like

spk_0:   36:57
I got a good one. Demon.

spk_1:   37:01
Oh, he's so he's so cute. Like, I just love him to death.

spk_0:   37:05
Oh, you're so funny. Well, I appreciate you jumping on today and thank you for sharing so many good like tips about video on your M V P program and all of these things. And I know people can really take away and were never many Find you, Shannon. What's the best place for people there were referred to you or they want to list them from you. They want to work with your team.

spk_1:   37:28
Well, and I did not do this on purpose, but I realized it was smart after the fact, so I can't take credit for it. But I am a r v a home team on all channels. So you can get me on Facebook or you confront me as Shannon the Milligan on Facebook or RV. A home team on Facebook is my business page is Shana Milligan Arlington. But really Facebook is the place to get me. I'm on instagram his RV a home Twitter as well. I don't tweet. I mean, I used to try. I just don't get it based on Instagram is probably the best place that you can find me and happy to help you If you ever need any help from Richmond, Virginia, I'm not talking about just referrals. You know, if you have a question about video for something, I can help you with her about my m V. P E program hit me up. I'm always happy and willing to share the information that I've gathered because, truth be told, I learned this from somewhere to, you know, somebody was kind enough to share with me either at a conference or or one of my fellow agents. And I'm happy to share my knowledge as well.

spk_0:   38:27
I love it. And I appreciate you saying that because we all are from somewhere. And sometimes we all I'll have to remember that some people forget I'm with you on that. So follow Shannon on instagram on Facebook. And I want to thank you so much for being on today. I know it was hard, a little hard for us to get together just busy. I mean, in a good way. And so I I still appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

spk_1:   38:50
Thank you for having me and You know, I just love you. So Boca and Michelle. Bela, Sorry. I just love your name. But you've done a great job of branding that so Boca as well. So you got to give you some props and just thank you so much for huh? You're sweet. Looking forward to seeing you again, baby.

spk_0:   39:05
All right, We'll see you soon. Hopefully sooner than you know, Park City, you know, and in men. So anyway, thanks, guys, for tuning in today. Thanks, Janet by. Hi. Hey, guys. Thanks for joining me today. Listening to the rules to influence her buzz podcast and in the hive. If you loved hearing something today, feel free to buzz by the new Facebook page The roast influencer buzz and drop a comment in there. I love to hear from you ladies feel free to request to join women to women in real estate a Facebook group that I have started where I continue the sparkle, the magic and includes special content giveaways and more guests rate there. If you are interested in finding me on the socials, you can do that at sip social cell dot com And I would love it if you would follow me at the Michelle B on Instagram. It's my jam. Send me a d m and feel free to share this podcast with other real estate agents and entrepreneurs that you know who may need a little inspo to start their day.