WO Voices
Welcome to WO Voices, a podcast series from Women In Optometry, featuring women ODs and others who talk about some aspect of practice, business, career choices, family, volunteer interests, leadership in the profession and more. Hosted by WO editor Marjolijn Bijlefeld, WO Voices is a chance to share ideas within the WO community and beyond. It’s another platform to bring women’s voices in the profession to the fore. If you’d like to join us on a podcast episode, we’d love to hear from you.
WO Voices
Dr. Kerry Giedd: Pack up the Family; We're Going on a Mission Trip
Kerry Giedd, OD, FAAO, of Orlando, Florida, has been traveling to the Dominican Republic for years to provide refractive eye care services. It's a family affair and opportunity for service; her husband and three children just went along on a trip she took in November.