The Selfish Gift - Go public with your purpose
The Selfish Gift - Go public with your purpose
Myth-Busting the Publishing Process with Richelle Fredson, Book Proposal Coach and Publishing Consultant
This episode is a no-holds-barred, myth-busting conversation with an incredibly smart and successful publishing professional. Richelle Fredson is a book coach, a publishing consultant, and the host of the Bound + Determined podcast. She's been in the industry for close to 20 years, formerly the director of publicity and book marketing for Hay House, and then part of their book acquisitions team.
Richelle may not use this moniker to describe herself, but many people call her "the six-figure book coach"—and for good reason. She now runs her own business supporting authors in the proposal and book development process, frequently landing them placements with influential agents and Big Five publishers. Today, we're going to scrape all of her best knowledge to expose the blind spots and correct misperceptions that most first-time authors have when starting their publishing journey.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- How to make smart publishing decisions and navigate the sea of conflicting advice on the internet.
- How to decide which publishing path is best for you: self-publishing, hybrid, or traditional. (Hint: Whether or not you want to be in bookstores plays a big part in it.)
- Why putting the work into a professionally developed book plan/proposal is key—even if you’re self-publishing.
- What is important and what is not in terms of author platform—size, composition, etc.
- What a first-time author can reasonably expect, in terms of bestseller lists, advances, and royalties.
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