The Selfish Gift - Go public with your purpose

Why Everyday People Should Be Authors and Entrepreneurs, with Madeleine Shaw, Social Entrepreneur

Season 1 Episode 4

How many times have you thought about writing a book or starting a company/venture that creates positive change in the world? And how many times has your response to that impulse been something like, "It's not the right time" or "I'm not enough of an expert" or "There's no way I could possibly succeed"? In this episode of The Selfish Gift, serial social entrepreneur Madeleine Shaw explains why everyday people—not just business execs and tech workers—should feel empowered to make a social impact.

With little formal business education, Madeleine says she has a "street MBA," meaning she earned her wisdom through experience rather than degrees, and she's got plenty to show for it. In her 28-year career as a social entrepreneur, Madeleine has founded and co-founded multiple for- and non-profit organizations—most notably Aisle, a groundbreaking B Corporation that was one of the first companies worldwide to champion natural menstrual health. Now, Madeleine's sharing some of her hard-earned wisdom with us. 

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • How social entrepreneurship subverts the tools of capitalism to create positive social change.
  • Why you should give yourself permission to say, "I'm an entrepreneur" or "I'm a writer"—especially if you come from a marginalized group. (If not you, who? If not now, when?)
  • Why the traditional capitalist focus on infinite financial growth is wildly unsustainable, and how the term "radiance" offers a more multi-dimensional measure of success based on impact.
  • Why collaboration is the new competition, and why finding the right support is the key to success. (No one does this alone!)
  • How to push past fear to accomplish something new. (Hint: Allow yourself to be a beginner.)
  • How writing a book can be one of the most powerful ways to honor your legacy.

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