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How to Lay a Strong Foundation for Your Book, with Josh Bernoff, Publishing Consultant and Author of Writing Without Bullshit

Maggie Langrick Season 1 Episode 8

So you've decided to write a nonfiction book, but how do you get started when you don't even know what square one looks like? Today's guest offers a wealth of useful advice on how to lay a strong foundation for your book and avoid costly, time-wasting mistakes. Josh Bernoff is a freelance ghostwriter, editor, publishing consultant, and the author of four books, including Writing Without Bullshit: Boost Your Career by Saying What You Mean. A former analyst and SVP at Forrester Research, Josh also delivers workshops on how to write with clarity for companies like Netflix, Disney, GE, Salesforce, and many others. His mission? "To rid the world of bullshit, one writer at a time."

Josh says writing a book is like going on a trip: If you just start driving without any idea of where your destination is, you could end up anywhere—and probably not where you intended. In the same way, you need to develop a clear goal and roadmap for your book before you start typing. In this episode, he'll give you the tools to build that roadmap—or what Josh calls a "fat outline." You'll learn:

  • The first three steps you need to take in order to start writing your book.
  • Why all effective writing includes stories, even in the business genre. (Hint: Stories are persuasive.)
  • How to find, structure, and use case studies effectively.
  • The biggest mistakes authors often make—and how to avoid them.
  • Why real authors always promote their work. (If you don’t, you’re just a typist!)
  • Why there’s no such thing as true writer’s block—and a simple, funny trick that can help you get through it.

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