The Nondual Channel
Talks and discussions on nonduality, conscious awakening, and the healing qualities of True Nature, with spiritual psychollgists Georgi Y. Johnson & Bart ten Berge.
13 episodes
Life Beyond the War of "Realities"
How does it feel when someone begins a sentence with: "THE REALITY IS... [Fill in the blank].You nailed it, it feels ugly, intrusive, domineering, delusional.So why do we often feel so insecure outside and inside ourselves that we begin...

What is Peace, Really?
Bart ten Berge draws into a depth exploration of the life force of the Nondual Quality of peace that is here beyond the duality of War & Surrender.How can we find peace and how will it set us free? Is there a space where we are...

Are We Essentially Responsible?
Nondual Therapy pioneer Georgi Y. Johnson gives essential pointers toward the quality of responsibility - how it gets misconceived and how to access it as a vibration. In this talk, we journey in the here and now outward from the Garden ...

Carefree Caring
An exploration of the Nondual Quaity of Care with spiritual psychologist Bart ten Berge.Can care be unconditional?Is care a sensory happening, an experience, or is it more of a bahavior?How dows the energy of care influsence p...

Trauma in the Here & Now - Georgi Y. Johnson
Georgi Y. Johnson describes how Nondual wisdom is critical to the understanding of trauma and the development of modalities to support the integration of unbearable aspects of experience into the flow of wholeness.Trauma disrupts the flow o...

An Unbothered Bliss
"Pleasure is the partner of pain.Bliss has no opposite.In Bliss, pain and pleasure are one."Georgi explores the Nondual Quality of bliss and how it connects to the dimension of pleasure and pain. Bliss, she explains is a ...

Experience and the Nondual Nature of Duality
All about the miracle that we're able to experience life.Bart ten Berge takes a deep dive into the substance of experience and its purpose in being here in freedom.

You are the Celebration
Beyond nihilism and attachment, Georgi explores the Nondual aspect of celebration. How does it feel when we celebrate our lives, this space, this moment? What effect does it have on the sensory experience of being here in freedom?

The Unconditional Release
At the cutting edge, where psychic patterns reach their end-game, we enter the experiential dimension of the Nondual Quality of unconditional release. This is the utter OKness found within that Nondual core of that which was never born and that...

The Peace That Forms Us
Peace of mind, peace of heart, peace of body.Beyond the psychological duality of war and surrender, Georgi explores the Nondual Quality of peace. She reveals how the sensory energy of peace is at the source of all experie...

Humanity 2.4
Is the human a curse, or a field of infinite possibility? What is life asking of the human being, and how can we set the human free?In an era of escalating regional conflicts, where the psychology of war is translating into r...

Where do I belong? Bart ten Berge
In the struggle between acceptance and rejection, hard-wired to fear the control others have on us, we can blind-side the universal and refutable Nondual Quality of Belonging. Bart ten Berge takes us deeper.

The River of Truth: Georgi Y. Johnson
Where does Truth conflict in your life? Is it caring to open the sense of truth? Can freedom and truth co-exist? Is there a dimension where love and truth are one?Georgi explores the Nondual Quality of Truth. The sense of truth is at the co...
Season 1
Episode 1