Real Estate Reinvention | With Michele Bellisari

Ep 040: Top Agents Share Their Morning Routine

January 13, 2020 Michele Bellisari Season 3 Episode 40

On today's episode I tap into some of my pals around the country to get their tips and tricks on their morning routines! Everyone has a different jam in regard to starting their day off so check out this very inspiring episode!

Make sure to follow these top real estate professionals on Instagram:

Brian Tessier - @briansellspittsburg
Heather Holliday - @h3socialnut
Kim Boda - @kim.boda
Karin Carr - @youtubeforagents

This Podcast is brought to you by #SoooBoca Lifestyle & Media and The Bellisari Real Estate Group at RE/MAX Services (Boca Based | Global Mindset)

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spk_0:   0:00
Welcome to the real estate influencer buzz podcast with Michelle Be Midlife Mama, Millennial Swipe South Florida realtor marketer, lifestyle blogger and fan of Toki starting a Who loves in its life. Each week she'll be sharing her real life marketing and branding tips from influencers and and out of real estate bloggers and social media stars buckle up from a side of sassy Sprinkle of sparkly and entertaining conversations with influencers who share their secrets to grow their businesses back and get comfy with your fever dream. Let's start today. Sip social cell sesh.

spk_1:   0:42
Hey, guys, thanks for joining me on today's substantial cell sash and we're gonna be talking about morning routines today, I asked some friends of mine who you may follow on Instagram and Social Media what their morning routines are. I think that it's such a cool topic, and this is a New year, New decade. Sometimes we need new routines, some of us air, more structure than others. And so I thought, Well, first and foremost, let me share some tips on a good way to start your day. I've been doing a little research on that, and then I'm gonna share with you a few of what you know tips, that idea. And then we'll get into the very short, by the way, clips that my friends sent to me on how they start their day. And I'm telling you, they're fantastic. My friend Brian testy a from remarks Brian sells Pittsburgh Heather Holiday, a ReMax agent who is amazing. She's a social media queen. My friend Kim Boda, who I met on Snapchat, who believes and practices meditation. She's amazing for Big Bear Lake and my other good friend Karen Car, who started you two for agents. I love her tips. So you're gonna get to hear what they have to say and how they start their morning routine. I'm getting these tips actually from Adidas. Fantastic. Which I thought was kind of simple and good, cause I kind of like to the point, But I love what they say about starting your day. Stretch out a nice, gentle stretch before you start your day, and I am starting to do that more. I got a class passed recently, and one of things that I did was hot yoga and I loved it. So I I'm starting Thio get into more routine where I'm stretching and it feels good. I have a foam roller. Did your smartphone e over 30% of people look at their smartphone within the 1st 5 minutes of waking up? I have to say I do that, too. They suggest maybe break that routine a little bit and, um, lower your stress level. Right? Number three, they say, Let the sunshine in. Open the curtains, get some light light, sends a signal to your brain this time to be awake and stops producing melatonin, which you know helps you go to sleep and opens open the windows for fresh air. Now I'm in South Florida and in both your town, so you know it's warm in my gets. I'm not opening my windows now, this time of the year. If it's getting cold front, trust me. My windows were wide open and take five. They say. Take five minutes of quiet time. Drink your coffee, drinker. T think about what you need to dio be thankful and gracious for the day I love that. And then number five, they say have breakfast. Havel, Brockie. You know, maybe that's just something like, Maybe that's a protein shake on energy bar. Just something to get your day started. So I am going to tell you what I d'oh as a morning person, I automatically wake up without alarm. I've always been that way. I could be out until 2 a.m. three am and still freaking wake up at five o'clock drives me and saying, Thea, other thing that I do I do look at my social media. I'm trying to settle that down a little bit and instead take my five minutes. I like the Lord's Prayer and I do the surrounding prayer and that kind of help center my mind a little bit and start my day. I have two dogs, so of course I let those little monsters of mine out and I make coffee. I've been in the routine of jumping on a checking my email pretty quickly. When I get up, I'm starting to push that time a lot further back. One thing I will share with you is that I, um, put my phone on Do not disturb from about 7 30 at night, Thio about eight o'clock in the morning. That was one gift I gave to myself. Um, probably six months ago, I was like I was done. Now you know, you can still see if someone's called you or see the text musters. But you're not gonna get the alerts unless you're actually looking. That helped learn my stress level a lot, especially in the evening. I do. Listen, Thio, my smart device, my echo device, Amazon Echo. I have some flash briefings that I follow and industry news I like to hear about. But I recently went through and I deleted quite a few that originally was listening to, because it doesn't serve my purpose anymore. I would rather listen to things that are more about doing meditation in the morning and more fun things not so business. See? And then, you know, I get ready and I start my day. I am trying to incorporate that workout in and getting my steps in, and I you know, I have a lot of energy in the morning. I think that's my most creative time. So that's when I am putting together an email for male chimp or I'm putting together a power Point presentation because I'm doing more speaking on instagram tips and strategies for agents and in my engaged in the age. Siri's I wanna be able Thio tap into my most creative time because by one o'clock or so I start to fade. I get a little jump in my energy later in the day. But mornings are my jam time and that's when I'm really on. So I'm also starting to push back on quick phone calls that really can wait till later in the day and I flipping. Absolutely. I'm not meeting anybody for coffee, and I'm not doing breakfast meetings anymore. And I'm not going to events in the morning anymore because you know what? It blows my day. So anyways, that's just some of what I do for my morning routine. But I thought you would love to hear what some other top agents are doing and how they're starting their day out and stay tuned because I'm gonna make this a monthly podcast. We could tap into other people on what they're doing to start their morning routine. If you're not already following me on instagram, I really hope you will at the Michelle B. I also have a YouTube channel would love for you to jump on over there. I do have videos on tips and strategies on how the leverage and use social media to build your brand and generate leads. And, of course, I have my lifestyle brand. Hashtag So Boca, which is fantastic. If you like to travel and you want to know more about South Florida and things going on down here, beautiful book or tone, come over and subscribe to so polka dot com. One of the other things I will share is this episode is sponsored by the Bell Sorry group at ReMax Service's Here. Beautiful book or tone. If you have a referral for a buyer or seller, please think of me, Michelle. Be now Let's get on to the rest of these morning routines. They're fabulous. And don't forget to subscribe to the spot guest if you're listening. Thanks. And first up, we have Brian Tessie a Brian sells Pittsburgh. He's gonna share his morning routine with us right now.

spk_0:   8:07
All right, so the mornings typically get up at 7 a.m. Naturally, do not set an alarm on this. I have to be an appointment straight for the coffee. First thing, Let the puppy out. Thio ki eat and drink water. But then I get settled in front of my big. That's the computer at my house. I won't answer emails first. You know that handled. I always zero out all my e mails, all the time being. Everything has been had. Attention put to it. I mean, I got the answers to the email, but at least responded. Everybody's there was nothing out. Stand then. From there I checked social media. How do I decide which should be checked first? Well, I pulled my film and ice my android phone. I see which one has the most red bubbles next to it. So it's instagram that has 10 red bubbles. Means event comments like shares. Whatever. Not all the other ones are one or two. I would dress that first. From there, I usually have my post for Facebook Business page pre scheduled for 10 a.m. which I will then share too late instagram or length in. If it's terrible, they're usually hit the gym around nine o'clock. As I'm doing this, I have the local and national news on that. I'm trying to Jim around nine or 9 30 depending on appointments, come home or shower. Jim and headed appointments. Whatever Button. Try to work out every day. 5 to 7 days. Okay. Hope that, uh, that works for you.

spk_1:   9:50
Thanks to my friend Heather Holiday. She is an early bird like me. So check out what she has to say on how she starts her day. Hey, Heather. Holiday here and my morning routine. I am up by 5 30 If I sleep past six, I feel like I've overslept. I do the norm Birth, Marty, thick shower. Grab my cup of Joe and go to my office. And I would have to say my power hour is 6 30 to 7 30 I have already on my brain a ton of stuff that I could be doing. So whether you blog's videos just different creative ideas for office agencies, stuff like that. I knock out

spk_0:   10:31
more in that one hour than I do

spk_1:   10:33
the entire day. And, of course, by 7 30 I'm trying to make sure the kids are away to get ready for school. Then I have to go check my e mails and, you know, just go about my day from there. But that's my morning routine. Next up, I have my friend Cambodia out in Big Bear Lake in California met Kim on Snapchat, and we actually were the mastermind in Park City about three years to get what I love about campus. She has such a unique side to her, which involves meditation and just pure serenity. So take a listen to what she has to say and how she starts her morning routine.

spk_0:   11:14
Good day, everyone. This is Kim Botha, and I'm coming to you from Theseventy, California mountains of Big Bear Lake. I am a real estate consultant, and the three daily things that I do for my routine are Number one. I meditate Number two, I read and number three. I do a little bit of social media now. I am known as the Mindful Agent, and the reason why is back in the real estate downturn. I was having a dark night of the soul, and it was a really tough time for not just myself but for many of my colleagues and entrepreneurs that were in real estate, and I discovered a book called Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, and it was written by Dr Joe Dispenser. And it's about how to rewire your brain so that you can create a new future. And after reading that book, I could not believe how quickly my life began to change. Meditation in general really did help to save my life. And so the kind of meditation that I teach is guided meditations based around the new future self that you can create through neural plasticity. So what we can do is we can think about the old self and think about the thoughts and the the choices that we make and the actions and behaviors that we have currently that create our current experiences, our current life. And we can change that old self and create a new self and create some new, inspiring thoughts about who we do want to be, which lead to actions and choices and behaviors and new experiences. And so by virtue of a certain process in a certain system, if you continue going into meditation to create that future self, you can end up pruning the old neural pathways of the old self and replacing those neural pathways by pruning them and rewiring with the new inspired future self that you want to become. And the work so changed my life that now I travel all over the world with Dr Joe Dispenser, and I am a international team leader for him as well. And so the second thing that I wanted to share is the book, the books that I'm reading. So at any given time I read between 2 to 3 books. Right now, the main book is the daily Stoic, and it was written by Ryan Holiday. The Daily Stoke is 366 meditations on wisdom, perseverance and the art of living, and it's actually kind of taken from ancient wisdom. The philosophers from Ah, the Roman era and so ah, a lot of our world leaders are into stoicism is what it's called, and it's basically a philosophy about life. And it's something that I post about every day on social media. So that's the third thing that I do is I do post. Right now. I'm posting some really clever things from the daily stoic every single day, and I also post on social media about my coffee. Yes, I love coffee in the morning, and so I post about my coffee snaps and I try to get kind of clever around my coffee snaps. So if you do follow me on Instagram, you will be able to see some of the things that I do post about, which is mainly mindfulness mindset for success. And I do post about my travels all over the world with Dr Joe. So if you're interested in picking up a free meditation, just check me out on I g at kim dot boda. That's K I m dot b o d a. And I'd love to connect with you. So thanks so much for allowing me to share with you my daily routine. And I look forward to meeting you someday. Take care. And thanks, Michelle, for having me on your awesome podcast. Take care

spk_1:   16:01
and west up my gal pal Karen Car from Savannah, Georgia As some of you may never as YouTube reagents, Karen sent me a little clip on what her morning routine is, and she made me laugh. So take a listen.

spk_0:   16:19
Hey, Michelle, Thanks so much for asking me to talk about my morning routine. It's really nothing. All that amazing. I mean, yes, I've read Miracle morning and all of the books, but I don't meditate and exercise and do yoga, right goals and journal. I mean, I don't know people that have that kind of time. I'm envious of the people that have that kind of time, but I ain't one of them. So I typically get up at about 5 30 Not by choice, but because I have a six year old, only seven now. He turned seven recently. That has to be at the bus stop at 6 45 in the morning. So I get up at 5 30 get myself a cup of coffee, and I like to have 15 20 minutes alone before the craziness starts, with all the kids waking up and having to get out the door. So the 1st 15 or 20 minutes are for me. I like to read whether it's a novel, whether it's a business book, whether it's something that I downloaded off of the Internet, that was kind of like a freebie, some sort of lead magnet that will just teach me, ah, couple of things that I could implement in my business. Does it really matter what it is I like to read? But then something that I recently heard on a podcast that I thought was brilliant is to think about your goals for the day. What are three or four things that you want to get done today? And rather than setting these huge, lofty goals that, you know, you just never get done because it sounds like such a big project that it's just unmanageable, he said. Set 3 45 minute chunks of time and 1 10 minute chunk of time. So let's say that your idea was I want to create a lead magnet, a downloadable pdf that I can use to get people into my email database. It's going to be Mmm Ah, first time buyers guide, like how to save up money for your down payment. And various resource is for first time buyers, for example. And I'm gonna create that, and I want to get that done today. So you're going to set aside three chunks of 45 minutes in 1 10 minute Chuck, what could you do in the 45 minute chunk? Set the timer on your phone. I grab my phone and I say, Hey, I hope she doesn't wake up. Hey, Siri, wake me up in 45 minutes, then I turn off all of the notifications because if your phone is ringing in your Facebook messenger is dinging and all the things you won't get anything done. So you turn off the notifications. You sit down to work on that, and when your tire goes off at 45 minutes, you are finished. You get up and you walk away so that you don't get sucked into the rabbit hole of working on this thing for five hours straight. So we work on it for 45 minutes. Then maybe a little bit later in the day, you do it again. The 10 minute chunk of time could simply be creating the ah, the page on your website where this thing is goingto live. Maybe it is. I finished it. I saved it is a pdf. Now I have to upload it to the back end of my website and save it with a name. And so, by the end of the day, if you have accomplished the things that you said you were going to do during those specific period of time, you end the day feeling like, Damn, I got so much accomplished. I think that multitasking is a fallacy and it is the enemy. You simply can not be having three different conversations with different people at the same time and expect that you're actually accomplishing anything. I really don't think that you can do it. So the only way I get stuff done is to turn off my notifications. So if you and I are messaging back and forth in Facebook, Messenger and I don't respond for half a now, er, that's why it's because I am working on something and it's gonna to get my undivided attention until it is done, because I just can't really multi task. So it's not a big of morning routine. It's just trying to think of what I want to get done today. What things are going to really help my business, what things were going to help bring me more business, more clients, more revenue toward my business. And if I got those things done today, would it make a difference? And if the answer is yes, then they get they get scheduled onto my calendar. And if those things are like, it's not a big deal where I could delegate it to someone else than delegate, delegate away hiring a virtual assistant or an in person. The system will be an amazing thing for your business when you Condell a gate, the things that need to get done, but not by you. Suddenly you get so much more time to do. The things actually will bring in revenue for your business. So thanks, Michelle. If anybody wants to connect with me, they can always go to my website at YouTube for agents dot com.

spk_1:   21:15
So, as you can see, everybody has a different strategy on what they like to do is their morning routine. I would love to hear what your morning routine ist. Send me an audio clip if you're listening to this, and I may use your little clip in my next month's podcast. I'd love to hear what you're doing and how you're doing it and what's working for you every day. So thanks again for tuning in CS in. Hey, guys, Thanks for joining me today, listening to the rules to influence or buzz podcast and in the hive. If you loved hearing something today, feel free to buzz by the new Facebook page, the roast, a influencer buzz and drop a comment in there I love to hear from you, ladies. Feel free to request to join women to women in Real Estate, a Facebook group that I have started where I continue the sparkle, the magic and includes special content giveaways and more guests rate there. If you are interested in finding me on the socials, you can do that at sip social cell dot com, And I would love it if you would follow me at the Michelle B on Instagram. It's my jam. Send me a d M and feel free to share this podcast with other real estate agents and entrepreneurs that you know who may need a little inspo to start their day.